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| You have to believe, there is a way. The ancients said:" the kingdom of heaven is trying to enter". Only when the reluctant step by step to go to it 's time, must be managed to get one step down, only have struggled to achieve it.

-- Guo Ge Tech


Part 1. Independent Writing


Introduction and Thesis Statement

1.When asked about_______________, the majority would support A. Others, however, like me, regard B as their propensity.

2.From my point of view, it is more advisable/sagacious to choose A rather than B.

3.If I were forced to agree with one of the two methods, my choice would be for_________________.

4.When it comes to ___________, tradition has it that_____________. Nevertheless, in my part,

I prefer A rather than B as my inclination.

5.At the risk of address the issue too direct, the advantage of A always outweighs that of B.

6.When faced with the decision of A or B, quite a few would claim that_______________, but others, in contrast, deem A/B as the premier choice and that is also my point.

7.While the majority may stick to the idea that A is _______________, I would like to prefer B.

8.When faced with_____________, quite a few people claim that ________________, but other people think of _____________as____________.

9.There are different views concerning this topic. In my part, I would like to vote for A/B.

10.As far as I am concerned, I have a preference for A over B.

11.No issue is more important now than the one that___________ is widely held by_______________.

12.Those who object to /oppose/criticize it argue that________________, whereas people who advocate it, on the other hand, maintain that__________________________________. From my perspective, I am inclined to_____________________, for three reasons. First of all,__________________________; secondly, ______________________________________;and lastly_______________________________.


1.When asked about whether printed books would disappear in 20 years, the overwhelming majority would support that the way of acquiring information via paper is completely obsolete. However, others take the opposite attitude and assume that printed books will keep its status. From my point of view, I believe that the traditional way will be replaced. Among countless factors which contribute to my position are the following conspicuous ones.

2. When it comes to the choice between traveling alone and traveling with a group, different people have different opinions.

3. There is a general debate nowadays about the positive and negative influence of basic science classes as compulsory courses.

4. In contemporary society, people are invariably faced with such a question: are older friends superior to the friends of the same age?

5. With the introduction of computers to the modern world, books, the traditional medium, are more and more challenged. Libraries often face the dilemma of whether to invest on computers or on books. With all aspects carefully considered, I think to invest on computers would be a better choice.


13.Taking into account all these factors, we may reach the conclusion that________________.

14.All reliable evidences point to one saying, that is_______________.

15.For the reasons presented above, I strongly commit to the notion that________________.

16.While it is true that the argument I disagree hold a little bit of water, I think that_______________.

17.We must admit that the argument I disagree hold a little bit of water, I think that_______________.

18.Given the factors I have just outlined, I can only say that__________.

19.This is not to say that the argument/choice is neither rhyme nor reason. But in terms of____________, it is______________.

20.Therefore, it is safely to draw the conclusion that_________________.

21.Recognizing the fact that should drive us to conclude that___________________.

22.To put all into a nutshell, I________________.

23.So, it is sagacious to support the statement that it is better to___________________.

24.From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that_______________.

25.Above all, I have supported the statement that it is better to______________ because______________.


Among various factors that have made people live longer are A, B and C.

改写:Among various factors that contribute to my position/inclination/propensity/preference are the following three reasons: A, B and C.

TS1:First and foremost, A is a very important factor./ A plays an extraordinarily vital role in…

TS2:Equally important is B./ Of equal importance is B.

In addition, a closer/further scrutiny of the issue would reveal that_____________________________

TS3:Matching A and B is another essential factor, C.

There is another factor that deserves some words here.



一.简洁例证(Brief Example)

1.For example, scientists, researchers, and even computer programmers must collaborate to establish common goals, coordinate efforts, and meet time lines.

2.The sense of cooperation can be aptly exemplified by the case of P&G(Procter and Gamble),(任何你知道的大公司或者是团体)whose success is mainly based on synergic relationship and collaborative work.


Experience can prove whether knowledge from books is true or false. It can be best exemplified by the case of Galileo in a story that we are all familiar with.

二.具体例证(Specific Example)


I argue that studying alone is preferable because everybody has his/her own studying style. Some has the habit of singing, and others tend to become crazy if they get the inspiration. Both singing and craziness are likely to be distraction rather than high efficiency.

Take myself as an example. I am more likely to reach the peak of my intelligence when I am naked, which is a habit I formed when I was young. Suppose I were in a group, how can I take it easy?


As a matter of fact, more often than not commitment to social responsibility benefits a company’s long-term pursuit of profits. Recognizing the significance of social commitment, many companies encourage employees to take on community projects. One of the most noted programs of this type is the Xerox Social Service Leave Program (XSSLP). Qualified Xerox employees may apply for a six-month to one-year paid leave to work on a community-service program. Afterward, they are guaranteed their old job back or a similar one. Another example is Shao Y ifu, one of the wealthiest tycoons in H.K, who makes donations to help major Chinese universities to construct teaching buildings. To acknowledge his contribution, the universities agreed to engrave his name on each of the donated buildings, usually the most distinguishing ones on campus. College students-the future backbones of the business world—certainly know and will remember whose generosity is bringing them the well-equipped laboratories and comfortable classrooms. Such commitment to social responsibility will undoubtedly add to a company’s publicity and success in the long run.

3.学习历史和文学比学习科学和数学更重要,作者的中间段第一段。On one hand, if students want to know social knowledge, and to understand the world and their own countries better, they will need to study history and literature very well. A good example of that is me. When I was a student, I thought the study of the latter was more important than that of the former, so I spent most time on them. However after I worked, the more people I contacted, the less knowledge I felt. Seldom, I could find a topic that was intriguing and I felt interested. It was difficult for me to talk with others deeply for this reason. I wished I could acquire more knowledge from them.



1.According to a recent survey conducted by the Dept of Sociology… in ___University, 89% of college students ……argued that….. (they attend college for the opportunity of cooperation) 2.As is revealed in a recent survey investigated by ……., 89% of …….家庭主妇agree with the opinion that…

3.Researchers at CMPS ( Campus Mental Problem Society) pointed out that….

Experts from CMCO (Chinese Media and Communication Organization), with great anxiety, pointed out that... The number of people obsessed with SG (Super Girls, a popular TV program) this year doubled compared with last year, and is expected to triple in the year to follow.

4.It is reported in the New Y ork Times(USA Today) that 9 out of 10 successful personages/celebrities hold the character of ……., which enables them to make their mark in their future life.

5.Experts from the Department of nutrition/sociology in Tel-A viv University pointed out that the

time people spend on cooking , compared with the situation in the 1970s , has decreased by 50%, which is a clear indication that food has become easier to prepare.

6.T76,儿童早期学习记忆单词It seems that children have natural amazing ability to develop their language skills. Statistic figures show that a 6-year-old boy can virtually memorize nearly as many as 150 words a day!

7.T167,学校购买电脑还是增添图书馆里的书?A computer has a large storage capacity. When a book with 750,000 Chinese characters is stored as electronic text, it only take about 1M bytes on the hard disk. When stored on a normal CD with 640MB capacity, when these CDs are packed in locks, much precious space will be spared for other users.

8.It is estimated that over 99 percent of all species that ever existed have become extinct.(李笑来)


From my point of view, doing odd jobs per se is not deleterious, for it is viewed as a livelihood for some students while others take it as a meaningful experience. According to a recent survey done by National Students Union(NSU), more than 78% of the interviewees (all of them are college students) said that since they had stepped in their adulthood, living on their own became a prevailing principle for them to follow ; especially those, whose families are confronted with financial problems, believed that assuming the burden of their families financially was a due responsibility. Scattered among them are also a large number of people who take doing part-time job as an experience which will benefit them a lot in their near future, for they get a precious chance to know how to deal with different people at different occasions. 10. Many surveys/investigations 显示______________ that 越来越多的_________ universities have 重视__________________ the credit system, which probably would带来不好的影响__________________.


1.Violence on TV

I agree that there is too much sex and violence on TV. And I also agree that this exists in the real world. However, it is wrong to glorify things in the world that are decadent and dangerous.

To begin with, if children grow up seeing murder, rape, sex, and other violent acts on TV, all of the time, they will believe that this is normal behavior and they will become violent and take part in sexual behavior outside of the marriage, that has no honor. There are many studies that say that children in the United States who have watched shows with a lot of violence are more likely to become violent. Their studies say the same thing about sex.

I can not deny the fact that there are a lot of bad things that go on in the world. But if we want to change this, it is important to stress the good, and not the bad. Television has a big impact on people. They copy it, and try to be like the people they see. But most of the people depicted on TV are usually the extremes of society. We need to make television programs that emphasize the most important family values, and the brighter side of things.


Investigations reveal that people who tend to study alone are more likely to cultivate their independent thinking ability.

According to the investigation conducted by …, great inspirations are more likely to be ignited/aroused when people are thinking alone quietly without distraction.


1.“T reat people as adults,” says T om Peter of In Search of Excellence fame. “Treat them as partners, treat them with dignity, and treat them with respect, treat people—not capital spending and automation—as the primary source of productivity gains. These are fundamental lessons from

the excellent companies’ research.”

2.Psychology teaches us that training and self-training can dramatically alter our characteristics and even the ability to learn itself, which may eventually alter our lives.

3.Pheidippides said, seconds before dropping dead two thousand years ago, “Rejoice, we conquer!”And it seems perfectly logical for some people that celebration follows conquering.

4.Near in the end of the Second World War, Churchill delivered his famous and shortest speech: “Never, never give up.”The British, as well as people in many other countries, were tremendously encouraged, and finally went through the hardest period in human history.

5.“Teachers play a vital role in children’s education, which can not be replaced by parents”, commented the President of Harvard University.

6. “Countryside is the source of inspiration”, said Beethoven, the greatest German composer, after he wrote his immortal Symphony 6 'Pastoral'. I can not agree with him more. Indeed, the serene environment can ignite our innovation and creativity.

7.“The issue of agriculture is the first priority of China”, said Deng Xiaoping, President of China/ Y uan Longping, the “father of crossbreed rice”. This mirrors both the reality and the public opinion in contemporary China.

8. “Genius is one percent ins piration and ninety-nine percent perspiration”, remarked Thomas Edison, the greatest American inventor.

9. “Y ou can learn from everyone”, said Derek Boke, the president of Harvard University. 10.“Imagination is more important than knowledge”, said Albert Einstein. This tells us a simple truth----your innovation and creativity take precedence over what your have learned.

范文集锦Sample Essays

College is a place that the students can learn more and new knowledge and experience in it. Of course, different people have different reasons for studying in college. For example, some people want to go on to further study after they graduate from college; some people hope to find a good job after studying in college and also some people wish to exchange their present situation through studying in the college. In my opinion, no matter what reasons people study in college for, studying is just a preparation for their future life.

First of all, students can gain new knowledge and experience from the studying in college. There are many teachers, professors with abundant teaching experience who teach students lots of new knowledge and help them to solve problems with their study. With their help, student can learn a lot of basic and professional knowledge which is very helpful for their future work and study. After they finish their study in the college, students can go to work in the society and contribute to

their different fields.

Secondly, students can learn how to arrange their own time reasonably. Before their studying in college, their life may often be arranged by their parents, and their study by their teachers. It is very different for them to live and study in college, because students studying in college have to arrange their life and study by themselves. They have right to arrange their part time, such as when to get up, when is the sport-time, when to finish the assignment etc. This is very important experience for students’ work and life in the future.

Thirdly, studying in college gives students the opportunity to live with other students and learn how to cooperate with other people. Usually, people feel uncomfortable about having to live with a stranger, because they do not know each other and perhaps their habits and personalities are different. But for the long run, it is good for them. They have to cooperate with each other and solve a lot of problems they will face together. Gradually, they can learn how to care for and understand other people. It is a preparation for students to go on to cooperate with other people in society.

All in all, students can not only gain lots of new knowledge from their books but also can learn much more necessary experience, such as how to arrange time and how to cooperate with other people. Therefore, studying in college is very important for their future work and life.

The impact that modern mass media has had on our daily life, and society in general, is undeniable. No doubt it will become even greater as the scope of mass media continues to grow, as the relevant technologies become more and more sophisticated, and so fascinating that virtually nobody will be able to escape. Already, it can be seen that western movies are exercising influence on our youthful generations: they grow longhair regardless of their sex, commonly part of which is dyed gold; they wear jeans in each and every season, usually the knees of which are deliberately tattered. Boys are fond of earrings or other odd pendants, and girls are keen on Marlboros and weird coarse language.

The major means that mass media influences the public is by creating topics of discussion in the society. Mass media offers people (the consumers) issues to talk and think about. Titanic had brought a worldwide uproar by its extolling and fascinating view of immortal love; Prime Color and Wag the dog met with national debates on the rights and duties of the President of the United States. Antiwar movies such as Tears of the Sun and All Quiet On The Western Front among numerous others have been raising many questions Is any war really to uphold justice? Is it really worthwhile that an individual makes sacrifices to his country, and at the same time ignores his own family or his personal values?

Mass media also shapes our understanding of what is important, and what is not important. The “important”issues are to be found on the first pages of the newspaper or in the beginning of a television program. The “unimportant” stories are the ones that are not being told at all. The “not very important” stories are probably very short and hidden in the last pages. In fact, censorship is present in all mass media, including distributing means such as the Internet. By prearranging public issues, the mass media makes decisions for us. Even though there are critical thinking individuals in any society, they are a definite minority, the public in whole indeed lack the skills of critical thinking, and therefore they are often led by the media.

In brief, mass media, by offering topics and affecting the ways in which we discuss “the important issues”, has a strong influence on our perception of the truth, of the world or of the structure of our society. We have to admit that it has a role in our lives as a source of information, experiences, entertainment, amusement and relaxation.

While television has been somewhat harmful in its effects, it has hardly “destroyed”communication among friends and family, although for some people, the assertion that television has destroyed communication among friends and family seems true.

Television, invented in last century, with its wide availability, increasingly prosperous programs has become one of the most powerful means of communication in the history, and is more and more difficult to ignore. Television is as much a part of our lives as are our meals, work, or school. Studies consistently show that the average American child spends almost as much time watching television as does she in school. We all have only 24 hours a day and it is clear that the more time one spends on watching television, the less time one does with his or her family and friends. Hence we see the passage in the newspaper or magazine titled “Television took my husband away from me.”

Tempting as such claim might be, it is hardly true. It is not television that took her husband away from her, but the increasing pressures of modern life. We have no definite evidence to say that people nowadays endure more pressures than did their counterparts in the past, but it is absolutely true that people nowadays undergo great pressures that come from various directions, including work, school, economy, and so forth. Investigations show that people who earn more than 50,000 yuan annually spend at least 60 hours on work per week, much more than those who earn 20,000 yuan annually. Today a bachelor degree may no longer guarantee a well paid job. More and more companies post their want ads claiming that applicants must have at least master degrees, which take two or three years longer.

In a word, people nowadays have very little time for anything. Television is merely one among many other factors that affect communication, and is definitely not the main cause of degradation. It seems that the more one is educated, the more one is aware of the deleterious effects that excessive television causes, and either deliberately avoid it or actually does not enjoy it. On the other hand, there really are many people addicted to television. But the fact is, were television not existent, surely these people would have found other escapes, such as alcohol or gambling, for example. In other words, people always find a way to do what they want to do. Therefore, I do not agree that television has destroyed communication among friends and family.

People seldom agree with each other, even in such trivial issues as preference between big cities and small towns. It’s a little bit hasty to say that it is better to live in a big city than to live in a small town, or vice versa.

Living in a big city has several benefits. First, there are more job opportunities readily available in big cities, the qualities of the position are much higher as well. In addition, the pay is more decent. Second, children are supposed to be able to receive an education with a higher quality compared with their counterparts who live in a small town. For most families, children’s education is always put first. Finally, living in a big city has a superior overall living standard to that in a small town. There are more commodities and services in city markets; there are more public utilities available in big cities and there are even much more television channels in big cities.

However, living in a small town also has some advantages. People who live in a small town often have a much comfortable life style. Most of them are immune from the suffering of high work stress. Although the average pay is much less than that of big cities, the price of daily necessities, such as vegetables or meat, is usually more inexpensive. Instead of suffering loneliness which is prevalent in big cities, children might grow up more healthy because of harmonious relationship among residents in small town. People in a small town do not have to get up so early in the morning because there are no traffic jams, and no body drive so fast in a small town as to cause

accidents. They might have fewer channels in television, but they have more friends readily available to chat or entertain with.

According to my current situation, although I am longing for the cozy atmosphere and relationship among neighbors and friends which almost only exist in small towns, I have chosen to live in one of the biggest cities in my country-Beijing, since I have found a pretty good job here, and decent pay. I think I would prefer living in a small town when I retire one day.

Some people may believe that going to classes should be optional, but I disagree. I don’t understand how university students can expect to learn anything if they don’t attend classes. Personal experience can help people learn about themselves and the world outside the classroom, but when it comes to learning about academic subjects, students need to be in class.

In class they receive the benefit of the teacher’s knowledge. The best teachers can do more than just go over the material in the textbook. They draw their students into discussion on the material. They present opposing points of view. They schedule guest speakers to come, give the students additional information, or show documentary films one the subject.

Also classes on any subject provide more than just facts. The students are taught how to learn, how to get information and then apply what they’ve learned in other situations. Their teacher is the best one to help them with these skills. They can’t learn them just by reading the textbook.

By going to class, the students can learn how to work with the other members of the class. Many times, students will be given group assignments. This is different from what they did in secondary school. Here they are with people from different backgrounds and experiences. In this situation, they learn how to cooperate with people different from themselves to achieve a common goal.

In short, by going to class, students get more than just information from the teacher. They also learn how to learn, how to work with others, and how to work responsibly. These are not optional skills in life, so attending classes should not be optional.

People nowadays are living much longer than their counterparts in the past. In China, the average life expectancy has reportedly increased more that 4years since 1990. Among various factors that contribute to this phenomenon are the continuously advancing food condition, the rapidly developing medical care system, and finally the current stable social and economic circumstance. The food condition overall is becoming better and better, and is an important factor that makes people live much longer than before. First of all, foods are more hygienic. People today drink untainted mineral water, sterilized skim milk, which are cheaply supplied in supermarkets. Furthermore, foods are more nutritious, not to mention various carefully designed nutritious products. People can just ignore the possibility of being dystrophic, in that they can keep nutrients balanced by simply taking a cheap pill of vitamin compounds every day.

Of equal importance is the rapidly developing national medical care system. Development of modern technology has always been amazing. Certain diseases such as tuberculosis, pneumonia, and dysentery are now easy to remedy with low expense, but in the past, they are all probably lethal. Dental technology seems developed little except its exorbitantly charged bill, yet the simplest technology contributes to people’s longevity most. It is not difficult to imagine that if an individual who lived in the past got a toothache, without certain dental care which is common today, he was certainly in an awful prospect: he might even die of a toothache!

Finally, the current stable economic circumstance is also a great influential factor. Social and economic circumstance has a dramatic effect on people’s life expectancy. It was reported that Russian life expectancy dropped from 70 to 58 shortly after the disintegration of the previous Soviet Union. Apparently, people have less pressure in a more stable society, and the less pressure they suffer, the healthier they are. At the same time, various types of insurance are readily available, which make people feel safe, and have to a large extent reduced people’anxieties, therefore indirectly contributes significantly to longevity of people.

补充:李笑来版本Among various factors that have made people live longer are the improvement of food condition, the development of modern medical technology, and the stability of social and economic environment.

The improvement of food condition seems to be a very important factor. Compared to the past, much more assorted foods are available and at the same time more nutritious. Coarse food grain such as maize or sorghum had already been replaced by wheat flour and rice. Even the quality of drinking water has been improved. Water from river, water from well, and even tap water is no longer directly taken in; what is now drunk is more likely to be mineral water, purified water, or distilled water. Besides, better nourishments are now cheaply available: a diverse array of vitamins can be supplemented by a single tiny pill.

Equally important is the development of modern medical technology. Finer pharmacons and more effective treatments are continually developed and perfected, which means that many diseases for which there had been no previous effective treatment can now be easily cured. In the past, many pediatric diseases such as scarflet fever or whooping cough could cause an extremely high infant mortality. But now, such diseases are no

Matching the improvement of food condition and the development of modern medical technology is another essential factor, the stability of social and economic environment. An obvious example is this: any war may well influence life expectancy of rival countries. On the contrary, in a relatively stable and secure environment, one is much more likely to be healthy. An insecure society can cause more stress, and under such stress, one is quite unlikely to be healthy, because studies proved that one’s immune system would not function well when the stress is intolerable. Intolerable stress is in fact not rare at all, for example, when the society undergoes an economic crisis.

Never give up. Such strong belief often gives us a second chance. The fact that we failed somewhere does not mean we are going to fail everywhere, and it does not necessarily mean that we are deprived of opportunities to win. There is probably, if not always, a second chance. Many successful people did fail before. Y u Minhong, the founder of New Oriental School, was able to study in Peking University only after three attempts to pass the Entrance Examination of Colleges and Universities. He wasn’t seen as successful after graduation. Among many signs was the fact that almost all his classmates went abroad, while he was each and every time refused by officials in visa-granting office for unexplained reasons. Y et he never gave up, which made his later success inevitable.

People succeed not merely because they have one or more certain skills. However, if I have to choose one skill which is supposed to be useful to success, I think it should be the ability to convince or persuade others.

By convincing or persuading we get what we want from others. When we were children, we always managed to persuade our parents to buy us sugar candies; when we were in the high school, we had to persuade our classmates to play with us; when we applied for a job after graduation, we had better be able to successfully convince the employer that we are qualified employees. Besides, some day, we will all have to convince a person whom we love that we are indeed outstanding husbands or excellent wives.

By convincing or persuading we become more and more sturdy and powerful. Nobody is capable of ding everything perfectly. By persuading others to cooperate with us, we can achieve much more than we could by ourselves. Mr. Y u Min Hong, president of New Oriental School, had successful convincing his alumni, including Mr. Wang Qiang and Mr. Xu Xiao Ping, to strive after an ideal─to build a most influential private university in China, and today, they have come so close. Mr. Y u, while answering a journalist, said that while he once persuaded Chinese students to go abroad, his current work is to convince those students to return to their homeland with their enhanced intelligence.

Ironically, it is ourselves that we need to persuade and convince the most. We by nature are weak, yet have to be stronger to face up to tough surroundings. All too often we need encouraging. Amazingly, it is ourselves who can indeed encourage. When we are in trouble, we need to convince ourselves not to give up. When we are plan sailing, we need persuade ourselves not to be negligent. By convincing ourselves, we become more and more independent, and more and more robust, both of which are characteristics essential to success.

To be successful in life, one needs the ability to think critically. By critical thinking, one is capable of analyzing insightfully, concentrating on the right target, thereby making a wise decision. Thinking critically can make one analyze problems insightfully. We live in a world where controversial issues are often simply taken for granted. For example, most people are reluctant to think carefully about issues, like whether boys and girls should take separate classes. Recently a high school in Beijing announced that their students from then on take separate classes. Many parents support such ridiculous decisions without careful consideration. They are poor thinkers. Critical thinking is but to ask some simple yet essential questions, which always bring amazing outcomes. Is such a scheme capable of eliminating underage sexual behavior among adolescents? Does such a scheme guarantee boys and girls against negative effects? The question is left unanswered, but the decision had been made.

Thinking critically can help one concentrate on the right target. We all have only and exactly 24 hours a day, but we often have mountains of work to do, along with many personal affairs which seem equally urgent. Concentrating on right target is probably the only way to overcome such dilemmas. For example, ETS has recently announced that GRE examination will be transformed back to a paper based test. Grumbles are all around, and complaints are posted almost every BBS on the internet. But if students think critically, however, they will find out that even if ETS had made an awkward decision, they should concentrate on the right target─preparing for the test as prudently as possible. And at the same time, grumbling never helps.

Only by thinking critically can one make decisions that are wise and prudent. Sound decision making is essential to success. Decisions, such as which movie theater we should go tonight are

simple enough to make by tossing a coin. But decisions such as which university or which major we should choose are complicated enough that we need careful comparisons. A comparison sheet will help a lot, simply by listing several relevant questions such as Am I really interested in this major? Or Are there more opportunities in the city where the university is located? By analyzing insightfully and concentrating on the right targets, wise decisions are not hard to reach at all. Therefore, among the various characteristics that may contribute to one’s success in life, being

A research center has recently announced that it is going to establish a university in my country. Some people think that it is of great advantage to us to establish an agricultural research center. However, others maintain that a business one is better. As far as I am concerned, I am inclined to agree with the former point of view.

It is much better to develop an agricultural research center at a University than a business one for many reasons. The first of which is that China is a country with 1.2 billion people, and its most important task is to feed its population. This has not always been very easy to do. The establishment of an agricultural research center would greatly improve China’s ability to provide its people with food. What could be more important than feeding people? Clearly nothing else is as important as this.

The second reason for building this research center is that China is still an agriculturally based society. Y et, the methods it still uses to produce its food are very old fashioned. As a result, its ability to keep up with other countries in our modern world is not likely to occur unless we build an agricultural research center. This will enable China to move into the 21st century with the great prospect of modernizing its agricultural industry. As I have said, China is still quite old-fashioned in its methods. In fact, a good example of this is that China still uses oxen on many of its farms. In the West they have developed technology that made this obsolete a long time ago.

Speaking of technology, China also uses harmful chemicals such as DDT, which has been known for years by scientists to harm unborn children, increase one’s chances of getting cancer, and even poison the food it has been used to fertilize. With the establishment of an agricultural research center, we would quickly learn better and more efficient ways to fertilize our food crops without harming our people.

Without a doubt, the funding for an agricultural research center would be money well spent. It will allow China to feed its people more efficiently, and thus, greatly improve the quality of life in our country.

We, the TV generation, are more familiar with advertising than anything else. Advertising does play an important and positive role in our modern life, though it does have many disadvantages.

It is quite easy to find reasons for attacking advertising. First, it is extremely costly to put up an advertisement. TV advertising, for instance, costs more than 100,000 yuan RMB per minute during prime time. And this cost must eventually be paid by the consumer. Second, it uses up valuable human resources; the advertising profession attracts and hires many talents in any country. In addition, from the social standpoint, advertising promotes image over substance. For example, a brand named after a famous designer or a celebrity such as Li Ning, a former athlete in China, created by advertising fascinates consumers to pay extra for the brand regardless of quality.

However, other people also argue in defense of advertising, for the sake of its economic function. In the first place, it has a valuable informative function, helping potential customers know about the characteristics and prices of products or where they can buy a particular product cheaply. Then, by stimulating demand for successful products, advertising creates jobs in the manufacturing and service sectors. Finally, it can reduce prices by making mass-production possible.

As for my preference, I would naturally like all advertising to be honest, amusing and informative, but if I must choose between living in a society with typical advertising or without advertising, personally I prefer the former. China, for example, where advertising was not allowed in mass media before 1980s, is now full of life, color and variety because of the advertisements in TV programs and magazines.

Almost everyone in the world has friends. Friends are found anywhere, at anytime. Some of our friends can be similar to us, and some of them can differ in many ways. Regardless of their similarities or differences, there are a few advantages of having such friends.

Having friends who are similar to us can be beneficial, in that we can enjoy things together and share the same opinions. With friends who are alike, we can always mutually enjoy going to interesting places together, such as clubs or to the movies. For example, Gee and I have no problems on finding a place to eat every time we go out because we both enjoy eating and spending time at the local hawker’s downtown. In addition, having friends of mutual interest can provide us with a companion to share our opinions. I have a few friends who are similar to me, and I have found that I can share my opinions with them on almost everything. We have a good time sharing our views with each other on either fashion, movies or even life. I believe that having friends who are similar to us provides us with a smooth plan on almost anything.

However, having friends who are different from us would have a few advantage of its own. People say that, “Opposites, attract”. Friends who are different from us would be able to criticize and introduce us to new and different things. I realize that friends who are different from us will be able to criticize on our opinions. Of course, not all of our opinions are good. Hence, having a friend with opposing views could provide us with a different view on a certain matter. I have been friends with Nina for almost 5 years now. Despite of differences in our characteristics, Nina and I have never fought during our friendship. In fact, it was Nina who introduced me to things that I have never done before, including jungle tracking and eating sushi. Even though, neither jungle tracking nor sushi would be in my favorite list, it is fun and enjoyable to be able to experience new things. Therefore, I believe that having friends who are different from us can provide us with unexpected experiences in life. Nevertheless, I prefer to choose friends who are similar to me, rather than friends who are different. I feel that friendship will be smoother and more enjoyable when having friends who are similar to us. However, I never refuse a friendship offered by a friend who is different from me.

In my opinion, physical exercise, or physical education, is an essential part of children’s education, for many reasons. First of all, to maintain the physical fitness of students; secondly, to promote sportsmanship and camaraderie among students; and lastly, to create more disciplin ed behavior from the students.

Exercise helps the body become healthy and fit. Movement coming from physical exertion during

exercise promotes circulation of blood to all parts of the body. Thus, it enhances the distribution of nutrients from different parts of the body. Also it promotes oxygenation of the cells and burning of unwanted fats, resulting in vigor and stamina. What is more, exercise also helps to prevent diseases and sickness like, heart attack, lung diseases and obesity.

Furthermore, exercise develops camaraderie and sportsmanship amongst student. Especially when they play as a team. Students are able to identify their worth in a team and are able to develop their ability to work in a team to be able to reach their common goal. That is, to defeat their opponent and come out victorious. They develop friendship with various people because they get to play with other people most of the time, thus, improving the social aspect of their personality. Students become extrovert and active, as I observed, if they continuously join sports and other form of exercises.

Lastly, this will be a good investment in their personality, as they grow up, because exercise and sports teach them to become disciplined, patient and friendly. Most of all they become result oriented with their work, as they see to it that they persevere in every field that they get into. When they grow up to be come mature individuals, it will not be hard for them to deal with other people, and they will always see to it that they put their hearts and minds in everything that they do, as they learned in sports while they were still young.

While it is true that academic subjects should be the priority, I still believe that physical exercise in school should be given the same importance, because it helps develop the emotional, social and physical aspect of a student, preparing him to become a great individual in the future.

It seems that people do sometimes behave differently when they wear different clothes. For example, a well-dressed man seldom spits at random, a woman in glorious dresses is more likely to talk in a gentle tone, and a clean dressed child seems quiet than others. It might be explained that different dresses give people different self-images, and most people subconsciously behave according to their own self-images. Equally sensible is another factor, that is, all too often people regard a person differently according to her dresses. Therefore, people might behave differently when they wear different clothes because they are treated differently.

Also, appropriate dresses do help a lot in certain circumstances. It is not difficult to imagine that a doctor with a casual suit instead of his formal one will certainly make her patients nervous, for doctors in working hours are always supposed to be in white suits. An applicant in her first interview will be naturally accompanied with great mental tension. If she was well-dressed, by “well” we do not mean expensively or gloriously, we mean “neatly”, she would appear more self-confident and or even be self-confident in deed.

Y et merely a suit itself can contribute little. In fact, people’s behaviors inevitably reflect their very nature. A poor gentleman dressed in rags is still a gentleman. He knows the essential principles that a civilized individual must observe, he knows fundamental moral disciplines which an educated individual must follow. A parvenu on the other hand, will finally find out the fact that his exorbitantly dear dresses is of no use to make him a gentleman, and he even eventually fail to make him look like a gentleman. Maybe those are right who said it takes at least three generations to cultivate a gentleman.

In a word, I do not believe that clothes can essentially make people different, even though they might sometimes seemingly do.

It is generally accepted that a person's childhood years are very important years of a person's life, but it is hardly appropriate to say those years are the most important.

We do not reject the importance of childhood years. Actually it is rather important for later part of a person's life. Our lives, to a large extent are subject to our recognition of our surroundings. Our world views have been structured from very early stage of our childhood, mainly through our daily experiences. Every one therefore actually has his/her own world different from those of others, because even though we all live in a single world, each and every one of us in fact live in distinctive worlds which are determined by distinctive perceptions that vary widely from individual to individual. Hence, we should not be surprised by the extent to which a person's life is influenced by one's childhood.

Childhood, however, is only part of one's life, and it is merely one of several determinatives that shape one's later life. Among various determinatives is one's learning ability. Human beings are superior to any other animals on the Earth simply because of their vigorous ability to learn. Psychology teaches us that training and self-training can dramatically alter our characteristics and even the ability to learn itself, which may eventually alter our lives. Furthermore, learning is a life long process, which means every part of one's life could be an essential crucial period, and could play an indispensable role in one's life. Examples are available every where. Einstein was taken for an idiot by his teacher when he was a child. Even though he knew exactly that doesn't necessarily mean he was really an idiot, the awkward altitude of his stupid teacher absolutely made Einstein's childhood an awful one. Nevertheless, Einstein did lead a wonderful life.

Most parents nowadays seem to believe the statement that childhood is the most important phase of one's life, and therefore often force their children to learn those alleged essential skills for the sake of the future. The fact is, such behavior is rather presumptuous, because there still are many other important factors that affect one's life.

北美新托福考试满分范文(316 words)

age 5 to 6, while still living with his/her parents, he/she starts to go to school to receive formal education. So who are the most important to the child’s development is an interesting topic discussed among educators. In my opinion, I agree with the statement that good teachers are more important than good parents.

Good teachers are expert educators. They received formal training in various academic fields and teaching itself. They can provide students with knowledge in various academic subjects. In

addition, they have experience in dealing with various types of students. Furthermore, good teachers not only teach children academic knowledge, but also set a good example to children. Many children regard their teachers as role models. Teachers’ roles are irreplaceable.

Schools provide a suitable enviro nment for children’s growth. Schools are equipped with qualified teaching and supporting staff and adequate study and sports facilities, all contributing to children’s growth. Schools also organize field trips and practicum from time to time in order to broaden students’ views about nature and the society. At school, a child can appreciate the value of friendship and teamwork by playing with their classmates. With the help of good teachers students can develop their characters and social skills. Therefore schools with good teachers are the best place for children to receive education and develop their characters.

While good parents play the crucial role of nourishing the child, helping build the child’s character, and helping develop the child’s hobbies such as music and sports, they can do little to help with the child’s academic study, which is the critical part of the child’s development, unless those parents are themselves good teachers. Therefore, teachers are the most important people for children’s per sonal growth and development. Every child should go to school to receive their formal education.


1. 对比阅读:发展旅游业的利弊

范文一:When asked about whether developing the tourism is essential or not, quite a few would claim that it is not essential, but others, in contrast, deem that the project is necessary as the premier choice and that is also my point. I am inclined to the latter, for three reasons. First of all, developing the tourism can do help in economy. Secondly, it is to promote the cross-culture all round the world. And lastly, it is helpful to the local people to make living standard higher. Economic development is an extraordinarily vital factor when we think about tourism. When the tourism of a country is developed, it can earn foreign currency and increase the government’s revenue. For example, Singapore, a paradise for shopping, has been serving the tourism as the cornerstone of its economic development. For a country, if the tourism is developed, it will boost other industries’ economy, such as c atering industry. Meanwhile, the earning of the tourism can be donated to the development of education.

Further lending credence to my position is the fact that the tourism contributes to the culture. Firstly, expanding the tourism could enhance the mutual understanding and communication. As long as everyone understands others a little more, there will be less warfare and conflict. Secondly, it can make the cross-cultural promotion. For example, Marco Polo, the Italian traveler in the 13th century, went to the orient and visit the most splendid culture in that time. Then he went back and wrote a book called Marco Polo’s travelogue, from which the western people found another nice place called Indian. And the cultures throughout the world began to communicate. Up to now, tourism can undoubtedly be a positive channel to showcase the glorious and mysterious culture wherever it came into being.

Matching the economy and culture is another essential factor, to be beneficial to the local people. If a rural, remote and backward place has an inimitable culture, incontrovertibly, developing the tourism will be the significant facet to alleviate the pressure of unemployment and alter the life of local people sooner or later. Jiu Zhaigou, called the paradise of the world, was just a depopulated land many years ago and the minorities there were living a poor life. Hardly can we imagine the situation of Jiu Zhaigou devoid of the development of the tourism.

Admittedly, the tourism do have disadvantages. To some extent, It may demolish the environment

and ecological balance, and seriously, may endanger the sustainable development. However, developing the tourism has more valuable merits as an efficient, durable, manageable means for many aspects. Therefore, I reinforce my standpoint to agree with the development of the tourism for the investment.

范文二:On account of the development of transportation, not only do people benefit from convenience in daily life, but also their dream of traveling gradually buds. So tourism is enjoying an increasingly high popularity among people. According to some surveys, most Chinese people spend a large mass of their spare time in traveling, perhaps two weeks every year on average. An increasing number of people consider about whether the prosperity of tourism exert a positive impact on our society. While disadvantage are unavoidable, it is the advantages that prevail. There are various merits that the blossom of tourism brings about, first of all, to boost economy; secondly, to promote cross-cultural communication; and lastly, to relieve the pressure of unemployment.

Basic to any understanding of the benefits we would get from tourism is that it would boost economy.On one hand, for domestic part, it may result in an increase of government revenue, with which we can improve the living condition of the poor. On the other hand,the foreign currency earned from tourism, to a large extent,will steady the cornerstone of a nation’s international trade. As we know, the foreign exchange reserve of China has exceeded one thousand billion dollars since the October of last year, among which, tourism plays an undeniable role. Further lending credence to my position is the fact that(接句子)tourism has a far-reaching influence on promoting cross-cultural communication. For instance, only after going to the beach of Hawaii will I know about American typical way of spending leisure time. Another noted example is that the better understanding about Chinese culture by foreigners owes a large debt to tourism. Many foreign people are fascinated with Chinese culture after seeing the amazing sceneries such as Summer Palace and the Three Gorges.

Matching the economic and cultural advantages, tourism also relieves the pressure of unemployment. For some small villages in china, it was tourism that brings many vacant jobs to local people, which unquestionably, boosts the local economy.

Admittedly, tourism, to some extend, may demolish our ecosystem, devastate the biosphere and endanger the sustainable development. However, it has more valuable merits as an industry which is developed rapidly. I therefore reinforce my stand point that the merits of tourism far outweigh its drawbacks.

2.Travel in a group / travel by myself

Nowadays, an increasing number of people choose to travel during holidays. When it comes to the choice between having a trip following a group or going on a DIY journey, many people get into a dilemma. From my perspective, I cling to an unshakable belief that going on a DIY trip is my

first-rank inclination. A well-planned DIY journey not only provides you with the maximum freedom of enjoying local culture of the target country but also ensure you the most possibility of a special and unforgettable experience.

On one hand, the advantage of DIY traveling is aptly shown in the freedom of changing my travel itinerary. I can choose to stay in certain places where the local culture and custom fascinates me and even stay in the resident dwelling for a couple of days to have a close experience of the life which the group travel can never offer.

On the other hand, personal experience during a journey means difference between a splendid traveling and a tedious one. As we all know, an indispensable part of the joy of a trip is the sense of discovery feeling when seeing completely new things. The best illustration of the case is the days I spent in Kagoshima, a city not far from Tokyo in Japan, where there is a big volcano. It was my first time to be so up close and personal with a volcano, and thinking that thing could blow at any time made me extremely excited. I had a good time with the fresh ocean breezes cooling me down besides the heat of the crater.

Admittedly, the conveniences of group travel with a guide is of equal attraction, including the fact that one can easily find companies in a group and have no worry about hotel reservations and transportation. Nevertheless, a group travel following a fixed agenda with homogeneous introductions and recommends, is always a whirlwind journey of eating, shopping and taking pictures from one tourist spot to anther. Compared with the attractive DIY travel, it pales.

To put all into a nutshell, in the pursuit of freedom of travel itinerary and personal experience I strongly have a preference of traveling by myself instead of following a group.

3. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: stars should have high salary?

In contemporary society, people are invariably faced with such a question: should stars have high salary? There is no consensus of opinion among people concerning this controversial issue. Some people maintain that such public celebrities should have high payment due to their extraordinary abilities, whereas others disagree. From my perspective, I am inclined to the view that they do not deserve high salaries.

Initially, the primary reason is that our everyday life does not depend on the performance of the stars. Why? The reason is quite obvious. We can not live without teachers in colleges and universities who can provide us with knowledge, we can not live without doctors in hospitals who can supply us with diagnosis and treatment, and we can even not live without farmers and workers who can equip us with the fundamental food and materials. However, the existence of stars is not as important as that of the figures above, and therefore, I am convinced that they do not deserve a higher pay than people from other fields.

Of equal importance is the fact that high salaries may bring about a negative influence on their personality. With the quick earned money, the pop stars are very likely to indulge themselves in the real world replete with wealth, vanity and waste. And we can see so many examples from both TV news and Internet. It is easy for them to become addicted to money. Accordingly, the significance of this fact can never be ignored.

ADMITTEDLY, there are some reasons for their high salaries. For example, their time of working is longer than the ordinary people and the pressure they suffer is beyond imagination. And particularly, an artist who is also a pop star, can exert a far-reaching influence on people’s knowledge and personality. And this can be best exemplified by the famous role models like Michael Jordan. However, the demerits of the issue obviously outweigh the merits, as I have mentioned above. Therefore, I finally reinforce my standpoint that it is not reasonable to give stars high salaries.

4. 印刷书

In the technological advanced society, we are inevitably confronted with such a controversial issue about which people have divergent perspectives: whether printed books will exist 20 years later. Some hold the opinion that new technology should take the place of the traditional reading media 20 years later, whereas others disagree and argue that printed books still possess the power to affect people as well as society. From where I stand, I am more inclined to the former in that it is more commonsensical and reasonable.

Firstly, e-books are much more convenient to carry. Y ou can scan them readily on the internet wherever you are, and you do not have to worry about the limitation of region.In addition, sometimes you do not expect to read the entire book; on the contrary, you merely want to know the structure or part of them. Therefore, e-books can satisfy your purposes.Moreover,they are easy to deposit as well. Compared to those printed books, you constantly have to concerned about where and how to keep them. The e-books can free you from these disturbing stuffs and save numerous times. In contemporary society, efficiency and effective are regularly been put on the first position. There is no doubt that choosing e-books is obviously a wiser option.

Secondly, in the modern society, individuals and nations are going out of their way to reduce the pollution of the environment. E-books will be more environmentally friendly and will protect the earth we live. For example, the processes of printing books require a large amount of resources, such as woods and water. These may be harmful to our nature. Furthermore, the factories that print the books will spread merciless influences upon the environment. The awareness of environmental protection should be accepted, respected, appreciated and advocated. Accordingly, it is no exaggeration to say that e-books will be harmonious with our nature.

Apart from the two points above, there is another essential factor that is readily discernible: e-books are more economical, for you are capable of downloading them from the internet or receive from e-mails as opposed to buying all of them.

Admittedly, this is not the whole story. As to many people, the printed books seem more close to them, especially the elders. They prefer to hold a book in the garden while drinking a cup of tea than just sitting in front of a big screen. Nevertheless, the merits of new technology outweigh their drawbacks owing to its convenience, environmental protection as well as accessibility.(概括下三点的好处,用名词或者是句子)Thus, I reinforce my propensity that e-books is preferable than the printed books and therefore printed books will be extinct in 20 years.

5. 20年后闲暇时间(中间两个支持段)

Initially, the main reason for my propensity is that science and technology can bring about plenty of conveniences. There is no denying the fact that with the development of science, we can have many new high-tech tools. This can be aptly exemplified by the following case. We used to spend a great deal of time doing our housework such as cleaning the house, washing our clothes and so on. However, with the help of a clever robot in 20 years, we can finish the same amount of work with much less time. Therefore, we can have more leisure time for entertainment and relaxation. In addition, computers can make our life effective and efficient. T o illustrate this, we need look no further than the following case. Computers can not only solve our academic problem, but also provide us with diverse recreation, which means that we can finish our job quickly and enjoy our life at the same time.

Another equally significant reason for my inclination lies in the fact that we will pay more attention to their health. The reason is quite obvious. The high pressure of living and working in big cities make us aware of the importance of health, and we are convinced that nothing can be compared with the significance of it.Countless surveys indicate that people in increasing numbers are spending more time in fitness and shaping for their health and sustainability. In 20 years, the conception of LOHAS will probably become prevalent(popular) Therefore,it is no exaggeration to say that the awareness of health brings us more leisure time.

6. What I Have Lived For(Be rtrand Russell)

Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind. These passions, like great winds, have blown me hither and thither, in a wayward course, over a deep ocean of anguish, reaching to the very verge of despair.

I have sought love, first, because it brings ecstasy---ecstasy so great that I would often have sacrificed all the rest of my life for a few hours for this joy. I have sought it, next, because it relieves loneliness---that terrible loneliness in which one shivering consciousness looks over the rim of the world into the cold unfathomable lifeless abyss. I have sought it, finally, because in the union of love I have seen, in a mystic miniature, the prefiguring vision of the heaven that saints and poets have imagined. This is what I sought, and though it might seem too good for human life, this is what---at last---I have found.

With equal passion I have sought knowledge. I have wished to understand the hearts of men. I have wished to know why the stars shine. And I have tried to apprehend the Pythagorean pow er by

which number holds sway above the flux. A little of this, but not much, I have achieved.

Love and knowledge, so far as they were possible, led upward toward the heavens. But always it brought me back to earth. Echoes of cries of pain reverberate in my heart. Children in famine, victims tortured by oppressors, helpless old people a hated burden to their sons, and the whole world of loneliness, poverty, and pain make a mockery of what human life should be. I long to alleviate the evil, but I cannot, and I too suffer.

This has been my life. I have found it worth living, and would gladly live it again if the chance were offered me.

7. 老托福TOPIC 122:People should never be satisfied with what they have. They should always want something new and something different. Do you agree or disagree? Use your own reasons and specific examples to support your argument.

That people should never be satisfied with what they have and should always strive for something new and different seems to be a propensity inherent in human nature. We have all read in Jane Austin’s Pride and Prejudice that “It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a large fortune must be in want of a wife.” This only testifies to one aspect, which is also a necessary condition, of human existence.

On the most abstract level, the spirit of dissatisfaction constitutes the very force that has propelled human civilization forward in the course of human history. Stimulated by the thirst for knowledge from within and challenged by the harshness of the environment from without, man has evolved triumphantly from the most primitive to the most advanced and sophisticated. If it had contented our pristine ancestors to dwell in caves or to lead their nomadic life, they would have remained some mere vagabond creatures, lurking in the unfriendly forests and in the hostile wilderness, forever on the alert so as not to fall prey to some ferocious predators. Consequently we can safely conclude that it is precisely man’s inquiring mind an d his aspiring nature that distinguish himself from other animals.

In the modern world, this insatiable desire on the part of mankind has given rise to the most spectacular development of science and technology. We know that, with all the material wealth we have accumulated, we can live a passable, even a well-to-do life. However, we are also fully aware that life of this kind is not the best. Therefore, we travel into the unknown depths of the universe to explore its mysteries and we undertake perilous expeditions to the South Pole under the hope of discovering alternative energy sources to compensate for those which we already have, but which are depleting at an alarming rate. Every single advance in science and technology is invariably the result of man’s incessant quest for the new, the different and the better.

Finally, the turn of the century has witnessed a sustained proliferation of “isms”, both in arts and in literature, such as Impressionism, Expressionism, Symbolism, Cubism, Fauvism, Surrealism, Structuralism and the like. Why? The reason is simple. This flourishing is a direct response to people’s discontent with hackneyed and stereotyped modes of expression whose expressiveness

has been worn away by centuries of overuse. Appreciating classical masterpieces only, say, Mona Lisa by Da Vinci, is a dull job. By contrast, Picasso the cubist has expressed a profound truth in Guernica with a refreshingly avant-garde freshness and originality. The existing conditions are always being transcended by the new and the different.

Admittedly, there are possible exceptions to this general rule of dissatisfaction. An ancient Chinese saying that “those who constantly feel satisfied tend to be happy” is quite illustrative in this respect. But I would rather interp ret this as implying that people’s sense of happiness and satisfaction results from what they have achieved, including what is new and what is different. After all, human beings are by no means the jackdaw in Aesop’s fable who could afford to indulge complacently but vainly in singing and dancing without knowing where his next meal would come from. (536 words)

人们应该永不满足于他们业已拥有的一切,并应该永远去追求新异之物,这似乎是人类本性中所固有的一个倾向。我们在Jane Austin的《傲慢与偏见》一书中都读到过这样一句话,“这是一个举世公认的真理,即一个腰缠万贯的单身男人必欲迎取一位娇妻。”这仅仅只例示着人类生存的一个侧面,亦即人类生存中的一种必要境况。



最后,世纪之交目睹了文艺领域中各种思潮流派持续不断的大量涌现,诸如印象主义,表现主义,象征主义,立体派,野兽派,超现实主义,结构主义等。原因何在?答案十分简单。这种百花齐放的繁荣是对人们的某种不满所做出的反应,人们已不再满足于各种陈腐的、老一套的表达方式,因为它们的表现力由于几个世纪的反复使用而丧失殆尽。要求人们仅仅欣赏古典杰作,比如说Da V inci的《蒙娜丽莎》,不啻是一桩令人十分乏味的事情。相反,立体派画家毕加索则以一种令人耳目一新的、带有先锋派色彩的清新与原创性在《格尔尼卡》一画中表达了一种深刻的真理。可以说,现存的状况总是在被新异之物所超越。


