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Eur ropean Standardizatio Expe for China on ertSmart Grid – Standards in the EUThe 2nd China Smart Grids 2010 International Conference Shanghai Rainbow Hotel, 2-3 November 2010 Hotel 2 31

Eur ropean Standardizatio Expe for China on ertContent C1. 1 Quick Review of European Standardization System 2. Smart Grids – the ICT Perspective p 3. Europe and Smart Grids 4. EU Mandates for Smart Grids 5. EU Joint Working Group on Smart Grids 6. Europe China 6 Europe-China Cooperation on Smart Grid Standards2

Eur ropean Standardizatio Expe for China on ertQuick Review of European  f p Standardization System33

Eur ropean Standardizatio Expe for China on ertEuropean Standardization Organizations– CEN European Committee for Standardization Covers a lot of sectors– CENE EC CENELEC European Committee for Electro-Technical Standardization Covers mainly the electro-technical sector– ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute Covers mainly telecommunication and electronic communication networks and services i ti t k d i4

Eur ropean Standardizatio Expe for China on ertEuropean Standards ENCEN & CENELEC → 27 EU Members → 3 EFTA Countries → 1 Neighbourhood g Total: 31 Members ETSI → CEPT Countries (40+) → Over 700 MembersCEN/CENELEC MEMBERS55

Eur ropean Standardizatio Expe for China on ertWhy European Standards? Soft regulation on a voluntary basis– Co-regulation, supporting authorities on technical requirementsFree trade throughout the European Economic Area– Almost 500 million customers – Support for accession of new member states Key for market access– Interoperability, compatibility, functionalityTo help competitiveness and technical innovation– – – – State of the art and transfer of research results Strengthen regional influence in global economy IPR policies of relevance for process Tool for benchmarking within industry Impartial result serving the industry needs6

Eur ropean Standardizatio Expe for China on ertMarket Integration in EuropeSingle Market: driving force of European integration500 million consumers7

Eur ropean Standardizatio Expe for China on ertStandardization: Networking on a Global Level gInternational level European levelISOViennaIECDresdenITUCENCENELECETSINational levelNational Standards Bodies Industry and other stakeholders8

Eur ropean Standardizatio Expe for China on ertETSI: Global Standards Collaboration(China ) ARIB (Japan)ISACC (Canada)TTC (Japan) (J p n)TIA (USA)TTA (Korea)ATIS ( SA) A S (USA)ITU (International)ACIF 9 (Australia)

Eur ropean Standardizatio Expe for China on ertWhat is a Mandate? A well-established Commission tool to obtain technical specifications that support European legislation and/or policy A request to the European Standardization Organization ESOs for standardisation work A reference framework Indispensable in cases where standards support New Approach p pp pp legislation A mean for Member States to give political and technical endorsement NOT linked directly to financing of standardisation work – but essential where financing is envisaged10

Eur ropean Standardizatio Expe for China on ertSmart Grids  the ICT Perspective the ICT PerspectiveFuture Internet Assembly 15-16 April 2010, ValenciaETSI Secretariat © ETSI 2010. All rights reserved11

Eur ropean Standardizatio Expe for China on ertICT Standardization – Core of ETSI Activities ICT Standardization – Future internet and Machine to Machine communication in the center – Merging technologies e.g. between telecoms and classical electro-technical i d t are core i l t t h i l industry issues addressed dd d Pre standardization Pre-standardization and the link to research – Industry Specification Groups (ISG), several relate to the ‘Future Internet’ – Partnerships with EU FP7 Projects and Universities (e.g. CASGRAS2, SENSEI)12

Eur ropean Standardizatio Expe for China on ertSmart Grid related ETSI Activities M2M, Smart Metering (within the "Connecting Things“ cluster) – Use cases: Smart Metering, eHealth, … for M2M requirements specification ifi ti – A flexible Reference Architecture to address the requirements – Application #1: Smart Metering pp g Security is a major issue in M2M Evolution of Mobile Networks (in 3GPP) – Enhancements to the 3G/4G networks to support the M2M traffic Next Generation Networks (in TISPAN) Adapting powerline protocols to meet smart grid requirements Smart Card Platform (SCP) – the M2M SIM and other developments Testing and Interoperability expertise in CTI1313

Eur ropean Standardizatio Expe for China on ertEU and US - Similar Goals but Different PathsEUBackground: A fragmented electricity market plus deregulation of electricity in some member states Vision: Start with a smart metering infrastructure then extend to a smart grid networkRemote Meter Management Smart Metering Smart Home Consumption Awareness Demand ResponseUSBackground: an aging power grid Vision: Smart meters and AMI are part of the toolbox that allows to build a smart grid infrastructureSmart GridsSmart GridsAMIDistribution Grid management tElectrical Trans portation t tiWide Area Situational Awareness A…AMI: Advanced Metering InfrastructureNeed for a global (architecture) approach and for regional implementation ETSI, as a global and EU based ICT standards organization, is ideally placed 1414

Eur ropean Standardizatio Expe for China on ertEurope and Smart Grids15

Eur ropean Standardizatio Expe for China on ertEurope and the Smart Grid EU: 20-20-20 Targets by 2020 cutting greenhouse gases by 20% reducing energy consumption b 20% th d i ti by through i h increased energy d efficiency meeting 20% of our energy needs from renewable sources Consequences for the electricity grid Smart Grid is the answer European Task Force on Smart Grids (European Commission, Nov. 2009) to advise on policy and regulatory directions at European level to t coordinate th fi t steps towards the implementation of Smart Grids di t the first t t d th i l t ti fS t G id under the provision of the Third Energy Package standardization requirements are part of the remit16

Eur ropean Standardizatio Expe for China on ertThe EU Perspective on Smart GridsSmart Grids Directive 2009/72/EC of 13 J l 2009 S t G id Di ti f July – "Member States should encourage the modernisation of distribution networks, such as through the introduction of smart grids, which should be built in a way that encourages decentralised g y g generation and energy efficiency.“Smart M S Metering M d i Mandate (M/441) – Issued in March 2009 and accepted by CEN, CENELEC and ETSI Charging of Electrical Vehicle Mandate (M/468) – Issued June 2010 and accepted by CEN, CENELEC and ETSI Smart Grid Mandate – Presently under drafting by Joint Working Group y g y g p (CEN/CENELEC/ETSI)1717

Eur ropean Standardizatio Expe for China on ertThe EU Smart Grid Task Force A Steering Committee and 3 E St i C itt d Expert G t Groups– EG1 – Functionalities of Smart Grids and Smart Meters. State of the art Functionalities– EG 2 – Regulatory issues for data safety, data handling & data protection Who owns the data? Who has access to the data? Need for one data model Cybersecurity– EG 3 – Responsibilities of actors involved in the deployment of Smart Grids. Includes a section on Role of standards First set of recommendations delivered on June 22nd 2010 The TF will continue and issue a new document on January 2011– EG1 will be in charge of producing a contribution to the EU mandate on standards The work of the EU Standards Organizations will serve a input 1818

Eur ropean Standardizatio Expe for China on ert19

Eur ropean Standardizatio Expe for China on ertEU Mandates for Smart Grids20

Eur ropean Standardizatio Expe for China on ertM/411 Smart Metering MandateEC Mandate issued in March 2009 by DG ENERGY and sent to: CEN, CENELEC, ETSI Main objective: to build standards for European smart meters, allowing interoperability and Consumer actual consumption awareness. Time schedule : March 2009 + 9 months : state of the art of existing standards, gap analysis, f i i d d l i and first Work Program March 2009 + 30 months : Develop new p smart metering standards21

