Unit 1-Unit10青少版新概念2A综合测试

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I 选出与所给词画线部分读音一致的单词。(5 points)

( ) 1wear A pear B hear

( ) ( ) ( ) 4 luck A push B duck

( ) 5 house A cloud B route

II 用所给的单词的正确形式填空。(10 points)

1 your legs to take it easy.

2 My father usually home at six.

3 Lisa is going to have a this weekend.

for the distance race.

5 Mrs. Green’s dress looks with her shoes.


7 your coat.It is hot outside.

8 Please this waste paper.

9 Can you the picture on the wall?

this word on the website ?

III 单项选择。

( )1Paul is the top students.

A above B among C along

( )2 I like Paul’s attitude life.

A to B in C on

( )3 Karen a baby last month.It was a boy.

A have B has C had

( ) 4 The grocer’s didn’t have matches.

A some B all C any

( photographers, too.

A other B others C another

( ) 6 The model’she hates it.

A and B but C or

( ) 7 Susan is one of the best in my school.

A athlete B athletes C an athlete

( ) 8 I am going to buy a new house a small garden.

A along B through C with

( ) 9 Farmers had hard time many years ago.

A / B a C the

( ) 10 Lucy and Lily to Shanghai the day after after

A goes B is going C are going

VI 从方框中选择合适的选项,完成对话。(10points)


Jane: I am going to London with my patents next week. .

Jane: We are going there by air.

. Jane: It takes two hours to get there.

Paul: Oh,that’Jane: We are going to see my aunt there.She has a big farm. .

Jane: Yes,we are going to visit the River and the Bridge. Paul: That’s great! Have a good time!

Jane: Thank you very much!

V 阅读理解,判断对(T),错(F)。

People in different parts of the world eat different things.In some countries,people eat rice every day.Sometimes they eat two or three times a day,for breakfast,lunch and supper.They usually eat it with meat,fish and vegetables. Some people do not

eat any kinds of meat.The Japanese eat a lot fish,and they also eat a lot of rice.

In Western countries such as Britain,Australian and the USA,the most important foods are bread and potatoes. And people there can cook potatoes in different ways.

Some people only eat fruit and vegetables. They don’t eat meat or fish or anything that comes from animals.They are vegetarians(素食者).They only eat food from plants.Some people say that food from plants is better for us.

( ) 1Some people eat rice for breakfast.

( )2 Japanese people like eating fish.

( )3 In Australia and Britain,the most important food is cheese.

( ) 4Vegetarians only eat food from animals.

( )5 Vegetarians think food from plants is good for us. B

This is a story about a monkey.An old man had a monkey. The old man liked the monkey very much.The monkey was very clever.When birds came to the garden,he drove(驱赶)them away.He also helped the old man in many other ways. On a hot afternoon, the old man was asleep in his chair in the garden.A fly came and sat on the end of the man’s nose.The monkey

drove it away.Soon the fly came back again and sat on the old man’s nose again. Again the monkey drove it away.Again and again,the monkey became very angry.He jumped up,ran to pick up a large stone.When he came back,the fly was on the old man’s nose again.The monkey hit it with that stone. The fly fell off,but the old man’s nose was broken.

( .

A could do a lot of things for the old man.

B drove the children away from the garden.

C never hepled the old man

( )2 What happened when the old man was asleep?

A A lot of birds came into the garden.

B A fly came and sat on the old man’s nose.

C The monkey was doing housework.

( ) 3 Why did the monkey get angry?

A Because he couldn’t drive away the fly.

B Because he was afraid of the old man.

C Because he didn’t pick up a stone.

( fell off at last.

A The monkey B The fly C The old man’s nose

