Cultural Differences of Color Words in English and Chinese Language 英语专业毕业论文

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题目 Cultural Differences of Color Words In English and Chinese Languages







2011年 11 月 16 日

Cultural Differences of Color Words in English

and Chinese Language



Abstract:Language is the base of culture. There is close relation between language and culture. So the understanding of a culture requires the understanding of the corresponding language and vice versa. Color terms are an important part of human language. Due to different cultural and historical backgrounds as well as different customs of each nation the color words in Chinese and English language have different meaning and usage, which presents the cultural differences on the basis of language. So this paper compares and analyzes the cultural differences in terms of different associative meanings and usages of the color words in Chinese and English through a large number of specific examples

Key words: color words, cultural differences, Chinese, English



Introduction (1)

1 Basic Color words (1)

1.1 English Basic Color Words (1)

1.2 Chinese Basic Color words (1)

2 Different Meaning and Usage of Color Words in Chinese and English (2)

2.1 Differences in Meaning (2)

2.2 Black (2)

2.3 Yellow (2)

2.4 White (3)

2.5 Red (3)

2.6 Blue (3)

3 Cultural Differences in Translation of Color Words (4)

3.1 Literal Translation (4)

3.2 Cultural Equivalence Translation (4)

3.3 Combination of Literal and Free Translation (4)

Conclusion (5)

Acknowledgements (6)

Bibliography (7)



Language is not only one part of culture, but also a mirror of it. The language of a nation reflects abundant cultural modality with different cultural backgrounds. As one part of the cultural phrases, the color words have rich cultural connotation. And a great many words indicating various color or colors in both Chinese and English have great differences in their usages and associative meanings.

The meaning of color words contains a lot. It can describe the image of a lot of things that mean .also will be different. Nature is colorful. Color in the eyes of people will have particular meanings, cause Lenovo, arouse special reaction; this is the color of the social connotation. In English and Chinese color words, there are many reflects different cultural mentality and colorful color words. Also, in English, but it also has many can reflect the western culture color culture color words.

Therefore, in the course of learning English, it is necessary to pay attention to the cultural differences of color words between Chinese and English so that we can communicate with others effectively and successfully, as the research on the cultural differences of the color words between Chinese and English has profound significance in cross-cultural communication.

1. Basic Color words

Color words in different languages as well have a lot of traits in common. The two world-famous scholars Brent Berlin and Paul Kay, after a thorough and careful study, pointed out that there are eleven color categories in our world, which are known as ―Basic Color Words‖, containing white, black, yellow, blue, red, purple, pink, green, brown, orange and gray.

1.1English Basic Color Words

As Brent Berlin and Paul Kay declared, different nations have different numbers of color words. English, with a relatively richer cultural background, has all the eleven basic color words: white, black, yellow, blue, red, brown, purple, orange and gray.

1.2Chinese Basic Color Words

Chinese basic colors include white, black, red, green, yellow, blue, brown, purple and gray. It seems that there are fewer Chinese color words than English ones, but in fact, Chinese is one of the richest and most colorful languages in the world, having many worlds with color to show prolific meanings.

2. Different Meaning and Usage of Color Words in Chinese and



Because of different cultural tradition, national customs, religious belief and historical and geographical backgrounds, different associative meanings are certainly tradition of each nation. All kinds of color have not of the same cultural connotation. So of color words have different usage.

2.1 Differences in Meanings

Color often has abundant meanings. But in both languages is the meaning of words of color in a little different in Chinese and English. Of course, there is some meaning has in common. However there exist enormous differences in most occasions.

Nature is colorful. Color in the eyes of people will have particular meanings, cause certain Lenovo, arouse special reaction; this is the color of the social connotation. In English and Chinese color words, there are many reflects different cultural mentality and emotional. Especially Chinese, since the ancient times have rich and colorful color words. Also, in English, but it also has many can reflect the western culture color words. But because both Chinese and English natural environment, social system, customs and cultural backgrounds are different, its connotation meaning similarities, there are differences. In the period of the western culture under the several kinds of symbolic meaning of color words make some comparison and discussion,


2.2 Black

Either in Chinese or in English, black has many similar associative meanings, evil, horror, mystery, lawlessness, grief, unrighteousness. For example, there are black market, black hand, black hearted person, blacklist, blackmail, black art(magic or monstrous skill) in English and ―黑手(the reactionary power having some evil activities secretly)‖, ―黑心肠(an evil heart or intention)‖, ―黑帮(the unlawful social organization)‖, etc. in Chinese, Nevertheless, in English black is also associated with abomination, anger, murk and death, such as black future, be black in the face, black sheep, blackleg(a cheat), and so on.

2.3 Yellow

Either in Chinese or in English, yellow has the associative meaning of illness, stagnation and death because autumn, which can remind people of stagnant stateliness in ancient times but eroticism and vulgarity now. Yellow was thought to be respectful in ancient China because it is the proprietary color of the emperors. While nowadays it is associated with obscenity and eroticism, such as ―黄色书刊(filthy books and periodicals)‖, ―黄色电影(obscene movie)‖. In English, yellow has the associative meaning of cowardice, timidity and abjection, take some phrases for example, have a yellow streak(craven and despicable behavior),


yellow-bellied(craven), a yellow dog(an abject man) and so on. Yellow in Chinese culture symbolizes power and glory. This and the traditional Chinese culture have a deep bond. But, yellow in the western culture often hesitant and timid.


In Chinese culture, white is the basic taboo color. China folk most people, especially Chinese person depending on the white color for evil. Because white is dry and no blood and inanimate performance "White" in Chinese often not auspicious meaning。Say of low intelligence as "idiot"; the output and can't get benefit or no effect is called "white busy". It is also a symbol of knowledge, no fame. If say the common people as "surrounded". "White" as well as reactionary, decayed, backward, such as "white terror" and "order". These containing all derogatory sense. Of course in Chinese language, White gives a person with clean, bright feeling; therefore we can say "white like jade". White is a symbol of a "justice, light, kind," such as "white angel."

White is advocating color in western culture. White represents god and the angels. Visible, westerners love to white. In Western culture, except to say white "white" beyond, still symbol of pure, noble, elegant fair, lucky, etc, so it is advocating color in western culture. White hand means purity and innocence. And a white lie means a well-meaning lie; a white night means a sleepless night. Besides, in English, white market means the official market of which the opposite word is black market.

2.5 Red

―Red‖ is a traditional jubilant color Chinese, such as ―红双喜‖, ―大红花‖. The custom of wearing red clothes at the weddings in China is still popular today. In recent times, ―red‖ is endowed with revolutionary meaning, such as ―红旗‖—red flag, ―红星‖—a symbol of the proletarian revolution. But in modem times, ―red‖in western culture mainly symbols ―hot‖, ―exciting‖, ―courageous‖, which is associated with fire, blood, and revolution. Especially during the periods World War I and World War Ⅱ,when people talked of ―red‖, they at once thought of ―revolution‖and ―blood‖. So ―red‖in most western countries are not as favored as in China.

2.6 Blue

In Chinese culture, the symbolic significance of blue has BaoYi. China's famous Beijing Opera, the blue symbolizes courage and face book resolute the sky and the sea are blue. Most Chinese people are fond of this color. Blue can bring us good imagination. ―Blue‖ gives people the feeling of coolness, enjoyableness, and easiness. Blue in the western culture is rich in symbolism. While in English blue always has the meaning of depression, melancholy and sadness. For example, a blue mood, blue evil, a blue Monday, to make a blue


joke, a blue movie and so on.

3 Cultural Differences in Translation of Color Words

3.1 Literal Translation

There have common culture in English and Chinese language. While in English-Chinese translation color words. Some can be found in the target language color corresponding to the word to translation, some in the target language of its corresponding color words. The extended have similar meanings. So can also use direct translation of the technique for translation. For example, Birds sang in the trees. A pair of grey thrushes fluttered on a branch above, bringing a shower of snow – white magnolia petals down on his head. (树上起了鸟叫声。两只画眉在枝上相扑,雪白的玉兰花片直往他的身上落,但过了片刻又停止了。) and …the red were as red as fire, the white as white as snow, the blue as blue as indigo and the green as green as emerald , white here and there were a few red maples. (…红的火红,白的雪白,青的靛青,绿的碧绿,更有那一株半株的丹枫夹在里面。).

3.2 Cultural Equivalence Translation

When the language of the use of color words is the basic meaning and the target language is used to use another color words to say the same color. In other words, the language of the conventional view translated into the target language in the conventional view. That, according to the cultural background of both languages, translation of corresponding mean. For example, in English ―a silly little girl(黄毛丫头)‖,“a girl and a boy playing innocently together(青梅竹马)‖. When expressed in a color words in English, but the color words have extended meaning, the translator must understand the language of again color words, with the cultural background and history of the instructions prompted by, with the meaning of the words to equivalence translation. Such as, ―black leg(骗子)‖, ―black dog(忧郁)‖, ―a white lie(善意的谎言)‖, ―everyone of the family is in the pink(合家欢乐)‖ and so on.

3.3 Combination of Literal and Free Translation

In translation, often met with many difficulties, sometimes literal translation can't closest to the original show the real meaning, and the translation method and that the original is too gorgeous, lost original simplicity. So, at this time, we can use the combination of literal translation and free method. As described in the lion king simba, Timon said I find him blue. When friends of friends for misunderstandings and said "I see he is golden brown", Timon explained that I mean melancholy. This case used alone or free translation are not accurate honeycombed vividly conveys the original color, literal translation and combination is best.



Because of different cultural tradition, national customs, religious belief, historical and geographical backgrounds, and mode of thinking, every nation has its own distinctive culture. When reflected in languages, the cultural differences will lead to language differences. Color words in the different connotation. There are various color words in both Chinese and English. Due to cultural differences, so the color word cultural connotation also will be different in English and Chinese.

In human language, the color words to show the unique charm, impressive. In the English language, that a variety of different colors or color words are very rich. We only pay attention to, observe their own basic sense, but also to pay attention to their deeper symbolic meaning, because the symbolic meaning of colors in different ethnic languages often have different characteristics, some characteristics even constitute people through the extension, escape after the color of the advocate and taboos. As our country thousands of miles away with most of the English-speaking countries, geographical location, natural scenes, historical background, aesthetic, psychological, etc. varies widely, people of color are not the same feeling and expression, so the symbolism of color in nature between East and West will a big difference.

The color is necessary in our life. It enrich our life, beautification the many things. Make our life more rich and colorful. Color makes life more beautiful. As last, in order to further understand the differences of color words in both Chinese and English. I have analyzed the cultural factors resulting in the differences. We should know more color word cultural meaning. Distinguish between countries of the different meaning.



At first I would like to thank my advisor Ms. for providing me with elaborate guidance and constant encouragement in the process of writing this thesis. She is so learned that I have benefited greatly from her intelligent advice and continuous support with her kind and patient help and instruction, the thesis can be completed successfully. Gratitude still goes to the students involved in my research.

I’m grateful to my classmates for their support, and offering helpful comments and suggestions which contribute to my study.

Last but not least I owe my ardent gratitude to my family and friends for their understanding during the entire period in which the study was conducted.



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