人教版七年级下册英语试卷Unit 3

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Unit 3

姓名________ 班级________ 得分________

一、听力理解 (略)

二、单项选择 (每小题1分,共15分)


( )31. — How do you usually go to school?

— By _________ bike, but sometimes I take __________ bus. A. a; /

B. a; the C. /; the D. /; a

( )32. — Q comes ______ P and R. — Yes, you’re right. A. between C. by

B. in D. to

( )33. — ________ is it from your home to the subway station? — About two kilometers. A. How far

B. How many

D. How much

C. How long A. story C. car

( )34. No ________ crosses this long river, so they go on a ropeway.

B. villager D. bridge

( )35. — Can you _____ me home? — Sure. Get on!

A. drive B. walk C. leave D. live ( )36. — How much is this black jacket? — It’s ___________ yuan. A. two hundreds and eighty-eight B. two hundred and eighty-eight C. two hundreds eighty and eight D. two hundred eighty and eight

( )37. — What is your new teacher ________? — Hmm... He is a nice man. A. with B. like C. for

D. of

( )38. — Who is the girl over there? — She is a(n) ________ friend of mine. A. afraid B. clean C. true homework.

A. Many; many B. Much; much


D. far

( )39. ________ students think that they don’t have ____________ time to finish their

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C. Much; many D. Many; much

( )40. — Dad, why need I stop ____________ computer games? — For your health, my boy. A. play C. to play

B. playing D. to playing

( )41. — Dale, what do you ___________ this school trip? — It’s relaxing and I’m so happy. A. think up

B. think for

C. think of D. think so ( )42. — __________ — You can take No. 101 bus. A. When can I get to the train station? B. How can I get to the train station? C. Where can I take a bus? D. How can I take a bus?

( )43. Her _______ is to be a great dancer. A. dream B. work C. job — About _______. A. 20 minute’ walk B. 20 minutes walk C. 20 minutes’ walk D. 20 minute’s walk

( )45. — Becky, would you like to go shopping with me this afternoon? — ______. I need to do my homework. A. Good idea B. All right

C. I’m afraid not D. Good for you

D. ride

( )44. — Excuse me, how long does it take to get to Guangming Middle School?

三、完形填空 (每小题1分,共10分)


Simon is one of my friends. He often rides his motorbike (摩托车) very fast and he likes to 46 how fast he can ride.

One day, a thief (小偷) rides a motorbike to his home, goes in and takes 47 of his things away. Then the theif runs out of Simon’s home 48 . Simon sees him and he rides

49 him, and shouts (喊叫), “Hey! Don’t you know you 50 ride faster than me?” The thief says nothing, 51 he rides much faster. Simon finds that. He also rides even faster. He is soon very 52 away from his home. Then he stops. I see him and I go to ask, “Why do you 53 so fast, Simon?”

“I 54 to get a thief,” says Simon. “But 55 is the thief?” I ask.


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“Kilometers behind,” says Simon happily. “He thinks he can ride faster than me, but you see he can’t.” ( )46. A. talk ( )47. A. any ( )49. A. after ( )51. A. and

B. show C. meet D. ask B. all

C. much D. some

D. easily

D. under

( )48. A. quickly B. really C. happily

B. before C. up

C. so C. ride

( )50. A. needn’t B. need C. can

B. or

( )52. A. far B. clean C. right D. busy ( )53. A. eat B. walk

D. play

( )54. A. want B. stop C. dream D. tell ( )55. A. how B. why C. where D. what

D. can’t D. but

四、阅读理解(一) (每小题2分,共20分) 根据下列材料,选择最佳选项。


Rick: I live in Chengdu and I go to No. 3 Middle School. I go to school by bike every day, because the roads (路) in Chengdu are nice and it is easy for me to ride a bike. But sometimes when it rains (下雨), I take a bus to school.

Joe: My name is Joe Smith. I’m from Miami, the USA. I take the school bus to school and it’s easy for students. After school, I still take the school bus home. What about you?

Carol: My name is Carol. I live in a village in Yunnan. Truly speaking, I don’t really like going to school, because my school is far from my home. And there are two rivers between my home and school. I need to take a boat to school.

Julie: Hi, I am Julie. I live in Beijing. My parents are teachers in a middle school and I’m a student in their school. Every morning, my father drives my mother and me to school. And after school, my father drives us home.

( )56. How does Julie go to school? A. By bike.

B. By bus.

C. By car.D. By subway. ( )57. Where is Joe from? A. America. B. Sichuan. C. Yunnan. D. Beijing.

( )58. Why doesn’t Carol like going to school? A. Because it always rains in Yunnan. B. Because she has no car.

C. Because her school is far from her home. D. Because there is no nice road in their village. ( )59. We can see that ________. A. Rick goes to No. 1 Middle School B. Joe’s last name is Brown


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C. there is a river between Carol’s home and school D. Julie’s parents work in the same school ( )60. What do they talk about? A. When they go to school. B. How they go to school. C. Where their parents work. D. Where they live.


I’m Peter from No. 2 Middle School. I usually ride my bike home. But today, there is something wrong with my bike, so I take a bus home.

On the bus, I find a seat near a girl. I sit down (坐下) and start to read my story book. After two stops, an old grandma gets on. There are many people on the bus, so she has no seat. I want to read my interesting book, so I don’t give (给) my seat to the grandma. “Please take my seat, Grandma!”the girl next to me says.

At that time, I find the girl is only seven years old and she takes a big schoolbag. The grandma also finds this.“No, thank you. You’re really a good girl!”she says. My face turns (变得) red. Then I say,“Here is a seat for you, Grandma.”

The grandma is very happy. She thanks me and takes my seat. At that time, I find that helping others is really a happy thing!

( )61. How does Peter usually go home? A. By car. C. By bike.

B. By bus. D. By subway.

( )62. What does the underlined word “seat” mean in Chinese? A. 钱包 B. 车票 C. 拐杖 D.座位 ( )63. Why doesn’t Peter give his seat to the grandma? A. He is not well.

B. He doesn’t like the grandma. C. He wants to read his storybook.

D. He knows that the girl can help the grandma. ( )64. What makes Peter’s face turn red? A. It’s so hot on the bus. B. The girl has a broken leg.

C. The grandma doesn’t take the girl’s seat.

D. The girl with a broken leg gives her seat to the grandma. ( )65. What does the writer want to tell us? A. Helping others is a happy thing. B. Love me, love my dog. C. A friend in need is a friend indeed.


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D. A good friend always tells the truth.



66. S_______ minutes make an hour.

67. They d_______________ their car to Shanghai.

68. This skirt is a little old and I’ll buy a n_____ one for you. 69. Debbie is a v___________ in this village. 70. Look! There is a boat on the r________.

71. The first __________ (地铁) leaves at 5:00 in the morning. 72. Where does your uncle _________ (居住)? 73. There are 12 months in a ____________ (年).

74. It’s about two _______________ (一百) kilometers from here to my home. 75. Does your brother _____ (骑车) a bike to school every day?

六、选词填空 (每小题1分,共5分)


bridge, dream, every, leave, like Many villages in China don’t have a school, but the village I 76._____ in has one.

There is only one classroom in our school. In our class, there are seventy students. Our teacher, Miss Cooper, is very good. We all like her. She teaches us many subjects 77._____ Chinese, English, P.E. and arts. Everyone in our class is very happy to study in our school. But it’s difficult for us to get to school, because there is a river in our village. And there is no 78._____ across the river. So how can we get across it? We need to go on a ropeway. My classmate Brian is not happy about going on the ropeway every day. He says he will go to Beijing to study next year. I don’t feel very happy. We are good friends. And I don’t want him 79._____ us. Now our 80._____ is that we can have a bridge across the river. I hope this dream can come true.

七、完成句子 (每小题2分,共10分)

根据汉语意思完成句子。 81. 她害怕游泳。

She _______ ________ _______ swimming. 82. 西蒙通常开车去上班。

Simon usually ______ _________ __________. 83. 到汽车站走路需要约20分钟。

It ________ about twenty minutes ________ ________ to the bus stop. 84. 我认为她的梦想会实现的。

I think her ______ _______ ______ ______. 85. 我和我的家人下周将动身前往伦敦。

My family and I will _________ _________ London next week.

八、阅读理解(二) (每小题2分,共10分) 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容回答问题。


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Mr. Smith is on a trip in England. This is his first time to go to England. One morning he wants to go to Sunny Hotel, but he can’t find the way (路). He doesn’t take a map, and he doesn’t know what to do. At this time, he sees a boy in blue. He stops his car and walks up to the boy.

“Excuse me, do you know Sunny Hotel, boy?” “Oh, yes. And I can take you there,” the boy says.

Then the boy gets into Mr. Smith’s car. Mr. Smith drives about three kilometers, and they come to a small house (房子).

“Stop here!” the boy says.

Mr. Smith stops his car in front of (在……之前) a house and looks at it. “Oh, where are we now? This is not Sunny Hotel,” Mr. Smith asks.

“Sir, this is my house. And I’ll show you the way to the hotel. Go back two kilometers, and then you can see Sunny Hotel on your left!” 86. Where is Mr. Smith?

____________________________________________________________________________ 87. When does the story happen(发生)?

_____________________________________________________________________________ 88. How does Mr. Smith go to Sunny Hotel? 89. Where does Mr. Smith stop?

______________________________________________________________________________ 90. Does the boy tell Mr. Smith the way to Sunny Hotel at last?



九、书面表达 (共10分)

运动有益于健康,为了让运动更加深入人心,某英文杂志的“运动与健康”栏目正在以“Let’s Do Exercise”为题,向广大中学生征文。请你根据下面的提示写一篇不少于50词的短文,向该栏目投稿。

提示词汇:walk, ride a bike, run, play ball games, go swimming 要求:

1. 语句通顺、语意连贯、语法正确; 2. 包含所给提示,并可适当发挥。

Let’s Do Exercise

It’s very important for us to do exercise.



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Unit 3参考答案

二、31-35 DAADA 36-40 BBCDB 41-45 CBACC 三、46-50 BDAAD 51-55 DACAC 四、56-60 CACDB 61-65 CDCDA

五、66. Sixty 67. drive 68. new 69. villager 70. river 71. subway 72. live 73. year 74. hundred 75. ride 六、76. live 77. like 78. bridge 79. to leave 80. dream 七、81. is afraid of 82. drives to work 83. takes; to walk

84. dream can come true 85. leave for 八、

86. In England. 87. In one morning. 88. By car.

89. In front of the boy’s house. 90. Yes, he does. 九、

Let’s Do Exercise

It’s very important for us to do exercise. Doing exercise can help us keep healthy and make us happy.

We can do exercise whenever we want. It is good for us to walk to school or ride a bike to school. In P.E. classes, we can run, play ball games or do some other sports. And on weekends, we can go swimming with our friends.

Let’s do exercise and live a healthy life!


