
更新时间:2023-12-07 15:53:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载



摘 要:项目施工阶段成本控制是施工项目全过程控制的关键环节,是企业生存和发展的基础、核心,因此,应作出全面分析和计算,对待项目施工过程中的技术问题和经济问题,通过进行有效地计划、组织、控制和协调等活动实现预定的成本目标,尽可能的降低成本费用、实现目标利润、创造良好经济效益,从而最大限度的控制项目成本,以获取最大的经济效益。 关键词:施工阶段;成本控制;施工企业 中图分类号:c29文献标识码: a 文章编号:

abstract: the project cost control in construction phase is a key part of the construction project process control, it is the basis for enterprise survival and development, the core, therefore, it should be made a comprehensive analysis and calculations, treat the technical and economic problems in the project construction process, by making effectively plan, organize, control and coordination of activities to achieve a predetermined cost targets to reduce costs as much as possible, to achieve the target profit, to create a good economic benefits, in order to maximize the control of project costs, to obtain the maximum economic benefit.key words: construction phase; cost control; construction enterprises

