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第五届全国小学英语教学观摩研讨会课堂观察记录(一) 鲁子问 安徽

六年级阅读课 时间 教师活动 学生活动 建议与评论 与学生自由交谈,询问学生的hobbies 纠正学生错误Oh, 学生回答 My hobby is listen to music. 很好的纠正方法 很好的准备 your hobby is listening 9:48 to music. 告诉学生可以利用课前时间预习 播放英语歌曲,讨论歌曲 问候学生 介绍自己的hobbies 9:50 I like drawing. 开始在黑板上画简笔 跟读 问候老师 听老师介绍

画:大地,然后树木、草、说出相关语词 庄稼 教授带读land, tree, grass, plant, crops 让学生读课文,找出Who grow crops here? 检查答案 9:53 重复此句 然后问学生What is the text mainly about? crops here. 学生回答阅读课文 为什么 一个学生回答不引导学生建构forest的定义、特征? 让多个学生然后全班Farmers grow Rainforest 问学生Have you ever been to the rainforest? Let's watch a cartoon and get to know 9:56 about the rainforest. 看视频 播放动画片 回答 问学生What did you see in the movie?


让学生阅读第一段 让学生自己提问 引导学生问weather 阅读 让学生学生提出问题 不是回答How's the 问题,而是提出问题,这是很好的阅读活动!可惜没有坚持。 rainforest这个词 应该坚 持让学生提问,而且应该教学生学会从哪些方面提问。 学生不会说然后老师提问soil weather in the rainforest? 最后再问What is the rainforest? 9:58 回答问题 转到下一段内容The 学生说The sky sky is the home of ... are the home of 10:03 many birds. 老师说The sky is the home of many birds. 再播放动画

提问 看动画 为什么要齐读?朗读训练?意群训练?目的不清。 教授cut down trees,回答问题 并板书 PPT展示课文第二段,让学生齐读 齐读课文 展示图片,老师基于课文内容解说 让学生回答问题 10:06 教授change 听老师解说 这成了听力活动,听老师解说,回答问题。与真正的阅读有了差异。 PPT展示第三段短文 让学生看,听录音朗读 10:09 提问 用红色粉笔在cut down trees前加上stop, 边听边阅读 回答

cut改为cutting PPT展示整个课文 学生看手里的 为什么鼓励学生跟录音读课短文 文 10:11 无人跟读,无人要跟读?看PPT 学生为什么不跟读?值得思考。 呈现不完整短文,让学生补全说出 10:12 说出 学生语音语调存在困难’Pleasee' stoppu' cutting' down' trees 呈现两组图片,让学讨论不是很热可能是话题难度较大,可能是学生兴趣不大,可能是第一节课或第一次在这生选择一张图片进行小烈 组讨论 10:13

么多老师面前上课,学生紧张 让每组谈论图片内容 呈现每组图片的不完整短文,有些语词空格,作为学生谈论图片的支10:15 架 继而讨论怎样保护环境 Let's ... 让学生制作保护环境的poster,两人一组完成 10:18 让几个学生呈现并把自己的poster贴到黑板上 10:21 布置作业 学生开展制作 这是阅读的产出吗? 学生进行谈论 支架是存在一定困难 很好的教学工具,但是这是六年级的学习,怎样的支架更为合理? 总评General Comments 阅读本质到底是什么?本课的图式学生很陌生,是否应该帮助学生建构热带雨林的内容图式?语言教学如何与阅读教学

结合起来?现在主要还是语言教学,阅读教学的特点不突出。 有分段的阅读过程,但阅读过程还应与学生的阅读心理更加切合,每一阅读环节的目的还应更明确一些,齐读、跟读等活动都应目的更明确。 很美的黑板设计,板书内容、张贴内容、简笔画、学生的poster内容构成了美丽的画面。 话题难度很大,对此难度的话题,如何进行处理?

第五届全国小学英语教学观摩研讨会课堂观察记录(二) 鲁子问 浙江

六年级阅读课 时间 教师活动 学生活动 建议与评论 与学生交流,询问名字 回答 引导学生到Friday 介绍他人名字 10:31 然后说After Friday, it's the weekend, the end of the week.

Friday, end of the week. Then we have friends. 介绍本节课话题Friends 询问学生Who's your 学生介绍 10:32 friend in class? What do you do? 让学生进入theatre 导入课文内容Martin, 看PPT Johnny 听对话 选择AB 10:35 粘贴短语卡play together, study together, help each other, share with each other, care about each other,构成?型 听对话内容 选择答案,几乎都选择正确答案A 为什么要用对话方式引导出语言内容?放弃阅读的语篇作为语言载体的原因是什么?

导入并板书 When I have When I ___________, sweets, I will my friend _____________. 10:41 教授新词share 引导学生造句 share with my friend. When I have an interesting book, I will share with my friend. 导入阅读语篇 听课文录音 然后要求学生齐读 10:49 说,学生听一遍后就能齐读,说明语言材料并不难。 展示学生自己的照片 谈论朋友 10:51 让学生讨论他们和朋友学生的语言与语的活动 篇无明显关系 看课文内容,听为什么一直到课文录音 跟读,无困难 现在才导入阅读语篇?对六年级学生来

学生语言基本达到课程标准二级目标 让学生写一段短文给他写作 们的朋友 10:55 第一个学生的展示超过60词 总评General Comments 阅读的目的还应更突出,阅读的过程应更鲜明。 6年级的阅读语篇材料的作用应该是培养学生的阅读能力,而不再是语言学习,这与三年级的阅读语篇是完全不同性质的。 应该引导学生建构友谊的内容图式play, study, help, share, care。 板书很精美,重点语句的位置有些不够合理。

第五届全国小学英语教学观摩研讨会课堂观察记录(三) 鲁子问


河南 时间 教师活动 学生活动 建议与评论 11:12 让学生问候观摩老师 说歌谣 Where are they from? 在座位上放上自己的姓名牌 问候老师 鼓掌 They are from Which province China. are they from? Maybe / Perhaps they are from Anhui, Beijing ... 11:16 正式开始上课 再次问候学生 问学生What do you 再次问候老师 回答I usually 因为有姓名牌,老师可usually do on your play with my holidays? 点学生名字,请friends.

学生说自己的活动 以直接点学生名字提问,很好地拉近了师生之间距离 11:19 介绍老师自己的活动 跟读 Because I love 展示动词短语的movies, so I went 现在式和过去式 带读这些短语 to Hengdian. But there are no actor or actress there. 11:21 用chant展示动词短语现在式与过去式 Do, did, did the dishes. Eat, ate, ate 增加语句 good food. Take, took, took pictures. 让学生自己加更听老师说chant 说chant

多语句。 11:23 导入问句 I went to Shanghai last month. Where did you go? 对学生的回答都给予一定评价或评论 再说自己去上海,导入How did you go there? 板书时说板书的语句 再说自己去上海,导入Who did you with? What did you do? 11:30 展示南京图片 把自己的上海之行全面导入之后再逐句导入肯定更好,这样的支离无法形成语境 板书有助于视觉拼读 板书时说语句有助于学生关注板书内容

让学生说明自己的旅行 老师邀请一个学生与自己完成对话 展示对话框架,补全事实性内容即可 给河南旅游卡片作为奖励 11:32 让学生两人对话 让学生展示 11:36 让学生调查本班同学的旅行 11:40 要求学生根据其调查写出小短文 完成对话 这样的补全只是补全信息,与语言能力无关 基于对话框架,补全信息,完成对话 学生展示其对话 介绍 两个学生读其作文 若能用电脑展示则更好 11:44 布置作业 作业分为三个级别 欢迎学生去郑州

总评General Comments 1、老师自始至终热情饱满,这种情绪感染了学生。 2、教学过程层次分明。 3、作为对话课的教学,最终的设计写作活动说明了本节课的教学是learn to write,如此设计需要有一个前提:学生的对话能力已经达到课程标准要求,而写作能力没有达到。但从课堂观察看,学生的对话能力没有达到要求。所以,从学生表现出的对话能力来看,本节课把对话课的最终学习结果设计为写的要求不尽合理。 4、六年级是小学毕业年级,全体学生应该尽可能达到课程标准规定的二级目标,所以本节课应该帮助还没有达到二级目标的学生,强化他们运用一般过去时的特殊疑问句询问过去事件的能力。但对话活动只是补全信息,这样的活动显然无法帮助学生强化其语言运用能力。 5、本节课要求学生编写对话,这不是教材的要求,也不是课程标准二级目标,而是教师的拓展设计。设计这样的活动有一个前提:学生已经达到了课程标准的二级目标要求。但从学生的课堂表现看,这一活动设计的目标偏高。 6、老师设计了用没有语境的chant Eat, ate, ate good food的方式学习短语,应该直接从课文中学习这些短语,或者用真实语境训练这些语言。语言学习要培养学生的语言运用能力,那就

一定要尽可能在真实语境中学习、训练。 我的提问: 您认为六年级的对话教学的最主要目的是什么?如何帮助学生达到课程标准规定的二级目标? 您的教学中没有看到学生翻开书本学习,为什么? 教材中的内容是一个活动还是一篇课文? 回答问题,说明原因有一定困难,第一个学生没有说出原因 13:42 让学生阅读课文,写出以下问题答案 What is Alice’s hobby? What is Ann’s

阅读 写作 学生回答问

hobby? 题: Do you want 针对学to make friends 生的真实机with Alice? 制进行教学 Yes, I want to. 13:47 让学生以刘云以刘云的名 名义给Alice写义给Alice写email,说明自己email 想了解她的什么信息 展示自己的让学生展示自写作 己的写作 13:49 让学生完成刘云的email 让学生完成关于刘云的主题图 让学生问刘云问题 老师追问How 补全email 展示 学生回答

do you know that? 13:54 展示很多寻求 为jigsaw阅读服务的分组非常好 pen pal的email 呈现组合 分组活动:确定分组成员编号,重新按编号阅读 组合小组 给每组不同的pen pal信息 让学生阅读 展示学习策略 13:57 让学生复述相关信息 让学生回答原来的小组 14:03 让学生课后写email 总评General Comments 小组内复述 交换信息

阅读的过程可以慢一些,每篇材料阅读时间只有2-3分钟。 每个人阅读了三篇阅读材料,容量可以小一些,主要目的不是信息获取,而是培养获取信息的能力。

第五届全国小学英语教学观摩研讨会课堂观察记录(五) 鲁子问 南京

六年级对话课 时间 14:18 教师活动 让学生猜测关于老师的信息 介绍自己 14:20 14:2询问学生相关信息 说明上学方式 学习 介绍自己 学生活动 猜测 建议与评论

3 导入新语言不看语句就能说first crossing, go 出 along the yellow street等 14:27 导入课文 讨论课文人物 让学生听课文录音,回答一个问题Where does Mr Smith want to go? 教授新词history museum, post office 解释这两个词,言解释这两个history museum is a 词?难度超过place with many 了I + 1的要historical things. 求 Post office is a place where you can post letters and bus stamps.

听 回答 为什么选择用这样的语

14:31 让学生阅读对话课文,画出Mr Smith要去的地方 阅读 画线 为什么要让学生阅读理解对话课文?为什么把对话课上成阅读课?是学生阅读能力有很大困难吗? 14:36 让学生阅读课文 让学生说出路线,板书 再让学生说出问句,板书 说出路线 说出问句 14:40 让学生两人对话 教室布置为街道 让学生编对话 讨论 布置使用不充分 让学生小组讨学生展示很好的可惜不是对话 论,给老师们南京参建议 观建议 让学生展示建议

总评General Comments 情境设计很好 板书设计很好 对话教学的实质还可以更加集中到对话上,或者听说能力上 困难学生的强化还可以突出一些

第五届全国小学英语教学观摩研讨会课堂观察记录(六) 鲁子问 新疆

六年级阅读课 时间 15:03 教师活动 学生活动 建议与评论 展示一个tongue twister 鼓励学生说 导出can, could 学生说,有困难

15:05 让学生说 When I was a 学生说出各种语句 baby, I could ...; I couldn't ... 15:06 展示Keller照片,让学生提出:想知道什么信息 让学生阅读课文,try to get the 学生正确回答所information they 有问题 want. 检查答案 15:11 让学生阅读第一段 让学生回答问题 教授deaf, blind, mute 15:14 告诉学生带着感学生带着同情心很好的朗读训练活动 阅读 回答问题 学习 说出问题: Who is she? What's her job? ... 情阅读课文,展示 低声朗读

15:16 问学生她能做什么 学生推测 阅读,在答案下 六年级必让学生阅读第二画线 段,回答问题,在答案下画线 15:19 让学生讨论Do 学生用I like 学生读课文中的须纠正基本错语句tried还有困误,强化基础难,读出tied 是六年级的关键目标 you like her? Why? her because说出很多语句 15:2引导学生说课文的关键语句She couldn't see. So she was blind ... 引导学生用激情语调朗读She could ... 15:2让学生写短文复学生写短文 说课文中的关键信息语句 学习用激情语调说 1

3 15:26 述Keller的故事 让学生展示 朗读自己的作文 一个学生专门按照老师要求的语音语调朗读自己的作文 有一位学生语音很流利 15:2让学生阅读三段不同的文章 让学生说明人物 15:3德育教育Nothing is impossible. Never give up. 总评General Comments 课文阅读时间应该加长,拓展阅读太多、太复杂,费时也太阅读 说明结果 7 2 多。 阅读能力训练应该更明确。

语言强化目标应该更加突出和明显。 第五届全国小学英语教学观摩研讨会课堂观察记录(七) 鲁子问 吉林

六年级阅读课 时间 15:47 教师活动 让学生问候老师 学生活动 学生说出自己的建议与评论 然后呈现wolf图想法 片,让学生讨论 15:4展示cry wolf及其解释 直接导入课文 15:5让学生听第一段,并看课文 告诉学生圈出不认识的词 听课文录音,看课文 听 9 0

15:52 展示课文 教授lay 让学生说出原形 用汉语解释:说谎,还有一个名词意思 让学生比较lay, lie 15:54 让一个学生朗读第二段,其他人看书 教授laughed 让学生自己朗读第二段 16:01 让学生小组阅读第三段 让学生提问,其他人回答 一个学生朗读 其他人听,看课 看课文文字 学习 文 学习 朗读 小组阅读的目的是什么? 相互问答是很好的活动

16:08 让学生讨论main idea 用汉语解读不同答案的差异 再让学生讨论What do you learn from the story? 学生讨论不同答 案 16:10 给学生分散的语句和图片:Sour grapes 让学生根据图片组合语句成一个故事 展示 阅读 组合语句 展示 16:14 再展示孩子们打球的图片,让学生编一个故事 阅读 学生展示作文 学生语言错误较多 16:1布置作业

7 The child who is honest. 总评General Comments 这样一篇所有学生都非常熟悉其内容的课文不需要获取信息,而应集中在表达上,或者帮助困难学生上,或者训练阅读速度上。 lay, lie的比较远远超过小学要求,学生显然没有达到需要掌握其区别的高度。 最后才讨论main idea肯定不合适,其实应该讨论的是lesson。 新故事学生非常熟悉,只要理解语句就能组合成故事,不是阅读或语篇理解活动,而是语句理解活动。 学生最后的活动不是语言学习的内容,而是学生自己的语言能力,看不出语言能力的提升。

★清华大学★英语系测试:为中小学生英语量身定做. 官方网站:http://qinghua.yeryy.com/ 清华大学英语教授研究组提供

六年级英语阅读理解 1.Poor Man!

Look at this man. What is he doing? He’s carrying a very big box. The box is full of(充满) big apples. He wants to put it on the back of his bike and take it home. Can he do that? No, I don’t think so. Why not? Because(因为) the box is too full(满) and too heavy(重). Look! What’s wrong? He drops the box. Poor man!


A. Read carefully and write “T” for True and “F” for False beside the statements.

( )1. The box is not very big. ( )2. The box is full of apples. ( )3. He puts the apples in the bag. ( )4. He can carry the box home.

B. Choose the best answer, A, B, C or D, to these questions. 1. What is the man doing? He is _________. A. eating some apples B. carrying a box C. riding a bike D. making a box 2. What’s in the box?

A. Some books. B. Some bikes. C. Some apples. D. Some boxes. 3. Can he carry the box?

A. Yes, he can. B. Yes, he is. C. No, he can’t. D. No, he isn’t. 4. Is the box full or empty?

A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isn’t. C. It’s empty. D. It’s full. 2.

Kate is a new student. She is twelve. She is from America. She can speak English very well and she can speak a little Chinese. She is in Nanjing. Her parents are doctors. Kate

is studying in a school near her home. She has classes from Monday to Friday. On Saturdays and Sundays, she often plays games with her Chinese friends. She loves China and her Chinese friends.


A. Read carefully and write “T” for True and “F” for False beside the statements.

( )1. Kate’s hometown is in England. ( )2. Her father is not a doctor.

( )3. Her school is not far from her home.

( )4. There aren’t any lessons from Monday to Friday. B. Choose the best answer, A, B, C or D, to these questions. 1. Kate is________.

A. a new student B. a Chinese girl C. a doctor D. a driver 2. kate can _____________.

A. speak a lot of Chinese B. speak English well C. speak a little Japanese D. speak little English 3. Kate often studies___________.

A. from Monday to Friday B. in Beijing C. on Saturdays and Sundays D. at home 4. Her parents _____________.

A. are working in a school B. have classes on Mondays C. often play games with Kate D. are doctors

3. Can You Find Bob? Hello, Betty. Please meet Bob at the station at nine o’clock tomorrow morning. Go to the big clock. Carry a green bag and wear a white hat. He’s not very tall but quite fat. He has short black hair and brown eyes. He also has glasses. He likes wearing(穿) blue trousers and a red sweater. Can you find him, Betty?


A. Read carefully and write “T” for True and “F” for False

beside the statements.

( )1. Betty wants to find Bob at the station. ( )2. Betty wears a green hat. ( )3. Bob is tall and fat. ( )4. bob likes red trousers.

B. Choose the best answer, A, B, C or D, to these questions. 1. What time will Betty and Bob meet?

A. At one o’clock. B. At nine o’clock tomorrow morning. C. At the station. D. Near the big clock. 2. What colour are Bob’s eyes? A. Red. B. Blue. C. Green. D. Brown.

3. Betty carries ___________. A. a bag B. some glasses

C. a white sweater D. some black trousers 4. Who likes wearing red sweaters? A. Bob. B. Betty.

C. Yes, he is. D. No, he isn’t. 4. Can You Find Bob?

This is my room. Near the window there is a desk. I often do my homework at it. You can see some books, some flowers in a vase, a ruler and a pen. On the wall near the desk there is a picture of a cat. There is a clock above(在…上面) the end of (尽头,末尾)my bed. I usually put my football under my bed. Of course(当然) there is a chair in front of the desk. I sit there and I can see the trees and roads(路) outside.


A. Read carefully and write “T” for True and “F” for False beside the statements.

( )1. There is a vase on the bed. ( )2. A cat is near the desk.

( )3. There is a clock above the bed. ( )4. I often do my homework in my room.

B. Choose the best answer, A, B, C or D, to these questions. 1. What can you see on my desk? A. Some books. B. Some flowers. C. A ruler and a pen. D. A, B and C. 2. Where is the picture? It’s _________. A. on the desk B. on the wall

C. above the end of the bed D. under the bed 3. What’s under the bed?

A. A ruler. B. A football. C. A cat. D. A clock. 4. Are there any trees outside?

A. Yes, they are. B. Yes, there are. C. No, they can’t. D. No, there aren’t.

5. Hi, I am Susan. I am from the U.K.(英国). But now I’m studying(学习) in China. I’m going to do many things(事情) in the winter holiday. First, I’m going to finish my homework. Then I’m going to take a trip. I’m going to Beijing. It’s snowy in Beijing. There is white snow everywhere (到处). So I’m going to make a snowman. I can ski. My parents will come to China and go with me. We are going to fly there. We are going to have a nice trip. ( )1. Susan is from China . ( )2. Now Susan is in England

( )3. There is white snow everywhere in China.

( )4. Susan is going to play with the snow in Beijing. ( )5. They are going to Beijing by plane

6. Jim lives in a city with his wife. He is a car designer(设计者). He works in a car company. It is not far from his home, so he goes to work on foot every day. His wife is a worker, she works in a factory. It’s far from her home, she goes to work by car. When she drives the car, she is very careful. When the light is red, she stops. When the

light is yellow, she waits. She won’t go until the light is green. She always says that we must obey the traffic rules.

( ) 1. Jim and his wife live in a city ( ) 2. Jim and his wife are workers. ( ) 3. Jim goes to work by car.

( ) 4. Jim’s wife goes to work by car.

( ) 5. We must obey (遵守)the traffic rules. 7. Z: Excuse me, sir. Is there a bookstore near here? P: No, there isn’t. But there is one next to the hospital. Z: Where is the post office, please? P: It’s west of the hospital.

Z: Is it far from here? P: Yes.

Z: How can I get there?

P: First, turn left and take the No.16 bus at the bus stop. Next, get off at the hospital. Then, cross the street. You’ll be in front of the post office. Z: Thank you. P: You’re welcome.

( ) 1 There is a bookstore near the school. ( ) 2 The post office is next to the bookstore. ( ) 3 The post office is west of the hospital. ( ) 4 Zhang Peng walks to the bookstore. ( ) 5 Zhang Peng asks a policeman for help.

8. My parents work in a shoe factory. They get up at 5:30. They first cook breakfast. Then they go to work by bus. They work there from 8:00am to 5:00pm. They come home at about 6:00pm and cook supper for us in the evening. Mother washes clothes in the evening. Father often makes toys for us in the evening. They are busy all day. But they like their jobs very much and the boss likes them too.

1. Father gets up at_____. A. 5:30 B. 6:00 2.My parents are _____. A. teachers B. workers

3. Do my parents work in the factory the evening? A. Yes, they do. B. No, they don’t.

4. My parents work for _____ hours every day. A. 10 B. 9

5. My parents are _____ workers. A. good B. bad

9. Hello, everyone. I’m Liu Yun. I have a big family. My father is a policeman. He is tall and strong. He is kind. He always help people in trouble( 有困难的) My mom is an actress. She is very beautiful, she likes music and she dances well. She often goes abroad(出国) by plane. My aunt is a doctor. She works in a hospital. She often goes to work by subway. But sometimes she goes there by taxi. I have an uncle, too. He’s an artist. He’s tall and thin. He has long hair. His painting looks terrific( 棒极了) 1).What does Liu Yun’s father

do? 2).How does Liu Yun’s mother go to

work? 3) ? She is an actress. 4).Where does Liu Yun’s aunt

work? 5). ? She often goes to work by subway. 6).Who is an

artist? .

10. Amy and Tom are going to have a busy day next Sunday. In the morning, Tom is going to visit his aunt and Amy is going to buy a cat in the pet shop. Tom is going to have lunch with his aunt. After lunch, Amy is going to borrow some magazines and comic books in the library. Tom is going to buy a dictionary and a new CD in the bookstore. Finally, Amy and Tom are going to buy some apples and go home by


( )1、Tom is going to the country with his aunt next Sunday.

( )2、Amy is going to the pet shop next Sunday. ( )3、Tom is going to have lunch with Amy.

( )4、Amy is going to read books in the library. ( )5、Amy and Tom are going home by subway together.

11. Hi, My name is Lily. I am short and thin. My friend’s name is Sarah. She’s tall and strong. We’re in the same class. I’m in Class 4. Grade 5. We have four classes in the morning and two in the afternoon from Monday to Friday. We like Thursday, because we have P.E. class. We can play ping-pong. Mr Zhou is our P.E. teacher. He is funny and kind. We like him very much.

( )1、Sarah is in Class4, Grade 5. ( )2、Lily is tall and thin.

( )3、Lily and Sarah have six classes every day. ( )4、Miss Zhou is their P.E. teacher. ( )5、Mr Zhou is a funny and kind teacher. 12. Amy: Where are you going this summer holiday? John: I’m going to Guilin.

Amy: Oh, I went there with my mom last summer holiday. John: Really? How did you get there?

Amy: I went to Gunlin by train, it was crowd on the train. John: I’m going there by plane.

Amy: Good idea. Who are you going with? John: I’m going with my parents.

Amy: Guilin is very beautiful, we were very happy on our trip. You will have a good time. John: Thank you.

1、John is going to Guilin with his father and mother this

summer holiday. ( )

2、Amy went there with her parents last year. ( ) 3、It was not comfortable to go there by train. ( )

4、John is going there by plane. ( ) 5、Guilin is in north of China. ( )

13. Mr. Green: Good morning, Mr. Wu! How do you usually go to work?

Mr. Wu: I usually go to work by bike. But sometimes I go

on foot. I like walking.

Mr. Green: Walking is good. Look at the sun. It’s a fine

day for walking today.

Mr. Wu: That’s right. And the air today is nice and clean.

What about you? Do you often go

to work by bike?

Mr. Green: Yes, but not today. Mr. Wu: Why not?

Mr. Green: My bike is broken.

1、Mr. Wu usually goes to work . A. by bike B. on


2、Mr. Wu likes to . A. walk B. run

3、The today is nice and clean. A. fish B. air 4、Mr. Green goes to work today. A. on foot B. by


5、Mr. Green’s bike is . A. good B. bad 14. In many countries of the world, farmers and their families live in villages and towns. But in the United States, each farmer lives on his own farm, often without any neighbors. American farmers stay on their farm for a week. They don’t have to go from a village to the farm every morning. They go to the nearest town on Saturdays for shopping or on Sundays for a party. The children take buses to large schools. These schools are for the farm families. Some children will walk to school. There are no roads for buses to go for them.

1、In , farmers live on their own farms.

A. many countries B. the United States 2、American farmers stay on their farm for .

A. a month B. 7 days

3、American farmers can go shopping in the nearest town on .

A. Saturday B. Sunday

4、The farmer’s children can go to school . A. by car B. by bus

5、Some children go to school on foot because .

A. their home isn’t far from school . B. there are no roads for buses.

15. Tomorrow is Sunday. Sarah is going to the park with her best friend, Amy. The bus stop is near her home. So Sarah is going to walk to the bus stop and take the No. 2 bus to Amy’s home. Then they’er going to the park on foot, because the park is near Amy’s home. They are going to play chess under the tree. They are going to take pictures and watch the beautiful flowers, too. 1、What day is it today? A. It’s Sunday. B. It’s Saturday. 2、What is Sarah going to do tomorrow?

A. She is going to the park. B. She is going to the zoo.

3、Sarah is going to Amy’s home . A. on foot B. by bus

4、The park is near home. A. Sarah’s B. Amy’s

5、Sarah and Amy are going tointhe park. A. play chess and draw pictures

B. take pictures and watch flowers. 16.

Ben: Hi, Kitty. Kitty: Hi, Ben.

Ben: Let’s have a camp trip this Saturday. Kitty: Great! What do we need?

Ben: We need some bread and drinks.

Kitty: What drink do you like?

Ben: I like apple juice. What about you? Kitty: Milk. It’s my favourite drink.

Ben: All right. Let’s go to the supermarket now. Kitty: OK. But I haven’t got enough (足够的) money. 快速阅读,用T或F判断下列句子的正误。

( ) 1. Ben and Kitty want to go for a camp this Sunday. ( ) 2. They only need something to drink.

( ) 3. They want to go to the supermarket to buy these things.

( ) 4. Ben’s favourite drink is milk.

( ) 5. Kitty want to take some apple juice with him. ( ) 6. They have enough money now.

17. Mary is seven. She can go to school. It is the first day at school. Her teachers are very good. The other (其他的) children are very friendly (友好的). She likes the school very much. After school, she goes home with the other children.

The next day, she doesn’t go home with the other children. She asks a question to the teacher, Miss Brown. “What did I do at school today?” “Why (为什么) do you ask me the question?” Miss Brown asks her. “Because my mother will ask me the question at home.” 快速阅读,选择正确的答案

1. Mary the first day at school. A. doesn’t like B. likes

2. The other boys and girls in her school are very .

A. lovely B. good C. friendly 3. Mary’s teacher is .

A. Mrs Brown B. Miss Green C. Miss Brown

4. On , she goes home with the other children. A. the first day B. the second day C. the third day 5. At home, Mary’s mother will ask her .

A. what she did at school B. where she was C. who is her teacher

18. A rich man decide(决定)to give his mother a birthday present. “My present will be better than any of my

brother’s, ”he thought. He heard about an amazing(令人惊异)bird. The bird could speak five languages(语言).He bought the bird at once and sent it to his mother. It cost(花费)him 100 yuan. The day after her birthday, he called his mother. “How did you like the bird, mother?” he asked eagerly(亲切地).His mother answered“delicious!” 判断

( )1. The rich man bought his mother a birthday present. ( ) 2. The rich man had only one brother. ( ) 3. The rich man gave his mother a cheap (便宜)present. ( )4. The bird was very dear.

( )5. From the story we know the rich man’s mother ate the bird.


1. Does the man have any brothers? . 2. Whose birthday is it ? . 3. What present did the rich man give his mother ? .

4. How much is the bird ? . 5. Did his mother eat the bird ? .

19. On Christmas morning, children like to get up early to find the presents in the stockings(长统袜)or under the Christmas trees. On Christmas Day, Mike got up at six twenty. He quickly put on the clothes and looked for his present in the stocking. “Wow, what a lovely toy dog! I like it very much.” He said happily. Them he ran down to the ground floor to see what’s in the box. He shook(摇)the box and listened. His sister, Nancy came to him, “Oh, Mike, you are taking my present.” “What? Open it and have a look!” Then they opened the box, a pretty dress in it. Mike looked around,


