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1. 进入全面建成小康社会的决定性阶段We have entered the decisive stage of completing the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects(比较:establish a…society).

2. 凝聚力量,攻坚克难pool our strength to overcome all difficulties 3. 世情、国情、党情 global, national and Party conditions

4. 前所未有的机遇和挑战 unprecedented opportunities and challenges unknown before(注意英文不同搭配) 5. 更加奋发有为,兢兢业业地工作aim higher and work harder 6. 作出全面部署(总体布局) adopt a comprehensive/an overall plan 7. 作出总体安排adopt steps for general implementation/implementing steps(not arrangements) 8. 关系全局的重大问题 issues of underlying importance(比较:issues that have a bearing on the overall situation, situation 可少用) 9. 新形势下党的建设 party building in a new environment/under new conditions(better than under new circumstances) 10. 综合国力大幅提高 China’s overall strength has grown considerably. 11. 生态文明建设扎实展开 Solid steps (副词变形容词)have been taken to promote ecological progress/raise ecological awareness. 12. 宏观调控体系 system of macro-regulation (control)

13. 居民收入较快增长 Individual/personal(people’s) income has grown


rapidly/has registered fast growth.

14. 衣食住行用条件明显改善 People’s need for daily necessities such as clothing, food, housing and transport is better met. 15. 农村扶贫标准大幅度提高 Rural poverty line was raised by a big margin

16. 政治体制改革 reform of the political structure/political structural reform(not political restructuring,too sweeping)

17. 实行城乡按相同人口比例选举人大代表Urban and rural deputies to people’s congresses are now elected on the basis of the same population ratio.

18. 基层民主不断发展Community-level(not primary-level or grass roots level) democracy has steadily developed.

19. 文化建设迈上新台阶Development of the cultural sector(not cultural development) has reached a new stage.

20. 文化体制改革全面推进Comprehensive progress has been made in the reform of the cultural system;

21. 人民精神文化生活更加丰富多彩。People have richer intellectual pursuit(not spiritual pursuit, spiritual有较强宗教含义) and cultural entertainment.

22. 基本公共服务均等化程度明显提高Access to basic public services has become much more equitable. 23. 免费义务教育全面实现Free compulsory education is now available


across the country.

24. 军事斗争准备不断深化 Military preparedness is enhanced. 25. 开创两岸关系和平发展新局面 usher in a new stage of peaceful growth of cross-Straits relations(not create a new situation in which…)

26. 在国际事务中的代表性和话语权进一步增强 We have secured more representation and a greater say for China in international affairs.

27. 有利的国际环境 favorable international conditions/environment 28. 党的思想理论建设成效明显 Notable progress has been made in strengthening the Party theoretically(not ideologically,当代英语中ideology, ideological负面含义较多)

29. 加强党的干部队伍 strengthen the rank of Party officials(not cadres,为前苏联俄式英语)

30. 人才工作 management of qualified professionals

31. 发展中不平衡、不协调、不持续问题仍然突出。Unbalanced, uncoordinated






big/major/serious/acute/prominent problem.

32. 产业结构不合理 The industrial structure is unbalanced( not irrational. irrational为抽象用法,中译文为:非理性).

33. 农业基础依然薄弱 The agricultural infrastructure(foundation) remains weak.


34. 资源环境约束加剧 Resources and environmental constraints have become more serious.

35. 制约科学发展的体制机制障碍较多 Many systemic barriers stand in the way of promoting development in a scientific way.

36. 社会矛盾明显增多。 Social problems(not contradictions; contradiction 指抽象意义上的对立状态. Not conflicts, 重了) have increased markedly.

37. 化解矛盾 solve problems(not contradictions)

38. 关系群众切身利益的问题 problems affecting people’s immediate interests

39. 一些领域道德失范,诚信缺失。There is lack of ethics and integrity in some fields of endeavor.

40. 理想信念动摇,宗旨意识淡薄 waver in their ideal and conviction and are not fully aware of the purpose of the Party

41. 一些领域消极腐败现象易发多发 Some sectors are prone to(后接名词) corruption and other misconduct/malpractices.

42. 反腐败斗争形势依然严峻。The fight against corruption remains a serious challenge for us.

43. 战胜一系列重大挑战 successfully met(tackled) major challenges 44. 国际局势风云变幻 We face a volatile international environment. 45. 准确把握我国发展的阶段性特征 We have gained a good (副词变形容词)understanding of the essential/salient features/the underlying


trend of China’s development in the current stage.

46. 中国经济首先企稳回升 China’s economy was the first in the world to make a turnaround/rebound/turn for the better/bottom out(触底回升).

47. 应对外部经济风险冲击 defuse/stand external economic risks 48. 所有这些彰显了中国特色社会主义的巨大优越性和强大生命力。All this shows the superiority and vitality(巨大和强大英文可不出) of socialism with Chinese characteristics。

49. 迈上一个大台阶 has increased considerably/ improved significantly/ have been enhanced substantially

50. 关心和支持中国现代化建设的外国朋友 foreign friends who view favorably/show an understanding for(not care about) and support China’s modernization drive

51. 时代特征 the underlying trend of our times

52. 科学发展观是党必须长期坚持的指导思想 The Scientific Outlook on Development is a long-term theoretical guidance the Party must adhere to(not ideological guidance ). 53. 全党必须更自觉地把推动经济社会发展作为深入贯彻落实科学发展观的第一要务 The whole Party must more purposefully/willingly/conscientiously(not consciously—下意识之意) make promoting economic and social development the top priority in applying the Scientific Outlook on Development.


54. 牢牢扭住经济建设这个中心,坚持聚精会神搞发展,一心一意谋发展 We must pursue economic development as the central task and concentrate on it with every determination(中文划线部分英文一句即可.)

55. 实施科教兴国、人才强国战略 We must implement the strategies for making China strong by developing(应加动词,下同) science and education and training competent personnel(reinvigorating China through science and education and human resources development) 56. 促进人的全面发展 promoting well-rounded development of the person(not all-round personal development,personal development 与他人无关)

57. 全面落实经济建设、政治建设、文化建设、社会建设、生态文明建设五位一体总体布局 We must fully implement the overall plan for promoting economic, political, cultural, social, and ecological progress.

58. 开拓生产发展、生活富裕、生态良好的文明发展道路 expand the path of sound development(not enlightened development/civilized development) that leads to increased production, prosperity(not affluence) and a good ecosystem.

59. 把统筹兼顾作为落实科学发展观的根本方法 take a holistic/integrated approach as the fundamental way of applying the Scientific Outlook on Development

60. 统筹:balance/coordinate relations between…


61. 坚持一切从实际出发 We should base ourselves on reality in everything we do(proceed from reality).

62. 充分调动各方面的积极性 keep all parties fully motivated(better than: bring the initiative of all parties into play)

63. 形成全体人民各尽所能、各得其所而又和谐相处的局面 to ensure that all people do their best, find their proper places in society and live in harmony(形成…的局面可不译出)

64. 解放思想、实事求是、与时俱进、求真务实,是科学发展观最鲜明的精神实质。 Freeing up(emancipate)emancipate the mind, seeking truth from facts, keeping up with the times and being realistic and pragmatic--these are the salient/essential features of the Scientific Outlook on Development(注意此句结构).

65. 实践发展永无止境,认识真理永无止境,理论创新永无止境。 There is no end to practice, to seeking truth, or to making theoretical innovation.

66. 把握时代发展要求 respond to the call of the times 67. 探索和把握中国特色社会主义规律 to explore and master laws governing socialism with Chinese characteristics 68. 历经千辛万苦 endure untold hardships and sufferings 69. 社会主义建设的过程中 in the course of building socialism (not in the course of socialist construction; construction指具体的工程建设) 70. 开创生动的新局面 create a dynamic new environment in which(not


create a lively new situation in which)

71. 开创全面改革开放的新局面 ushered in a new phase/open a new horizon in carrying out all-round reform and opening up

72. 加快生态文明建设 promote ecological progress/speed up ecological conservation/raise ecological awareness(不用ecological civilization) 73. 我们既不走封闭僵化的老路,也不走改旗易帜的邪路。We reject both the old and rigid closed-door policy and any attempt to abandon socialism and take an erroneous path(前后关系). 74. 逐渐实现全体人民共同富裕achieve prosperity for all over time/in due course (gradually)

75. 它以全新的视野深化了对共产党执政规律的认识。It offers from new perspectives a deeper understanding of the laws of governance by the Communist Party.

76. 回答了建设什么样的社会主义的根本问题。It has addressed(实际是解决之意)/answered the fundamental issue of what kind of socialism to build.

77. 中国特色社会主义是当代中国发展进步的根本方向。Socialism with Chinese characteristics is what we must pursue if we are to achieve development and make progress in contemporary China.( orientation较生硬,可不用)

78. 我们要把握住以下基本要求 We should have a firm grasp of the following basic requirements:


79. 我们必须坚持人民主体地位 We must ensure that the people maintain their principal position in the country(是人民来做). 80. 最广泛地动员和组织人民管理国家事务 mobilize and organize as many people as possible(副词变形容词) to manage state affairs 81. 坚持以经济建设为中心,以科学发展为主题 take economic development as the central link/main goal and pursuing development in a scientific way( scientific development 容易被理解为科学领域内的进展,把它隔开一下) as the underlying guideline

82. 实现以人为本,全面协调可持续的科学发展achieve in a scientific way development(同上) which puts people first and is comprehensive, balanced and sustainable

83. 要始终把改革开放精神贯彻到治国理政的各个环节 We should always apply the spirit of reform and innovation to all aspects of governance.

84. 社会公平正义 social fairness and justice(equity也可以,但多指股权)

85. 逐步建立以权利公平、机会公平、规则公平为主要内容的社会公平保障体系 establish in due course(gradually) a system for ensuring fairness in society featuring, among other things, equal rights, equal opportunities and fair rules for all

86. 公平正义是中国特色社会主义的内在要求 Fairness and justice are an inherent requirement (inherent在此语境内指“固有”之意,属抽


象语义)of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

87. 社会和谐是中国特色社会主义的本质属性 Social harmony is an inherent attribute of socialism with Chinese characteristics. 88. 保证人民平等参与、平等发展权利 ensure people’s equal right to participation in governance(此处需加governance,否则无意义) and to development

89. 分配制度 system of income distribution(应加income; 比较:distribution system)

90. 创新社会管理 conduct social management in an innovative way (make innovations in social management:比较具体)

91. 正确处理改革发展稳定关系 strike a balance between pursuing reform and development and maintaining stability(是改革发展与稳定的关系)

92. 团结一切可以团结的力量 rally all the forces that can be rallied(united with)

93. 确保人民安居乐业、社会安定有序、国家长治久安 We should ensure that the people live and work in contentment, the society is stable and orderly, and the country enjoys enduring peace and stability.

94. 和平发展是中国特色社会主义的必然选择。Peaceful development is the sure( not inevitable有消极,不可避免的含义) choice of socialism with Chinese characteristics.


95. 我们要坚持开放的发展,合作的发展,共赢的发展。We should pursue development through opening up and cooperation to benefit all(逻辑结果). 96. 扩大同各方利益的汇合点We should expand common interests with all others.(expand the convergence of common interests with other parties不够简洁)

97. 立党为公,执政为民The Party was founded for public good and it exercises state power/governance for the people.

98. 总揽全局 exercise overall leadership (command the overall situation)

99. 人民日益增长的物质文化需要同落后的社会生产力之间矛盾是我国社会的主要矛盾。The principal problem(not contradiction, 指抽象意义上的对立状态) in our society is how to meet the ever-growing material and cultural needs of the people with backward social production.(请注意此句结构)

100. 我们在任何情况下都要牢牢把握住社会主义初级阶段这个最大国情。We must bear in mind under any circumstances the paramount reality that China remains in the primary stage of socialism。

101. 我们必须把坚持以经济建设为中心同四项基本原则、改革开放这两个基本点统一于中国特色社会主义伟大实践。We must adhere to the central task –economic development –and the two basic points


– the Four Cardinal Principles and the policy of reform and opening up – in our great endeavor to develop socialism with Chinese characteristics.(注意句中同位语结构)

102. 我们要胸怀理想、坚定信念、不动摇、不懈怠,不折腾、顽强奋斗、艰苦奋斗,不懈奋斗。We should remain true to our ideal,be firm in our conviction,never vacillate in or relax our efforts or act recklessly, and we should forge ahead/press forward with tenacity and resolve (扩大词汇量).

103. 全面把握机遇、沉着应对挑战,赢得主动、赢得优势seize all opportunities(副词变形容词), respond with cool-headedness to challenges and gain initiative and advantages

104. 实现国内生产总值和城乡居民人均收入比2010年翻一番We should double(关键词) China’s 2010 GDP and per capita income for both urban and rural residents.

105. 中国应进入创新型国家行列。China should become an innovative country(进入…行列可不译).

106. 信息化水平应大幅度提升。IT application should be significantly expanded. 107. 充分发挥人民积极性主动性创造性People’s enthusiasm, initiative and creativity should be fully leveraged.(比较:full scope should be given to)

108. 司法公信力应不断提高Public trust in the judiciary should be


steadily enhanced.

109. 社会主义核心价值体系深入人心Core socialist values(注意英文排序) takes roots among the people.

110. 公民文明素质和社会文明程度明显提高 Both the level of civility of citizens and the moral and ethical standards of the whole society should be significantly raised.(吃透文明的含义)

111. 文化产品更加丰富 More cultural works should be created.(More cultural products should be provided.)

112. 中华文化走出去 take the Chinese culture to the global stage 113. 主体功能区布局基本形成 The setting up of functional zones should be basically completed.

114. 破除一切妨碍科学发展的思想观念和体制机制弊端 discard all notions and remove all systemic barriers that hinder the pursuit of development in a scientific way

115. 使各方面制度更加成熟更加定型 ensure that operating institutions in all sectors are fully functioning 116. 在更大程度更广范围发挥市场在资源配置中的基础作用 leverage to a greater extent and in a wider scope the basic role of the market in allocating resources

117. 加快推进社会主义民主政治制度化、规范化、程序化 work harder to enhance socialist democracy in a systemic way by adopting due standards and procedures(注意化的译法,规范化不译


为 standardize)

118. 实现国家各项工作法制化 ensure that all governance functions are performed in accordance with law 119. 基本建立现代文化市场体系 establish the basic framework of a modern cultural market system(注意基本在英文中的转换)

120. 加快生态文明制度 move faster to set up a system for ecological improvement

121. 形成人与自然和谐发展现代化建设新格局 promote modernization featuring harmonious development between man and nature(格局可不译)

122. 如期全面建成小康社会to complete the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects within the timeframe set(not on schedule) 123. 以经济建设为中心是兴国之要,发展仍是解决我国所有问题的关键。Taking economic development as the central task is vital to national renewal( renewal is better than rejuvenation or reinvigoration), and development still holds the key to addressing all the problems we have in China.

124. 坚持发展是硬道理的本质要求就是坚持科学发展 Pursing development in a scientific way best embodies the thinking that only development counts(Development is the absolute principle.). 125. 以科学发展为主题,以加快转变经济发展方式为主线,是关系


我国发展全局的战略抉择。Taking scientific development as the underlying guideline(not theme) and accelerating the change of the growth model (not pattern of economic development)as a major task(not main thread) is a strategic choice we have made for promoting China’s overall development.

126. 把推动发展的立足点转到提高质量和效益上来 ensure that development is based on improved quality and performance 127. 激发各类市场主体发展活力 fire all types of market participants(not market players) with new vigor for development 128. 培育开放性经济发展新优势 create new favorable conditions (better than advantages)for developing the open economy. 129. 城乡区域发展协调互动 coordinated and mutually reinforcing urban-rural development(比between urban and rural areas简洁) 130. 促进工业化、信息化、城镇化、农业现代化同步发展 promoting harmonized/in step(not simultaneous)development of industrialization, IT application, urbanization and agricultural modernization

131. 处理好政府和市场的关系 strike a balance between the roles of the government and the market

132. 推行公有制多种形式实现 allow public ownership to take diverse forms(此处用allow贴切)

133. 推动国有资本更多投向关系国家安全和国民经济的重要行业


和关键领域 invest more state capital in major industries and key fields that comprise the lifeline of the economy and are vital to national security(推动英文可不出)

134. 增强国有经济活力、控制力和影响力 enhance the vitality of the state-owned sector of the economy and its capacity to leverage and influence the economy(英文需加economy to make complete sense) 135. 保证各种所有制经济平等使用生产要素 ensure that economic entities under all forms of ownership have equal access to factors of production(需加entities)

136. 健全中央和地方财力与事权相匹配的体制 ensure that the central and local governments have sufficient financial resources to exercise their respective powers and responsibilities 137. 财税体系 the fiscal(not financial) and taxation systems 138. 金融体系the financial system

139. 金融监管 financial supervision and oversight

140. 加强宏观调控目标和政策手段机制化建设 strengthen institutional procedures for setting macro-regulation targets and employing policy tools( not to strengthen institutionalization of) 141. 完善促进基本公共服务均等化的公共财政体系 improve the public finance system to ensure equal access to basic public services 142. 构建地方税体系 institute local tax system 143. 形成有利于结构优化,社会公平的税收制度 improve the


structure of the taxation system to promote social equity(优化不用optimize)

144. 建立公共资源出让收益合理共享机制 establish a mechanism for equitable sharing of proceeds from public resources transfers 145. 稳步推进利率和汇率市场化改革 take steady steps to make interest rates and the RMB exchange rates market-based 146. 逐步实现人民币资本项目可兑换 promote the RMB’s convertibility under capital accounts in due course(gradually) 147. 科技创新必须摆在国家发展全局的核心位置 We must give science and technology top priority in overall national development. 148. 以全球视野谋划和推动创新 take steps to promote innovation to catch up with global advances(未用from global perspectives) 149. 提高原始创新、集成创新、和引进消化吸收再创新能力 increase capacity for making original innovation and integrated innovation and for making further innovation on the basis of absorbing advances in overseas science and technology(找到主次逻辑关系)

150. 着力构建以企业为主体,市场为导向,产学研结合的技术创新体系 We should establish a system of technological innovation in which enterprises play the leading role, the market points the way, and enterprises, universities and research institutes work together.(system后有三个从句)


151. 提高科学研究水平 We should improve research(scientific可不译)

152. 抢占科技发展战略制高点 obtain the leading strategic position in research and development(not high ground)

153. 突破重大技术瓶颈 remove major technological bottlenecks 154. 完善科技创新激励机制 improve mechanisms for rewarding(not encouraging)





155. 把全社会智慧和力量凝聚到创新发展上来 ensure that the wisdom and strength of the whole society are directed to promoting innovation-driven development(明确主次关系) 156. 这是加快转变经济发展方式的主攻方向。This is the major goal of accelerating the change of the growth model.(未用军事用语,如direction of major attack)

157. 解决制约经济健康持续发展的重大结构性问题 resolve major structural barriers to sustained and sound economic development 158. 消费结构 demand mix

159. 牢牢把握扩大内需这一战略基点 We should firmly maintain the strategic focus of boosting domestic demand. 160. 释放居民消费潜力 unleash the potential of individual(residents) consumption

161. 合理增加消费 increase investment at a proper pace(not to


maintain rational increase of investment, rational是理性的意思) 162. 强化实体经济的需求导向 make the real economy more demand-driven 163. 合理布局建设基础设施和基础产业 make geographical layout of the development of infrastructure and basic industries more balanced.(not make rational plans for…)

164. 发展现代信息技术产业体系,健全信息安全保障体系 develop IT industry and better ensure information security 165. 充分发挥各地区比较优势 fully leverage(bring into full play长了) the comparative advantages of different regions 166. 贫困地区 poor(poverty stricken有点过了 ) areas 167. 对口支援 paring assistance

168. 有序推进农业转移人口市民化 conduct registration of rural migrant workers as permanent urban residents in an orderly way 169. 解决好农业农村农民问题是全党工作重中之重。Resolving issues relating to agriculture, rural areas and farmers is the number one priority in the Party’s work.

170. 加大统筹城乡发展力度 We should better balance urban and rural development.

171. 逐步缩小城乡差距 work to narrow the gap between urban and rural areas over time(gradually)

172. 支持工业反哺农业 encourage industry to support agriculture in


return for agriculture’s earlier contribution to its development(应把反哺的内涵译出)

173. 对农民采取多与少取放活的方针 We should give more to farmers and take less from them and lift restrictions over their business activities.(方针可不出) 174. 新农村 new rural areas(not countryside)

175. 集体收益分配权 right to proceeds from rural collective operations

176. 培育新型经营主体 foster new types of business entities 177. 集约化、专业化、组织化、社会化相结合的新型农业经营体系 a new type of system for intensive agricultural operations that are specialized, well organized and commercialized(要吃透社会化的含义)

178. 实行更加积极主动的开放战略 implement a more proactive opening up strategy

179. 要加快转变对外经济发展方式 We need to move faster to change the way our external-oriented economy grows.

180. 培育带动区域发展的开放高地 form leading areas of opening up that drive regional development

181. 形成以技术、品牌、质量、服务为核心的出口竞争新优势 make China’s export more competitive in terms of technology, brand, quality and service


182. 提高利用外资综合优势和总体效益 We should make full use of our overall advantageous position in utilizing foreign capital and make better use of such investment

183. 统筹双边、多边开放合作 make overall planning for bilateral and multilateral opening up and cooperation(注意统筹的各种译法) 184. 提高抵御国际经济风险能力 We need to become better able to defuse/stand international economic risks. 185. 把我国经济发展活力和竞争力提高到新水平 further increase the vitality and competitiveness of China’s economy(提高到新水平不硬译)

186. 全面深化经济体制改革 Deepen economic structural reform across the board (restructuring指推倒重来,过了)

187. 坚持走中国特色社会主义政治发展道路 keep to the socialist path of making political advance with Chinese characteristic (political development 通常指一国政局演变)

188. 为实现最广泛的人民民主确立了正确方向 chart the correct course for achieving the most extensive possible people’s democracy in China(orientation )

189. 积极稳妥推进政治体制改革 make both active and(yet) prudent efforts to carry out the reform of the political structure

190. 发展更广泛、更充分、更健全的人民民主 make people’s democracy more extensive, fuller in scope and sounder in practice


191. 必须坚持党的领导、人民当家作主,依法治国有机统一 We must ensure the unity of (不用organically integrate)the leadership of the Party, the position of the people as masters of the country and law based governance.

192. 调动人民积极性 keeping the people fully motivated(arouse the initiative of the people长了)

193. 发展社会主义文明 promote socialist political progress/advance 194. 改进党的领导方式和执政方式 improve the way in which the Party exercises leadership and governance(not improve leadership and governance style;style具体,指风格)

195. 维护国家法制统一、尊严、权威 uphold the unity(not uniformity, 有贬义,指千篇一律), sanctity and authority of the country’s legal system

196. 保证人民依法享有广泛权利和自由 ensure that the people enjoy extensive rights and freedoms as prescribed by law(指法律所规定的;比较:in accordance with the law)

197. 要把制度建设摆在突出位置,充分发挥我国社会主义政治制度优越性,积极借鉴人类政治文明有益成果。We should place high importance on system building, give full play to the strength(better than superiority) of the socialist political system and draw on the political achievements of other societies. 198. 我们决不照搬西方政治制度模式 We will never copy the


Western political system.(模式是虚的,可不出)

199. 人民当家作主 The people decide their own destiny./The people are the masters of the country. (for variety’s sake)

200. 使党的主张通过法定程序成为国家意志 turn the Party’s propositions into the will of the state through legal procedures 201. 加强对政府全口径预算决算的审查和监督 tighten examination and oversight of all government budgets and final accounts 202. 一线工人、农民、知识分子 workers, farmers and intellectuals working in the forefront of various fields of endeavor( not production, 窄了)

203. 优化常委会、专委会组成人员知识和年龄结构 The age mix of the members of the standing committees and special committees of people’s congresses should be improved and areas of their expertise should be widened.(优化用两组词表达,吃透含义) 204. 专职委员full-time members; 兼职委员 part-time members 205. 推进协商民主广泛、多层、制度化发展 promote the extensive, multilevel, and institutionalized development of consultative democracy

206. 涉及群众切身利益的问题 problems involving people’s immediate interests (not masses’,mass尽可能不用)

207. 参政议政 participate in the deliberation and administration of state affairs


208. 进一步做好就业工作 deliver a better job/performance in(do a better job in) in creating employment

209. 深入进行专题协商、对口协商、界别协商、提案办理协商 We should carry out intensive consultations on special issues with those who work on these issues, with representatives from all sectors of society, and with relevant government authorities on the handling of proposals.

210. 健全以职工代表大会为基本形式的企业事业单位民主管理制度 improve the democratic management system in enterprises and public institutions with workers and employees’(not just workers) congress as its basic form

211. 要推进科学立法、严格执法、公正司法、全民守法 We should make laws in a scientific way, enforce laws strictly, administer justice impartially(动词变副词), and ensure that everyone abides by the law.

212. 保证有法必依,执法必严,违法必究 to ensure that laws are observed







prosecuted/penalized(not punished, 法律意识不够)

213. 严格规范公正文明执法 enforce laws in a strict, fair and civilized way according to due procedures

214. 深入开展法制宣传教育 carry out intensive(副词变形容词) publicity and education about the law


215. 增强全社会学法遵法用法意识 enhance the whole society’s awareness of the need to study, respect, observe, and apply the law 216. 提高领导干部运用法治思维和法治方式深化改革,推动发展,化解矛盾,维护稳定的能力 We should ensure that leading officials are guided by law in both thinking and action in their effort to deepen reform, promote development, solve problems and maintain stability.

217. 党必须在宪法和法律范围内活动。The Party must act within the scope prescribed by the Constitution and laws.

218. 任何组织和个人都不得有超越宪法和法律的特权。No organization or individual has the privilege of overstepping the Constitution and laws

219. 绝不允许以言代法、以权压法、徇私枉法。No one in a position of power (英文需加) is allowed in any way to take his own words as the law, place his own authority above the law or abuse the law. 220. 推进政企分开、政资分开、政事分开、政社分开 separate government administration from the management of enterprises, state assets, public institutions, and social organizations 221. 改革行政审批制度 reform of the system concerning matters subject to government examination and approval (system of administrative examination and approval不够完整)

222. 减政放权 streamline administration and delegate more power


to lower levels

223. 推动政府职能向创造良好法制环境、提供优质公共服务、维护社会公平正义转变 make the government better perform its functions of creating a favorable environment for development, providing quality public services, and maintaining social fairness(equity) and justice(不用shift government functions towards creating…)

224. 稳步推进大部门制改革 We should steadily advance the reform to establish larger government departments.

225. 优化行政层级和行政区划设置 We should improve the structure of administrative setup(不用hierarchy, 指等级制度,贬义很强) and geographical administrative divisions.

226. 有条件的地方可探索省直接管理县(市)改革 experiment with(不一定总用explore)the reform to place counties and county-level cities directly under the jurisdiction(not administration) of provincial governments where conditions permit

227. 创新行政管理方式 We should exercise government administration in an innovative way(make innovation in) 228. 政府公信力 public trust in government

229. 严格控制机构编制 strictly control the size of government bodies(少用organs)

230. 推进事业单位分类改革 continue the reform of public


institutions based on the classification of their functions(by type) 231. 制度改革 systemic reform; 体制改革 structural reform; 机制改革institutional reform

232. 对权力运行进行制约和监督 conduct checks(better than restraints) and oversight over the exercise of power

233. 用制度管权管事管人 put power, Party and government operations(better than affairs) and personnel management under institutional checks

234. 保障人民知情权、参与权、表达权,监督权 uphold people’s right to stay informed about, participate in, express views on, and oversee Party and government operations(英文需加)

235. 确保决策权、执行权、监督权既相互制约又相互协调 We need to make sure that decision-making, executive and oversight powers check each other and function in concert. 236. 国家机关应按照法定权限和程序行使权力。Government bodies(better than state organs)should exercise their powers in accordance with statutory mandate and procedures. 237. 发挥思想库的作用 seek advice of think tanks(better than play the role of)

238. 决策问责和纠错机制 mechanisms for decision-making accountability and remedy 239. 推进权力运行公开化、规范化 make the exercise of power more open and in a standard way/according to standard procedures (not standardized)

240. 完善党务公开、政务公开、司法公开和各领域办事公开制度 increase transparency of Party, government and judicial


operations(better than affairs) and government operations in other fields.

241. 发展最广泛的爱国统一阵线 develop the broadest possible patriotic united front

242. 夺取新胜利的重要法宝 a powerful instrument for winning new victory(not magic weapon)

243. 巩固统一战线的思想政治基础 consolidate the theoretical(not ideological) and political foundation of the united front

244. 正确处理一致性和多样性的关系 strike a balance between commonality(not uniformity) and diversity

245. 促进思想上同心同德、目标上同心同向、行动上同心同行pursue the common goal with unity in thought and action(找出主干) 246. 加强与民主党派的团结 strengthen unity(not solidarity;其含义是A和B共同对付C) with the democratic parties

247. 党外优秀人士 outstanding individuals with no Party affiliation 248. 牢牢把握各民族共同团结奋斗,共同繁荣的主题 keep to the goal(not theme) of all ethnic groups working together for common prosperity and development,

249. 支持海外侨胞关心和参与祖国现代化建设 support the overseas Chinese in endorsing( not caring about) and participating in China’s modernization endeavors

250. 文化是民族的血脉,是人民的精神家园 Culture is the lifeblood of a nation, and it gives the people a sense of belonging.


251. 实现中华民族的伟大复兴 achieve the great renewal(better than rejuvenation) of the Chinese nation

252. 坚持为人民服务的方向 adhere to the goal(better than orientation) of serving the people

253. 百花齐放,百家争鸣的方针the policy of having(better than letting) a hundred flowers bloom and a hundred schools of thought contend

254. 贴近实际,贴近生活,贴近群众的原则the principle of maintaining close contact with reality, life and the people 255. 推动社会主义精神文明和物质文明发展 promote socialist cultural and ethical progress and material progress

256. 建设面向现代化、面向世界、面向未来的民族的、科学的、大众的社会主义文化 develop a national, scientific, and people oriented(not popular) socialist culture that embraces modernization, the world, and the future

257. 增强全民族文化创造活力 inspire the cultural creativity of the whole nation

258. 发扬学术民主、艺术民主 foster a democratic atmosphere in both academic research and artistic pursuit 259. 开创文化发展的新局面 open a new horizon/make new progress in promoting cultural advancement

260. 社会主义核心价值体系是兴国之魂,决定中国特色社会主义方


向。Core socialist values are the soul of the Chinese nation which serve as the guide/set the course(better than orientation)for building socialism with Chinese characteristics.

261. 推进马克思主义中国化、时代化、大众化adapt Marxism to China’s conditions in keeping with the times and increase its appeal to the people

262. 推动中国特色社会主义理论体系进课堂进头脑 incorporate the system of theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics into the curriculum and make it a way of thinking. 263. 弘扬民族精神和时代精神 foster China’s national character(not spirit) and the calling of the times 264. 丰富人民精神世界,增强人民精神力量 enrich people’s cultural life and enhance their moral strength(未用spirit)

265. 壮大主流思想舆论 strengthen the influence of the underlying trend of thought in our country(not mainstream values) 266. 部门 departmental organizations(泛指,党政都有)

267. 修改党章 make revisions to the Party’s Constitution; 对…进行修改 make improvements to…

268. 根据形势的发展变化 in response to new developments 269. 听取各方面的建议 hear suggestions from various sources 270. 在党章中反映党的理论创新和实践发展 to recognize(better than reflect) the Party’s innovations in theory and progress in its


practice in the Party Constitution

271. 18大代表有较强的先进性和广泛代表性。The delegates to the 18th Party Congress are exemplary in performance/advance in nature and broadly representative. 272. 公民道德素质 civic morality

273. 加强社会主义道德建设 strengthening socialist morals

274. 坚持依法治国和以德治国相结合 integrate the rule of law with the rule of virtue (not rule by virtue)

275. 加强社会公德、职业道德、家庭美德、个人品德教育 intensify education in public morality, professional ethics, family virtues, and individual integrity(四个德,英文译法不一样)

276. 弘扬真善美,贬斥假恶丑 exalt the true, the good, and the beautiful and reject the false, the evil, and the ugly

277. 引导人们自觉履行法定义务,社会责任和家庭责任 encourage(better than guide) people to willingly meet their statutory duties and obligations to society and family

278. 营造劳动光荣、创造伟大的社会氛围 create a social atmosphere in which working(not labor) is honored and creation is lauded 279. 培养知荣辱、讲正气、作奉献、促和谐的良好风尚 cultivate a social trend of recognizing honor and disgrace, practicing integrity, encouraging dedication and promoting harmony

280. 深入开展道德领域突出问题专项教育 carry out thorough


education to address serious ethical problems

281. 加强思想政治工作 strengthen and improve education in values(better than strengthen ideological and political work)

282. 注重人文关怀和心理疏导 provide compassionate care and psychological counseling

283. 培育自尊自信、理性平和、积极向上的社会心态 cultivate self-respect, self-confidence, a sense of being rational, composure, and a desire to excel oneself among the people 284. 深化群众性精神文明创建活动 conduct more public activities(not mass activities) to promote cultural and ethical progress

285. 推动学习雷锋活动,学习宣传道德模范常态化 carry out regular activities to learn from paragons/role models of virtue such as Lei Feng and publicize their exemplary deeds

286. 丰富人民精神文化生活 Enrich people’s intellectual and cultural lives

287. 坚持以人民为中心的创造导向,提高文化产品质量,为人民提供更好更多精神食粮 pursue people-centered cultural creation, create better cultural works/products to provide the people with more and better nourishments for the mind 288. 文化工作要坚持面向基层,服务群众 We need to be community and people focused in our cultural work


289. 唱响网上主旋律 advocate healthy themes on the Internet 290. 扫黄打黑,抵制低俗现象 crack down on pornography and illegal publications and resist vulgar trends 291. 弘扬科学精神,提高全民科学素质 foster respect for science( better than advocate the spirit of science ) and make the whole nation better educated in science 292. 群众体育和竞技体育 recreational (public) and competitive sport 293. 坚持把社会效益放在首位,社会效益和经济效益相统一 ensure both social effect and economic benefits, with priority on social effect 294. 发展新型文化形态 develop new forms of cultural operations 295. 营造有利于高素质文化人才大量涌现,健康成长的良好环境,造就一批名家大师 foster a cultural environment that enables a large number of talented cultural figures,particularly eminent cultural figures(not masters), to distinguish themselves/excel in artistic pursuit

296. 从维护人民根本利益的高度 so as to uphold the fundamental interests of the people

297. 要多谋民生之利,多解民生之忧 We should bring as much benefit as possible to the people, resolve as many difficulties as possible for them.

298. 解决人们最关心最直接最现实利益问题solve the most pressing and actual problems of the greatest concern to the people


299. 在学有所教,劳有所得,病有所医,老有所养,住有居所上持续取得新进展 keep making new progress in ensuring that all the people enjoy their rights to education, employment, medical and old-age care, and housing

300. 加快 quicken the pace of,speed up, move faster to, accelerate, at a quicker pace, take speedy steps, act quickly to

301. 源头治理,动态管理,应急处置相结合的社会管理机制 a social management mechanism which resolves public complaints at the source, exercises dynamic administration, and responds to emergencies 302. 办好人民满意的教育run education to the satisfaction of the people

303. 民族振兴 national renewal/rejuvenation/reinvigoration/revival 304. 全面贯彻 fully/comprehensively implement, implement in an all-round way/across the board/to the letter/in both letter and spirit/in all respects

305. 全面建立…制度 to put in place a complete system of… 306. 立德树人 fostering integrity and promoting rounded development of people 307. 培养德智体美全面发展的社会主义建设者和接班人 train participants(not builders) of and successors to the socialist cause who develop in an all-around way morally, intellectually, physically


and aesthetically

308. 全面实施素质教育 conduct well-rounded education in all respects

309. 培养学生创新精神 cultivate creativity in students

310. 推动高等教育内涵式发展 bring out the full potential for development of higher education

311. 建设学习型社会 build a learning society

312. 合理配置教育资源 ensure balanced(not rational) allocation of educational resources

313. 推动农民工子女平等接受教育,让每个孩子都成为有用之才 ensure that children of rural migrant workers in cities have equal access to education so that they will all gain required knowledge and skills 314. 鼓励社会资本投入教育 encourage nongovernmental/private sources to invest in education 315. 提高师德水平和业务能力,增强教师教书育人的荣耀感和责任感 enhance work ethics and professional competence of teachers and their sense of honor and responsibility

316. 贯彻劳动者自主就业、市场调节就业、政府促进就业的方针 the principle of promoting self-employment(劳动者未出), market regulated employment and government backed employment and entrepreneurship


317. 引导劳动者转变就业观念 make people have realistic expectations about employment

318. 健全劳动关系协调机制 improve the mechanism for harmonizing (better than coordinating)labor relations 319. 居民收入 individual/residents income

320. 劳动报酬 work(not labor) remuneration,劳动所得 income earned through work

321. 企业和机关事业单位工资制度 the wage and salary system in enterprises, government bodies and public institutions

322. 多渠道增加居民财产性收入 increase proprietary individual income through multiple channels 323. 规范收入分配秩序 improve(not standardize) the way in which income is distributed

324. 调节过高收入,取缔非法收入 adjust(not regulate) excessively high income, and prohibit illicit income

325. 社会保障是保障人民生活的一项基本制度 Social security is a basic system to ensure people’s livelihood(not guarantee )

326. 做实养老保险个人账户 provide sufficient funding for personal accounts for old-age insurance

327. 建立市场配置和政府保障相结合的住房制度 We should put in place a housing system that integrates market supply with government supply(not guarantee),


328. 方便价廉的公共卫生服务 convenient and affordable(not cheap) public health services

329. 健康是促进人的全面发展的必然要求。Good health is a prerequisite for promoting all-around/rounded development the person.

330. 鼓励社会办医 encourage the development of private hospitals 331. 提高医疗队伍服务能力,加强医德医风建设 ensure that medical personnel provide better services, and improve their work ethics

332. 确保人民身心健康 ensure that people have good health and a sense of contentment(not mental health) 333. 坚持男女平等基本国策。We should adhere to the basic state policy of gender equality.

334. 建立健全重大决策社会风险评估机制 establish a sound(动词变名词) mechanism for assessing potential risks major policy decisions may cause to social stability

335. 畅通和规范群众诉求表达渠道 maintain regular and open channels for the people to voice their demands 336. 正确处理人民内部矛盾 correctly handle problems among the people

337. 畅通和规范群众诉求表达渠道 maintain regular(动词变形容词) and open channels for the people to voice their demands


338. 政法工作 work of judicial, procuratorial, and public security organs

339. 深化平安建设 intensify efforts to ensure law and order

340. 高度警惕和坚决防范敌对势力的分裂、渗透、颠覆活动keep high vigilance against and resolutely forestall separatist activities and activities of infiltration and subversion carried out by hostile forces 341. 开创社会和谐人人有责、和谐社会人人共享的生动局面 go a long way in building a harmonious society in which everyone contributes to it and benefits from it

342. 建设生态文明是关系人民福祉、中国未来的长远大计 Promoting ecological progress is a long-term task of vital importance to the people’s wellbeing and China’s future.

343. 树立尊重自然、顺应自然、保护自然的生态文明理念 raise our ecological awareness of the need to respect, accommodate/ adapt to and protect nature

344. 把生态文明建设融入经济建设、政治建设、文化建设、社会建设各个方面和全过程 integrate the making of ecological progress with all aspects and the whole process of advancing economic, political, cultural and social progress

345. 自然恢复为主的方针 the policy of promoting the natural restoration of the environment as a priority

346. 给自然留下更多修复空间 leave more space for nature to


achieve self-renewal/restore itself

347. 形成保护环境的空间格局 maintain adequate land space to protect the environment

348. 优化国土空间开发格局Improve development of China’s geographic space(not land space) 349. 国土是生态文明建设的空间载体,必须珍惜每一寸国土 It is in geographical space that ecological progress can be advanced, and we must cherish every inch of it.

350. 人口资源环境相均衡、经济社会生态效益相统一的原则 the principle of maintaining balance between population, resources and the environment and promoting both economic, social and ecological benefits

351. 控制开发强度,调整空间结构 keep the pace(not intensity) of development under control and regulate its space composition 352. 促进生产空间集约高效,生活空间宜居适度、生态空间山清水,给自然留下更多修复空间We should ensure that the space for production is used intensively and efficiently, that the living space is livable and proper in size, and that the ecological space is unspoiled and beautiful; and we should leave more space to for nature to restore itself.

353. 给子孙后代留下天蓝、地绿、水净的美好家园 leave to our future generations a beautiful homeland with green fields, clean


water and a blue sky

354. 加快实施主体功能区战略,推动各地区严格按照主体功能定位发展 implement the functional zoning strategy and require(not push) all regions to pursue development in strict accordance with this strategy

355. 提高海洋资源开发能力 enhance our capacity to exploit marine resources 356. 维护国家海洋权益,建设海洋强国 uphold China’s maritime rights and interests, and build China into a maritime power 357. 控制能源消费总量 impose a ceiling/cap on(control) total energy consumption

358. 加强水源保护 We should better protect(strengthen protection of) water sources.

359. 提高气象、地质、地震灾害防御能力 360. We should become better able to respond to meteorological, geological and seismological disasters.

361. 严守耕地保护红线 ensure that the red line for protecting farmland(arable land) is not crossed

362. 发展循环经济,促进生产、流通、消费过程的减量化、再利用、资源化 develop a circular economy to reduce consumption of resources and reuse and recycle resources in the process of production, distribution and consumption


