更新时间:2023-09-16 14:00:01 阅读量: 高中教育 文档下载
Beijing is recognized as the political, educational, and cultural center
of China. It is always the first choice of travelers who are willing to know a timehonored and developed city of China. It is one of the most visited cities in the world. There are hundreds of attractions like the Forbidden City, the Temple of Heaven, the Summer Palace, and the Great Wall, etc., most of which are on the World Heritage Site list. Beijing boasts of many historical sites, universities, courtyard houses and hutong, theme museums, parks and gardens. It will take you years to visit all these places, so it is highly suggested to spend years living here to wander in this ancient capital city.
Chinese costume culture refers to the traditional culture of costumes of the Hans and the minorities. China is a country consisting of 56 ethnic
nationalities, and each of them has its own clothing style with distinct ethnic characteristics due to the influence of different culture, traditions, and geographical features. On the other hand, they have influenced and learned from one another in the way of dressing. Dresses are the important symbols of the ethnic nationality identification. The change of clothing manifests the development of an ethnic groups economic life, religious belief, aesthetic consciousness and customs. Clothes of Chinese ethnic minorities are flowery and colorful, extremely exquisite, and highly distinctive. They play an important part of the rich history and culture of the ethnic groups.
译文分析本文介绍了中国的服饰文化。由于文章修饰语多,语体正式,又用到一些考生平时接触不多的专有词汇,翻译起来颇有难度。考生要熟悉本文四字短语如“民族文化”、“地理特征”、“经济生活”、“宗教信仰”等的英语表达。翻译时,在忠于词语原意的前提下可以灵活翻译。原文第三句中的“相渗透及影响”指的是“相互影响和学习”,所以译为have influenced and learned from one another。原文倒数第二句的“绚丽多彩,精美绝伦,各具特色”类似文学作品的语言,应把握其整体意义和结构,译为 flowery and colorful, extremely exquisite, and highly distinctive。
In the process of jobhunting, you do have hope if being offered an interview. Whether you can succeed mainly depends on how the interviewers assess your behavior during the interview. Thus, its necessary to treat the interview as a performance or a match aiming at selling yourself and making the interviewers feel you are the best. Most of the interviewees are in a passive position during the interview, and they try their best to answer any question. A better method is to control the situation by offering the interviewers the information you want to give them rather than what they want from you; you have to make them feel you are the fittest.
译文分析本文介绍了求职面试的技巧,具有层次清楚、结构紧凑的特点。中英文表述上的一个差异是汉语中主语有时可以或者必须省略,诸多无主语句子可并列在一起。而英语句子结构大多以主语+谓语的形式出现。原文第一句就是一个典型的汉语无主语结构,隐含的主语是“你”, 可将此句处理成条件状语句,体现出其中的逻辑关系,以符合英语的表达习惯。第三句中的“其目的是向面试官推销自己”英译时可用伴随状语结构,使得句子结构紧凑。原文最后一句后半句两次提到“信心”、“相信”,可简练地译成you have to make them feel you are the fittest。
It is impossible to mention Chinese culture without mentioning
Chinese food. Chinese dishes are rich and varied, originating from Chinas 56 different ethnic groups and vast territory. Dumpling tops the list of delicacies of people in north China, where people eat dumplings on New Years Eve and for breakfast on New Years day. However, the custom of making dumplings a special dish during Spring Festival, started in the Ming Dynasty, some 500 years ago. The reason is simple. The appearance of dumplings looks like money used in ancient China. As the Spring Festival marks the start of a new year, people choose to eat dumplings to connote their wishes for good fortune in the New Year. Although times has changed, the tradition has remained.
译文分析本文是对中国饮食文化中的饺子的介绍。文章的话语比较随意,词语的意思并不复杂,复合句较多,注意让译文更加简练紧凑,符合英语的表达习惯。原文第二句中的“种类繁多”可转译为形容词varied,既简洁又与句中的“很丰富”形成并列,“来自中国56个民族和广大地域”则可处理成伴随状语,放在主句之后。第四句主语部分“把饺子当作春节的特别食物”是我国的习俗之一,应用增译法添加custom一词使意义更明确。此外,原文中的“特别食物”译作a special dish更为地道,“财运亨通”译作good fortune更清晰易懂。
Some foreign investors are content to invest in China merely to support marketing activities elsewhere in Asia. In fact, the potential
consumer market in China is one of the countrys most attractive features. The reason why a growing number of foreign businessmen are now pouring into China is that they are quite optimistic about Chinas great potential consumer market. In the past decade, the Chinese government has spent great efforts to tackle the problem of limitations on domestic marketing channels imposed by transportation bottlenecks, lack of communication facilities and administrative requirements. These are critical factors that influence a foreign firms investment decisions. The Chinese government has already realized the importance and has taken related measures.
A good marketing way in urban China is to charge more for public consumption. Thats because Chinese customers have different
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