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八年级(下)英语导学案 主备人:于冬英 审核人: 审批人: 授课时间:2017.3 班级 姓名 Unit 4 Why don’t you talk to your parents? Section B 2a—2e 阅读课 3. Parents always compare their kids with other kids. compare… with把….与…..比较 【学习目标】 4. My parents really want me to be successful. They push me so hard. 1.知识目标:会背本课时的单词和短语,领会文章意思。 2.能力目标:通过回答问题能够正掌握阅读技巧并能复述课文大意。 push…so hard 督促……那么紧迫 3.情感目标:通过对本课的学习,使学生们懂得要劳逸结合,善于和父母沟通谈5. Mother always says, “Continue studying.” Or “It’s time for homework.” 心,让父母理解我们,我们也要理解父母。 continue doing sth. 继续做某事 【学习策略】 It’s time for sth.=It’s time to do sth. 该做某事的时候 在阅读时善于使用简单的工具书查找信息,帮助理解文章大意。 6. Kids should have time to relax and think for themselves. 【重点和难点】 have time to do sth. 有时间做某事 1.重点:单词和短语。 2.难点:灵活掌握本课遇到的句型和短语,并能学以致用。 【课堂导学】 【课前预习】 1. 导入新课 (1).翻译下列短语 If you have too much stress, what activities will you do to relax your body? 1.那么多 ________ 2.课后活动 ________ 2. 阅读课文 3.以便,以致 ________ 4. a typical American family ________ (1)通过快速阅读理解文章大意,找出段落大意。 5.删除 ________ 6.该做某事时候了 ________ Para1 The Taylors in America are also busy 7.各种各样 ______ 8.把…和…比较 ________ 9.push… so hard ________ 10.a child’s development ________ Para2 Chinese children are busier on weekends (2).知识超市: 1. These days, Chinese children are sometimes busier on weekends than weekday because they have to take so many after-school classes. take so many after-school classes. 上那么多课后活动课 2. Every day I can’t get home until 8.30 pm. not…until 直到…..才 Para3 Doctor’s advice Para4 Linda Milller’s opinoin about the pressure (2)阅读课文第一段,回答问题。 1.What’s the purpose(目的) of the students learning exam skills? 2.What are other students doing? (3)阅读课文第二段,回答问题。 After-school Activities Person one of two boys the other son daughter Activities 1.______ 2.______ 3.______ take her children from activity to Cathy Taylor activity Maybe she could 5. ______ a few of their activities, but she believes these activities are important for her children’s future. (4)阅读课文第三段,回答问题。 1. Linda____________( agrees/disagrees) with Cathy. 2. She thinks that it is ____ to compare the kids with other children. 3. She also thinks that people shouldn’t _____ their kids so hard. (5)阅读课文第四段,回答问题。 Does Dr. Alice Green agree with Cathy or Linda? What does she say? (4)猜测词义 1. Keeping on happening _______ 2. Physical exercise and practice of skills _______ 3. Worries about things at home, school or work ______ 4.______ Feeling 4. Usual or common ______ 5. Try to be the best or the first to finish something ________ 6. Getting better or bigger ____________ 7. Look for differences and similarities between things _________ 【合作探究】 1. In some families, competition starts very young and continues until the kids get older. 在一些家庭中,竞争从孩子很小的时候就开始了并且一直持续到孩子长大。 2. And they are always comparing them with other children. 他们总是把自己的孩子与其他孩子相比较 3. Doctors say too much pressure is not good for child’s development. 医生们说太多的压力对孩子们的成长不利。 4.The Taylors are a typical American family.泰勒一家就是一个典型的美国家庭。 5. People shouldn’t push their kids so hard. 人们不应该督促孩子那么紧迫 6. Although it’s normal to want successful children, it’s even more important to have happy children. 尽管要成功的孩子是普遍的,但拥有快乐的孩子是更重要的。 【板书设计】 Unit4 Why don't you talk to your parents? not…. Until compare… with push…so hard continue doing sth It’s time for sth.=It’s time to do sth. 【课堂小结】: 本节课我学会了_____________________________________________
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