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新世纪高职高专英语 Unit One Teaching Plan Why College?

I. Teaching Objective 'Master精通,熟练使自己成为…的精通者,掌握 the key words and structures, and understand why people go to college for further studies so as to have enough education for a good job II.

Key Points 1) Vocabulary

Academic adj.学院的, 大学的; 学会的, (学术、文艺)协会的,研究院的; 学究的; 理论的[美]文科的, 文学的 advanced beyond在(到)...较远的一边, 超过, 那一边 degree executive实行的, 执行的, 行政的n.执行者, 经理主管人员graduate(大学)毕业生, 研究生v.(使)(大学)毕业 major<美>[教]主修课, [律]成年人, [乐]大调adj.主修的, 成年的, 大调的vi.主修 master privilege特权, 特别待遇, 基本公民权力, 特免vt.给与...特权, 特免 require research reserve储备, 保存, 保留, 预定, 预约 serve talented有才能的 variety变化, 多样性, 种种, 品种, 种类athlete .运动员;田径运动员bachelor未婚男子, 独身汉,学士dominate .支配, 占优势entrepreneur企业家 ,创办人;创业者 ,中间商,承办人view...as看待 in addition to加上, 除...外, 又 2) Structure

the more..., the more...; either...or不是...就是..., ...或... 3) Skills

Using context clues to find out the meanings of words Scanning for specific information Form-filling III.

Teaching Procedures

Lead In Activity; Study of the Text; Study of Words and Phrases; Study of Read More; Study of Practical Reading; Study of Practical Writing Lead In

1. Ask the students to look at the pictures on Page 1 in the textbook and discuss in pairs why some high school graduates go to college and why some do not, and then ask some pairs to tell their opinions to the whole class.

2. Ask the students to find out about the advantages and disadvantages of going to college and of finding a job or, of joining the army after high school, and then to tell the reasons to the whole class. Read In

I. Background Information

1. Education in the United States

The national system of formal education in the United States took shape v.成形, 形成, 具体化, 有显著发展in the 19th century. It differed from educational systems of other Western countries in three fundamental respects重视, 关心, 考虑,着眼点, 方面. First, Americans were more inclined具有...的爱好、倾向或志趣的to regard education as a solution to various social problems. Second, because they had this confidence in the power of education, Americans provided more years


of schooling for a larger percentage of the population than other countries. Third, educational institutions公共机构, 协会, 制度were primarily run by local authorities权威, 威信, 权威人士, 权力, 职权, 典据, 著作权威rather than胜于by federal ones. The most notable值得注意的;显著的;显要的;优越的characteristic指数,阶;特征,特性,性能of the American educational system is the large number of people it serves. In 1995, 87 percent of Americans between age 25 and 29 graduated from high school. Among those who completed high school, 62 percent completed at least some college, and 28 percent earned at least a bachelor's degree. Expanding access to有权使用 college education is an important priority.先, 前, 优先, 优先权 for the U. S. government. In his 1997 State of the Union Address ex-President Bill Clinton called for the creation of a new public policy国家政策to enable virtually事实上, 实质上every high school graduate to receive some form of college education. 2. Colleges and Universities

Colleges and universities are degree granting institutions of higher education. In the original sense of the word, a college was a group of students who gathered to share academic and residential facilities. Each college was a component part of a corporate body called a university. Today, especially in the United States, a college may be affiliated .附属的, 有关连的with a university or be independent. American undergraduates大学肄业生, (尚未取得学位的)大学生adj.大学生的traditionally have been required to take general survey courses before they specialize in major areas of concentration集中, 集合, 专心, 浓缩, 浓度; the undergraduate program generally is four years, and each year is split劈开, (使)裂开, 分裂, 分离into two or three semesters. In contrast相反, 大不相同, European students begin their higher education with specialized studies because their general education is completed in secondary school中学. In general, European universities have no prescribed指示, 规定, 处(方), 开(药) courses, attendance出席, 到场,出席者, 参加者,出勤率,陪从; 看护; 值班,保养, 维护, 值班requirements, or course grades等级, 级别, 程度,[美](中小学)年级; 某一年级的学生,[the grades][美]小学校,[美](学校的)评分等级. Students may attend lectures, but do their work directly with tutors who prepare them for examinations. Programs may be completed in two to six years. 3. Degrees

Students who pass the regular program of courses receive a bachelor's degree in arts, science, commerce, engineering, education, or any of several other fields. Bachelor's degrees in law and theology are granted to those possessing a bachelor's degree from a college. Graduates may continue their course of study for at least one more year for a master's degree. A master's thesis or project may be required for a degree. The university offers doctor's degrees and special certificates. Students may continue working for at least two years beyond the master's level toward the degree of doctor of philosophy, doctor of science, or other type of doctorate. In graduate school, seminars give advanced students opportunities to do research work and then to submit their findings for evaluation and criticism. The doctor's degree is conferred on the basis of courses, seminars, a dissertation, and written and oral examinations. 4. Cyndi Lauper

Cyndi Lauper (full name: Cynthia Ann Stephanie Lauper Thomton), was bom in Brooklyn, New York, on June 22nd, 1953. She went to four high schools. The one that gave her the honorary high school diploma was Richmond Hill High School in Richmond Hill, NY. Cyndi Lauper is listed as the 21st most successful artist of the 1980's in NZ ahead of big-name artists such as Dire Straits, Tina Turner, Bruce Springsteen etc. She was the Top Recording Artist on the NZ singles chart in 1984.


During her career, Cyndi received a lot of nominations, such as Grammy Awards, MTV Video Music Awards, American Music Awards, Top 100 video Countdown, Emmy Awards. Her albums include She ~ So Unusual (1983), True Colours (1986), Music Speaks Louder Than Words (1988), Hat Full of Stars (1991), Sisters of Avalon (1997), Christmas Album (1998), etc.

5. Topic-related words or phrases:

academic dress: formal dress, usually comprising cap, gown, and hood, worn by university staff and students. Graduates and undergraduates must appear in academic dress at public ceremonies of a university.

academic credit: a section of an examination syllabus satisfactorily completed, as in higher and professional education

lecturer: somebody who works as a teacher at a British university or college and whose position is lower than that of a professor

associate professor: university teacher, member of a college or university faculty ranking typically above an assistant professor and below a professor

tenured (土地等的)使用和占有, (官职等的)保有, 任期, (土地)使用期限professor: a professor in the university whose position is permanent永久性的, 耐久的, 固定不变的,常设的, 常任的 vocational education职业[技术]教育: instruction in skills necessary for persons who are preparing to enter the labor force or who need training

compulsory course必修课: a course in the university which is required by regulations visiting scholar: person invited to teach in a college or university other than除了…,除…之外his own, often in another country, for a certain period, such as a term or year correspondence school函授学校通过邮政来教学的学校,给学生寄课程和考卷: a school or college offering correspondence courses

Online learning: form of education. All UK universities are connected to the Internet via经, 通过, 经由the academic network known as JANET. A high-speed broadband宽(频)带version of this network, Super JANET, is being developed. It currently links 60 universities and enables high-quality moving video to be networked for remote teaching and research purposes. In 1993, through the Teaching and Learning Technology Progrmmne, the Higher Education Funding Council provided large sums of money for 76 projects to develop software materials to support the university curriculum. Use of such materials is encouraged by 20 university centers set up under the Computers in Teaching Initiative. The use of the Internet and CD-ROM to access information continues to grow. In 2000 the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) announced a new project, the \to develop web-based learning for higher education institutions.

MBA: Master of Business Administration MPA: Master of Public Administration

GRE: graduate record examination, standardized test required by most institutions of higher education in the United States for admission.

GMAT: The Graduate Management经营, 管理, 处理, 操纵, 驾驶, 手段Admission许可入场[入学、入会]; 承认,入场费Test is a multiple-choice test for applicants请求人, 申请人; 报名者; 应征人; 投保人to business schools. The test is administered by the Educational Testing Service (ETS), under the sponsorship of the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC). The GMAT is a computer-adaptive test (CAT), and consists of three sections:


Two 30-minute essays .企图, 散文, 小品文, 随笔, 短文, 评论to be written on the computer One 75-minute, 37-question Math section

One 75-minute, 41-question Verbal adj口头的,a verbal description口头描述,语言的;用词的,动词的section

TOEFL: Test of English as a Foreign Language, a test of English for speakers of other languages that is an entrance requirement for study at a U.S. university.

IELTS: International English Language Testing System. As you probably know, there are two modules模块,组件;[模组]of the IELTS Test---academic (to study at an English-speaking university) and general (to immigrate to an English-speaking country). If you wish to immigrate to an English-speaking country, you will have to pass the general module of the IELTS.

The IELTS Test takes 2 hours and 45 minutes. During that time you will be tested in Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking.

Listening: This module includes 4 sections (40 questions) and takes 30 minutes.

Reading: This module consists of 3 sections (40 questions) and takes 60 minutes (both academic and general reading modules).

Writing: This module includes 2 tasks (of at least 150 and 250 words) and takes 60 minutes to complete.

Speaking: The speaking module takes between 10 and 15 minutes.

II. Text Presentation and Language Points Lines 1-12

\her high school diploma at the age of 35! Although Cyndi made it without a high school degree, most people don't. In the U.S.A. today, about 75% of jobs require some education or technical training beyond high school degrees; college graduates outearn those without a college education; people with master’s degrees outearn those with only a bachelor’s, and the highest incomes of all are earned by people with advanced degrees. However, more diplomas don't always mean more money. Many skilled blue-collar workers, salespeople, business executives, and entrepreneurs outearn college professors and scientific researchers. And great athletes and entertainers outearn everyone else! Questions:

What did Cyndi Lauper say when she accepted her high school diploma at the age of 35? She said: \

How do you understand \ That means you can make more money if you receive more education. What happens to most people without a high school diploma?

Without a high school diploma, most people cannot earn more money. What level of education do most of the jobs require?

Most of the jobs require at least a high school education. What kind of people earn more in most cases?

Those who receive more education can earn more. Besides education, what makes people earn more?

Skills and other talents can also make people earn more than others.

1. The more you learn, the more you earn.


This is a structure used to show that two things happen together. Examples:

A. The more practice you have, the fewer mistakes you will make.

B. We'll have to begin our journey early tomorrow; in fact, the earlier, the better. C. Actually, the busier he is, the happier he feels. D. The more I read the poem, the more I understood it. 2 .... as she accepted her high school diploma.

diploma: a certificate of graduation from a school or college Examples:

A. He received a diploma from Harvard in 1978. B. She worked hard to earn her music diploma.

3. Although Cyndi made it without a high school degree, most people don't. make it: be successful (in one's career, etc.) Examples:

A. He failed to make it as a writer.

B. It's hard to make it to the top in show business.

4. In the U.S.A. today, about 75% of jobs require some education or technical training beyond high school degrees; college graduates outearn those without a college education;... 1) require: need Examples:

A. What do you require of me? B. They required me to be quiet.

C. It is required that the instrument should be tested before it is actually used. 2) beyond: outside the range of Examples:

A. The car is beyond repair. B. Your work is beyond all praise.

C. They're paying $100,000 for a small flat it's beyond belief. 3) outearn: earn more than Example:

Tom outearns his father.

4) out-: to a greater extent; surpassing, such as outdo, outlive, outnumber Examples:

A. Jim outlived his wife by five years.

B. John was unable to outdo his elder brother at tennis. C. The teenager outgrew his shoes in four months. D. Our army outnumbered the enemy's troops.

5. Many skilled blue-collar workers, salespeople, business executives, and entrepreneurs outearn college professors and scientific researchers.

executive: person or group in a business organization with administrative or managerial powers Example:

I would like to apply for the position of sales executive. Lines 13 17

But a college education is not only preparation for a career; it is also (or should be)


preparation for life. In addition to courses in their major field of study, more students have time to take elective courses. They may take classes that help them understand more about human nature, government, the arts, sciences, or whatever else interests them. Questions:

What is the purpose of college education according to this paragraph?

On the one hand, a college education is preparation for a career. On the other hand, it is a kind of preparation for one's future life. What do students learn at college?

Students take some courses in their major field of study, and some elective courses as well. What is the purpose of elective courses?

Elective courses help students to learn more about human nature, government, the arts, science, or something else that is useful in life.

6. But a college education is not only preparation for a career; it is also (or should be) preparation for life. career: job or profession Examples:

A. People choose their careers for many reasons.

B. A r6sum6 always includes a description of your career objectives.

7. In addition to courses in their major field of study, most students have time to take elective courses.

1) in addition to: as well as; besides Examples:

A. In addition to giving a general introduction to computers, the course also provides practical training.

B. We saw a Mickey Mouse cartoon, in addition to the cowboy movie. 2) major as an adjective: greater or more important Example:

A. Cigarette smoking is a major factor contributing to cancer.

B. Chicago is one of the major cities of the United States.

major as a noun: a chief or special subject at a university Example:

She chose economics as her major.

major in: specialize in (a certain subject) at college or university Example:

Helen majored in two subjects at the University of Maryland. 8 .... or whatever else interests them. whatever: (used as pronoun or adjective) Examples:

A. Whatever happens, don't forget to write to me. B. You can take whatever book you like on the bookshelf. Lines 18--26

Going to college, either full-time or part-time, is naturally becoming the next step after high school. Today, more than half of American high school graduates enroll in college. But recent high school graduates no longer dominate the college campuses. Today, it is quite common for adults


of all ages to come back to college either for career advancement or personal growth. By 1992, about half of all American college students will be older than 25, and 20% of them will be over 35. Serving this great variety of people are about 3,400 colleges and universities enrolling more than 12 million students. Questions:

What is the next step after high school?

For most young people, going to college full-time or port-time is the next step after high school. What is the percentage of high school graduates studying at college? More than 50% of high school graduates go to college after high school.

Why is it that high school graduates no longer dominate the college campuses now?

Because more and more adult students come back to college for continuing education nowadays . Why do more and more adult students come back to college?

They want to learn more for career advancement or personal growth. What is the probable average age of college students in America now? The probable overage age of college students is over 25 in America. How many students and colleges and universities are there in the U.S.A. ? There are 12 million students studying in about 3,400 college and universities. 9. But recent high school graduates no longer dominate the college campuses.

1) graduate as a noun: person who has completed a course at a college, school, etc. Example:

College graduates in China are now-ready to accept lower-paid jobs. graduate as a verb: complete an educational course Example:

He graduated from Oxford ten years ago. 2) dominate: have power and control over Examples:

A. He completely dominated the group and made all the decisions. B. Thanks to his strong personality, John dominated the new committee. 3) campus: the grounds of a school, college or university Examples:

A. Freshmen are required to live on campus.

B. The Princeton campus has developed into one of the most attractive in the country. 10. Serving this great variety of people are about 3,400 colleges and universities enrolling more than 12 million students. variety: different kinds of Examples:

A. The electronics department had a wide variety of radios. B. There is quite a variety of food on the buffet table. Lines 26~33

American faith in the value of education is shown by the rising number of Americans who have at least a bachelor's degree. About 20% of Americans are college graduates. However, among younger adults and working people, the percentage is at least 25%, much higher than in most other major nations. In the U.S.A., a college education is not viewed as a privilege reserved for the wealthy or the academically talented. Almost everyone who wants to attend college can do so.



What does the rising number of Americans with a bachelor's degree show?

The rising number of Americans with a bachelor's degree shows the faith of Ameri- cans in the value of education.

What is the percentage of college graduates in the U.S.? About 20% of Americans are college graduates. What about the younger people now?

Among the younger people at least 25%. are college graduates.

Why is college education not viewed as a privilege for the wealthy or the academically talented? Because almost everyone who wants to can go to college.

11. American faith in the value of education is shown by this rising number of Americans who have at least a bachelor's degree. faith: strong belief in Examples:

A. Have you any faith in what he says? B. I haven't much faith in the medicine.

12. In the U.S.A., a college education is not viewed as a privilege reserved for the wealthy or the academically talented.

1) view.., as: consider sb. or sth. in a certain way Examples:

A. I view John as a reliable colleague. B. John views his office as a dungeon. 2) ) privilege: special fight given to a person Examples:

A. The wealthy seem to have a great many privileges.

B. Diplomats enjoy a lot of privileges in foreign countries.

3) reserve: keep for a special purpose; make a reservation; and reserved is often used as adjective, meaning unwilling to express oneself freely or kept for special use. Examples:

A. We'll reserve the room for you till noon tomorrow.

B. The first three rows of the hall are reserved for special guests. C. I have reserved a table for two at the restaurant. D. Sorry, we haven't a reserved table. E. Jane is a shy, reserved girl.

4) talent: special natural ability or skill; and talented is adjective Examples:

A. He has a talent for drawing.

B. This university aims at helping young people develop their talents. C. Yao Ming'is a highly talented basketball player. talented: having or showing talent; gifted Example:

He was a very talented architect.

III. Paraphrases of Difficult Sentences in the Text

Lines 3--4: \


~ In spite of the fact that Cyndi was successful in her career without a high school degree, most people usually are not so successful without a high school degree.

Lines 7 8: \~ People who have received advanced degrees can earn the best salaries.

Lines 14--15: \ time to take elective courses.\

~ Many students not only take required courses but also select other courses in which they are interested.

Lines 20--21: \~ A large number of students other than those who have recently graduated from high school also study at college.

Lines 21--22: \ either for career advancement or personal growth.\

~ Nowadays, it has become common for people of different age groups and with work

experience to return and study at college for better job opportunities and the development of personal interests.

Lines 31 32: \ for the wealthy or the academically talented.\

~ In the United States, a college education is not regarded as a special advantage or right for the rich or the bright only.

IV. Summary Questions and Concluding Remarks

1. What can students do after they finish high school?

They can continue their studies at college, or go to work. 2. Why do most of them choose to go to college?

About 757o of jobs require some education or technical training beyond o high school degree. On the other hand, more education means more money in their future careers.

3. What can students learn at college?

In addition to compulsory courses in their major field of study, they can take some erective courses. All the courses can help them understand more about the world around them.

4. Why are there more and more adults coming back to college?

The adults come back to college either for career advancement or for personal growth.

5. How do Americans view college education?

They think that anyone who wants to attend college can do that nowadays, which will help them do better in their future careers. V. Summary of the Text

Better education usually means higher incomes, although this may not always be the case in our life. In America today, more and more people, in spite of their differences in age, go to

college also for career advancement or personal growth. The fact that America has got a much higher percentage of people with college degrees than most other major countries in the world is proof of American faith in the value of education and equal rights for education


in the U.S. VI. Translation 为什么要上大学?


“你学得越多,就会挣得越多”,这是流行歌星辛迪·劳帕在她35岁获得高中毕业 证书时说过的一句话。辛迪没有高中文凭也能挣很多钱,这是大多数人不可能做到的。

在今日美国,75%的工作都需要高中以上文凭或特殊的职业培训;大学毕业生比没有受 过大学教育的人收入高;有硕士学位的人比只有学士学位的人收入高;而且收入最高的 往往都是那些有高学历的人。然而,文凭多并不总是意味着能挣更多的钱。许多有技术 的蓝领工人、商人、企业主管和企业家都比大学教授和科研人员挣得多,而著名运动员 和演艺人员的收入主高则无人可及!



美国拥有学士以上学位的人数在不断上升,这体现了美国人对教育价值的推崇。大 约20%的美国人是大学毕业生。但在年轻人和在职人员中,这一比例至少为25%,比其他多数大国高出许多。在美国,大学教育已不是有钱人和有学习天赋的人的特权,几乎任何想上大学的人都可圆自己的大学之梦。 Suggested Answers to Read In Questions

~ People are now paying more and more attention to education because they have realized education can prepare them for better careers as well as future life.

~ High school students are making every effort to go to college because they understand diplomas and advanced degrees will give them better chances for well-paid jobs in future. ~ We go to college in hopes of either good jobs in a very competitive job market or preparation for further study in a university.

VIL Study of Words and Phrases

I. Teacher: When I say a word or an expression you've learned before, respond with the new one in this text.

Teacher Students

(Familiar Words or Expressions) (New Words or Expressions) need something require

outside the scope or the range of beyond

complete your education at high school graduate earn more than outearn

a person who has a first academic degree bachelor the money that you earn income ahead in knowledge or skill advanced the ability to do something well skill

a person who is good at or who often does sports athlete


a job or profession career a series of lessons courses very large or important major

working or studying for normal hours full-time working or studying for part of the normal hours part-time allow someone to attend school enroll have control of dominate ordinary and not special common

a fight or advantage belonging to someone privilege Keep something for special use reserve gifted; having talent talented a person who sings pop songs a pop singer

a certificate from a high school a high school diploma training in certain skills technical training free-chosen courses elective courses

progress or development in one's job career advancement one's own development personal growth many different kinds of a variety of a strong belief in faith in

the importance of education the value of education consider something as view as go to college attend college

II. Teacher: When I say a phrase or an expression in Chinese, try to find its English equivalent you have learnt in the text.

Teacher (in Chinese) Students (in English)

pop singer流行歌手 high school diploma中学毕业文凭technical training技术培训 college graduate大学毕业生bachelor's degree学士学位master's degree硕士学位 blue-collar worker蓝领工人salespeople推销员 entrepreneur企业管理人员 college or university professor大学教授scientific researcher科研人员 preparation for one's career职业准备in addition to除…之外

the major field of study主要学科领域take elective courses修选修课程 more than half of一半以上enroll in college录取上大学no longer不再;再不

college campus大学校园adults of all ages各年龄段的成年人come back to college返回到大学

career advancement事业发展 personal growth个人成长 a variety of各种各样的the value of education教育价值 the rising number of不断上升的数字 at least至少 大部分其他大国most other major nations 被看作be viewed as 为●●●而保留be reserved for 上大学attend college

Vocabulary File


pre-school primary school high school university

nursery nursery school kindergarten college institute community college secondary school middle school vocational school degree bachelor master doctor


teacher assistant lecturer professor

beyond the mountain one' s reach one' s power the range of earn money one's living one's praise a fortune

Teacher: Now I'd like you to answer the following questions with the given phrases. preparation for

1. Why do you take up part-time courses after work? It is a good preparation for my future career.

2 What were you busy doing last night when I phoned you? I was making preparations for my journey. 3. What are the police doing now?

They are making preparation for the foreign president's visit In addition to

1. What do you do after class?

In addition to reviewing my lessons, I often play basketball with my classmates. 2. What other subjects did you learn at high school besides Chinese and mathematics? In addition to those, we also learned English, physics, chemistry, and so on. 3. What TV programs do the kids like best?

In addition to cartoon films, they like watching sports. no longer

1. Do your parents still live on North Street?

No, they no longer live in this city after my father's retirement.

2. Where are you working now? Do you still work in your father's company? No, I no longer work in his company. I am now running a company of my own. 3. Do you still play basketball after work?

No, I don't ploy basketball any longer os I am getting old now. view...as

1. What do you think of the conflict between parents and their children? We view it as on inevitable port of life today. 2. What's your opinion about the old painter?

We view him as one of the most talented artists in his field. 3. How do you like your new course this term?

We all view it as one of the best courses offered in this college. Passage One Lines 1~10

American colleges and universities vary a great deal in size. Some colleges have student bodies of just a few hundred, while some state universities serve more than 100,000 students on several different campuses. At smaller schools, students generally get to know their classmates and professors better and are less likely to feel lonely and confused. Larger schools offer a greater selection of courses and more activities to attend and participate in. When selecting a college, the student must consider which type of environment best suits his or her needs.


1. What do you know about the size of American colleges and universities?

Small colleges may hove just o few hundred students while larger ones may even hove 100,000 students on several campuses.


2. Why do you think the students of small colleges are less likely to feel lonely and confused? They know their classmates and professors better. 3. What do you know about larger schools?

Larger schools usually offer more courses and activities for students to participate in. 4. What should students do when selecting a college?

They must consider what type of environment most suits their needs. Lines 11:19

The number of these schools has grown very rapidly in the past 40 years. In 1950, there were about 600 in the U.S.A. Today, there are about 1,300, and they serve about five million students (about 55% of all college freshmen). Most community colleges are public schools, supported by local and/or state funds. They serve two general types of students: (a) those taking the first two years of college before transferring to a four-year school for their third and fourth (junior and senior) years; and (b) those enrolled in one- or two-year job training programs. Community colleges offer technical training in many areas of study, such as health services, office skills, computer science, drafting, police work, and automotive repair.


1. Why does the author say the number of schools has grown rapidly in the past 40 years? In the past 40 years the number of colleges has grown from about 600 to 1,300 today. 2. In what way are the community colleges financially supported in America? They are usually supported by local or state funds. 3. What kind of people attend community colleges?

There ore two kinds of people attending community colleges. Some take the first two years of college before transferring to a four-year school for their third and fourth (junior and senior) years; and some are enrolled in one- or two-year job training programs.

4. What courses do community colleges usually offer?

They usually offer technical training in many areas of study, such as health services, office skills, computer science, drafting, police work, and automotive repair.

Passage Two

Lines 1---5 '

Nowadays most children go to school but few of them have ever asked themselves why they go there. Some children think that they go to school just to learn their mother tongue, English and other foreign languages, mathematics, geography, history, science and a few other subjects. But why do they learn these things? Are these the only things they should learn at school ?


1. What do some children think they go to school for?

They think that they go to school just to learn their mother tongue, English and other foreign languages, mathematics, geography, history, science and a few other subjects.

Lines 8--9

Actually children go to school to prepare themselves for the time when they will be grown up and will have to support themselves. Nearly everything they study at school has some practical use in their lives, but there is one more important reason why children go to school.


1. What is the real purpose of going to school? Preparing oneself for the future.

2. What is the use of what they learn at school?


The knowledge they learn at school has some practical use in their lives. Lines 10--16

There is more to education than just learning facts. We go to school above all to learn how to learn. Learning is not just for school but for life. So even after we have left school we have to continue to learn. A man who really knows how to learn will always be successful because whenever he is faced with a completely new task or problem, he will teach himself how to deal with it in the best way. Therefore, children do not go to school just to learn languages, mathematics, geography, etc. they go to school to learn how to learn.


1. What is the most important thing for children to do at school?

The most important thing for children to learn at school is to learn how to learn. 2. Why do we have to continue to learn after leaving school? Learning is not just for school but for life. 3. Why must a child learn how to learn at school?

If he learns how to learn at school, he will be able to deal with any new task or problem he meets in life. Practical Reading

1. Prepare the transparency of the contents of a book. Then ask the students to find out some specific information from the contents. The contents of our textbook can be used as an example. 2. Ask the students how they look up a new word in a dictionary, and then tell them how to find specific information from the index of a book. A transparency can be prepared beforehand to show to the students and ask them to find some information. The teacher may bring with him a reference book with an index to show to the students. Practical writing

1. Make a transparency of the form in the textbook and then show it to the students. Ask some students to fill in the form one item after another. If a student makes a mistake, the teacher may stop and explain how to correctly fill in the form.

2. If possible, try to get another form which is easy enough for the students to fill in

Key to Exercises

The answers to the questions on the text.

1. Do you agree that \ Yes, I do. The more education you receive, the more money you get in future.

2. Why do students take elective courses? Elective courses help them understand more about human nature, government, the arts, sciences, or whatever else interests them.

3. Why do adults come back to college? They come back to college either for career advancement or personal growth.

4. Do most Americans have a chance to go to college? Yes, they do. In the U.S.A., a college education is not viewed as a privilege reserved for the wealthy or the academically talented. Work Out

1. The reason why the pop singer Cyndi Lauper still wanted to get her high school diploma at the age of 35 is that she thought, \2. In the U.S.A, if you want to find a job, holding only a high school degree is not enough, because most jobs require some education or technical training beyond high school degrees. 3. People go to college not only to prepare for a career, but also to get prepared for life. 14

4. People can choose to go to college either full-time if they don't take a job or part-time if they are busy with their work.

5. In America, the percentage of college graduates among younger adults and working people is much higher than that in most other major countries. II.

1. Language is our major problem when we travel abroad. 2. The woman is viewed as the very person to be manager of the company. 3. The front seats are reserved for foreign visitors, so would you please move? 4. In the view of most people, good eating habits do good for children's health. 5. In China, children's spare time seems to be dominated by homework. 6. With a better education, the younger generation usually outearn their parents. 7. In addition to public libraries, many art centres have reading rooms. 8. Tom has passed all his exams and finally made it as a lawyer.

9. He is a talented speaker, for it seems that he is able to make everybody accept all he says. 10. Not only school education but also social experience is good preparation for a college student's future career.. III.

1. Since all the tasks are finished ahead of time, can we find some ways to (entertainer) entertain ourselves? 2. These washing machines (variety) vary in several aspects, such as shape, size and weight. 3. When (view) viewing the problem, the leaders should take the following points into account. 4. With careful preparations, John Brown finally won the (elective) election. 5. The (major) majority)多数;半数以上 of doctors believe smoking does harm to health. 6. I have some (reserve) reservations保留;限制about the truth of his story.

7. A heavy snowstorm prevented the army from (advanced) advancing towards the front. 8. This IT company is badly in need of a large number of computer (talented) talents. 9. After finishing her letter, she (addition) added a few lines to express her thanks to him. 10. If you do less than others, you can't and shouldn't expect to (outearn) outeam them. IV.

1. more money, do, always, not, more diplomas, mean More diplomas do not always mean more money. 2. entertainers, everyone else, great athletes, outeam, and Great athletes and entertainers outeam everyone else.

3. high school, the next step, going to college, after, is becoming, naturally Going to college is naturally becoming the next step after high school. 4. recent, the college campuses, no longer, high school, graduates, dominate Recent high school graduates no longer dominate the college campuses. 5. for adults, for personal growth, to come back to college, it is common It is common for adults to come back to college for personal growth. V.

1. The harder he studies at present, the more he will earn (他得到越多) in the future. 2. Though he has been here for many years, I still view him as 我仍然认为他是) a person with little experience.

3. Jack always tells lies, and we no longer believe him (我们不再相信他了). 4. In addition to the dictionary he wanted (除了他要的词典之外), I also bought him


some reference books.

5. Several weeks later, I realized either he or I was wrong (不是他错了,就是我错了).

VI. Model 1: The more you learn, the more you earn. 1. we looked forward to his early arrival, we became disappointed

The more we looked forward to his early arrival, the more disappointed we became. 2. Karl pretended to be happy in public, he felt sad in private

The happier Karl pretended to be in public, the sadder he felt in private. Model 2: It is quite common for adults of all ages to come back to college. 1. a social custom for people, exchange gifts at Christmas

It's a social custom for people to exchange gifts at Christmas. 2. exciting for me, speak in public for the first time It's exciting for me to speak in public for the first time Model 3: Going to college, either full-time or part-time, is naturally becoming the next step after high school. 1. is considered, a good habit, getting up early Getting up early is considered a good habit. 2. is called, taking natural materials out of the rubbish and using them again, recycling Taking natural materials out of the rubbish and using them again is called recycling.

Model 4: Serving this great variety of people are about 3,400 colleges and universities enrolling more than 12 million students. .

1. were, the restrictions that prevented blacks from voting, gone Gone were the restrictions that prevented blacks from voting. 2. more serious, the question of how the chairman world present the announcement, was More serious was the question of how the president would present the announcement. VII. Grammar Tips

1. Is _x (a / the / x) green her favorite color ? 2. Every weekend, the girl usually practices playing the (a/the / x) piano. 3. The two friends like playing _x (a / the / x) chess in their spare time. 4. When a (a / the / x) dog bites a (a / the / x) man, that is not news; but when a (a / the / x) man bites a (a/the / x) dog, that is news.

5. He majored in x (a/the / x) history in college, but he turned out to be a salesman after graduation. 6. The story is about a man trapped by _x (a / the / x) fear and hunger.

7. George Bush, _x (a / the / x) president of the U.S.A., made a speech on TV last week. 8. The girl who is playing the violin comes from x (a / the / x) South China. 9. The more satisfied our customers feel, the (a / the / x) happier we will become. 10. I caught him by the (a/the / x) fight hand.

VIII. Fill in each blank of the following paragraph with an appropriate


1) At the waiter's table there was 2) an old Jewish man who used 3) to watch me trying to read that paper. I asked him one night 4) what a word meant, and 5) the Jewish man told me. I thanked him and went 6) back to my paper. He went 7) on watching me for a 8) few seconds and then said, \9) across a lot of words you don't understand.?\


and work with you for 10) a while.\IX. Reading Skills

A. What is the meaning of each italicized word?

B. What clue in each sentence indicates a definition or restatement?

1. The minister stood behind a lectern. A lectern is a tall stand used to hold a book for the speaker. (definition) 2. Johnson's handwriting is not legible; that is, it is difficult to read. (restatement) 3. The ring was made of garnets, deep red stones, set in gold. (restatement)

4. My father gave a noncommittal answer, which was neither a yes nor a no. (definition)

5. In Georgia, we saw beautiful jasmine. Jasmine is a plant with fragrant yellow flowers. (definition) X. Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). ( T ) 1. American colleges are of different sizes.

( F ) 2. At smaller schools, students would easily get confused. ( F ) 3. There is less selection of courses in larger schools.

( T ) 4. Tuition in private schools is higher than that in public schools.

( F ) 5. There are no differences between community colleges and other colleges. XI. Choose the best answer from the four choices. 1. children really know why they go to school. A. All B. Most C. No D. Few 2. The most important reason why children should go to school is that A. they need the company of other children

B. it trains them for the time when they will have to take care of themselves C. they are too young to work

D. their parents have no time to look after them

3. Even after we have left school, we have to continue to learn because A. everything we studied at school doesn't have any practical use B. learning is not just for school but for life C. we didn't study well in school D. we were not successful in learning

4. An educated person is able to do something completely new because A. he knows how to calculate sums B. he has learned quite a lot at school C. he has learned how to learn D. he is slow in learning new things 5. From the passage it can be inferred that

A. the task of a college is to prepare its students to be capable of self-education B. learning languages, mathematics, and geography is necessary but not important C. a well-educated man is able to solve every new problem he meets D. the aim of education is to teach students to remember facts Practical Reading XII,

1. If you feel like going to a movie tonight, which page should you turn to? Page 13. 2. On which page(s) will you probably find new recipes? Pages 11-12. 17

3. What will you read about if you turn to page 7? Business News. 4. If you are looking for a new apartment, which page(s) do you need to turn to? Pages 7 - 10. 5. Which page(s) may let you know about crimes in the neighborhood? Page 4. XIII.

1. 本地新闻Local News 2.广告Advertisement 3.社论.Editorials 4. 房地产Real Estate 5.体育Sports 6.电影Movies 7.读者来信Letters to the Editor 8.商业新闻Business News 9.美食Food 10.讣告Obituaries

Practical Writing

Form-filling p13


sex性别, 男性或女性 divorced离婚的 widowed寡居的 ,鳏居的 . Fill in the above sample form with information about yourself. P13

B. A major international enterprise is looking for secretaries for its new branch in New York, and you wish to apply for the position. Complete the following application form in block letters. Be sure to read and follow all directions carefully. P14

R.J. Thompson Company

An Equal Opportunity Employer

Personnel Relations EMPLOYMENT APPLICATION Dade _May 11,2002____________ Interviewer __Ms Sharon Zhang__ Personnel Data_____________________________________________________________

Applying for Position as BIOLOGY TECHNICIAN Salary Desired ¥5000 Data Available _CV Name __________Zhang___________________Dong________________________________________ (last) (First) (Middle)

Address _NO. 103 HONGQIAO ROAD. SHENZHEN_________________________________________ (street) (city) (ZipCode) Telephone No. _0755-64311900________ (Area Code)

Who referred you to us? Mr Raymand Smith. Consultant. Heidric Headhunting Co. Ltd

Educational Data ______________________________________________________________________ _ TIME SEPT,1980-JULY,1986 SEPT, 1986- JULY1991 SEPT, 1991- JULY1994 NAME OF INSTITUTION SHENZHEN MIDDLE SCHOOL ZHONGSHAN UNIVERSITY MAJOR BIOLOGY APPLIED BIOLOGY DEGREE BACHELOR OF SCIENCE MASTER OF SCIENCE Skills_______________________________________________________________________________________ Typing Speed: 70 words per minute



Applicant’s Signature Date

CV. curriculum vitae A summary of one's education, professional history, and job qualifications, as for a prospective employer. 简历,履历关于某人所受教育、专业经历以及工作资格的简要说明,如即将被雇用的雇员的履历

Study Guide

Setting Your Own Rules

College is a unique唯一的,独一无二的,独特的;少见的learning experience which is different from your other educational experiences. To be successful you must learn how to handle your study.

In college, except for除...之外, 只是scheduled classes, your time is your own. Often there are no penalties (处罚) for missing classes or failing to complete assignments分配. You can do what you want. For many students, this new freedom requires some adjustment. Some students feel they should spend all their free time studying; others put off延期;推迟study or never quite find the right time for it.

One of the best ways to handle this freedom is to establish your own set of rules. For example, you might decide to attend all classes, regardless of whether attendance is taken. Here are other examples of rules successful students have set for themselves.

Study at least three hours each day or evening.

Start studying for a major examination at least a week before the exam.

Complete all homework assignments regardless of whether you get credit for them. Make review a part of each study session.

Read all assigned chapters before the class in which they will be discussed.

Write your rules规则, 惯例, 统治, 章程, 破折号, 准则, 标准 on paper and post them above your desk as a constant reminder. Consider these as goals and work toward accomplishing each.

Memorable Quotes

The roots根基;原因;基础 ,〈数〉根数,根of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.

------Aristotle (384-322BC, 亚里士多德,古希腊哲学家、科学家) Genius without education is like silver in a mine.

-------Benjamin Franklin (1 706-1 790, 本杰明·富兰克林,美国政治家、科学家) Fun TimeA Clever or Stupid Man p15

American colleges and universities vary a great deal in size. Some colleges have student bodies of just a few hundred, while some state universities serve more than 100,000 students on several different campuses. At smaller schools, students generally get to know their classmates and professors better and are less likely to feel lonely and contused. Larger schools offer a greater selection of courses and more activities to attend and participate in. When selecting a college, the student must consider which type of environment best suits his or her needs.

The number of these schools has grown very rapidly in the past 40 years. In 1950, there were about 600 in the U.S.A.. Today, there are about 1,300, and they serve about five million students (about 55% of all college freshmen). Most community colleges are public schools, supported by local and/or state funds. They serve two general types of students: (a)those taking the first two years of college before transferring to a four-year school for their third and fourth (junior and senior) years; and (b) those enrolled in one-or two year job training programs. Community colleges offer technical training in many areas of study, such as health services, office skills, computer


science, drafting, police work, and automobile repair. ( ) 1. American colleges are of different sizes.

( ) 2. At smaller schools, students would easily get confused. ( ) 3. There is less selection of courses in larger schools.

( ) 4. Tuition in private schools is higher than that in public schools.

( ) 5. There are no differences between community colleges and other colleges.

Nowadays most children go to school but few of them have ever asked themselves why they go there. Some children think that they go to school just to learn their mother tongue, English and other foreign languages, mathematics, geography, history, science and a few other subjects. But why do they learn these things? Are these the only things they should learn at school?

Actually children go to school to prepare themselves for the time when they will be grown up and will have to support themselves. Nearly everything they study at school has some practical use in their lives, but there is one more important reason why children go to school.

There is more to education than just learning facts. We go to school above all to learn how to learn. Learning is not just for school but for life. So even after we have left school, we have to continue to learn. A man who really knows how to learn will always be successful because whenever he is faced with a completely new task or problem, he will teach himself how to deal with it in the best way. Therefore, children do not go to school just to learn languages, mathematics, geography, etc. They go to school to learn how to learn.

Choose the best answer from the four choices.

1. children really know why they go to school. A. All B. Most C. No D. Few

2. The most important reason why children should go to school is that . A. they need the company of other children

B. it trains them for the time when they will have to take care of themselves C. they are too young to work

D. their parents have no time to look after them

3. Even after we have left school, we have to continue to learn because . A. everything we studied at school doesn't have any practical use B. learning is not just for school but for life C. we didn't study well in school D. we were not successful in learning

4. An educated person is able to do something completely new because . A. he knows how to calculate sums B. he has learned quite a lot at school C. he has learned how to learn D. he is slow in learning new things

5. From the passage it can be inferred that .

A. the task of a college is to prepare its students to be capable of self-education B. learning languages, mathematics, and geography is necessary but not important C. a well-educated man is able to solve every new problem he meets D. the aim of education is to teach students to remember facts


