
更新时间:2023-11-07 05:05:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载



巴西-巴西人Brazil-Brazilian 日本-日本人 Japan-Japanese 墨西哥-墨西哥人Mexico-Mexican 韩国-韩国人 Korea—Koreans 法国-法国人France- Frenchman 印度-印度人 India- Indian

1. 亲吻某人Kiss sb on+名词(v.)give sb. a kiss (n.) kiss each other 2. 向某人鞠躬bow to sb.


---我应该握手。What are people in your country supposed to do when you meet someone for the first time? You are supposed to shake hands.

2.应该做某事(实际上没有做)was/were supposed to do=be supposed to have done 3.应该鞠躬(expect)be expected to bowl

4.用错误的方式向某人问好greet sb. (in) the wrong way 5.吃错东西了eat the wrong food

6.穿错衣服wear the wrong clothes( wore-worn) 7.被邀请去聚会 be invited to the party

8.为外国学生举办的生日会the welcome party for the foreign students 8.下一次next time

9.交一些新朋友make some new friends

10.我一伸手,他就鞠躬as soon as I held out my hand, he bowed. 一...就? as soon as=the minute= the moment

11.我站在那儿伸着我的手。I just stood there with my hand out. 12.做相同的事情do the same thing

13.令我吃惊的是to my surprise be surprised at sth/be surprised to do sth/ be surprised that 14.法国人france-french-frenchman

15.轻吻我的两边脸颊kiss me on both sides of my face 16. 发现find out

16.对时间很宽松be relaxed about time 匆匆忙忙rush around

17.去某人家吃晚饭go to one’s home for dinner

18.我们喜欢珍惜我们在日常生活中和父母和朋友度过的时光。We value the time we spend with our family and friends in our everyday lives.

19.顺便拜访我朋友家drop by our friends’ homes Drop by+sb./sp. Drop in at sp/ on sb.

20.计划做某事make plans to do sth./ plan to do sth

21.我们经常就是在镇中心到处走,尽可能多看到我们的朋友。We often just walk around the town center,seeing as many of our friends as we can. 22.按时是很重要的。It’s important to be on time. 23.。。。的首都 the capital of? 24.毕竟 after all

25.甚至如果你迟到了15分钟,你的朋友也会转狂或者生气。If you are even 15 minutes late, your friends may get mad.

Be mad at sb be mad with sb./sth be mad for doing sth. 26.尽力按时(make)make an effort to do sth.

27.他总是提前离开家避免交通堵塞因为我认为让别人等不礼貌。I always leave the house early to avoid heavy traffic because I think it’s impolite to keep others waiting. Avoid+n./pron./v-ingKeep+sb/sth+n./adv./介短/v-ing The busy/heavy traffic the little/ light trafic

28.我们从来不不首先打电话就拜访朋友的家。We never visit a friend’s house without calling first. 29.一起去某个地方go somewhere together

30.迟到10分钟be late for 10 minutes/ be 10 minutes late 31.没什么大不了的事情It’s no big deal. 32.穿西装,戴领带wear a suit and tie 33.去国外go abroad

34.带上护照bring your passport

35.擦黑板clean the chalk off the blackboard=clean off the chalk on the blackboard 36.北海岸the northern coast 37.打包厚衣服pack warm clothes

38.进门前敲门knock on/at the door before entering

Knock on/at the door(v.) There is a knock on the door(n.) 39.握手前摘到手套take off the gloves before shacking hands 40.尽可能多学这些习俗learn as many of these customs as possible

每个国家都有关于社交场合的不同规则。Each country has different rules about social situations. 41.在外国被接受的最好方式之一是尽力明白人们怎么想的。One of the best ways to be accepted in a foreign country is to try to understand how people think.

42.如果你想明白另一个文化,它是值得麻烦的。It’s worth the trouble if you want to understand another culture.

Be worth doing/be worth+钱/ be worth+n. 43.基本餐桌礼仪basic table manners 44.送礼物give gifts

45.把筷子插进食物stick your chopsticks into the food 46.用手吃饭(手工)eat with your hands/ by hand 47.用筷子指着任何人point at anyone with the chopsticks Point at sb.withsth= point sth at sb./sth

48.用筷子敲空碗use the chopsticks to hit an empty bowl

你不应该先开始吃如果有年长的人在餐桌旁。You shouldn’t start eating first if there are older people at the table.

在餐桌旁at the table 在吃饭at table

49.在我的交换生计划on mystudent exchange program 50.我没有理由紧张。There is no reason for sb to do sth.

51.他们竭尽全力地让我感觉宾至如归。They go out of their way to make me feel at home. 52.非常想念 miss sb a lot

53.Learn(5种用法)learn sth/learn to do sth/ learn how to do sth/learn about sth/ learn from? 54.一个青少年孙女a teenage granddaughter 55.和我年纪相仿about my age

56.用法语和我交谈帮助我练习talk to me in French to help me practice

57.你不会相信因为那我的法语提高得非常地快。You wouldn’t believe how quickly my French has improved because of that.

58.做某事感到很舒适be comfortable doing sth.

59.即使我仍然犯错误,它不像以前一样让我着急。Although I still make many mistakes ,it doesn’t worry me as it used to.

60.我最大的挑战是学会怎么在晚餐桌上的行为。My biggest challenge is learning how to behave at the dinner table.

61.正如你能想象的一样,事情和在家的时候方式不一样。As you can imagine, things are very different from the way they are at home.

62.把面包放在盘子上put the bread on your plate 63.习惯于某事(做某事)be used to sb/sth/doing.

64.你不应该用手吃任何东西除了面包外。You aren’t supposed to eat with hands except bread, not even fuit.

65.切碎cut up

66.我发现记住所有的东西很困难,但是我逐渐地适应了它。I find it difficult to remember everything, but I’m gradually getting used to it.

67.告诉某人更多的关于。。。tell you more about? 68.不再需要食物don’t want any more food 69.带某人参观什么地方show sb around 出席,露面 show up 70.手肘elbow

71.关于什么的建议give sb some suggestions and advice about .. 表现合适behave properly.


1. 宁愿做某事我would rather (not)do sth

2. 宁愿做。。也不原意。。。prefer to do rather than do/ would rather dp than do 3. 使我昏昏欲睡make me sleepy

Make sb +adj./n./do/过去分词/从句 Be made to do sth.

Make sb+adj./n.+to do sth./ 从句(真正的主语)

3.等某人使某人抓狂waiting for sb.drove sb. crazy/it makes sb. mad to do sth. drive sb. to do sth/ drive sb+adj.

4.这部电影如此的感人以至于Amy哭了。The movie was so sad that it made Amy cry. 5.我不确定关于这件事我应该做些什么事情。I am not sure what to do about these things.

6.我越了解她, 我越意识到我们有很多的共同之处。The more I get to know her, the more I realize that we have a lot in common.

7.我们已经做朋友三年了。We have been spending more time together.

8.你为什么不每次你和其他人做一些事情的时候叫上Julie?Why don’t you ask Alice to join you each time you do something with Julia? 9.感觉被排挤feel left out

10.使我们的友谊更加牢固。Make our friendship stronger 最近adv.recently=lately 最新的,最近的adj. latest 三天后 three days later

11.在那儿住着一个不开心的国王Here lived an unhappy king.(倒装句) 12.睡得很糟sleep badly(slept-slept) 13.没有理由地哭cry for no reason

14.被叫进来检查皇帝be called in to examine the king

15.发现他的身体没有问题found (there was) nothing wrong with his body 16.药和睡眠都不能帮助他。Neither medicine nor rest can help him.(就近原则) 17.他需要的是足够的睡眠。What he needs is enough sleep(主语从句) 18。担心丢失权利be worried about losing the power(不可数)

