航海英语5套真题 5-9

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1. ____indicate that the vertical deflection of a ship’s hull, in longitudinal direction, where

the hull midships is bent upwards A. Shearing B. sagging C. hogging D. buckling


DIRECTION DEFINES_____ A. Floating B. Sailing C. Drifting

D. Running into danger

3. What are essential to ensure the effectives implementation of the ship security plan? A. Controlling access to the ship B. Training and drills

C. Controlling the restricted areas D. Monitoring the ship at times

4. The notice which is based on original information is indicated by ___next to the notice

number. A. a star B. a dot C. a dash D. a circle

5. If the electronic chart is part of an ECDIS, it must display the minimum date required by

IMO/IHO, to include all of the following EXCEPT____ A. hydrography B. aids to navigation C. tidal currents D. regulatory boundaries

6. The only cylinder chart projection widely used for navigation is the ____ A. Lambert conformal B. Mercator C. azimuthally D. gnomonic

7. The AIS transponder is designed to transmit information____ A. Automatically B. Semi-automatically C. Manually

D. AIS is not transmitting at all

8. Information from the station and installation shall be appropriately shared by _____ A. all crew members

B. all the watch keeping personnel C. all passengers D. all visitors

9. A vessel is equipped with a single –handed screw. With rudder amidships and calm wind,

the vessel will most likely back____ A. Straight astern B. To port C. To starboard

D. In no particular direction

10. A cyclone in its final stage of development is called a(n)____ A. Tornado B. Anticyclone

C. Occluded cyclone or occluded front D. Polar cyclone

11. The table below is to record section IV NTM amendments ____this volume. Sub-paragraph numbers in the margin of the body of the book are to assist the user when making amendment to this volume. A. Affecting B. Correcting C. Influencing D. Effecting

12. In which situation do you think a risk of collision exists? A. B.

A vessel is 22 on your port bow, range increasing , bearing changing slightly to the right.

A vessel is broad on your starboard beam range decreasing, bearing changing rapidly to the right

C. D.

A vessel is 22? abaft your port beam, range increasing, bearing is constant A vessel is on your starboard quarter, range decreasing, bearing is constant

13. The doldrums are characterized by___ A. Steady, light to moderate winds B. Frequent calms C. Clear skies D. Low humidity

14. All marks within the IALA system are distinguished by ____①shape② top mark ③light characteristics④color A. ①② B. ③④ C. ②③④ D. ①②③④

15. There shall be ____ into sleeping rooms from cargo and machinery spaces or from galleys,

storerooms, drying rooms or communal sanitary areas. A. No direct opening B. Direct opening

C. No more than one direct opening D. Up to direct opening

16. A weather map is a synoptic data because it_____ A. Summarizes a great of information B. Can be interpreted accurately C. Appears daily

D. Is prepared by the weather Bureau

17. The port in which crew or passengers go on board the ship is called ____ A. Port of call B. Port of embarkation C. Port of destination D. Port of disembarkation

18. ____ is nor ordinarily applied to passenger or to combination passenger and freight ships. A. Displacement tonnage

B. Deadweight tonnage C. Registered tonnage D. Gross tonnage

19. In the doldrums you will NOT have____ A. High relative humidity

B. Frequent showers and thunderstorms C. Steep pressure gradients D. Frequent calms

20. The VDR system is designed to operate ____once it is set up correctly, there is no user

interaction. A. Automatically B. Accurately C. Promptly D. Conspicuously

21. You discharge garbage overboard at sea. When recording your vessel’s position as

required, you must include___ A. Course, speed, and estimated distance from shore B. Latitude, longitude and approximate depth of water

C. Latitude, longitude, course, speed, and a copy of that days noon position slip D. Latitude and longitude

22. In the lifeboat stowed position, two ___prevent the davits from accidentally swinging out. A. Harbor pins B. Horns C. Lifting hooks D. Gripes

23. Humidity is known as the amount of _____ in the air. A. Hydrogen B. Moisture C. Dust D. Temperature

24. The shoreline on charts generally represents the mean____ A. High water line

B. Low water line C. Low water spring line D. Tide level

25. In the Northern Hemisphere a wind is said to veer when the wind_____ A. Changes direction clockwise, as from north to east, etc. B. Changes direction violently and erratically C. Remains constant in direction and speed

D. Changes direction counterclockwise, as form south to east, etc 26. The vertical distance between crest and trough is called the ____ A. Wave heigh B. Wave aweigh C. Wave high D. Wave height

27. In particular, which is not included in the Navigation system? A. ECDIS B. RADAR C. GPS D. GMDSS

28. A navigator fixing a vessel’s position by radar____ A. Should never use radar bearings

B. Should only used radar bearing when the range exceeds the distance to the horizon C. Can use radar information from one object to fix the position D. Must use information from targets forward of the beam

29. The maneuverability of the ship is considered_____ if the following criteria are complied

with A. Satisfactory B. Satisfactorily C. Smooth D. Smoothly

30. Data relating to the direction and velocity of rotary tidal currents can be found in the

_____ A. Mariner’s Guide

