Analysis of Rhetorical Features in Advertising English

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Analysis of Rhetorical Features in Advertising English

Abstract: Although today the global economy faces a economic crisis, advertising is trustworthy. Especially since China entered into WTO, advertising English is pay more and more people's attention, in many brand, using advertising English is even important than the advertising Chinese, for example our Chinese brand\will play its English slogan \is possible\Therefore, advertising English worthy of our study and analysis. Based on the analysis of some English advertising example, this text summarize some advertising English rhetorical features.

Key words: Advertising English; semantic rhetoric; Structure rhetoric; Phonological rhetoric

1 Introduction

The English word “advertising” is gradually popular in Mid-seventeenth century, when Britain began to mass goods. The term \derived from Latin \meaning \inducing\2012) Its original meaning is the notice of business. From the linguistics Angle, the limitation of the language can be limitless of the unique language in the proper use of rhetoric (Jiang, 1994: 5). Nowadays, advertising develops rapidly and the propaganda and media are more and more.Advertising is not only a kind of economic activity, and is the main media for spreading culture.(Lv, 2007: 10). For instance, they will use newspapers and magazines, radio, television for promoting. Or use signpost window and neon lights.

However, no matter how the development of advertising protean, no matter the way how to spread is varied, the most expressive means is language. Because when people are interested in some merchandises and want to buy it or introduce it to their friends, what they use are language. It likes people set up the reputation for the

merchandises. A successful advertising is not only shocking people’s vision and sense of hearing, but also makes people happy to read by its refined and elegant words. Advertising language is not just simple business language, but set literature, aesthetics, psychology, advertising, marketing and consumer behavior to consist of the “loaded artistic language”. Through advertisement, people convey the information of the products, build up the products’ image and stimulate consumption desire. Therefore, the advertisement’s language usually has attention value, memory value, expressive function, directive function and aesthetic function.

2 The concept of rhetoric and the rhetoric species of advertising English Rhetoric from two thousand years ago in the time of ancient Greece, is a science of studying the art language. It must be based on the communication content, language environment and properly choose language means and expression. Rhetoric method is one of research content of rhetoric, including negative rhetoric and positive rhetoric. The former refers to a sentence to the usual words grammar and logical rules. The latter refers to the \engage with affection to use of the technique of expression, extremely use up all the language of possibility, say and write present a vivid, concreteness and experience the English figures of speech is the same as the Chinese. Advertising in the English rhetorical skills is also very cultured. the limitation of the language could develop in proper means of rhetoric, and realize the language does not have a color is limitless in the linguistics. Therefore, a seemingly simple advertising English but it can spectacular.

Advertisement is a special communication form. From the pragmatic point, advertising is a pragmatic behavior. Its goal is to persuade communication object to accept its products, services, etc. Advertising English language is unique. Its various of rhetorical skills are used not only produced the positive role of the propaganda and promotion, also shows the unique style of artistic glamour (LI, 2002: 1). To be specific, is a persuasive speech acts, this kind of behavior with obvious utilitarian, so often have to get go through strategy.

3 The major feature of rhetoric in advertising English

Rhetoric is seen as the adornment of the language, English advertising should in order to pay people's attention, cause people's interesting, make people produce desire of purchase, and at last they take action (Zhao, 2007: 4). Now the following are the features of some rhetoric. 3.1 Semantic rhetoric

The use of “hyperbole” in advertising English. IT usually use “hyperbole”, Strengthen advertising rendering force English word “hyperbole” is exaggerated, in order to emphasize, deliberately exaggerated facts in order to give a person with deep impression, but not in order to deceive. In advertising English hyperbole is often cited as a means of rendering atmosphere to use, in order to achieve outstanding things, and enhance the effect of readers’ impression.

e.g. “We have hidden a garden full of vegetables where you’d never expect in a pie.” (Foods advertising)

It praises vegetable’s varieties and the rich tastes are amazing people. The use of “parable” in advertising English. Use parable cleverly to make the advertisement more reality. Parable can divided into simile and metaphor Simile

The English word “simile” means comparison of one thing with another, with a distinct image to depict the things. In two with a common feature of things or phenomenon is compared, and show that the ontology and the compare thing are similar relationship, both appear in comparison.

E.g. Light as a breeze, soft as a cloud.(clothes advertising)

It uses the simile to describe the soft of the clothes’ quality and the ease feeling after wearing the clothes. Metaphor

Its form is different from “simile”, metaphor indicates something different from the literal meaning. It strengthens the language’s expression power and infection, and state the thing more visual. Sometimes it only occur the compare thing and ontology,

in terms of form for consistent relationship, sometimes don't appear ontology things and parables word, only the compare thing.

E.g. “Soft, enchanting, smiling color–that’s the gift of Focus to your hair.” ( “Focus” brand hair oil advertising)

It take the soft hair and beautiful color after using the oil says to a gift which is given by the oil,and make the product more charming and human. The use of “personification” in advertising English. Personification makes the advertising more vivid. The English word “Personification” means treating something that is without life as a human being or representing it in human form.

E.g. “Unlike me, my Rolex never needs a rest” (Rolex watch advertising) It uses personification to make the ROLEX watch personified. It indicates the watch work exactly and powerfully from the phrase “never needs a rest”. Its quality is worth believing.

The use of “Irony” in advertising English.

Irony makes the advertising more humorous.“Irony” means expression of one’s meaning by saying the direct opposite of one’s thoughts in order to be emphatic, amusing.

E.g. “If people keep telling you to quit smoking cigarettes, don’t listen…… They’re probably trying to trick you into living.”(Public service advertising)

An obvious fact or truth is said by irony, when the people find ridiculous, it also lead them to distinguish the truth and understand its aim. The use of “repetition” in advertising English. Repetition can cause the consumers’ attention.

English rhetoric in the speech style is different from the common repetition’s meaning \expression, and the former is to emphasize the significance of some things, express strong emotions, is a kind of effective method of rhetoric. This skill in advertising English can strengthen the tone, creating some atmosphere, strengthen the propaganda for the reader to searches content of the advertisement, induce the consumers' love and interest.

E.g. “Extra Taste. Not Extra Calories.” (Junk food advertising)

The products have extra taste, but no extra quantity of heat, that means won't make you fat. Through the repeat \make the food more alluring, so that the consumers are no longer hesitate.

The use of “oxymoron” in advertising English.

Oxymoron can strengthen philosophy of the advertisement.“Oxymoron” means with two not mediate, even opposite characteristics to describe a thing and pursuit of philosophy in conflicts. In advertising English, it refers to the two different or the opposite characteristics as a trademark or trade modifiers which texture and structure of the word get together. Two words’ meaning seem contradicted to each other, but through the comparison reveals the advantage of goods.

E.g. “Cool fire” (shoes advertising)

This advertising promote “Dexter” company’s shoes: “cool” shows the shoes breathe freely, “fire” shows the shoes thick and warm.

The use of “Parody” in advertising English. Parody strengthen advertising persuasiveness“Parody” means imitates the style of an author, composer, etc in an amusing and often exaggerated way. It can make advertising language lively, humor and irony. Advertisers in order to make product's image better, often use historic and famous quotation, including the proverb, the motto, allusions, language, idioms, etc. Sometimes will make the quotation differently, make the person has a flowing to read, and easy to remember

E.g. “Give me Green World,or give me yesterday.” (Green world brand series late frost ads) “Give me Green World,or give me yesterday” .A famous politician and patriotic poet Henry during the American independence war have write verse “Give me liberty, Or give me death” This advertising can make the strong sympathetic chord and wonderful Lenovo in the consumers’ mind through the clever parody, which stimulate their desire to buy the products. 3.2 Structure rhetoric

The use of “pun” in advertising English. Pun increase the interesting of the

