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篇一:公证书英文版 certificate

(90)lu zi, no. 1130(编号)

this is to certificate that miss.yao xiaofen holds a diploma issued to her in june, 2013 by qinzhou university (diploma no. 1160742013000990)and that we have carefully checked the seal of the university and the signature by president xu shuye lingshan county, qinzhou city notary public office guangxi province the peoples republic of china notary: date:

篇二:英文公证书范本 英文公证书范本

[作者:赛凌翻译 | 发表日期:2009-02-09|文章来源:赛凌翻译网 ] 此英文公证书范本源于爱尔兰公证书翻译,作为公司登记注册公证。 一般来说,英文公证书包含三部分: ? ?

? 政府机构或法院签发的证明文书(如courts service) 公证员签署的公证书(notary certificate) 被公证的文件

在英文公证书中,政府机构或法院签发的证明文书非常重要,也是英文公证书的组成部分之一。该文书证明了签署英文公证书的公证员的身份合法性。该文书一般政府部门或法庭签署,如美国公证书中为各州的高级法庭(supreme court)、加拿大公证书为各省的政府服务部(ministry of government services)、爱尔兰公证书为高级法院(supreme court)。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- courts service

an tseirbhis chúirteanna i, name of the registrar, assistant registrar of the supreme court hereby certify that it appears from the records of this office that name of notary public whose name is subscribed to the annexed document was on the 30th day of july 2000 appointed a notary public for the city and county of dublin and that her name is at the present time on the roll of notaries.

of the above-mentioned notary public on record in this office i verily believe the same to be her proper handwriting and her seal. dated this 18 day of october 2008 th signature

--------------------- name of the registrar assistant registrar

seal of the supreme court

英文公证书范本第一部分:政府机构或法院签发的证明文书(如courts service) 英文公证书范本第二部分:公证员签署的公证书(notary certificate) 其他证件翻译>>

篇三:公证书中英文对照版下载 亲属关系公证书 (如:(2012)湘州乾证字第1174

申请人:xxx男,xxxx年x月x日出生, 身份证号码: 住址:

关系人:xxx,男,xxxx年x月x日出生, 身份证号码: 住址:


兹证明xxx是xxx的儿子。 中华人民共和国 xxxx公证处 公证员:xxx


notarial certificate of kinship (for example:(2012) xiangzhou 1174

applicant: xxx, male, was born on august 5, 1990 id number: location: relationship: id number: location:

the notarization matter: kinship certify that xxx is xxxs son. peoples republic of china

notary office of the xiangxi tujia and miao autonomous prefecture gancheng notary: xxx

november xx, xxxx)

篇四:留学专用-亲属关系公证书中文版 亲属关系公证书中文版:


申请人:孩子的名字(****),性别(男/女),出生年月日,现住址。 关系人:父亲名字,性别(男),出生年月日,现住址。 母亲名字,性别(女),出生年月日,现住址。

兹证明申请人(小孩子的名字)是关系人(父亲、母亲的名字)的儿子/女儿。 中华人民共和国(具体哪个市哪个区的公证处) 亲属关系公证书英文版: translation

notarial certificate of kinship

applicant: (child’s name), sex(male/female), date of birth. now residing address:

related party: (father’s name), male, date of birth. now residing address: (mother’s name),female, date of birth. now residing address:

this is to certify that applicant (child’s name) is the (father’s name & mother’s name) son / daughter. notary public: (sealed)

notary public office of ****** the people’s republic of china

公证员名字 具体日期 (公证处盖章) (no.) (sealed) date: 篇五:英语实用文体写作系列 11公证书 unit 11

公证(notarization) 一、写作技巧 (一)概述

公证是指国家公证机关根据当事人的申请,对某法律行为,有法律意义的文件和事实, 依据法定的程序确认其合法性和真实性的一种活动。 公证书的概念

公证书是国家公证机关依据公民、法人或非法人团体的申请,对其法律行为、具有法律 意义的文书和事实,出具具有特殊法律效力的证明文书。涉外公证书是指由我国公证机关出

具的准备在外国管辖范围内使用的公证书。 (二)公证书的种类

公证书的种类很多,涉及到社会、经济、文化等各个领域。例如,委托证明书(power of attorney certificate)、继承权证明书(certificate of inheritance)、亲属关系证明书(certificate of kinship)、转让证明书(certificate of transfer)、学历证明书(schooling certificate)、产 地证明书(certificate of origin)、商标证明书(trade mark registration certificate)等等。


公证书由首部、正文和尾部组成。 1. 首部:(1)文书名称,一般在文书的上部正中写“公证书”或是“××证明书”,如 “合同证明书”、“委托证明书”等。(2)文书编号,包括年度、公证机关名称缩写、公证书


2. 正文:亦称证词,是公证书中核心部分,它分为直接证明和间接证明两类。直接证 明证明书中写明公证活动中所确认的行为和事实。如“招标证明书”、“开奖证明书”等等。



且用语肯定,不可模棱两可,产生歧义。 3. 尾部:(1)制作文书的机关名称,写全称。(2)文书签署人的职务和签名,先写“公 证员”,然后由公证员签名或盖签名章。涉外公证书必须签名,盖签名章无效。(3)文书签

发的年、月、日,并盖公章。 二、经典范文 例一:


this is to certify that ma dayuan and yang wanshun came to my office on april 15, 2003,

and affix their signatures (or their seals) in my presence, on the power of attorney attached hereto.

xi’an notary public office shanxi province

the people’s republic of china notary: wang juan(signature) april 15, 2003 证明书

此证明马大全、杨万顺于二零零三年四月十五日来到我处,在我的面前,在前面的委托 书上签字(或盖章)。 中华人民共和国陕西省 西安市公证处 公证员: 王娟

二零零三年四月十五日 例二:

certificate of professional experience (06)sd. zi. no. 4

this is to certify that li weitong (male, born in 1960) was the assistant manager in the

jinan notary public office shandong province

the people’s republic of china notary: gao hong(signature) may 2, 2006 经历证明书


兹证明李为童(男, 一九六零年出生)于一九九九年五月到二零零一年六月在山东省济南 市国际进出口公司任副经理, 二零零一年六月至二零零五年七月任该公司经理。 中华人民共和国山东省 济南市公证处 公证员:高弘

二零零六年五月二日 例三:

certificate of inheritance (88)sh.zi.no.8

this is to certify as follows:

heirs: chen a-xiang, female, was born in 1932, now residing at 89 jingxi rd, shanghai

city; lin yuping, male, was in 1954, now residing at 89 jingxi rd, shanghai city. decreased: lin baoshan, male, born in 1930, was a staff member of hong kong insurance

his estate in hong kong. he dies intestate. according to the law of the people’s republic of china, mr. lin’s estate is to be inherited in shares by his wife ms. chen a-xiang and his son lin yuping.

shanghai notary public office shanghai city

the people’s republic of china notary: zhao ming(signature) may 5, 1988 继承权证明书 (88)沪证字第8号

被继承人:林宝山,男,一九三零年出生,生前为香港保险公司职员,住香港金湾路282 号,于一九八八年三月二十三日在香港死亡。

查林宝山于一九八八年三月二十三日在香港死亡,死亡后在香港留有遗产。死者生前 无遗嘱,根据中华人民共和国法律规定,死者林宝山的遗产,应由林宝山的妻子陈阿香和儿

子林玉平二人共同继承。 特此证明。 公证员:赵明

一九八八年五月五日 例四:

schooling certificate (02)hn.zi.no.6

this is to certify that zhang yuanli (female, born in 1940) was enrolled in the foreign

languages department of henan university (four-year course) in september 1963 and graduated in july 1967.

kaifeng notary public office henan province

the people’s republic of china notary: zhu jun(signature) june 26, 2002 学历证明


兹证明张媛丽(女,一九四零年出生)于一九六三年九月入河南大学外语系,学习四 年,一九六七年七月毕业。 中华人民共和国河南省 开封市公证处 公证员:宋军

二零零二年六月二十六日 例五:


(2006)lu zi, no. 1130 may 2, 2006

this is to certificate that mr. zhao qiangwen holds a diploma issued to him in july, 1980 by

shandong university (diploma no. 064)and that we have carefully checked the seal of the

university and the signature by president zhou yong sen. jinan notary public office shandong province

the people’s republic of china notary: wang fang


兹证明赵强文先生持有山东大学于1980年发给他的064号毕业文凭上的学校印签和 校长周永森签字属实。 中华人民共和国 山东省济南市公证处 公证员:王芳 2006年5月2日 notes

1. this is to certify that:兹证明...... 2. in one’s presence: 在......的面前

e.g. the boy did not dare to cry in his father’s presence. 这个男孩在他父亲面前不敢哭。

3. reside in/at: 住,居留(live较常用)

e.g. reside abroad居于国外reside at 10 railway terrace住在铁路街10号 4. he dies intestate.死者生前未立遗嘱。 5. inherit: vt. 继承

e.g. the poor child unexpectedly inherited a large sum of money left by his aunt. 这个可怜的孩子出乎意料地继承了他姑妈留下的一大笔钱。 三、常用表达及句型useful expressions and sentences 1. notarial affairs 公证事务 2. to notarize 公证 3. to legalize认证

4. succession act继承法

5. mr. li ming is the heir at law.李明先生是法定继承人。

6. you have no right to succeed to the fortune.你无权继承这笔遗产。 7. in the first(last) instance在初(终)审中 8. to accept a verdict服从裁决 9. to take the evidence取证

10. this is the normal legal procedure.这是正常的法律程序。

11. who can vouch for it that you are mr. lin’s lineal relative? 谁能证明你是林先生的直系亲 属?

12. we need the original copy of the certificate.我们需要证明书的原件。

13. the stamp and signature is authentic.签字印章属实。

14. it is in full conformity with the original certificate. 与原证书完全一致。 15. registration, court and record fees 登记、出庭、记录费 练 习 exercises

i. fill in the blanks with proper words模版填空 certificate

(06)gd. zi, no. 9

this is to certify that the official seal affixed by ______ [hospital] and the signature affixed

by _______ [doctor] to the above document are found genuine. ________ [city] notary public office _______ [province] province the people’s republic of china notary: ________(signature) __________ [date]

ii. translate the following into chinese.英译汉 certificate

(05)sh. zi, no. 3

this is to certify that li weiming came to my office on october 23, 2005, and affixed his

signature in my presence on the declaration attached hereto. shanghai notary public office shanghai city

the people’s republic of china notary: wang li(signature) october 23, 2005 key to exercises

i. fill in the blanks with proper words模版填空 open-ended.

ii. translate the following into chinese. 英译汉 证明书


兹证明李为民于二零零五年十月二十三日来到我处,在我的面前,在前面的声明书上 签字。

