高英(现代大学英语)精读5 paraphrase 原文+译文

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1.The job of arousing manhood within a people that have been taught for so many centuries that they are nobody is not easy. It is no easy job to educate a people who have been told over centuries that they were inferior and of no importance to see that they are humans, the same as any other people.

2.Psychological freedom, a firm sense of self-esteem, is the most powerful weapon against the long night of physical slavery. If you break the mental shackles imposed on you by white supremacists, if you really respect yourself, thinking that you are a Man, equal to anyone else, you will be able to take part in the struggle against racial discrimination.

3.The Negro will only be free when he reaches down to the inner depths of his own being and signs with the pen and ink of assertive manhood his own emancipation proclamation.

The liberation of mind can only be achieved by the Negro himself/herself. Only when he/she is fully convinced that he/she is a Man/Woman and is not inferior to anyone else, can be he/she throw off the manacles of self-abnegation and become free. 4.Power at its best is love implementing the demands of justice, and justice at its best is power correcting everything that stands against that stands against love.

Power in the best form of function is the carrying out of the demands of justice with love and justice in the best form of function is the overcoming of everything standing in the way of love with power.

5.At that time, economic status was considered the measure of the individual’s ability and talents.

At that time, the way to evaluate how capable and resourceful a person was to see how much money he had made(or how wealthy he was).

6.The absence of worldly goods indicated a want of industrious habits and moral fiber.

A person was poor because he was lazy and not hard-working and lacked a sense of right and wrong.

7.It is not the work of slaves driven to their tasks either by the task, by the taskmaster or by animal necessity.

This kind of work cannot be done by slaves who work because the work has to be done, because they are forced to work by slave-drivers or because they need to work in order to be fed and clothed.

8.When the unjust measurement of human worth on the scale of dollars is eliminated.

When the unfair practice of judging human value by the amount of money a person has got is done away with.

9.He who hates does not know God, but he who has love has the key that unlocks the door to the meaning of ultimate reality. Those who harbor hate in their hearts cannot grasp the teachings of God. Only those who have love can enjoy the ultimate happiness in Heaven.

10.Let us be dissatisfied until America will no longer have a high blood pressure of creeds and an anemia of deeds.

Let us be dissatisfied until America no longer only talk about racial equality but is unwilling or reluctant to take action to end such evil practices racial as racial discrimination.

1. I pictured this prodigy part of me as many different images, trying each one on for size.

I imagined myself being different types of prodigy, trying to find out which type would best suit me. 2. I had new thoughts, willful thoughts, or rather thoughts filled with lots of won’ts.

Some new thoughts came to my mind, thoughts that I deliberately wanted to be disobedient, or to be more exact, thoughts that I would say lots of “ I won’t …” to my mother. 3. The girl had a sauciness of a Shirley Temple.

The girl was somewhat like Shirley Temple, a bit rude, but in an amusing way.

4. It felt like worms and toads and slimy things crawling out of my chest, but it also felt good, as if this awful side of me had surfaced, at last. While saying these, I was scared as if some very unpleasant, horrible things had got out of my chest; but at the same time, I felt a bit delighted for I was finally able to make this awful part of me known to my mother.

5. And I could sense her anger rising to its breaking point, I wanted to see it spill over.

And I could feel that her anger was coming to the point where her endurance and self-control would collapse, but I wanted to see what exactly she would do when that happened.

6. The lid to the piano was closed, shutting out the dust, my misery, and her dreams.

When the lid to the piano was closed, it not only shut out the dust but also put an end to my misery and my mother’s dreams as well.

1. Yet globalization… Is a reality, not a choice.

However, as one report said, globalization “ is now an ordinary fact of life, not something one can choose to have or not.” 2. Popular factions sprout to exploit nationalist anxieties.

Political groups favored by the general public have appeared in large numbers to take advantage of existing worries and uneasiness among the people about foreign “cultural assault.”

3. Where xenophobia and economic ambition have often struggled for the upper hand.

Where the two trends- the dislike and fear of things foreign and the desire to build China into one of a powerful, industrialized economy- have often contended with each other for dominance.

4. Those people out there should continue to live in a museum while we will have showers that work.

Those people in countries like China should continue to live a backward life while we ourselves will enjoy a comfortable life with all modern facilities.

5. Westernization is a phenomenon shot through with inconsistencies and populated by very strange bedfellows. Westernization is a concept full of self-contradictions and held by people of very different backgrounds and views. 6. You don’t have to be cool to do it; you just have to have the eye.

You don’t have to look fashionable or attractive in order to find out what will be the future trend; you only need to be observant and be able to make judgments about it.

7. He was up in the cybersphere far above the level of time zones.

He was playing the game on the Internet with people living in different parts of the world, an activity that goes far beyond the limit of time zones.

8. In the first two weeks of business the Gucci Store took in a surprising $100,000.

In the first two weeks after starting business in Shanghai, the Gucci Store made as much as $100,000, a surprisingly large amount of money.

9. Early on I realized that I was going to need some type of compass to guide me through the wilds of global culture.

Early before that/ From the very beginning I realized I was going to need some guidance that would lead me through the rich and wide variety of global cultures.

10. The penitence may have been Jewish, but the aspiration was universal.

The way of expressing repentance may have been characteristic of the Jews, but the desire for forgiveness from God was common to people of all cultures.

1. Pianos and models, Paris, Vienna and Berlin, masters and mistresses, are not needed by writer.

Unlike a pianist or a painter who must have a piano or hire models, or visit famous cities like Paris, Vienna and Berlin, or to be taught by masters and mistresses, a writer does not need all this. 2. she would have plucked the heart out of my writing.

Those conventional attitudes and beliefs( represented by the Angel) would have taken away the essence/ soul of my writing. 3. Thus, whenever I felt the shadow of her wing or the radiance of her halo upon my page, I took up the inkpot and flung it at her. Thus whenever I felt the influence of traditional Victorian values and attitudes( about gender roles) on my writing, I fought back with all my power.

4. For though men sensibly allow themselves great freedom in these respects, I doubt that they realize or can control the extreme severity with which they condemn such freedom in women.

This is because, even though men readily allow themselves full freedom in speaking or writing about such as the body and passions, I don’t think they realize how severely they condemn or can control their extremely severe condemnation of, such freedom in women.

5. Indeed it will be a long time still, I think, before a woman can sit down to write a book without finding a phantom to be slain, a rock to be dashed against.

No doubt, it will still take a long time, as I believe, before women are finally able to enjoy the freedom of writing without having to fight those conventional values, beliefs and prejudices that are unfavorable to them.

6. Even when the path is nominally open- when there is nothing to prevent a woman from being a doctor, a lawyer, a civil servant -there are many phantoms and obstacles, as I believe, looming in her way.

Even though the path is now open to women in name only, when they have the freedom to choose to be a doctor, a lawyer, a civil servant, I believe that there still exist many false ideas and obstacles to impede a woman’s progress. 7. You have won rooms of your own in the house hitherto exclusively owned by men.

By fighting against the Angel in the House and through your painstaking efforts, you have gained a position and some freedom in a society which has so far been dominated by men.

1. It took me a long time and much painful boomeranging of my expectations to achieve a realization everyone else

appears to have been born with: that I am nobody but myself.

It took me a long time to get rid of illusions and realize the simple and apparent truth that I am nobody but myself. It was a painful process. I started with high expectations only to be deeply disappointed and thoroughly disillusioned.

2. And yet I am no freak of nature, nor of history. I was in the cards, other things having been equal (or unequal) 85 years ago. I am perfectly normal physically and I am a natural product of history; my growth reflects history. When things seemed likely to happen to me, other things has been equal (or unequal) 85 years ago. 3. About eighty-five years ago they were told that they were free, united with others of our country in everything pertaining to the common good, and in everything social, separate like the fingers of the hand.

About 85 years ago, they were told that they were freed from slavery and became united with the white people in all the essential things having to do with the common interests of our country, but in social life the blacks and whites still remain separated.

4. In those pre-invisible days I visualized myself as a potential Booker T. Washington.

In those days before I realized I was an invisible man, I imagined that I would become a successful man like Booker T. Washington.

5. I wanted at one and the same time to run from the room, to sink through the floor, or go to her and cover her from my eyes of the others with my body; to feel the soft thighs, to caress her and destroy her, to love her and murder her.

On the one hand, I felt so embarrassed that I wanted to run away from the ballroom. On the other hand I took pity on the girl and so wanted to protect the naked girl from the eyes of the other men. I wanted to love her tenderly because she was an attractive girl, but at the same time I wanted to destroy her because after all she was the immediate cause of our embarrassment.

6. Should I try to win against the voice out there? Would not this go against my speech, and was not this a moment for humility, for nonresistance?

If I should try my best and win the fight, then I would be winning against the bet of that white man, who shouted “ I got my money on the big boy. \of success. So maybe I should let that big boy win without putting up resistance, for this was time for me to show humility. 7. “ Cast down your bucket where you are” - cast it down in making friends in every manly way of the people of all races by whom we are surrounded.

Make full use of what you have and do the best you can. Take this attitude in making friends in every honorable way, making friends with people of different races among whom we live.

8. “You weren't being smart, were you, boy?\” You were not trying to seem clever in a disrespectful way, were you, boy? We intend to do the right thing by setting you up as role model, but you must never forget who you are.

1. And I was conscious of his superiority in a way which was embarrassing and led to trouble.

I knew that Oppenheimer was a man of great talent his way of showing his talent at seminars caused uneasiness and resentment among people, especially among his fellow students.

2. This did not seem to be the sort of anecdote that would go over especially well at a conference devotes to poetry.

Since those attending the conference were people devoted to poetry, such an anecdote, though interesting, might not be appreciated by the audience.

3. Pitted against these excellent reasons for my not going to the conference were two others that finally carried the day. These were two reasons for my going to the conference ser against the reasons for my not going and they became decisive in my final decision.

4. He is, for me, one of those people whose writing about their writing is more interesting than their writing itself. According to my view, Spender belongs to the group whose writings about their lives, experiences that is whose autobiographies, are more interesting than their literary works.

5. Auden’s Dirac-like lucidity, the sheer wonder of the language, and the sense of fun about serious things … Were to me irresistible. Like Dirac, Auden was outstanding in clarity. He was also outstanding in the powerful use of the language and the sense of fun about serious issues. All these greatly fascinated me.

6. Spender’s journal entry on his visit is fascinating both for what it says and for what it does not say.

Spender’s record of this visit is interesting not only because of the things he mentions but also because of the things he doesn’t say.

7. Oppenheimer appears in Spender’s journal as a disembodied figure with no contextual relevance to Spender’s own life. In his book Spender fails to give a connected, complete picture of Oppenheimer and does nit mention that Oppenheimer’s background and situation has quite a lot to do with Spender. 8. The real thing was much better.

The real person looked much better than the pictures.

9. One probably should not read too much into appearance.

Maybe one should not attach too much importance to appearance.

10. He had outlived them all, but was still under their shadow, especially that of Auden…

He had lived longer than any of his more famous friends but traces or influences of these friends, especially those of Auden, could still be found on him.

1. Your imagination comes to life, and this, you think,is where Creation was begun.

The landscape makes your imagination vivid and lifelike, and you believe that the creation of the whole universe was begun right here.

2. But warfare for the Kiowas was preeminently a matter of disposition rather than of survival, and they never understood the grim ,unrelenting advance of the U.S. Cavalry.

The Kiowas often fought just because they were good warriors, because they fought out of habit, character, nature, not because they needed extra lands or material gains for the sake of surviving and thriving. And they could not understand why the U.S. Cavalry never gave up pushing forward even when they had won a battle.

3. My grandmother was spared the humiliation of those high gray walls by eight or ten years.

Luckily my grandmother did not suffer the humiliation of being put into a closure for holding animals, for she was born eight or ten years after the event.

4. It was a long journey toward dawn, and it led to a golden age.

They moved toward the east, where the sun rises, and also toward the beginning of a new culture, which led to the treatest moment of their history.

5. They acquired horses, and their ancient nomadic spirit was suddenly free of the ground.

Now they got horses. Riding on horseback, instead of walking on football, gave them this new freedom of movement, thus completely liberating their ancient nomadic spirit.

6. From one point of view, their migration was the fruits of an old prophecy, for indeed they emerged from a sunless world. In a sense, their migration confirmed the ancient myth that they entered the world from a hollow log, for they did emerge from the sunless world of the mountains.

7. The Kiowas reckoned their stature by the distance they could see, and they were bent and blind in the wilderness.

Their stature was measured by the distance they could see. Yet, because of the dense forests, they could not see very far, and they could hardly stand straight.

8. Clusters of trees and animals grazing far in the distance cause the vision to reach away and wonder to build upon the mind. The earth unfolds and the limit of the land is far in the distance, where there are clusters of trees and animals eating grass. This landscape makes one see far and broadens one's horizon.

9. Not yet would they veer southward to the caldron of the land that lay below;they must wean their blood from the northern winter and hold the mountains a while longer in their view.

They would not yet change the direction southward to the land lying below which was like a large kettle. First they must give their bodies some time to get used to the plains. Secondly, they did not want to lose sight of the mountains so soon. 10. I was never sure that I had the right to hear, so exclusive were they of all merely custom and company.

I was not sure that I had any right to overhear her praying, which did not follow any customary way of praying, add which I guess she did not want anyone else to hear.

11. Transported so in the dancing light among the shadows of her room she seemed beyond the reach of time. But that was illusion; I think I knew then that I should not see her again.

In this way she was entranced in the dancing light among the shadows of her room, and she seemed to be timeless(what sh represented would last forever)

12. The women might indulge themselves; gossip was at once the mark and compensation of their servitude.

On these special occasions, women might make loud and elaborate jokes and talk among themselves. Their gossip revaeled their position as servants of men and a reward for their servitude.

