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decline n.下降,减少,衰退

The arts of China have not declined in spit of the Western influence. ;虽有西方影响,中国的艺术并未因此而衰落.

The price of mobile telephones has declined sharply. ;手机的价格下降得非常厉害.

The United Kingdom is now no more than an empire that has declined. ;大英帝国如今只是一个业已衰落的帝国.

develop vi.生长,发育,形成; 发展,扩展

develop vt.发展,开发;制定, 研制,成长;逐步产生, 发挥

A good teacher is surely an instructor ; who can develop the capabilities of each student. ;


Juliet Wu's ambition is to develop a national corporation into a worldwide business. ;


elaborate a.精心计划的,详尽的; 复杂的 vt.详述,详细制订 vi.详述

I just want the facts in brief;you don't need to elaborate. ;我只想简单了解事实, 你不必作详细说明.

I don't want elaborate lace pattern on my dress,just make it simple. ;我不想裙子上有复杂精美的花边图案,简简单单就行.

excite vt.使兴奋,使激动; 引起,激起

Strong coffee excites your nerves. ;浓咖啡刺激神经, 使人兴奋.

Emperor Qinshihuang's cruelty excited a rising of the people. ;秦始皇的残暴引起了人民的反抗.

fatal a.致命的,灾难性的, 毁灭性的;重大的, 决定性的

The city of Tangshan has such a new look that it hardly reminds ; people of the fatal earthquake that eccured over 30 years ago. ;

唐山市如今面貌一新, 几乎让人想不起 30多年前的毁灭性的地震.

formal a.正规的,正式的, 合礼仪的;形式上的, 表面的

Business letters are usually formal, ; but we write in a informal way to family members or friends. ; 商业信件通常都是讲究格式的, 但我们给家人或朋友写信就比较随便了.

gaze v./n.凝视,注视

In those boring letures,many students just sat gazing into the classroom window. ;


guard vt.守卫,捍卫 vi.(against)防止, 防范

guard n.警戒,警备;警卫员, 看守,卫兵

Be on your guard against pickpockets. ;谨防扒手.

Tooth paste with fluorine can effectively guard against tooth decay. ;含氟牙膏能有效防止蛀牙.

hostile a.敌对的,敌意的,不友善的;敌方的

It was very strange how hostile she was to all the beautiful girls approaching her husband. ;

;很奇怪, 她对所有接近丈夫的漂亮女孩都心存敌意.

indentical a.相同的,同等的; 同一的

My opinion are not always identical with my parents's. ;我的意见并不总是和


All eggs look similar, but no two eggs are identical, Leonardo da Vinci's teacher once said to him.;

所有鸡蛋看上去相似, 但没有两只鸡蛋是完全相同的 ;达芬奇的老师曾经告诉他说. inferior n.下级,下属 a.劣等的,次的;下级的

No inferior products should be allowed to pass. ;决不能让任何次品漏网.

In the past,women were regarded as inferior to men. ;过去,人们认为女人不如男人.

launch n.发射;(船)下水 (新产品)投产

launch vt.发射;发起(运动) 推出(产品);使开始从事;使(船)下水

The first artifical satellite was launched by the former Soviet Union, which shocked the United States. ;前苏联发射了第一颗人造卫星, 让美国人大惊失色. mechanism n.机械装置;机制,机理; 办法,途径

The bones and muscles are parts of the mechanism of the body. ;骨骼和肌肉是人体的组成机体.

The shell of my watch is transparent and the mechanisms inside can be seen. ;我的手表外壳是透明的, 可以看见里面的机械装置.

match n.比赛,竞赛;对手,敌手; 匹配,相配的人(或物); 火柴

match vt.和...相配, 和...相称, vi.相配,相适合

The prince and princess in the fairy tales ; are always perfectly matched(=were always a perfect match). 童话中的王子与公主永远都是天造地设的一对.

The White Swan Hotel in Guangzhou can't be matched for friendliness.


These shoes do not match;one is large and the other is small. ;这双鞋不相配,一只大, 一只小.

negative a.否定的; 反面的,消极的; 负的,阴性的

negative n.负数;(照相机的) 负片,底片

He was suspicious of having taken dopes,but his urine test was negative. ; 他被怀疑服用了兴奋剂, 但他的尿样检测却是呈阴性的.

Two negative makes a positive. ;负负得正.

obligation n.义务,责任

To pay taxes is an obligation of every citizen. ;纳税是每一个公民的义务. panic n.惊慌,恐慌,慌乱 v.(使)恐慌, (使)惊慌失措

The Asian Financial crisis caused panic selling of securities. ;亚洲金融危


peer pi ;n.同龄人,同等地位的人; 贵族 vi.仔细看,费力地看

To lessen peer(group) pressure,many schools require their students to wear uniforms.


He peered at the comp- uter screen,wondering what his programming mistake was.


press n.报刊,报界,新闻界; 出版社,通讯社; 压,按,挤;印刷机

press v.压,按,挤; 压榨,压迫

In the press conference, the White House spokesman always avoids directly answering questions. ; ;在新闻发布会上,白宫发言人总是避免直接回答问题. Time presses.Let's press on with our work. ;时间紧迫.我们加紧工作吧.

Just press this button,and you'll start the engine. ;只要按一下这个按钮便可启动这台发动机了.

The problem of fuel presses for solution. ;这个燃料的问题急待解决.

rarely ad.不常,难得

Big Ben in London has rarely gone wrong. ;在伦敦“大本钟”很少出差错. Only rarely do I eat in restaurants. ;我极少到饭馆吃饭.

scandal n.丑事,丑闻;流言蜚语; 反感,愤慨

The former president of the Philipines took tax money for his own use, it was such a scandal.

;菲律宾前总统贪污税款, 可谓一大丑闻.

thread n. 线,细丝;线索,思路; 螺纹 vt.穿(针、线等)

You lose the thread of your argument. ;你们的论点有失条理.

You need a needle threader if you can't see clearly to thread a needle.

如果看不清楚无法穿线, 你需要一枚穿针器.

Lesson 2

bump vt. 碰,撞;颠簸着前进 n. 碰撞;隆起物

In the dim light I couldn't see clearly and bumped into a tree. ;昏暗中我看不清,一头撞在一棵树上.

circuit n.电路,线路; 环行,环行道

I run two circuits of the track every morning in order to pass the 800-meter running test.


In Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, you will see CCTV is the abbreviation of "Closed Circuit Television".

你要是查阅《朗文当代英语词典》;就会发现CCTV是“闭路电视”的缩写. complain vt.抱怨,诉苦; 投诉,控告

Those who are always complaining should turn their attention to figuring out how to make it better. 那些天成天牢骚满腹的人,应该想想如何改变现状.

You are always complaining about something. ;你总是满腹牢骚.

conventional a.普通的,习惯的, 常规的;符合习俗的, 因循守旧的

The Russian Defense Minister maintained that his country should reduce expenditure on conventional weapons ; and spend more on strategic weapons. 俄罗斯的国防部长坚持认为俄应削减花在常规武器上的开支,而更多地在战略武器上投入.

Mother is so conventional in her views. ;妈妈的观点太保守.

destruction n.毁灭,破坏,消灭

The hot ash and the lava from the volcano Etna brought total destruction to the village.

来自埃及特纳火山的滚烫的火山灰和熔岩给那个小村庄带来彻底的毁灭. emergency n.紧急情况

Wahid threatened to proclaim a state of emergency if Congress decided to impeach him ;瓦希德威胁说如果国会弹劾他,他就宣布紧急状态.

The patient was asked to ring the bell in an emergency and the nurses on duty would come straight away. 病人在有紧急情况时可以按铃,然后当班的护士就会立即前来.

fantasy n.想象,幻想; 想象的产物

Young people often live in a world of fantasy, and parents always tell them to face the reality. ;年青人常生活在幻想的世界里,而父母亲总会告诉他们要面对现实.

Stop looking for a perfect job--it's just a fantasy. ;别想找到十全十美的工作了,那简直是幻想.

function n.功能,作用,职能; 重大聚会;函数

The function of a chairman at a meeting is to lead and control meetings. 在会上,主席的职责是引导并控制会议.

An old machine won't function properly if you don't oil it regularly.


heave vt.举起,拉起;扔; (沉重地)发出(叹息、呻吟等)

heave ;vi.(用力)举起,提起 (有节奏的)起伏;呕吐 n.举起,升降

The naughty children have just heaved a stone through my window.


identify vt.认出,鉴定; (~with)把...等同于 vi.(~with)认同

Do you identify beauty with wisdom? ;你认为美貌与智慧能相等同吗?

The characters on the rubbings are so blurred that it is difficult to identify. ;拓片上的文字模糊不清, 难以识别.

jail n.监狱,看守所 vt.监禁,拘留

Romeo was sentenced to jail for 15 days for starting a fight with his rival. ; 因为与情敌发生冲突,罗密欧被判15日监禁.

Has it ever occurred to you that jails were first invented for debtors? ; 你有没有想过,监狱最初是为了关押欠债人而发明的?

line n.线条;方针,路线; 线路,电话线;线,绳; 排,行;行业,专长

line vt.使排成一行;划线于 vi.排队,排齐

People lined the streets to see the famous man go past. ;人们站在街道两旁看那位著名人士走过.

Line and color are both important in portrait painting. ;线条和色彩在肖像绘画中都很重要.

master n.男主人,雇主;能手, 名家,大师;

master vt.掌握,精通;征服,控制 a.主要的,重要的; 精通的,优秀的

Who is the master mind behind this plan? ;谁是这个计划的幕后决策人?

I don't think we can master a language in a year's study. ;我不相信经过一年的学习我们就可以掌握一种语言.

notion n.概念,观念;意图, 想法,念头

The notion that the earth is round has been widely accepted since Magellan accomplished the first voyage around the world.

;关于地球是圆的概念已广泛为人们所接受自从麦哲伦首次完成环球旅行以来, Some men have a notion that women should never wear cosmetics. ;有些男人认为女人应该素面朝天.

option n.选择;选择权,选择自由;(供)选择的事物 (或人物)

The government has two options, to reduce spending or to increase taxes. 政府只有两种选择,不是削减开支便是增加税收.

Please make a list of the various options. ;请列出可供选择的项目.

pay vt.付钱给,支出; 给予(注意等), 进行(访问等)

pay vi.付款;有利,值得; 付出代价,受到惩罚 n.工资,薪金

It will pay in the long run if the setting off of firecrackers is effectively banned in the cities. ;从长远来看,在城市里鞭炮是值得的,真正有效地禁放.

I'll certainly pay you back for what you did to me! ;你那样对待我,我一定要回敬你的!

rare a.稀有的,罕见的; 珍奇的,出类拔萃的;

Jasper White is one of those rare people who believe in ancient myths. ;贾斯珀.怀特是那些少有的相信古代神话的人之一.

rare a.(空气)稀薄的; (肉等)煎得嫩的

The higher we go above the earth,the rarer the air is. ;我们离开地面越高,空气越稀薄.

reflection n.映象,倒映; 反射;反映,表达; 深思,考虑,反省

Don't act without sufficient reflection. ;不要未经深思就采取行动.

The dog barked at his reflection in the river. ;那条狗对着小河中自己的倒影吠叫.

satisfactory n.令人满意的

When you think it over,you will see that it is the satisfactory way out. ;你好好考虑,就会明白那是惟一令人满意的出路.

The Johnson Administration failed to come up with a satisfactory solution to the economic crisis.;约翰逊当局拿不出令人满意的解决办法来解决经济危机. shame vt.使蒙受羞辱,使丢脸

shame n.羞耻,羞愧,耻辱; 可耻的人(或事物); 遗憾的事,可惜

It is a shame to be so wasteful. ;这样浪费太可惜了.

Will students feel great shame at having failed the final exam? (Will students be shamed by their failure to pass the final exam?) ;学生们会为期末考试不及格而感到羞耻吗?

superficial a.肤浅的,浅薄的; 表面的

Superficial scratches can be easily removed. ;表层的划痕很容易除掉.

I have only a superficial knowledge of this subject. ;我对这个问题仅略知皮毛.

sympathize vi.(~with)同情,怜悯 (~with) 体谅,赞同

I sympathize with you; I've had a similar unhappy experience myself. ;我很同情你,我自己也有过类似的不幸遭遇.

We sympathize with the goals of the committee. ;我们赞同委员会的目标. treaty n.条约,协定

The two leaders underline that the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile(ABM) Treaty is a vital cornerstone of global strategic security.


undertake vt.承担,着手做; 同意,答应,保证

During her husband's presidency, Jacqueline Kennedy undertook the coordin- ation of the White House restoration. ; ;在丈夫担任总统期间,杰奎林.肯尼迪承担了协调白宫的修复工作.

unusual a.不平常的,少有的; 与众不同的,独特的

It is quite unusual for a freshman to be younger than eighteen or older than nineteen but I was barely 16 when I entered college.


The most unusual car was a Benz which had only three wheels. ;最奇特的小汽车是辆只有 3个轮子的奔驰小汽车.

violate vt.违反,违背;亵渎; 侵犯,妨碍

The soldier violated the church by using it as a stable. ;士兵们把教堂当马厩用而亵渎了它.

You have violated the traffic regulation. ;你违反了交通规则.

This is double yellow line and no parking is allowed. ;这是双黄线,不可以停车的.

wage n.薪水;报酬,报应

The railroad workers have asked for a wage increase and the management is working on that.


The six members to the Shanghai Cooperation Organization ; have determined to wage war against terrorism,separatism and extremism.

上海合作组织"签约的6个成员国决定向恐怖主义、分裂主义和极端主义开战. Lesson 3

budget ;n.预算,预算拨款

The new financial secretary of Hong Kong ;香港新任财政司司长

budget ;vi.编预算,作安排vt.规划,安排n.低廉的,收费公道的

is expected to announce fax cuts in this year's budget. ;


A lot of money has been saved by budgeting. ;通过预算开支,一大笔钱节省下来. capable ;a.有能力的,有技能的

Not everyone is capable of judging art. ;并不是每个人都有鉴赏艺术的能力.

The situation is capable of improvement. ;这种情况是可以改善的.

That mob's capable of any crime. ;那个暴徒什么违法的事都干得出来.

combat ;n.战斗,格斗v.与...战斗, 与...斗争

In order to survive all kinds of competitions, ;要想在各种各样的竞争中站稳脚跟,

a businessman has to combat with his rival. ;商人就不得不与对手抗争.

comprehensive ;a.广泛的,综合的

The state government of California gave a very comprhensive explanation of its plans for the development of the electronic industry.


convince ;vt.使确信,使信服,说服

What conviced them to vote for Bush? ;究竟是什么说服了他们投布什的票?

You should present evidences to convince the judge of your innocence. ;你得摆出证据使法官相信你的清白.

defeat ;n.击败,战胜;战败,失败vt.击败,战胜; 使失败,挫折

The Chinese U-21 Football Team ; was defeated by the Argentina Team in the football match.


deserve ;vt.应受,应得,值得

Nature deserves our protection because we ourselves are part of it.


economical ;a.节约的,节省的,经济的

Going by train is more economical than going by plane. ;坐火车比坐飞机更省钱. Bicycles are regarded as an economical alternative to buses ; whose fares have increased 5 times in the past 3 years.


evaluate ;vt.评价,估计, 求...的值

The research project has been under way only for three months, so it's too early to evaluate its success.


fantastic ;a.极好的,极出色的; 极大的,难以相信的; 异想天开的;奇异的

Li Yundi's piano performance is really fantastic. ;李云迪的钢琴表演实在是太出色了. There are many fantastic legends in ancient China. ;中国古代有许多稀奇古怪的传说.

frontier ;n.边界,边境

frontier ;(the ~)开发地区的边缘边远地区;

The frontiers of medical knowledge are being pushed farther outwards ;医学知识的新领域正向前推进

as time goes on. ;随着时间的推移.

guarantee ;vt.保证,担保n.保证,保证书

Every new television comes with a guarantee. ;每台新电视机都有保修单.

Blue skies are not always a guarantee of continuing fine weather. ;蔚蓝的天空并不能永远保证天气持续晴朗.

Many shopkeepers guarantee satisfaction to customers. ;许多店主向顾客保证一定


honor ;n.

honor ;vt.给...以荣誉; 向...示敬意,尊敬

It's a great honor to meet you. ;见到你真是三生有幸.

The strong powers must honour their commitments to smaller nations. ;大国应该履行对小国所作的承诺.

Will you honor me with a visit? ;如蒙光临,荣幸之至.


Many distant stars are invisible to the naked eye. ;很多遥远的星球是肉眼看不到的. Goodwill is an invisible asset to a business. ;友好关系对于一桩生意来说是一种无形的资产.

manage ;vt.管理,经营,处理; 设法,对付;控制,操纵vt.处理,设法对付

Who will manage while the director is away? ;总管不在时谁管事?

Are you good at managing your money? ;你善于理财吗?

mess ;n.凌乱状态,脏乱状态; 混乱的局面,困境vt.弄糟,弄脏,搞到

You have made a mess of the job! ;你把工作弄的一团糟.

I've just cleaned the floor,and you've messed it up again by dropping bits of paper everywhere! ; ;我刚扫干净地板,你又把纸屑弄得到处都是,把地板搞脏.

morderate ;a.中等的,一般的; 温和的,稳健的; 有节制的,适度的

morderate ;v.(使)和缓; (使)减轻

Parents should moderate their language when children are present. ;孩子们在场时,父母们讲话应有节制.

notify ;v.通知,告知,报告

When your bike is stolen,do you notify the police or just accept the bad luck? ;如果自行车被偷,你是通知警察,还是自认倒霉?

odd ;a.不成对的,单的; 奇数的;挂零的,剩余的

odd ;a.奇特的,古怪的; 临时的,不固定的;

Some people get odder as they grow older. ;有些人越老越古怪.

parade ;n.游行,检阅v.(使)列队行进, (使)游行

The Olympic Games begin with a parade of all the competing nations. ;奥运会以参赛各国运动员的列队行进开始.

He is always parading his wealth/his knowledge. ;他总是夸耀自己的财富/ 知识. peculiar ;a.奇怪的,古怪的; 特有的,独具的,独特的

Language is peculiar to mankind. ;语言是人类特有的.

personality ;n.个性,人格; 人物,名人

The purpose of educa- tion is to develop a fine personality in children. ;教育的目的是发展孩子完美的品格.

prevail ;vi.流行,盛行,获胜, 成功

Truth is great and will prevail. ;真理是至高无上的,且必将获胜.

At last justice has prevailed and the guilty man has been punished. ;正义最终取得了胜利, 作恶的人受到了惩罚.

quality ;n.质,质量;品质,品德; 性质,特性

This new model is of high quality and is not expensive either. ;这种新款式质量非?? 而且也不贵.

One quality of wood is that it can burn. ;木材的一个特性是可以燃烧.

reckon ;vt.认为,估计; 指望,盼望;测算,测量

Do you still reckon him as your friend? ;你还认为他是你的朋友吗?

I reckon there are at least fifty people in the room. ;我估计房间里至少有50 个人.

A machine for weighing people has a scale from one pound to 300 pounds on it. ;称体重的机器上有从1磅到300磅的刻度.

scale ;vt.攀登

scale ;n.大小,规模;等级

The scale of this map is one centimeter to the kilometer. ;这个地图的比例是1厘米代表1公里.

The tax was scaled up/ down to 10 percent. ;税按比例增/减百分之十.

wealthy ;a.富裕的

If we want everyone to live a healthy,wealthy and happy life, ;如果我们想使每个人都能过健康、富裕和幸福的生活,

strict birth control is quite essential. ;就必须实行严格的计划生育.

A man who is wealthy in compassion sometimes suffers a lot. ;感情丰富的人有时候很遭罪的.

Lesson 4


Yasir Arafat's father advised him to go into business, but he was determined to strive all out to construct an indepen- dent state for the Palestinians. ; 亚瑟.阿拉法特的父亲要他从商,可是他却决心为建立独立的巴基斯坦人的国家而


We wish to advise you that your telephone bill is due tomorrow, after which we will have no chioce but to disconnect you.



I had expected books on philosophy to be boring, but this one,Sophie's World,is fascinating.


The lecture was boring that we couldn't help yawning. ;那场讲座真闷,我们都忍不住要打哈欠.


When Richard Clayderman finished the performance, the whole audience was on their feet and clapped and clapped.


The coach clapped the new member on the back to suggest his encouragement. ;教练轻轻拍了拍新来的队员的背表示鼓励.


A teacher should learn to conceal his bad mood when giving lectures.



Popular songs and music may be labeled as vulgar, but they contribute to our enjoyment.


The prestigious professor has said in his will to contribute his collection of books to the local library. 那位名教授立下遗嘱,在他死后把他的藏书捐给当地的图书馆.


Life will have significant change at some critical moments, so we should grasp every chance and take every critical decision seriously.



A critical spirit is what a reader should possess to get the most out of anything he reads.



I left a 10,000-yuan deposit toward the purchase of a Sail.



Millions of years later, a thick deposit of rich fertile soil has formed in the delta.



When the captain found the ship was rapidly sinking, he ordered his men to send out a distress signal. 船长发现船在迅速下沉时就命令船员发了遇险信号.

Two in distress makes sorrow less. ;同病相怜,同忧相救.


Having worked in the company for over three years, you are due for a pay raise. 你在公司干了3年多了,该升工资了.

Mistakes due to carelessness may have serious consequences. ;由于粗心而造成的错误可能会引起严重后果.


Computers can help check spelling errors, so more people's spelling is getting worse.



Every man has his faults. ;人非圣贤,孰能无过.

When you love a person you should love him/ her for her faults as well as his/her virtues ;当你爱一个人时,你爱他 /她的优点,也得爱他/她的缺点.


Some girls appear gentle,but you shouldn't take it for granted that they never lose their temper.



Leonardo might be an idea lover,but he is too handsome to set a girl's mind at rest. ;列奥纳多也许可以做一个理想的情人,但是他太英俊了,让女孩子放心不下.


People around the world can't hold their wonder at the incredible speed at which the Chinese reconstruct their own country.



I am crazy about Italian landscapes because they are colorful.



I beg your mercy for another chance. ;求求你大发慈悲再给我一次机会吧. multiply

When animals have more food,they generally multiply faster. ;动物如果吃得多,通常繁殖也快.

If you give the workers proper incentives,efficiency will be multiplied. ;如果你给予工人适当的激励,可以成倍地提高效率.

