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英 语 试 卷 2013年1月17日

II. Grammar

Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.

13.He raised his arm to protect his face _____ the blow. A. from B. on C. to D. by 14.-- Have you got _____ ready for the party?

-- Not yet. I still need some paper cups and more balloons. A. anything B. nothing C. everything D. something 15.He caught the last train from town, yet his wife came home ______ that night. A. much late B. even later C. so later D. the latest

16.Life is a long journey. Don't waste your time ____ for people who are no longer willing to walk with you.

A. waiting B. wait C. to wait D. waited 17.Please remind me of my appointment with the dentist tomorrow again _____ I forget.

A. though B. unless C. so that D. in case

18.After graduating from college, Mary spent a year in New York, _____ at a homeless shelter.

A. to volunteer B. volunteering C. volunteer D. volunteered 19.The students, _____ are from the north, are not used to the winter in Shanghai.

A. some of that B. many of whom C. most of them D. few of which 20.A couple of decades ago, he ________America and lives there now.

A. had moved to B. had gone to C. was to visit D. left for

21.They promote communication and interaction in the classroom _____ confidence and fluency.

A. building B. build C. to build D. to be built

22.When you arise in the morning, think of _____ a precious honor it is to be alive —to breathe, to

think, to enjoy, to love. A. that B. where C. how D. what

III. Reading Comprehension Section A

Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Filling in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

Sisters are often alike but are never exactly the same. In many families, one sister is often called ―the pretty one‖ and the other ―the __23__ one‖ when they are still babies. Even young children think __24__ is more important than brains.

―I envied my sister‘s looks. She had long fair hair and nice clothes and the most __25__. I hated her so much that I decided to __26__ her. One day when the roof of the house was being repaired, I dropped a brick out of a window where she was underneath. Thank god it __27__!‖ says one ashamed near-murderer. ―I must have been about ten at the time, and she was eight years old. Now she tells me that she always felt __28__ beside me in school because I was a good student and she was __29__ at school work. But when you‘re fourteen or fifteen, you want attention and praise and you need boyfriends; good exam results don‘t __30__ a fair exchange.‖

Life is particularly hard for someone who wants to follow in the footsteps of a famous sister. Dee Dee Pfeiffer wants to be a film star like her sister, Michelle. ―When we were children, Michelle was the beautiful one and I was the __31__ one,‖ says Dee Dee. ―I have been trying to lose weight for years to achieve a figure which is as good as hers. In Hollywood, everyone looks at you __32__, and compares you with your famous sister. ‖ 23. A. shy B. active C. ugly D. clever 24. A. body B. kindness C. beauty D. height 25. A. interest B. time C. money D. attention — 1 —

26. A. kill 27. A. failed 28. A. pretty 29. A. satisfactory 30. A. add to 31. A. fat 32. A. nervously

Section B

B. beat B. hit B. proud B. serious B. seem like B. smart B. critically C. avoid C. missed C. sorry C. weaker C. result from C. young C. purposefully D. defeat D. hurt D. stupid D. powerful D. care for D. difficult D. blindly

Directions: Read the following two passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.


Ben Carson, a doctor at Johns Hopkins Children‘s Center, talks about how he grew up in a poor Detroit neighborhood, when peer pressure almost controlled his behavior and even his clothes. He wanted so badly to be considered cool that he begged his mother to buy him an expensive Italian shirt.

―My mother made me a deal,‖ Carson remembers. ―She said, ?I‘ll give you all the money I make next week. You‘ll be in charge of the family finances – buying food and other necessities and paying the bills. Whatever you have left over you can spend on whatever you want.‘‖

―I thought, this is going to be great,‖ Carson says. ―I bought things we needed most and then began going through the bills. Of course I ran completely out of money long before everything was paid.‖

―Then I realized my mother, with her third-grade education, was a financial genius – just to keep food on our table and clothes on our backs with such a small sum of money. I‘d been a fool. I wanted her to buy me a $75 shirt when she only took home $100 a week, cleaning other people‘s floors and washing their toilets. I took a hard look at my behavior and wondered how I could be so selfish.‖

―I started studying again. My grades went back up to A‘s. Some of my peers laughed at me because I did not follow their pattern. But I refused to let that trouble me, because I had a goal.‖

The experience had a lasting effect. ―I not only saw and felt the difference my mother made in my life, I am living out that difference as a man.‖

33. When Ben Carson was young, he _____.

A. was seldom good at his lessons

B. was fond of improving family finances C. tried to attract girls with his cool manner D. wanted to be as cool as other boys of his age

34. Ben Carson started studying hard again and rose back to the top because _____.

A. he had got his shirt anyway B. he had a better goal to run after C. he got his mother as his teacher D. he wanted to be a financial genius 35. Ben Carson‘s story tells us that _____.

A. a boy should not learn from his peers B. he didn‘t understand his mother as a boy

C. what his mother taught him has changed his life D. people with little education may become a genius

(B) In 2006, a container ship, the Cougar Ace, struggled in the Pacific Ocean. Its cargo included 4,703 brand-new Opel cars, worth more than US$100 million. None of the cars were damaged, but there was still a problem.

— 2 —

The ship had spent several weeks floating at a 60-degree angle, and nobody knew how that would affect the cars‘ engines, electronics and safety devices. Incredibly, Opel decided to destroy all of the cars – including the individual parts. ―We couldn‘t run the risk of damaging the brand name that Opel worked so hard over the years to develop,‖ explained company spokesperson Jeremy Barnes.

Why would a company go to such great lengths to protect its brand name? The answer is simpler than you might imagine.

Brands offer benefits to both the consumers that buy them and the companies that make them. They tie the manufacturer‘s reputation to the product and, as a result, brand-name products are often recognized as being of superior quality. Brand-name products also tend to have a special look or form. This makes it easier for customers to identify things they are looking for when shopping. It also gives companies a convenient way to get repeat customers and to protect their products through copyright(版权)laws.

Thanks to advertising, many brands are associated with certain values, characteristics and lifestyles. In consequence, the brands we use communicate a message about who we are to others.

The business of brands is huge. Together, the world‘s 10 biggest brands are valued at more than US$420 billion. And those numbers don‘t include the value of the companies – that‘s value of the brand names alone!

For the corporations that own them, brands are more than just product names. They are valuable properties that need to be maintained and protected against devaluation(贬值) – even if doing so means losing US$100 million.

36. Opel _____ to maintain its brand name. A. transported cars by ship in the Pacific Ocean

B. spent huge amount of money in advertising C. destroyed the undamaged brand-new cars

D. kept cars floating at a 60-degree angle for weeks

37. What does the phrase ―go to great lengths‖ in Paragraph 3 most probably mean? A. spare no efforts B. afford a lot of money C. cover a long distance D. break cars into pieces 38. Which of the following is TRUE about ―brands‖ according to the passage? A. Customers gain benefits from brands as well as manufacturers. B. Brand-name products stand for superior lifestyle. C. The value of brands is more than that of the company itself. D. Maintaining brands means losing money.

39. Which of the following might be the best title of the passage? A. Brand Benefits B. Opel‘s Brand Development C. Value of Brand Names D. Brands and Advertising

Section C

Directions:Read the following leaflet and complete the sentences that follow. Write one word / number or more in each space.

Skipton Castle Open every day from 10am(Sundays 12 noon).Last admissions 6 pm (Oct-Feb 4pm). Closed 25th December. New – a Tea Room serving Cream Teas and other light refreshments. Also enjoy the Castle Shop and the peaceful Chapel Terrace picnic area. There is a large coach and car park off the High Street nearby. Admissions Adults –£4.00 Over 60s –£3.50 Students –£3.50 Under 18s –£2.00 Under 5s – Free!

— 3 —

Family tickets – 2 adults + up to 3 under -18s -£11.00 Party visits welcomed Guides are available for pre-booked parties, at no extra cost. School parties £2.00 per head, supervising teachers free. Adult parties of 20 or more, £3.20 per head. Evening visits for adult parties of 20 or more can be arranged in May, June, July and August. Skipton Castle, North Yorkshire BD23 1AQ Bookings +enquiries 01756 792442 For up-to-date information and coming events, see our web page www.skiptoncastle.co.uk 40. Besides visiting the castle, visitors can have tea, buy gifts and __________ in Skipton Castle.

41. A middle-aged mother wants to visit Skipton Castle with her children, aged 3, 6 and10, and her colleague of

the same age, the lowest cost is£__________. 42. Guides will be free of charge if you __________. Section D

Directions: Read the following text and choose the most suitable heading from A-E for each paragraph. There is one extra heading which you do not need. A. B. C. D. E. Origin of red fire ants Rapid spread of red fire ants Fast population growth of red fire ants The appearance of red fire ants in USA Harmful effects brought by red fire ants 43 Originally from tropical South America, the red fire ant gained entry to the United States through the port of Mobile, Alabama in the late 1930s on cargo ships, but the first colony of the red ants was not found until 1942 by a 13-year-old boy in his backyard. 44 It immediately began to boom in the new land and colonies spread quickly throughout the southeastern states. By 1975 the red imported fire ant had colonized over 52 million hectares of the United States. Now, it has crowded more than 275 million hectares in the country. 45 Red imported fire ants build mounds in any type of soil. They also make mounds indoors. Each nest used to have but one queen, but now many mounds are often found with multiple queens. With multiple queens at work, its population increases rapidly. It‘s common to find a nest with over 25,000 workers. 46 Red imported fire ants can cause a number of problems. They construct their colonies on precious farmland, invading crops while searching for insects underground. They also like to make their mounds in sunny areas, heavily invading lawns and grassland. They can quickly strip fruit trees of their fruit. Small birds such as baby quails are fair game to the expanding colony. They appear to be attracted to electromagnetic fields and attack electrical shorts, fires, and other damages to electrical equipment. Worst of all, their stings can be fatal to livestock and humans.

Section E

Directions: Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.

Life isn‘t easy for families of children with special needs. Faced with the responsibility of a family member that requires extra attention and care, many families feel lonely, isolated and hopeless. In many cases, the families — 4 —

feel a sense of shame or embarrassment because their children are not ―perfect‖. But Taiwan Sunshine wants to change that.

Founded in 2009, Taiwan Sunshine believes all children have inborn value, not because of what they can do but because of who they are. All children are special. The organization believes that by supporting the families who care for children with special needs, it can change traditional understanding. In doing so, it hopes to help these children become contributing members of society.

One reason families of special-needs children feel isolated is that many family events aren‘t designed to meet their needs. Consequently, it can be difficult to find activities in which the entire family can participate. The ―I Am a Hero Games‖ seeks to address that need.

The games provides a special Olympics-like field day for families in a carnival(嘉年华)-like atmosphere. A typical games begins with training and pairing volunteers with the special needs children, their ―little brothers and sisters‖. By supporting the children throughout the day, volunteers don‘t just help the children have fun but also provide family members with caregiver support. This allows parents to watch, cheer for and take pictures of their children.

Through programs like the Hero Games, Taiwan Sunshine is working hard to meet the needs of families with special-needs children.

(Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS.)

47. In changing traditional understanding, Taiwan Sunshine makes an attempt to help special-needs children


48. What need does the ―I am a Hero Games‖ seek to address?

49. The volunteers support parents during ―I am a Hero Games‖ by __________.

第II卷 (新世纪教材)

I. Vocabulary Section A

Directions: Use the word given in the brackets to form a word that fits in the space.

50. It was an __________ (impress) sight: the water seemed to be dropping straight out of the clouds. 51. In my opinion, the best __________ (introduce) to the subject can be given by an example. 52. Just to satisfy my __________ (curious), how much did you pay for your car?

53. __________ (surprise), many senior managers seem to be uncomfortable about marketing themselves. Section B

Directions: Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the given phrases.

cater to, compose of, intend to, take over 54. How much of the product or service do you _________ produce? 55. I told him that Jim ________ the work, and was doing a satisfactory job.

56. It may be supposed that originally the earth‘s land surface_________ rock only.

57. More self-learning resources and tools were developed __________ the different needs of high school

students. II. Writing Section A

Directions: Complete the following sentences by translating the Chinese in the brackets into English. 58. __________ (正是这位年轻的猎人)brought the elderly to safety yesterday.

59.(只要每个人都意识到保护海洋的重要性) __________, we are sure to have a more harmonious

relationship with marine life. Section B

Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 60. 让你的学校加入到循环使用教科书的行列以拯救森林。(involve)

61. 不顾团队成员的反对,他邀请了这位电影明星来为产品代言。(despite)

— 5 —

Section C

Directions: Write five sentences according to the situation given below in Chinese. 请描述你战胜某一次挑战的经历。


I. Vocabulary Section A

Directions: Use the word given in the brackets to form a word that fits in the space.

50. It was an __________ (impress) sight: the water seemed to be dropping straight out of the clouds. 51. In my opinion, the best __________ (introduce) to the subject can be given by an example.

52. Children are obliged to work both for their own _________ (survive) and for that of their families.

53. Once it has served its purpose, the pill will __________ (harm) exit the body through the waste system,

leaving no side effect. Section B

Directions: Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the given phrases.

come true, lead to, name after, take over 54. I told him to let Jim _________ the job, but he refused to hand it over.

55. Her poor French often __________ misunderstanding when she visited France.

56. The boy‘s dream of being a lawyer __________ at last, and now he is working in a famous law firm.

57. Lincoln National Forest, which is located north-east of Capitan, __________ American president Lincoln. Writing Section A

Directions: Complete the following sentences by translating the Chinese in the brackets into English. 58. It is obvious that ___________(自信的人更有可能)to achieve success. 59.(只要你能区分现实和虚拟现实)__________, you won‘t be caught up in the computer games day and night. Section B

Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 60.让你的学校加入到循环使用教科书的行列以拯救森林。(involve)

61.不顾他弟弟的反对,他在一年的时间里开设了八家直营店来扩张生意。(despite) Section C

Directions: Write five sentences according to the situation given below in Chinese. 请描述你战胜某一次挑战的经历。



I. Listening Comprehension Section A(1*5) 1-5 CDACC Section B(2*3) 6-8 BAD Section C(1*4) 9. Computer programming 10. Monday (evening) 11. three /3 hours 12. Christmas II. Grammar(1*10) 13-17 ACBAD 18-22 BBDCD III. Reading Comprehension Section A(1*10) 23-27 DCDAC 28-32 DCBAB Section B(2*7) 33-35 DBC 36-39 CAAC Section C(2*3) 40. have a picnic 41. 12 42. book party visits in advance / pre-book party visits Section D(1*4) 43-46 DBCE Section E(2*3) 47. (to) become contributing members of society 48. The whole family can participate in games. / Finding activities in which the entire family can participate. 49. providing family members with caregiver support

— 6 —


(新世纪教材) III. Vocabulary Section A(1*4) 50. impressive 51. introduction 52. curiosity 53. surprisingly Section B(2*4) 54. intend to 55. had taken over 56. was composed of 57. to cater to IV. Writing

Section A(2*2)

58. It was the young hunter that / who

59. As long as everyone is aware of the importance of protecting oceans

Section B(3+4)

60. Involve your school in recycling the textbooks to save forests.

61. Despite the objection of the team members, he invited the film star to back up the product.

Section C(12) 略


(牛津教材) I. Vocabulary Section A(1*4) 50. impressive 51. introduction 52. survival 53. harmlessly Section B(2*4) 54. take over 55. led to 56. has come true /came true 57. was named after II. Writing Section A(2*2)

58. confident people are more likely

59. As long as you can distinguish reality from virtual reality

Section B(3+4)

60. Involve your school in recycling the textbooks to save forests.

61. Despite the objection of his brother, he set up eight outlets in a year to expand the business.

Section C(12) 略

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