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On special折价出售 A: How much is this?

B: You mean the large one or the small one? A: The large one.

B: They're on special this week. They've been reduced to five dollars. A: Is this the only kind you have?

B: No. We have some that are different in style but not in color. They're over there. Do you see the sign?

A: Oh, yes. I think I'll look at those over there before I decide. B: Very well. Just take your time. A: 这个多少钱?

B: 您是指大的还是小的? A: 大的。

B: 这个星期特价出售,已经减到五美元一个了。 A: 你们只有这一种吗?

B: 不,我们还有一些式样不同但颜色相同的。在那边,您看见那个标记了吗? A: 噢,看到了,我想我得先到那边看看再说。 B: 好的。您慢慢挑吧。

A Fresh Start Now一个崭新的开始

The greatest power you possess for succeeding in life is your understanding that life gives you a fresh start any moment you choose to start fresh.

You've only to test the truth of this fact about the newness of life to discover the incredible freedom that waits for you just behind it.

Nothing that stood in your way before stands there now in the same way. It's all new, even if you can't as yet see it that way.


要发现生活背后等待着你的无穷自由,只有去验证生活中新事物的真相。 以往任何不能阻止你前行的事物现在以相同方式出现却能组织你前行。即使你还没有发觉它已经完全是崭新的了。

Having a date.佳人有约

A: Where are you going, Lily?

B: Dad, I've already told Mom. I'm going out tonight. A: Whom with? You mean you're going on a date?

C: Lily is eighteen years old. She's not a baby. She always comes home early. A: Oh, all right! But you mustn't come home after ten. B: Yes, Dad. Thank you, Mom.

C: That's all right, dear. Goodbye. Enjoy yourself! A: 莉莉,你要去哪里?

B: 爸,我已经告诉妈妈了。我今晚出去玩。 A: 谁在一起?你是说你有约会?

C: 莉莉已经十八岁了,不再是小孩子了。她一向都很早回家的。

A: 哦,好吧,但是你一定要在十点之前到家。 B: 好的,爸爸。谢谢妈妈!

C: 别客气,亲爱的。再见!玩得开心! 1) go on : 发生,从事 付账

A: Could I have my bill, please? B: Certainly, sir.

A: I'm afraid there has been a mistake.

B: I'm sorry, sir. What seems to be the trouble?

A: I believe you have charged me twice for the same thing. Look, the figure of 6.5 dollar appears here, then again here.

B: I'll just go and check it for you, sir. A: 请给我账单,好吗? B: 好的,先生。 A: 恐怕这里出错了。

B: 对不起,先生。请问有什么问题?

A: 我想你们对同一种东西进行了两次收费。看,6.5美元这个数字出现在这里,然后这里又出现了一次。

B: 我这就去为您核对一下,先生。 1) bill (n): 账单

2) appear (v) : 出现,显露

例: She will appear in court next Friday. 下星期五她将出庭。 3) charge (v) : 收费

例: The store doesn't charge for delivery. 该店免费送货。

he's out at the moment. 他现在还没回来 A: Hello, could I speak to Allison, please? B: I'm sorry; he's out at the moment. A: When do you expect him back?

B: I think he'll be back in about an hour at least. A: Well, may I leave a message? B: Yes, of course.

A: Would you please ask him to call Chris when he gets back? B: Ok. Does he know your number?

A: I'm afraid he doesn't. My mobile is 139- 2477-4026.

B: 13924774026. All right. Thanks for calling. Oh, hang on, someone's at the door that may be him, please hold on.

A: 你好,请找埃里森接电话,好吗? B: 很抱歉,他现在还没回来。 A: 你估计他什么时候会回来?

B: 我想他至少要一个小时后才能回来。

A: 哦,那我可以留言给他吗? B: 当然可以。

A: 他回来以后,你可以叫他打电话给克里斯吗? B: 好的,他知道你的号码吗?

A: 恐怕他不知道。我的手机是 139-2477-4026.

B: 13924774026?好的。谢谢你打电话来。 噢,等一下,有人在敲门,可能是他回来了。请别挂电话! 注解 :

1) expect (v) : = hope, suppose 期望

例: Don't expect too much of him. 别对他期望过高。 2) message (n) : = infomp3ation 口信,消息 3) mobile (n) : phone 电话

I’m a fanatical fan. 我是一个大球迷

A: Say, what's your favorite sport?

B: Hmmm … it's hard to say. I like golf a lot-but I guess I like tennis better. A: Do you play much tennis?

B: Yes, quite a bit. How about a game sometime?

A: Sorry. I'm strictly a spectator-football, baseball, basketball, golf … I watch them all. A: 嘿,你最喜欢哪项运动?

B: 嗯……很难说。我很喜欢玩高尔夫球,但我想我更喜欢网球。 A: 你经常打网球吧?

B: 是,经常打。找时间赛一场怎么样?

A: 抱歉,我是个十足的观众。足球,棒球,篮球,高尔夫球……我都看。 注解 :

1) favorite (adj) : most like 最喜爱的 例: Pepsi is my favorite drink. 百事可乐是我最喜欢的饮料。

2) It's hard to say. = It's difficult to say. 3) golf (n) : 高尔夫球 4) tennis (n): 网球

5) How about a game sometime? =Would you like to play a game sometime. how about是征求意见时的常用语。

6) Spectator (n) : audience观众

Being misunderstood被误解

Kitty: Hi, why do you look so depressed today, Mike? Mike: I had a terrible quarrel with my neighbor yesterday. Kitty: How come?

Mike: It is a long story. Basically, she thought I had laughed at her while I didn't. Kitty: I know everyone suffers when he is misunderstood. But why not take it easy? Mike: Yeah. It's so nice of you to comfort me.


凯蒂: 你好,迈克,你今天看上去怎么这么不高兴啊? 迈克: 我昨天和邻居大吵了一架。 凯蒂: 怎么搞的啊?

迈克: 说来话长了。简单的说呢,她误认为我嘲笑过她,其实我没有。 凯蒂: 被误解的时候每个人都很难受,但干嘛不放开一点呢? 迈克: 是啊。你这样安慰我真是太好了。 注解 :

1) depressed (adj): sad 消沉的,沮丧的 例: She was depressed at the news. 听到这消息后她万分沮丧。 2) quarrel (n): 争吵 3) suffer (v): 难受

例: He suffered from poverty all his life. 他一生受贫穷之苦。

4) misunderstand (v): =mistake 误解 例: You misunderstood what I said. 你误解了我说的话。

5) comfort (v): =console 安慰

例: They tried to comfort her, but what could they say? 他们想要安慰她,但能说什么呢?


A: Could you give me some advice on how to bring up my son properly? 您能给我些建议如何才能教子有方呢? B: He’s a bright boy, isn’t he? 他不是很聪明吗?

A: But he always wimps out of difficulty. 可是他一遇到困难就退却。

B: Don’t worry, he’ll make good progress step by step. 别着急。他会慢慢长进的。


A: I met Mark yesterday. He looked blue. 我昨天遇到马克,他看起来很忧郁。

B: He’s been on the gravy train these years, hasn’t he? 这几年他一直在做很挣钱的工作呀,不是吗?

A: It belongs to the past. He lost his job the other day, and he’s up a tree now. 那是过去的事情了,前几天他失业了,他现在正处于困难中。

B: It seems that nobody can always expect things to pan out well each time. 看来每个人都期望自己总是一帆风顺呀。


A: My wife is really a chatterbox. It’s boring. 我妻子总是唠唠叨叨的,太烦人了。 B: I have an idea. 我有个办法对付她。 A: What is it? 什么办法。

B: You just turn a deaf ear when she talks. 当她唠叨的时候,你就来个不理不睬。


A: Why are you walking to and fro in the room? 为什么一直在房间里走来走去的?

B: I’m worrying about the children. After all this is the first time they have been out without us. 我为孩子们担心。毕竟他们是第一次离开我们,走出家门。 A: Don’t worry. They are grown-ups. 别担心了,他们已经长大了。 B: I know. But I couldn’t help. 我知道,但是我忍不住。


A: What happened to Nancy? She is all sweetness and light today. Nancy怎么啦?今天温柔又可人。 B: She is going to get married. 她要结婚了。

A: No wonder! Who is the bridegroom? 怪不得。新郎是谁呀? B: I don’t know. 不知道。


A: I want to leave home, mum. 妈妈,我想离家了。 B: Why? 为什么?

A: I am a grown-up, and I can stand on my own feet.我长大了,能够自食其力了。 B: It is all up to you. 一切由你自己决定吧。

头脑不清楚 颠三到四

A: If you fall in love like him, you will go soft in the head, as well. 如果你像他一样坠入情网,你也会颠三倒四的。 B: Come off it. 别胡说了。

A: You want a bet? 你敢打赌吗? B: Why not! 为什么不敢?

彼此忠诚 团结一致

A: Today is the old couple’s golden wedding.


B: That must be a long love story.


A : Yeah. They promised to stick together forever when they were young.


B: They have made it. Will our love last 50 years?


A: I don’t know.



My son has really taken it out of me. He never keeps out of mischief. 儿子累得精疲力尽,他总是胡闹。 B: After all, he is a baby. 毕竟他还是个婴儿。

A: Yeah. Anyway he is driving me mad. 是啊,不管怎么说,我都快疯了。

头脑不清楚 颠三到四

A: If you fall in love like him, you will go soft in the head, as well. 如果你像他一样坠入情网,你也会颠三倒四的。 B: Come off it. 别胡说了。

A: You want a bet? 你敢打赌吗? B: Why not! 为什么不敢?

彼此忠诚 团结一致

A: Today is the old couple’s golden wedding.


B: That must be a long love story.


A : Yeah. They promised to stick together forever when they were young.


B: They have made it. Will our love last 50 years?


A: I don’t know.



My son has really taken it out of me. He never keeps out of mischief. 儿子累得精疲力尽,他总是胡闹。 B: After all, he is a baby. 毕竟他还是个婴儿。

A: Yeah. Anyway he is driving me mad. 是啊,不管怎么说,我都快疯了。

