新SATACT 文章改错(语法)部分比较更新
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新SAT/ACT 文章改错(语法)部分比较更新
在2015年3月24日,College Board在官网发布了完整的改革后PSAT样题,其中语法部分在2014年3月份的改革文件样题基础之上又添加了几道题目,形成了一套完整的语法文章改错样题。根据2014年发布的改革文件中文章改错部分的题型介绍以及题目数量介绍我们可以看到,本次PSAT样题更新应该就是最终SAT改革之后语法题目的样式内容,以文章为载体考察考生对于文章语言运用以及写作手法的更改能力,每篇文章共11道题目。(此前改革文件中,共发布两篇文章,其中一篇是6道题,另外一篇是7道题,1月份发布了完整的两篇文章,每篇文章11道题目)。笔者根据最新发布的PSAT样题,对于本文档进行了修订。在笔者仔细研究了最新发布的题目之后,笔者发现改革后的SAT题目与ACT的English部分,即文章改错惊人相似,考点也是非常一致。
科目从现行SAT Writing部分,被合并到Evidence-Based Reading and Writing中,科目名称由SAT Writing Multiple Choice变为SAT Writing and Language Test,题目数量从49道五选一单选题改为44道四选一单选题。并且由之前的三种题型(挑错,句子改进,文章改进题),改为一种题型:以文章为载体,考察学生阅读和语法挑错的能力,并且有图表分析题,可以简称为文章改错。而改革后题型与现行ACT的文章改错非常相似。所以,本文主要就新SAT与ACT文章改错部分做一个区分讲解。
相同点七:简化句子题 Concision
改革后SAT要求考生能够发现文章用词是否简洁,避免不必要的啰嗦。能用简洁的表达就不用啰嗦的表达,这一点在现行SAT的Improving Sentence题目中也是一个偶尔会考到的题型。试比较:
改革后SAT Sample Writing and Language Set 2
If analysis of the traffic 3. A) NO CHANGE
count indicates that there is more traffic than the③current road as it is B) current design of designed at this time can efficiently accommodate, the transportation the road right now planner might recommend widening the road to add another lane. C) road as it is now
currently designed
D) current design of
the road
ACT Prep Guide
For some people, traditional American Indian music
isassociated and connected with high penetrating vocals 1. A. NO CHANGE 1 B. connected by some of them accompanied by a steady drumbeat. C. linked by association D. associated
改革后SAT有一类题型叫做Syntax句法题,题目要求为:The student will use various sentence structures to accomplish needed rhetorical purposes. 也就是说,考生需要用不同的句式去完成句子的修辞目的,例如,将两句话合并成一句话的题型,而这种题型在现行SAT中也会考察。试比较:
改革后SAT Sample Writing and Language Set 1
During his career, Kingman exhibited his work⑦internationally. He garnered much acclaim.
7. Which choice most effectively combines the sentences at the underlined portion?
A) internationally, and Kingman also
B) internationally; fromexhibiting, he
C) internationally but garnered D) internationally, garnering
ACT Prep Guide Others have followed Lydia Mendoza’s lead
and have immigrated to the United States from Mexico. 28
28. Given that all of the choices are true, which one would most effectively tie together the two main subjects of this
G. and have expanded the influence of Tejano music.
H. such as Santiago Jiménezand his son Flaco.
J. and have signed large recording contracts.
09年5月SAT语法部分Improving Paragraph
Which of the following is the best way to revise the underlined material and combine sentences 6 and 7 (reproduced below) ?
Shakespeare's plavs are very sophisticated. The plays reveal that whoever wrote them was very familiar with politics, foreign languages, and classical Greek and Latin.
(A) The plays attributed to Shakespeare are very sophisticated, revealing that (B) He also wrote very sophisticated plays, so they know that
(C) In contrast, Shakespeare's plays are very sophisticated, which reveals that (D) Who would question that they are sophisticated and that they reveal that (E) Whoever wrote it was very sophisticated; his plays reveal
在现行SAT语法考试中,限定性定语从句和非限定性定语从句考察的非常少,并没有非常明确到考到过两者的区别,但是在改革后SAT语法考试范围中明确强调:The student will correctly use punctuation(commas, parentheses, dashes) to set off nonrestrictive and parenthetical elements as well as recognize and correct cases in which restrictive or essential sentence elements are inappropriately set off with punctuation. 简言之就是考生需要利用标点符号区分限定成分,插入语,非限定成分。这一点在ACT文章改错题中也是占有一定比重的。试比较:
改革后SAT Sample Writing and Language Set 2
People who pursue careers in transportation planning have 5. A) NO CHANGE
a wide variety of educational backgrounds. B) People, who pursue careers
in transportation planning, C) People who pursue
careers, in transportation planning,
ACT Prep Guide
For years I had seen other Miami’s pictures—
D) People who pursue careers in transportation planning,
many of them the ancestors of the
people, who walked along with me,
to the longhouse that summer evening.
G.people who, walked along with me H. people, who walked along, with me J. people who walked along with me
现行SAT语法Improving Paragraph中,会以句子插入题的形式考察学生对于文章衔接过渡的把控,这个考点在改革后SAT语法题目中以修改句子题的形式得以保留,而ACT中也有一类题型就叫Transition题,两种题型在改革后SAT和ACT中是一样的,试比较:
改革后SAT Sample Writing and Language Set The work of transportation planners generally includes evaluating current transportation needs, assessing the effectiveness of existing facilities, and improving those facilities or 3 they design new ones. Most transportation planners work in or near cities, 4 but some are employed in rural areas. Say, for example, a large factory is built on the outskirts of a small town. Traffic to and from that location would increase at the beginning and end of work shifts. The transportation 5 planner’s job, might involve conducting a traffic count to determine the daily number of vehicles traveling on the road to the new factory. If analysis of the traffic count indicates that there is more traffic than the 6 current road as it is designed at this time can efficiently accommodate, the transportation planner might recommend widening the road to add another lane. ACT Prep Guide
4. Which choice results in the most effective transition to the information that follows in the paragraph? ANO CHANGE Bwhere job opportunities are more plentiful. Cand the majority are employed by government agencies. DDELETE the underlined portion and end the sentence with a period. (PG2)My mother and grandmother helped preserve 5353. Given that all of the choices are true, which one would most effectively lead the reader from the first sentence of this paragraph to the description that follows in the next two sentences? A. NO CHANGE B. Some of those pictures had been reprinted in books my mother and grandmother collected. C. My grandmother and mother proudly displayed those pictures in their houses. D. Like many Miami, my grandmother and mother had each dedicated a room in her own house to the tribe. tribal history by collecting books and newspaper 53clippings. Books describing the history and culture of the Miami people lined the bookshelves, and framed photos of Miami lined the walls of these rooms. While I was growing up I often found my mother and grandmother each sitting quietly in her own room, reading old letters or listening to the music of Native American drums. 两道题目考察方向基本一致。
Transportation planners work closely with a number 8. The writer is considering deleting the of community stakeholders, such as government underlined sentence. Should the sentence officials and other interested organizationsand be kept or deleted?
individuals. 7 Next, representatives from the local AKept, because it provides supporting public health department might provide input in evidence about the benefits of walking. designing a network of trails and sidewalks to BKept, because it provides an additional encourage people to walk more. 8 According to the example of a community stakeholder with American Heart Association, walking provides whom transportation planners work.
numerous benefits related to health and CDeleted, because it blurs the paragraph’s well-being. Members of the Chamber of Commerce focus on the community stakeholders with might share suggestions about designing whom transportation planners work.
transportation and parking facilities to support local DDeleted, because it doesn’t provide businesses. specific examples of what the numerous
benefits of walking are.
(PG1)The company’s African American focus is evident in all aspects of Glory Foods. The firm’s headquarters are located in the same black neighborhood where Williams grew up, and the company helps to support several local community projects. The firm also employs African American professional advisers and subcontractors whenever possible and contracts African American farmers to grow much of the produce that goes into Glory Foods. 40 40. The writer is considering deleting the phrases “whenever possible” and “much of” from the preceding sentence. If the writer were to delete these phrases, would the meaning of the sentence change?
F. Yes, because without these phrases, the reader would think that all of the subcontractors and farmers were African Americans.
G. Yes, because without these phrases, the reader would not know that the company made an attempt to employ African American contractors in the production of tis goods. H. No, because these phrases are examples of wordiness, and they can easily be eliminated from the sentence.
J. No, because although these phrases describe the subcontractors and the farmers and provide interesting detail, they are not essential to the meaning of the sentence.
改革后SAT样题: 18 His fine brushwork conveys detailed street-level activity: a peanut vendor pushing his cart on the sidewalk, a pigeon pecking for crumbs around a fire 19hydrant, an old man tending to a baby outside a doorway. His broader brush strokes and sponge-painted shapes create majestic city skylines, with skyscrapers towering in the background, bridges connecting neighborhoods on either side of a river, and 20 delicately painted creatures, such as a tiny, barely visible cat prowling in the bushes of a park. To art critics and fans alike, these city scenes represent the innovative spirit of twentieth-century urban Modernism. ACT Prep Guide
20. The writer wants to complete the sentence with a third example of a detail Kingman uses to create his majestic city skylines. Which choice best accomplishes this goal? ANO CHANGE Bexquisitely lettered street and storefront signs. Cother details that help define Kingman’s urban landscapes. Denormous ships docking at busy urban ports.
(PG1) The Save-U has a neon sign out front that says “Friendly 24-Hour Service, ” but as far as I can tell, no one really works there. The washers and dryers are lime green, and the paneling on the walls has been painted to
23. At this point, the writer wants to add a sentence that would further describe the laundromat’s paneling. Which of the following sentences would best accomplish this?
A. I guess the brush strokes are intended to resemble wood grain, but they don’t.
B. I know that the varnish provides some protection for the wood paneling.
C. To me, it seems that lime green was a bizarre choice for an interior wall paint.
D. I imagine that the person who chose that color scheme must be a unique individual.
match, although it was later varnished with some kind of artificial wood grain finish. 23
Such a proposition may seem counterintuitive, but, in fact, allowing employees to nap could save companies hours of lost productivity. Studies reveal that napping improves memory and boosts wakefulness for the remainder of the day. Napping can also have a
positive effect on mood and overall job satisfaction, while constant drowsiness reduces reaction time and hampers one’s ability to concentrate. Employee naps might also lead to reduced health care costs for companies, since regular napping leads to long-term health benefits, and it improves workers’ average weekly attendance.
At this point, the writer is considering adding the following sentence.
Even fifteen-minute power naps improve alertness, creativity, and concentration. Should the writer make this addition here? A) Yes, because it demonstrates that the benefits of napping can be gained without sacrificing large amounts of work time.
B) Yes, because it explains the methodology of the studies mentioned in the previous sentence. C) No, because a discussion of the type of nap workers take is not important to the writer’s main point in the paragraph.
D) No, because it contradicts the writer’s discussion of napping in the previous sentences.
ACT Prep Guide
(PG1) The company’s name reflects this African American focus as well. Glory is meant to evoke both the exultant
43. At this point, the writer is considering adding the following sentence:
The actor Denzel Washington starred in the film,
which earned several awards. Should the writer make this addition?
spirit of gospel churches and the movie during the Civil 42
War of the same name, which tells the story of a black regiment. 43 A.Yes, because the additional detail explains why the film Glory was so inspiring.
B. Yes, because if readers understand that the film Glory earned awards, they will also understand why the company was named “Glory Foods.”
C.No, because the information distracts the reader from the focus of the essay.
D.No, because the essay does not say if Bill Williams had ever met the actor Denzel Washington.
现行SAT语法数目为49道,三种题型(挑错Identifying Sentence Error,句子改进Improving Sentence, 文章改进题Improving Paragraph),全部为五选一单选题。语法部分时间共35分钟,分散在两个section中考察。
现行ACT文章改错部分为75道题,五篇文章,每篇文章14~16道题,一般是固定15道,文章题材并没有特别严格的限定。45分钟完成,75道题目分布为:40道语法相关题目,35道修辞手法相关题目。 改革后SAT与现行ACT文章改错部分的题目在试卷上的排版形式几乎一致,都是左边为文章,右面为题目。只是改革后SAT的选项分布是:A B C D,而ACT文章改错选项分布为:A B C D F G H J。
不同点二:数据图表题 Quantitative information
The United States Bureau of Labor Statistics forecasts 6. Which choice completes steady job growth in this field,⑥projecting that 16 percent of new the sentence with accurate jobs in all occupations will be related to urban and regional planning. data based on the graph? A) NO CHANGE
B) warning, however, that job growth in urban and regional planning will slow to 14 percent by 2010
C) predicting that employment of urban and regional planners will increase 16 percent between 2010 and 2020
D) indicating that 14 to 18 percent of urban and regional planning positions will remain unfilled.
由于目前Collegeboard官方出具的改革后样题数目比较少,而且题目数量也并不是最终题目数目,所以很多官方给出的考试范围在样题中并没有体现出来,而ACT中的很多题目与新SAT Writing and Language科目官方给出的考试范围有很多重合的部分。例如:
重合考点一:Style and Tone的考察
在官方公布的新SAT改革文件中的Wring and Language给出的考试范围中,明确说明了新SAT会对Style and tone进行考察。官方的考试要求中对于style and tone是这样解释的:The student will revise text as necessary to ensure consistency of style and tone within a text or to improve the match of style and tone to purpose. 也就是说,学生需要按照需要保证作者的用词与整篇文章的语调形式和谐一致。这种题型在新版样题中有一道题目比较符合这个考察点
A subway system is expanded to provide service to a growing suburb. A bike-sharing program is adopted to encourage nonmotorized transportation. 1 To alleviate rush hour traffic jams in a congested downtown area, stoplight timing is coordinated. When any one of these changes 2 occur, it is likely the result of careful analysis conducted by transportation planners. 1. Which choice best maintains the sentence pattern already established in the paragraph? A. NO CHANGE B.Coordinating stoplight timing can help alleviate rush hour traffic jams in a congested downtown area. C.Stoplight timing is coordinated to alleviate rush hour traffic jams in a congested downtown area. D.In a congested downtown area, stoplight timing is coordinated to alleviate rush hour traffic jams. 该题考察的是文章句式需要统句式,第一句的语序与第二句的语序大体对应,所以该题选择的是C选项。在官方解释中,该题考察的目标是:Students must revise text to ensure consistency of style within a series of sentences.也就是SAT语法考纲中的Style and Tone的考察点。在ACT的文章改错题型考纲中也有明确考察Style and Tone的题型,但是不是非常类似,请看例题:
The school board members
believed that wearing “play clothes” to school made the students inefficient toward their 32. F. NO CHANGE 32 G. lazy and bored to tears with
school work, while more formal attire established H. blow off a positive educational climate. J. lax and indifference toward
该题选择J选项。这篇文章讲的内容是一个法律案件,而法律案件文体需要保证客观公正的语气,这句话在强调school board members的belief,所以可以迅速排除掉GH两个选项,因为GH的用词用在这篇文章里面是非常不适合的,过于粗暴。而F选项中的inefficient用词不是很恰当,inefficient通常描述的是一个能力或者技能,而并不是描述的对于school work的态度,所以J选项更加适合。
改革后SAT给出的考试范围中,有一类考点叫做Focus,对于Focus考点是解释为:The student will add, revise, retain, or delete information and ideas in text for the sake of relevance to topic and purpose. 也就是说,学生需要根据与文章主题和目的的相关性去添加,改进,保留,或者删除文章中的信息。这个在改革后SAT样题中没有题目对应,但是在ACT文章改错中有非常相近的题目。看一道例题:
In the early 1900s the O’odham became acquainted with marching bands and woodwind instruments (which explains the presence of saxophones in waila). 13. Given that all of the choices are
true, which one is most relevant to the focus of this paragraph.?
B. (although fiddles were once widely used in waila bands).
C. (even though they’re now often constructed of metal).
D. (which are frequently found in jazz bands also).
如 Modifier placement,改革后SAT考试范围中明确要求考生能够识别并修改句子中的修饰语问题,这个考点在现行SAT中也是一个重点考点,而在ACT文章改错中,也是非常常见的一个考点,如ACT的Prep Guide中的一道题目:
The O’ odham in the 1700sfirst encountered 11. All of the following would be acceptable 11 placements for the underlined portion the guitars of Spanish missionaries. EXCEPT: A. where it is now.
B. at the beginning of the sentence(revising the capitalization accordingly). C. after the word guitars.
D.after the word missionaries (ending the sentence with a period).
又如名词所有格的考察,在改革后SAT考试范围说明中,明确要求考生能够准确识别并且修改名词所有格以及物主代词,并且区分所有格形式以及复数形式。这一点在样题中没有体现,并且在现行SAT中也很少出现,但是在ACT文章改错题目中有相应题型,如Prep Guide中:
The practice of 23. A. NO CHANGE
advancing a person’s age seems to me to reflect the value a B. persons’ age 23 C. persons age society places on life experience and longevity. D. person’s age,
在上一版的ACT与改革后SAT对比的文档中,笔者发现在ACT文章改错中有两种题型在新SAT官方给出样题中没有出现。此次更新后的SAT样题中,出现了一道题,与ACT重合,也就是“定向修改题”。更加印证了之前笔者说明的,练习ACT English部分对于大家改革后SAT语法部分的备考是非常非常有帮助的。至此,没有完整对应的题目只剩下一种,就是Fulfill题
Question 45 asks about the preceding passage as a whole. 45. Suppose the writer’s goal had been to write a brief persuasive essay urging students to exercise their constitutional rights. Would this essay fulfill that goal?
A. Yes, because the essay focuses on how
Kevin encouraged other students to exercise their constitutional rights.
B. Yes, because the essay focuses on various
types of clothing historically worn by students as a freedom of expression.
C. No, because the essay suggests that the
right to wear blue jeans was not a substantial constitutional right in the 1970s.
D. No, because the essay objectively reports
on one case of a student exercising a particular constitutional right.
这种题型问到这篇文章是否能够准确服务于作者的写文章的目的。需要我们注意的是:改革后SAT给出的考试范围中,有一类考点叫做Support,对于Support考点是解释为: The student will add, revise, or retain central ideas, main claims, counterclaims, topic sentences, and the like to structure text and convey arguments, information, and ideas clearly and effectively. 也就是说考生要能够添加修改或者保留文章中心句,论据等结构去清晰有效地传递论证信息。这个考点在改革SAT样题中并没有相关例题,但是在ACT文章改错中的这种匹配题所考察的能力非常像,这种题型在改革后SAT中是否会以这种形式出现暂时存疑。
在改革后SAT官方OG还没有出来之前,建议考生可以通过熟悉ACT English文章改错题目备考。有同学可能会倾向于使用现行SAT中的Improving Paragraph题目进行备考,但是根据笔者经验,参考价值确实不大,Improving Paragraph中有许多的语法规则以及文章规则在ACT English和改革后SAT中并不适用,如代词的指代原则等等,所以做Improving Paragraph容易误导考生。而根据以上文章比对,我们可以明显的看出改革后SAT和ACT文章改错除了图表题以外,可以说几乎没有区别。这更加印证了ACT考试在English部分考查的科学性,而关于ACT我们也有大量的备考材料可以去用。对于图表题目,考生也可以适当做一些ACT Science的题目,增强自己的读表能力。在上一版的对比中,笔者建议大
家以SAT Improving Paragraph作为辅助材料去练习,但是在官方发布了完整样题以后,笔者不再建议这样做,因为确实两者之间差别较大。
大象教育 SAT/ACT语法老师王冬
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