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英 语 试 题

命题:宜昌市教科院 周敏


I. 听辨单词或短语。(共10小题,计10分)

A) )听录音,从A,B,C


B. C. ( ) 1. A.

B. C. ( ) 2. A.

B. C. ( ) 3. A.

B. C. ( ) 4. A.

B. C. ( ) 5. A.

B) )听录音,从A,B,C中选出与你所听内容相符的选项。听两遍。 ( ) 6. I am going on a trip. I feel so _______. A. exciting B. excited C.excuse ( ) 7. It’s raining. Put on your raincoat and ______. A. books B. drinks C. boots ( ) 8.Summer holiday is coming. It starts from _____. A. June B. July C. January ( ) 9. Sometimes I play the ______ after school. A. volleyball B. violin C. village ( ) 10. Sarah usually goes to school _____ minutes earlier than us. A. sixteen B. thirteen C. twenty


)11. A. (

)12. A. (

( )13. A.

)14. A. (

)15. A. (

B. B. B. B. B. C. C. C. C. C.



( ) 16. Sarah usually goes to school by bike. ( ) 17. The cinema is south of the post office. ( ) 18. John is heavier than Mike.

( ) 19. Amy is sad because she failed the Chinese test. ( ) 20. They get up at the same time.

IV、短文理解。(共10小题,计10分) A) 听一段短文。按所听内容的先后顺序,用1、2、3、4、5给


21. ( )

22. ( ) 23. ( ) 24. ( ) 25. ( )

B) 听一段电话录音,判断以下句子的正(T)误(F)。听三遍。 ( ) 26. Jenny is making a phone call. ( ) 27.Jenny isn’t at home now.

( ) 28. Karen has got a bedroom for Jenny. ( ) 29.Jenny must take a bed with her.

( ) 30. Karen wants some books and magazines.



A) 看图,选词填空。请将正确的单词填写在横线上。 31. I ___________ (read/ readed) a new book yesterday.

32. --- Are there a pair of _______(shoes/shoe) under the bed? ---Yes, there are.

33. Ms Wang _________(teach/teaches)us English. She is a wonderful teacher.

34. John likes ________ (playing the violin/to play violin).

35. My birthday is in April. And Mary’s birthday is in next month. Her birthday is in____________(May/March).

B) 读短文,根据上下文及图示,用恰当的单词填空,注意使用单词的正确形式,单词首字母已给出。

It’s summer. It’s very hot. Zoom and Zip (36) s_______ in the lake.

They have a lot of fun. It’s fall. Zoom and Zip go (37) h_______.

Winter comes. Zoom and Zip don’t skate. They (38 )s_______.

(39)S______ comes. Zoom and Zip wake up.

They fly (40) k _______.


从A,B,C中选择最佳选项, 将其代号填在题前的括号里。

( ) 41. --- When is ________? --- It’s December 25th.

A. New Year’s Day

B. Christmas Day.

C. Children’s Day.

( ) 42. ---Excuse me, _____________?

---Go straight for five minutes and then turn right.

A. Is there a Xinhua bookstore near here?

B. How can I get to Xinhua bookstore? C. Are you going to Xinhua bookstore?

( ) 43. ---_______is it today? ---It’s Monday.

A. When A. job A. actor A. How much A. Have a good time --- It’s very hot. A. What’s A. bought, bought A. horse

B. What day B. pen pal B. writer B. How many B. You’re right.

C. What C. hobby C. TV reporter C. What C. Goodbye

( ) 44---What’s your ________? --- I like reading. ( ) 45. --- I’m going to be a ________ like Mo Yan.

( ) 46. --- _________ sheep are there on the farm? --- Ten. ( ) 47.--- I’m going to Hainan for holiday next week. ---_________.

48. ---It is sunny and hot in Yichang. ___________Wuhan?

B. How about B. buy, bought B. cat

C. Is it C. bought, buy C. rabbit

( ) 49. --- What did you _______last Sunday? ---- I _____a comic book. ( ) 50. Which of them is not Chinese Zodiac(生肖)?


Sarah: Yes. I’d like 2 kg oranges, please.

Sarah: Oh, I don’t like small ones. I want big ones over there. Sarah: Yes. I want some peaches, too. Sarah: 3 kg.

Sarah: Well, those red ones are very nice. 3 kg, please. How much is that all together? Assistant: That’s 15 yuan.



( ) 56. You can see folk dances and take many beautiful pictures. ( ) 57. I have no idea. How about Kunming? ( ) 58. What can we do there?

( ) 59. Hello, Chen Jie. Summer holiday is coming. Where are you going?

“Spring City”. I think it’s a good place to go.

V、阅读理解。(共10小题,计20分) A) 阅读短文,判断正误。正确的在括号里写(T) ,错误的写(F)。

David goes to school very early in the morning, and comes back home very late in the evening. One day, David had something important to do and he wanted to go home earlier than before, but his teacher asked him to finish his homework before going home. “That will be too late for me.” David thought “I must ….”

Just then, David saw his teacher close his eyes and taking a nap(瞌睡) in his own chair, so he went over to his teacher with his toes and colored the teacher’s glasses black carefully. Then he went back to his seat quickly and said, “Mr. Brown, it’s dark now and it’s time to go home now.” Mr. Brown opened his eyes and said, “Oh, yes, it’s

so dark. Please go home.” David ran out of the classroom as quickly as he could. ( ) 61. David goes to school very late and comes home very early. ( ) 62. One day David really had something important to do. ( ) 63. His teacher let him go first.

( ) 64. His teacher closed his eyes and had a nap. ( ) 65. It was really dark.

(B) 阅读短文,选择最佳选项将其代号填入题前的括号里。

When did people start to use fire? No one knows, but we know it was a long time ago. At first, people only ate raw(生的) meat. When they started to use fire, they began to cook meat. Cooking meat on a fire made it tasty, healthy and safe, so people become stronger. Long ago, people lived in cold and wet caves(洞穴). A good fire can make them warm and dry. Fire was a great thing, but fire can also be very dangerous. Don’t play with fire and when you see a fire, tell an adult(成年人). ( ) 66.When did people start to use fire?

A. 200,000 years ago B. 1,000,000 years ago C. Long time ago ( ) 67. At first, people ate ______ .

A. meatballs B. raw meat C. safe food ( ) 68. Long ago, people cooked meat ________.

A. on a fire B. in a kitchen C. in a hotpot ( ) 69. Before they started to use fire, people lived in________ caves

A. warm and safe B. cold and wet C. clean and dry ( ) 70. When you see a fire, you must _______.

A. cook meat B. play with it C. tell an adult


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