Corleone HandsOff Crowdsourcing for Entity Matching

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Corleone:Hands-Off Crowdsourcing for Entity Matching Chaitanya Gokhale1,Sanjib Das1,AnHai Doan1,2,

Jeffrey F.Naughton1,Narasimhan Rampalli2,Jude Shavlik1,Xiaojin Zhu1

1University of Wisconsin-Madison,2@WalmartLabs


Recent approaches to crowdsourcing entity matching(EM) are limited in that they crowdsource only parts of the EM work?ow,requiring a developer to execute the remaining parts.Consequently,these approaches do not scale to the growing EM need at enterprises and crowdsourcing startups, and cannot handle scenarios where ordinary users(i.e.,the masses)want to leverage crowdsourcing to match entities.In response,we propose the notion of hands-o?crowdsourcing (HOC),which crowdsources the entire work?ow of a task, thus requiring no developers.We show how HOC can repre-sent a next logical direction for crowdsourcing research,scale up EM at enterprises and crowdsourcing startups,and open up crowdsourcing for the masses.We describe Corleone,a HOC solution for EM,which uses the crowd in all major steps of the EM process.Finally,we discuss the implica-tions of our work to executing crowdsourced RDBMS joins, cleaning learning models,and soliciting complex information types from crowd workers.

Categories and Subject Descriptors

H.2[Database Management]:Systems


Crowdsourcing;Entity Matching;Active Learning


Entity matching(EM)?nds data records that refer to the same real-world entity,such as(David Smith,JHU)and(D. Smith,John Hopkins).This problem has received signi?cant attention(e.g.,[2,5,15,7]).In particular,in the past few years crowdsourcing has been increasingly applied to EM. In crowdsourcing,certain parts of a problem are“farmed out”to a crowd of workers to solve.As such,crowdsourcing is well suited for EM,and indeed several crowdsourced EM solutions have been proposed(e.g.,[30,31,6,33,34]). These pioneering solutions demonstrate the promise of crowdsourced EM,but su?er from a major limitation:they crowdsource only parts of the EM work?ow,requiring a de-veloper who knows how to code and match to execute the Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for pro?t or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full cita-tion on the?rst page.Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than ACM must be honored.Abstracting with credit is permitted.To copy otherwise,or re-publish,to post on servers or to redistribute to lists,requires prior speci?c permission and/or a fee.Request permissions from permissions@82c7876702020740bf1e9b49.


Copyright2014ACM978-1-4503-2376-5/14/06...$15.00.remaining parts.For example,several recent solutions re-quire a developer to write heuristic rules to reduce the num-ber of candidate pairs to be matched,then train and apply a matcher to the remaining pairs to predict matches(see Section2).They use the crowd only at the end,to verify the predicted matches.The developer must know how to code(e.g.,to write heuristic rules in Perl)and match enti-ties(e.g.,to select learning models and features).

As described,current solutions do not scale to the growing EM need at enterprises and crowdsourcing startups.Many enterprises(e.g.,eBay,Microsoft,Amazon,Walmart)rou-tinely need to solve tens to hundreds of EM tasks,and this need is growing rapidly.It is not possible to crowdsource all these tasks if crowdsourcing each requires the involvement of a developer(even when sharing developers across tasks). To address this problem,enterprises often ask crowdsourc-ing startups(e.g.,CrowdFlower)to solve the tasks on their behalf.But again,if each task requires a developer,then it is di?cult for a startup,with a limited sta?,to handle hundreds of EM tasks coming in from multiple enterprises. This is a bottleneck that we have experienced?rsthand in our crowdsourcing work at two e-commerce enterprises and two crowdsourcing startups,and this was a major motiva-tion for the work in this paper.

Furthermore,current solutions cannot help ordinary users (i.e.,the“masses”)leverage crowdsourcing to match enti-ties.For example,suppose a journalist wants to match two long lists of political donors,and can pay up to a modest amount,say$500,to the crowd on Amazon’s Mechanical Turk(AMT).He or she typically does not know how to code,thus cannot act as a developer and use current solu-tions.He or she cannot ask a crowdsourcing startup to help either.The startup would need to engage a developer,and $500is not enough to o?set the developer’s cost.The same problem would arise for domain scientists,small business workers,end users,and other“data enthusiasts”[12].

To address these problems,in this paper we introduce the notion of hands-o?crowdsourcing(HOC).HOC crowd-sources the entire work?ow of a task,thus requiring no de-velopers.HOC can be a next logical direction for EM and crowdsourcing research,moving from no-,to partial-,to complete crowdsourcing for EM.By requiring no develop-ers,HOC can scale up EM at enterprises and crowdsourcing startups.

HOC can also open up crowdsourcing for the masses.Re-turning to our example,the journalist wanting to match two lists of donors can just upload the lists to a HOC Web site, and specify how much he or she is willing to pay.The Web

site will use the crowd to execute a HOC-based EM work-?ow,then return the matches.Developing crowdsourcing solutions for the masses(rather than for enterprises)has received rather little attention,despite its potential to mag-nify many times the impact of crowdsourcing.HOC can signi?cantly advance this direction.

We then describe Corleone,a HOC solution for EM(named after Don Corleone,the?ctional Godfather?gure who man-aged the mob in a hands-o?fashion).Corleone uses the crowd(no developers)in all four major steps of the EM matching process:

?Virtually any large-scale EM problem requires blocking,a step that uses heuristic rules to reduce the number of tuple pairs to be matched(e.g.,“if the prices of two products di?er by at least$20,then they do not match”).Current solutions require a developer to write such rules.We show how to use the crowd instead.As far as we know,ours is the?rst solution that uses the crowd,thus removing developers from this important step.

?We develop a solution that uses crowdsourcing to train a learning-based matcher.We show how to use active learning[26]to minimize crowdsourcing costs.

?Users often want to estimate the matching accuracy,e.g., as precision and recall.Surprisingly,very little work has addressed this problem,and we show that this work breaks down when the data is highly skewed by having very few matches(a common situation).We show how to use the crowd to estimate accuracy in a principled fashion.As far as we know,this is the?rst in-depth solution to this important problem.

?In practice developers often do EM iteratively,with each iteration focusing on the tuple pairs that earlier iterations have failed to match correctly.So far this has been done in an ad-hoc fashion.We show how to address this problem in a rigorous way,using crowdsourcing.

We present extensive experiments over three real-world data sets,showing that Corleone achieves comparable or signi?-cantly better accuracy(by as much as19.8%F1)than tradi-tional solutions and published results,at a reasonable crowd-sourcing cost.Finally,we discuss the implications of our work to crowdsourced RDBMSs,learning,and soliciting com-plex information types from the crowd.For example,recent work has proposed crowdsourced RDBMSs(e.g.,[9,23,20]). Crowdsourced joins lie at the heart of such RDBMSs,and many such joins in essence do EM.Today executing such a join on a large amount of data requires developers,thus making such RDBMSs impractical.Our work can help build hands-o?no-developer crowdsourced join solutions.

2.BACKGROUND&RELATED WORK Entity matching has received extensive attention(see[7, Chapter7]).A common setting?nds all tuple pairs(a∈A,b∈B)from two relational tables A and B that refer to the same real-world entity.In this paper we will consider this setting(leaving other EM settings as ongoing work). Recently,crowdsourced EM has received increasing atten-tion in academia(e.g.,[30,31,6,33,34,27])and industry (e.g.,CrowdFlower,CrowdComputing,and SamaSource). Current works use the crowd to verify predicted matches[30, 31,6],?nds the best questions to ask the crowd[33],and ?nds the best UI to pose such questions[34].These works still crowdsource only parts of the EM work?ow,requiring a developer to execute the remaining parts.In contrast, Corleone tries to crowdsource the entire EM work?ow,thus requiring no developers.

Speci?cally,virtually any large-scale EM work?ow starts with blocking,a step that uses heuristic rules to reduce the number of pairs to be matched.This is because the Carte-sian product A×B is often very large,e.g.,10billion tuple pairs if|A|=|B|=100,000.Matching so many pairs is very expensive or highly impractical.Hence many blocking solutions have been proposed(e.g.,[5,7]).These solutions however do not employ crowdsourcing,and still require a de-veloper(e.g.,to write and apply rules,create training data, and build indexes).In contrast,Corleone completely crowd-sources this step.

After blocking,the next step builds and applies a matcher (e.g.,using hand-crafted rules or learning)to match the sur-viving pairs[7,Chapter7].Here the works closest to ours are those that use active learning[24,2,3,22].These works however either do not use crowdsourcing(requiring a devel-oper to label training data)(e.g.,[24,2,3]),or use crowd-sourcing[22]but do not consider how to e?ectively handle noisy crowd input and to terminate the active learning pro-cess.In contrast,Corleone considers both of these problems, and uses only crowdsourcing,with no developer in the loop. The next step,estimating the matching accuracy(e.g.,as precision and recall),is vital in real-world EM(e.g.,so that the user can decide whether to continue the EM process), but surprisingly has received very little attention in EM re-search.Here the most relevant work is[14,25].[14]uses a continuously re?ned strati?ed sampling strategy to estimate the accuracy of a classi?er.However,it can not be used to estimate recall which is often necessary for EM.[25]con-siders the problem of constructing the optimal labeled set for evaluating a given classi?er given the size of the sample. In contrast,we consider the di?erent problem of construct-ing a minimal labeled set,given a maximum allowable error bound.

Subsequent steps in the EM process involve“zooming in”on di?cult-to-match pairs,revising the matcher,then match-ing again.While very common in industrial EM,these steps have received little or no attention in EM research.Corleone shows how they can be executed rigorously,using only the crowd.

Finally,crowdsourcing in general has received signi?cant recent attention[8].In the database community,the work [9,23,20]build crowdsourced RDBMSs.Many other works crowdsource joins[19],?nd the maximal value[11],collect data[28],match schemas[21],and perform data mining[1] and analytics[18].


We now discuss hands-o?crowdsourcing and our proposed Corleone solution.

Hands-O?Crowdsourcing(HOC):Given a problem P supplied by a user U,we say a crowdsourced solution to P is hands-o?if it uses no developers,only a crowd of ordinary workers(such as those on AMT).It can ask user U to do a little initial setup work,but this should require no special skills(e.g.,coding)and should be doable by any ordinary workers.For example,Corleone only requires a user U to supply


Final matcher ensemble

Final predicted matches

Final accuracy estimates

-reduction rules

Figure1:The Corleone architecture.

1.two tables A and B to be matched,

2.a short textual instruction to the crowd on what it means

for two tuples to match(e.g.,“these records describe products sold in a department store,they should match if they represent the same product”),and

3.four examples,two positive and two negative(i.e.,pairs

that match and do not match,respectively),to illustrate the instruction.EM tasks posted on AMT commonly come with such instruction and examples.

Corleone then uses the crowd to match A and B(sending them information in(2)and(3)to explain what user U means by a match),then returns the matches.As such, Corleone is a hands-o?solution.The following real-world example illustrates Corleone and contrasts it with current EM solutions.

Example3.1.Consider a retailer that must match tens of millions of products between the online pision and the brick-and-mortar pision(these pisions often obtain prod-ucts from di?erent sets of suppliers).The products fall into 500+categories:toy,electronics,homes,etc.To obtain high matching accuracy,the retailer must consider matching products in each category separately,thus e?ectively having 500EM problems,one per category.

Today,solving each of these EM problems(with or without crowdsourcing)requires extensive developer’s involvement, e.g.,to write blocking rules,to create training data for a learning-based matcher,to estimate the matching accuracy, and to revise the matcher,among others.Thus current so-lutions are not hands-o?.One may argue that once created and trained,a solution to an EM problem,say for toys,is hands-o?in that it can be automatically applied to match future toy products,without using a developer.But this ig-nores the initial non-negligible developer e?ort put into cre-ating and training the solution(thus violating our de?ni-tion).Furthermore,this solution cannot be transferred to other categories(e.g.,electronics).As a result,extensive developer e?ort is still required for all500+categories,a highly impractical approach.

In contrast,using Corleone,per category the user only has to provide Items1-3,as described above(i.e.,the two tables to be matched;the matching instruction which is the same across categories;and the four illustrating examples which virtually any crowdsourcing solutions would have to provide for the crowd).Corleone then uses the crowd to execute all steps of the EM work?ow.As such,it is hands-o?in that it does not use any developer when solving an EM problem, thus potentially scaling to all500+categories.2We believe HOC is a general notion that can apply to many problem types,such as entity matching,schema matching, information extraction,etc.In this paper we will focus on entity matching.Realizing HOC poses serious challenges,in large part because it has been quite hard to?gure out how to make the crowd do certain things.For example,how can the crowd write blocking rules(e.g.,“if prices di?er by at least$20,then two products do not match”)?We need rules in machine-readable format(so that we can apply them). However,most ordinary crowd workers cannot write such rules,and if they write in English,we cannot reliably con-vert them into machine-readable ones.Finally,if we ask them to select among a set of rules,we often can only work with relatively simple rules and it is hard to construct so-phisticated ones.Corleone addresses such challenges,and provides a HOC solution for entity matching.

The Corleone Solution:Figure1shows the Corleone ar-chitecture,which consists of four main modules:Blocker, Matcher,Accuracy Estimator,and Di?cult Pairs’Locator. The Blocker generates and applies blocking rules to A×B to remove obviously non-matched pairs.The Matcher uses active learning to train a random forest[4],then applies it to the surviving pairs to predict matches.The Accuracy Estimator computes the accuracy of the Matcher.The Dif-?cult Pairs’Locator?nds pairs that the current Matcher has matched incorrectly.The Matcher then learns a better random forest to match these pairs,and so on,until the estimated matching accuracy no longer improves.

As described,Corleone is distinguished in three important ways.(1)All four modules do not use any developers,but heavily use crowdsourcing.(2)In a sense,the modules use crowdsourcing not just to label the data,as existing work has done,but also to“create”complex rules(blocking rules for the Blocker,negative rules for the Estimator,and reduction rules for the Locator,see Sections4-7).And(3)Corleone can be run in many di?erent ways.The default is to run multiple iterations until the estimated accuracy no longer improves.But the user may also decide to just run until a budget(e.g.,$300)has been exhausted,or to run just one iteration,or just the Blocker and Matcher,etc.

In the rest of the paper we describe Corleone in detail. Sections4-7describe the Blocker,Matcher,Estimator,and Locator,respectively.We defer all discussions on how Cor-leone engages the crowd to Section8.

4.BLOCKING TO REDUCE SET OF PAIRS We now describe the Blocker,which generates and applies blocking rules.As discussed earlier,this is critical for large-scale EM.Prior work requires a developer to execute this



(isbn_match= N) No

(isbn_match= Y) and (#pages_match= N) No

(title_match= N) No

(title_match= Y) and (publisher_match= N) No

(title_match= Y) and (publisher_match= N) No


Figure2:(a)-(b)A toy random forest consisting of two deci-

sion trees,and(b)negative rules extracted from the forest.

step.Our goal however is to completely crowdsource it.To

do so,we must address the challenge of using the crowd to

generate machine-readable blocking rules.

To solve this challenge,Blocker takes a relatively small

sample S from A×B;applies crowdsourced active learning,

in which the crowd labels a small set of informative pairs

in S,to learn a random forest matcher;extracts potential

blocking rules from the matcher;uses the crowd again to

evaluate the quality of these rules;then retain only the best

ones.We now describe these steps in detail.

4.1Generating Candidate Blocking Rules

1.Decide Whether to Do Blocking:Let A and B be

the two tables to be matched.Intuitively,we want to do

blocking only if A×B is too large to be processed e?ciently

by subsequent steps.Currently we deem this is the case if

A×B exceeds a threshold t B,set to be the largest number

such that if after blocking we have t B tuple pairs,then we

can?t the feature vectors of all these pairs in memory(we

discuss feature vectors below),thus minimizing I/O costs for

subsequent steps.The goal of blocking is then to generate

and apply blocking rules to remove as many obviously non-

matched pairs from A×B as possible.

2.Take a Small Sample S from A×B:We want

to learn a random forest F,then extract candidate block-

ing rules from it.Learning F directly over A×B however

is impractical because this set is too large.Hence we will

sample a far smaller set S from A×B,then learn F over

S.Naively,we can randomly sample tuples from A and B,

then take their Cartesian product to be S.Random tuples

from A and B however are unlikely to match.So we may

get no or very few positive pairs in S,rendering learning


To address this problem,we sample as follows.Let A be

the smaller table.We randomly sample t B/|A|tuples from

B,then take S to be the Cartesian product between this set

of tuples and A.Note that we also add the four examples

(two positive,two negative)supplied by the user to S.This

way,S has roughly t B pairs,thus having the largest possi-

ble size that still?ts in memory,to ensure e?cient learning.

Furthermore,if B has a reasonable number of tuples that

have matches in A,and if these tuples are distributed uni-

formly in B,then the above strategy ensures that S has a

reasonable number of positive pairs.We show empirically

later that this simple sampling strategy is e?ective;explor-

ing better sampling strategies is an ongoing work.

3.Apply Crowdsourced Active Learning to S:In the

next step,we convert each tuple pair in S into a feature vec-

tor,using features taken from a pre-supplied feature library.

Example features include edit distance,Jaccard measure,


Then we apply crowdsourced active learning to S to learn a

random forest F.Brie?y,we use the two positive and two

negative examples supplied by the user to build an initial

forest F,use F to?nd informative examples in S,ask the

crowd to label them,then use the labeled examples to im-

prove F,and so on.A random forest is a set of decision

trees[24].We use decision trees because blocking rules can

be naturally extracted from them,as we will see,and we use

active learning to minimize the number of examples that the

crowd must label.We defer describing this learning process

in detail to Section5.

4.Extract Candidate Blocking Rules from F:The

active learning process outputs a random forest F,which is

a set of decision trees,as mentioned earlier.Figures2.a-b

show a toy forest with just two trees(in our experiments

each forest has10trees,and the trees have8-655leaves).

Here,the?rst tree states that two books match only if the

ISBNs match and the numbers of pages match.Observe that

the leftmost branch of this tree forms a decision rule,shown

as the?rst rule in Figure2.c.This rule states that if the

ISBNs do not match,then the two books do not match.It is

therefore a negative rule,and can clearly serve as a blocking

rule because it identi?es book pairs that do not match.In

general,given a forest F,we can extract all tree branches

that lead from a root to a“no”leaf to form negative rules.

Figure2.c show all?ve negative rules extracted from the

forest in Figures2.a-b.We return all negative rules as the

set of candidate blocking rules.

4.2Evaluating Rules using the Crowd

1.Select k Blocking Rules:The extracted blocking

rules can vary widely in precision.So we must evaluate and

discard the imprecise ones.Ideally,we want to evaluate all

rules,using the crowd.This however can be very expen-

sive money-wise(we have to pay the crowd),given the large

number of rules(e.g.,up to8943in our experiments).So

we pick only k rules to be evaluated by the crowd(current


Speci?cally,for each rule R,we compute the coverage

of R over sample S,cov(R,S),to be the set of examples

in S for which R predicts“no”.We de?ne the precision

of R over S,prec(R,S),to be the number of examples in

cov(R,S)that are indeed negative pided by|cov(R,S)|.

Of course,we cannot compute prec(R,S)because we do

not know the true labels of examples in cov(R,S).How-

ever,we can compute an upper bound on prec(R,S).Let

T be the set of examples in S that(a)were selected dur-

ing the active learning process in Step3,Section4.1,and

(b)have been labeled by the crowd as positive.Then clearly

prec(R,S)≤|cov(R,S)?T|/|cov(R,S)|.We then select the

rules in decreasing order of the upper bound on prec(R,S),

breaking tie using cov(R,S),until we have selected k rules,

or have run out of rules.Intuitively,we prefer rules with higher precision and coverage,all else being equal.

2.Evaluate the Selected Rules Using the Crowd:Let V be the set of selected rules.We now use the crowd to estimate the precision of rules in V ,then keep only highly precise rules.Speci?cally,for each rule R ∈V ,we execute the following loop:

1.We randomly select b examples in cov (R,S ),use the crowd to label each example as matched /not matched,then add the labeled examples to a set X (initially set to empty).

2.Let |cov (R,S )|=m ,|X |=n ,and n ?be the num-ber of examples in X that are labeled negative (i.e.,not matched)by the crowd.Then we can estimate the preci-sion of rule R over S as P =n ?/n ,with an error margin

=Z 1?δ/2

P (1?P )n m ?n

m ?1

[32].This means that the true precision of R over S is in the range [P ? ,P + ]

with a δcon?dence (currently set to 0.95).

3.If P ≥P min and ≤ max (which are pre-speci?ed thresh-olds),then we stop and add R to the set of precise rules.If (a)(P + )

The above procedure evaluates each rule in V in isola-tion.We can do better by evaluating all rules in V jointly,to reuse examples across rules.Speci?cally,let R 1,...,R q be the rules in V .Then we start by randomly selecting b examples from the union of the coverages of R 1,...,R q ,use the crowd to label them,then add them to X 1,...,X q ,the set of labeled examples that we maintain for the R 1,...,R q ,respectively.(For example,if a selected example is in the coverage of only R 1and R 2,then we add it to X 1and X 2.)Next,we use X 1,...,X q to estimate the precision of the rules,as detailed in Step 2,and then to keep or drop rules,as detailed in Step 3.If we keep or drop a rule,we remove it from the union,and sample only from the union of the remaining rules.We omit further detail for space reasons.

4.3Applying Blocking Rules

Let Y be the set of rules in V that have survived crowd-based evaluation.We now consider which subset of rules R in Y should be applied as blocking rules to A ×B .

This is highly non-trivial.Let Z (R )be the set of pairs obtained after applying the subset of rules R to A ×B .If |Z (R )|falls below threshold t B (recall that our goal is to try to reduce A ×B to t B pairs,if possible),then among all subsets of rules that satisfy this condition,we will want to select the one whose set Z (R )is the largest .This is because we want to reduce the number of pairs to be matched to t B ,but do not want to go too much below that,because then we run the risk of eliminating many true positive pairs.On the other hand,if no subset of rules from Y can reduce A ×B to below t B ,then we will want to select the subset that does the most reduction,because we want to minimize the number of pairs to be matched.

We cannot execute all subsets of Y on A ×B ,in order to select the optimal subset.So we use a greedy solution.First,we rank all rules in Y based on the precision prec (R,S ),coverage cov (R,S ),and the tuple pair cost.The tuple pair cost is the cost of applying rule R to a tuple pair,primarily the cost of computing the features mentioned in R .We can compute this because we know the cost of computing each feature in Step 3,Section 4.1.Next,we select the ?rst rule,apply it to reduce S to S ,re-estimate the precision,coverage,and tuple cost of all remaining rules on S ,re-rank them,select the second rule,and so on.We repeat until the set of selected rules when applied to S has reduced it to a set of size no more than |S |?(t B /|A ×B |),or we have selected all rules.We then apply the set of selected rules to A ×B (using a Hadoop cluster),to obtain a smaller set of tuple pairs to be matched.This set is passed to the Matcher,which we describe next.


Let C be the set of tuple pairs output by the Blocker.We now describe Matcher M ,which applies crowdsourcing to learn to match tuple pairs in C .We want to maximize the matching accuracy,while minimizing the crowdsourcing cost.To do this,we use active learning.Speci?cally,we train an initial matcher M ,use it to select a small set of informative examples from C ,ask the crowd to label the ex-amples,use them to improve M ,and so on.A key challenge is deciding when to stop training M .Excessive training wastes money,and yet surprisingly can actually decrease ,rather than increase the matcher’s accuracy.We now de-scribe matcher M and our solution to the above challenge.

5.1Training the Initial Matcher

We convert all examples (i.e.,tuple pairs)in C into fea-ture vectors,for learning purposes.This is done at the end of the blocking step:any surviving example is immediately converted into a feature vector,using all features that are ap-propriate (e.g.,no TF/IDF features for numeric attributes)and available in our feature library.In what follows we use the terms example,pair,and feature vector interchangeably,when there is no ambiguity.

Next,we use all labeled examples available at that point (supplied by the user or labeled by the crowd)to train an ini-tial classi?er that when given an example (x,y )will predict if x matches y .Currently we use an ensemble-of-decision-trees approach called random forest [4].In this approach,we train k decision trees independently,each on a random portion (typically set at 60%)of the original training data.When training a tree,at each tree node we randomly select m features from the full set of features f 1,...,f n ,then use the best feature among the m selected to split the remaining training examples.We use the default values k =10and m =log (n )+1of the random forest learner in the Weka package (82c7876702020740bf1e9b49/ml/weka).Once trained,apply-ing a random forest classi?er means applying the k decision trees,then taking the majority vote.

Example 5.1.Consider matching book tuples (title,au-thors,isbn,publisher,pages,year).Then we may gener-ate features such as isbn match,title match,etc.A tuple pair (Data mining,Joe Smith,1321,Springer,234,2013),(Data mining,Joseph Smith,1324,Springer,234,2013) then can be converted into a feature vector with isb match =

N,title match=Y,etc.Given a set of such feature vectors, together with label“matched”/”not matched”,we may learn

a random forest such as the one shown in Figure2.2

5.2Consuming the Next Batch of Examples Once matcher M has trained a classi?er,M evaluates the classi?er to decide whether further training is necessary(see Section5.3).Suppose M has decided yes,then it must select new examples for labeling.

In the simplest case,M can select just a single example (as current active learning approaches often do).A crowd however often refuses to label just one example,judging it to be too much overhead for little money.Consequently,M selects q examples for the crowd to label(currently set to 20,after experimenting with di?erent q values on AMT).In-tuitively,M wants these examples to be“most informative”.

A common way to measure the“informativeness”of an ex-ample e is to measure the disagreement of the component classi?ers using entropy[26]:

entropy(e)=?[P+(e)·ln(P+(e))+P?(e)·ln(P?(e))],(1) where P+(e)and P?(e)are the fractions of the decision trees in the random forest that label example e positive and neg-ative,respectively.The higher the entropy,the stronger the disagreement,and the more informative the example is. Thus,M selects the p examples(currently set to100)with the highest entropy from set C(excluding those that have been selected in the previous iterations).Next,M selects q examples from these p examples,using weighted sampling, with the entropy values being the weights.This sampling step is necessary because M wants the q selected examples to be not just informative,but also perse.M sends the q selected examples to the crowd to label(described in Section 8),adds the labeled examples to the current training data, then re-trains the classi?er.

5.3Deciding When to Stop

Recall that matcher M trains in iteration,in each of which it pays the crowd to label q training examples.We must de-cide then when to stop the training.Interestingly,more it-erations of training not only cost more,as expected,but can actually decrease rather than increase M’s accuracy. This happens because after M has reached peak accuracy, more training,even with perfectly labeled examples,does not supply any more informative examples,and can mislead M instead.This problem became especially acute in crowd-sourcing,where crowd-supplied labels can often be incorrect, thereby misleading the matcher even more.

To address this problem,we develop a solution that tells M when to stop training.Our solution de?nes the“con?-dence”of M as the degree to which the component decision trees agree with one another when labeling.We then moni-tor M and stop it when its con?dence has peaked,indicating that there are no or few informative examples left to learn from.

Speci?cally,let conf(e)=1?entropy(e),where entropy(e) is computed as in Equation1,be the con?dence of M over an example e.The smaller the entropy,the more decision trees of M agree with one another when labeling e,and so the more con?dent M is that it has correctly labeled e. Before starting the active learning process,we set aside a small portion of C(currently set to be3%),to be used as a monitoring set V.We monitor the con?dence of M over V,


Figure3:Typical con?dence patterns that we can exploit for stopping.

de?ned as conf(V)=


conf(e)/|V|.We expect that initially conf(V)is low,re?ecting the fact that M has not been trained su?ciently,so the decision trees still disagree a lot when labeling examples.As M is trained with more and more informative examples(see Section5.2),the trees become more and more“robust”,and disagree less and less. So conf(V)will rise,i.e.,M is becoming more and more con?dent in its labeling.Eventually there are no or few informative examples left to learn from,so the disagreement of the trees levels o?.This means conf(V)will also level o?.At this point we stop the training of matcher M.

We now describe the precise stopping conditions,which, as it turned out,was quite tricky to establish.Ideally,once con?dence conf(V)has leveled o?,it should stay level.In practice,additional training examples may lead the matcher astray,thus reducing or increasing conf(V).This is exac-erbated in crowdsourcing,where the crowd-supplied labels may be wrong,leading the matcher even more astray,thus causing drastic“peaks”and“valleys”in the con?dence line. This makes it di?cult to sift through the“noise”to discern when the con?dence appears to have peaked.We solve this problem as follows.

First,we run a smoothing window of size w over the con?-dence values recorded so far(one value per iteration),using average as the smoothing function.That is,we replace each value x with the average of the w values:(w?1)/2values on the left of x,(w?1)/2values on the right,and x it-self.(Currently w=5.)We then stop if we observe any of the following three patterns over the smoothed con?dence values:

?Converged con?dence:In this pattern the con?dence values have stabilized and stayed within a2 interval(i.e., for all values v,|v?v?|≤ for some v?)over n converged iterations.We use =0.01and n converged=20in our experiments(these parameters and those described below are set using simulated crowds).Figure3.a illustrates this case.When this happens,the con?dence is likely to have converged,and unlikely to still go up or down.So we stop the training.

?Near-absolute con?dence:This pattern is a special case of the?rst pattern.In this pattern,the con?dence is at least1? ,for n high consecutive iterations(see Figure 3.b).We currently use n high=3.When this pattern hap-pens,con?dence has reached a very high,near-absolute value,and has no more room to improve.So we can stop, not having to wait for the whole20iterations as in the case of the?rst pattern.

?Degrading con?dence:This pattern captures the sce-narios where the con?dence has reached the peak,then degraded.In this pattern we consider two consecutive windows of size n degrade,and?nd that the maximal value in the?rst window(i.e.,the earlier one in time)is higher

than that of the second window by more than (see Fig-ure3.b).We currently use n degrade=15.We have exper-imented with several variations of this pattern.For ex-ample,we considered comparing the average values of the two windows,or comparing the?rst value,average value, and the last value of a(relatively long)window.We found however that the above pattern appears to be the best at accurately detecting degrading con?dence after the peak. Afterward,M selects the last classi?er before degrading to match the tuple pairs in the input set C.

6.ESTIMATING MATCHING ACCURACY After applying matcher M,Corleone estimates M’s accu-racy.If this exceeds the best accuracy obtained so far,Cor-leone continues with another round of matching(see Section 7).Otherwise,it stops,returning the matches together with the estimated accuracy.This estimated accuracy is espe-cially useful to the user,as it helps decide how good the crowdsourced matches are and how best to use them.We now describe how to estimate the matching accuracy.

6.1Current Methods and Their Limitations To motivate our method,we begin by describing current evaluation methods and their limitations.Suppose we have applied matcher M to a set of examples C.To estimate the accuracy of M,a common method is to take a random sample S from C,manually label S,then compute the pre-cision P=n tp/n pp and the recall R=n tp/n ap,where(a) n pp is the number of predicted positives:those examples in S that are labeled positive(i.e.,matched)by M;(b)n ap is the number of actual positives:those examples in S that are manually labeled as positive;and(c)n tp is the number of true positives:those examples in S that are both predicted positive and actual positive.

Let P?and R?be the precision and recall on the set C (computed in an analogous fashion,but over C,not over S). Since S is a random sample of C,we can report that withδcon?dence,P?∈[P? p,P+ p]and R?∈[R? r,R+ r], where the error margins are de?ned as



n pp



?n pp





n ap



?n ap



where n?ap and n?pp are the number of actual positives and predicted positives on C,respectively,and Z1?δ/2is the(1?δ/2)percentile of the standard normal distribution[32].

As described,the above method has a major limitation: it often requires a very large sample S to ensure small error margins,and thus ensuring meaningful estimation ranges for P?and R?.For example,assuming R?=0.8,to obtain a reasonable error margin of,say r=0.025,using Equation 3we can show that n ap≥984(regardless of the value for n?ap).That is,S should contain at least984actual positive examples.

The example universe for EM however is often quite skewed, with the number of positive examples being just a small frac-tion of the total number of examples(e.g.,0.06%,2.64%,and 0.56%for the three data sets in Section9,even after block-ing).A fraction of2.64%means that S must contain at least 37,273examples,in order to ensure at least984actual pos-itive 82c7876702020740bf1e9b49beling37000+examples however is often impractical,regardless of whether we use a developer or the crowd,thus making the above method inapplicable.

When?nding too few positive examples,developers of-

ten apply heuristic rules that eliminate negative examples from C,thus attempting to“reduce”C into a smaller set

C1with a far higher“density”of positives.They then ran-domly sample from C1,in the hope of boosting n ap and n pp, thereby reducing the margins of error.This approach,while promising,is often carried out in an ad-hoc fashion.As far

as we know,no strategy on how to do reduction systemat-ically has been reported.In what follows,we show how to

do this in a rigorous way,using crowdsourcing and negative rules extracted from the random forest.

6.2Crowdsourced Estimation with Corleone

Our solution incrementally samples from C.If it detects data skew,i.e.,too few positive examples,it performs reduc-tion(i.e.,using rules to eliminate certain negative examples from C)to increase the positive density,then samples again. This continues until it has managed to estimate P and R within a given margin of error max.Our solution does not use any developer.Rather,it uses the crowd to label ex-amples in the samples,and to generate reduction rules,as described below.

1.Generating Candidate Reduction Rules:When applied to a set of examples(e.g.,C),reduction rules elimi-nate negative examples,thus increasing the density of pos-itive examples in the set.As such,they are conceptually

the same as blocking rules in Section4.Those rules cannot

be used on C,however,because they are already applied to

A×B to generate C.

Instead,we can generate candidate reduction rules exactly

the way we generate blocking rules in Section4,except for

the following.First,in the blocking step in Section4we extract the rules from a random forest trained over a rela-tively small sample S.Here,we extract the rules from the random forest of matcher M,trained over the entire set C. Second,in the blocking step we select top k rules,evalu-

ate them using the crowd,then keep only the precise rules. Here,we also select top k rules,but we do not yet evaluate them using the crowd(that will come later,if necessary). We return the selected rules as candidate reduction rules.

2.Repeating a Probe-Eval-Reduce Loop:We then perform the following online search algorithm to estimate

the accuracy of matcher M over C:

1.Enumerating our options:To estimate the accuracy,we

may execute no reduction rule at all,or just one rule,or

two rules,and so on.Let R={R1,...,R n}be the set

of candidate reduction rules.Then we have a total of2n

possible options,each executing a subset of rules in R.

2.Estimating and selecting the lowest-cost option:A priori

we do not know which option is the best.Hence,we

perform a limited sampling of C to estimate the cost of

each option(to be discussed below),then select the one

with the lowest cost.

3.Partially evaluating the selected option:Without loss of

generalization,suppose we have selected the option that

executes rules D={R1,...,R d}.Fully evaluating this

option means(a)using the crowd to evaluate rules R1,...,R d, exactly the way we evaluate blocking rules in Section4.2,

(b)keeping only good,i.e.,highly precise,rules,(c)ex-

ecuting these rules on C to reduce it,thereby increasing the positive density,then(d)sampling from the reduced

C until we have managed to estimate P and R within the

margin of error max.

Instead of fully evaluating the selected option,we do mid-execution re-optimization.Speci?cally,after executing

(a)-(c),we do not do(d).Instead we return to Step1

to re-enumerate our options.Note that now we have a reduced set C(because we have applied the good rules in D),and also a reduced set R(because we have re-moved all rules in D from R).This is akin to mid-query re-optimization in RDBMSs:given a SQL query,?nd a good execution plan,partially evaluate the plan,then use the newly gathered statistics to re-optimize to?nd a po-tentially better plan,and so on.

4.Termination:If we have not terminated earlier(e.g.,in

Step2,after sampling of C,see below),then eventu-ally we will select the option of using no rules(in the worst-case scenario this happens when we have applied all rules).If so,we sample until we have managed to estimate P and R within a margin of error max.

All that is left is to describe how we estimate the costs of the options in Step2.Without loss of generalization,consider an option that executes rules Q={R1,...,R q}.We estimate its cost to be(1)the cost of evaluating all rules in Q,plus(2) the cost of sampling from the reduced set C after we have applied all rules in Q(note that we are making an optimistic assumption here that all rules in Q turn out to be good). Currently we estimate the cost in(1)to be the sum of the costs of evaluating each inpidual rule.In turn,the cost of evaluating a rule is the number of examples that we would need to select from its coverage for the crowd to label,in order to estimate the precision to be within max (see Section4.2).We can estimate this number using the formulas for precision P and error margin given in Section 4.2.

Suppose after applying all rules in Q,C is reduced to set C .We estimate the cost in(2)to be the number of examples we need to sample from C to guarantee margin of error max.If we know the positive density d of C ,we estimate the above number.It is easy to prove that d =d?|C|/|C |, where d is the positive density of C(assuming that the rules are100%precise).

To estimate d,we perform a“limited sampling”,by sam-pling b examples from the set C(currently b=50).We use the crowd to label these examples,then estimate d to be the fraction of examples being labeled positive by the crowd.(We note that in addition,we also use these labeled b examples to estimate P,R, p, r,as shown in Section6.1, and immediately exit if p and r are already below max.) We omit further details for space reasons.


In practice,entity matching is not a one-shot operation. Developers often estimate the matching result,then revise and match again.A common way to revise is to?nd tu-ple pairs that have proven di?cult to match,then modify the current matcher,or build a new matcher speci?cally for these pairs.For example,when matching e-commerce prod-ucts,a developer may?nd that the current matcher does reasonably well across all categories,except in Clothes,and so may build a new matcher speci?cally for Clothes prod-ucts.

Corleone operates in a similar fashion.It estimates the matching accuracy(as discussed earlier),then stops if the accuracy does not improve(compared to the previous itera-tion).Otherwise,it revises and matches again.Speci?cally, it attempts to locate di?cult-to-match pairs,then build a new matcher speci?cally for those.The challenge is how to locate di?cult-to-match pairs.Our key idea is to identify precise positive and negative rules from the learned random forest,then remove all pairs covered by these rules(they are, in a sense,easy to match,because there already exist rules that cover them).We treat the remaining examples as dif-?cult to match,because the current forest does not contain any precise rule that covers them.We now describe this idea in detail.

1.Extract Positive&Negative Rules:Let F be the random forest learned by matcher M.In Section4we have discussed how to extract negative rules from F,select top rules,use the crowd to evaluate them,then keep only the highly precise ones.Here we do exactly the same thing to obtain k highly precise negative rules(or as many as F has). Note that some of these rules might have been used in esti-mating the matching accuracy(Section6).

We then proceed similarly to obtain k highly precise pos-itive rules(or as many as F has).A positive rule is similar to a negative rule,except that it is a path from a root to a “yes”leaf node in F.That is,if it applies to a pair,then it predicts that the pair match.

2.Apply Rules to Remove Easy-to-Match Pairs: Let E be the set of positive and negative rules so obtained. Recall that in the current iteration we have applied matcher M to match examples in set C.We now apply all rules in E to C,to remove examples covered by any of these rules.Let the set of remaining examples be C .As mentioned earlier, we treat these examples as di?cult to match,because they have not been covered by any precise(negative or positive) rule in the current matcher M.

3.Learn a New Matcher for Surviving Pairs:In the next iteration,we learn a new matcher M over the set C ,using the same crowdsourced active learning method described in Section5,and so on.In the end we use the so-constructed set of matchers to match examples in C.For example,if we terminate after two iterations,then we use matcher M to make prediction for any example in C\C and M for any example in C .

Note that if the set C is too small(e.g.,having less than 200examples),or if no signi?cant reduction happens(e.g., |C |≥0.9?|C|),then we terminate without learning a new matcher M for C .


As described so far,Corleone heavily uses crowdsourcing. In particular,it engages the crowd to label examples,to (a)supply training data for active learning(in blocking and matching),(b)supply labeled data for accuracy estimation, and(c)evaluate rule precision(in blocking,accuracy estima-tion,and locating di?cult examples).We now describe how Corleone engages the crowd to label examples,highlighting in particular how we address the challenges of noisy crowd answers and example reuse.

Kingston Kingston

Kingston HyperX4GB Kit 2 x 2GB …Kingston HyperX12GB Kit 3 x 4GB …

… …. … … …. …

o Memory size 4 GB o 2 x 2GB 667 MHz …o 3 x 4 GB 1600 MHz

<,y???? ? ?

Figure4:A sample question to the crowd.

1.Crowdsourcing Platforms:Currently we use Ama-zon’s Mechanical Turk(AMT)to label the examples.How-ever we believe that much of what we discuss here will also carry over to other crowdsourcing platforms.To label a batch of examples,we organize them into HITs(i.e.,“Hu-man Intelligence Tasks”),which are the smallest tasks that can be sent to the crowd.Crowds often prefer many exam-ples per HIT,to reduce their overhead(e.g.,the number of clicks).Hence,we put10examples into a HIT.Within each HIT,we convert each example(x,y)into a question“does x match y?”.Figure4shows a sample question.Currently we pay1-2pennies per question,a typical pay rate for EM tasks on AMT.

82c7876702020740bf1e9b49bining Noisy Crowd Answers:Several solu-tions have been proposed for combining noisy answers,such as golden questions[17]and expectation maximization[13]. They often require a large number of answers to work well, and it is not yet clear when they outperform simple solu-tions,e.g.,majority voting[29].Hence,we started out using the2+1majority voting solution:for each question,solicit two answers;if they agree then return the label,otherwise solicit one more answer then take the majority vote.This solution is commonly used in industry and also by recent work[9,35,19].

Soon we found that this solution works well for supplying training data for active learning,but less so for accuracy estimation and rule evaluation,which are quite sensitive to incorrect labels.Thus,we need a more rigorous scheme than 2+1.We adopted a scheme of“strong majority vote”:for each question,we solicit answers until(a)the number of an-swers with the majority label minus that with the minority label is at least3,or(b)we have solicited7answers.In both cases we return the majority label.For example,4positive and1negative answers would return a positive label,while 4negative and3positive would return negative.

The strong majority scheme works well,but is too costly compared to the2+1scheme.So we improved it further, by analyzing the importance of di?erent types of error,then using strong majority only for the important ones.Specif-ically,we found that false positive errors(labeling a true negative example as positive)are far more serious than false negative errors(labeling a true positive as negative).This is because false positive errors change n ap,the number of actual positives,which is used in estimating R=n tp/n ap and in Formula3for estimating r.Since this number ap-

Datasets Table A Table B#of Matches




Table1:Data sets for our experiment.

pears in the denominators,a small change can result in a big change in the error margins,as well as estimated R and hence F1.The same problem does not arise for false nega-tive errors.Based on this analysis,we use strong majority voting only if the current majority vote on a question is positive(thus can potentially be a false positive error),and use2+1otherwise.We found empirically that this revised scheme works very well,at a minimal overhead compared to the2+1scheme.

3.Re-using Labeled Examples:Since Corleone engages the crowd to label at many di?erent places(blocking,match-ing,estimating,locating),we cache the already labeled ex-amples for reuse.When we get a new example,we check the cache to see if it is there and has been labeled the way we want(i.e.,with the2+1or strong majority scheme).If yes then we can reuse without going to the crowd. Interestingly this simple and obviously useful scheme poses complications in how we present the questions to the crowd. Recall that at any time we typically send20examples,packed into two HITs(10questions each),to the crowd.What hap-pens if we?nd15examples out of20already in the cache? It turns out we cannot send the remaining5examples as a HIT.Turkers avoid such“small”HITs because they contain too few questions and thus incur a high relative overhead. To address this problem,we require that a HIT always contains10questions.Now suppose that k examples out of 20have been found in the cache and k≤10,then we take 10example from the remaining20?k examples,pack them into a HIT,ask the crowd to label,then return these10plus the k examples in the cache(as the result of labeling this batch).Otherwise if k>10,then we simply return these k examples as the result of labeling this batch(thus ignoring the20?k remaining examples).


We now empirically evaluate Corleone.Table1describes three real-world data sets for our experiments.Restaurants matches restaurant descriptions.Citations matches cita-tions between DBLP and Google Scholar[16].These two data sets have been used extensively in prior EM work(Sec-tion9.1compares published results on them with that of Corleone,when appropriate).Products,a new data set cre-ated by us,matches electronics products between Amazon and Walmart.Overall,our goal is to select a perse set of data sets,with varying matching di?culties.

We used Mechanical Turk and ran Corleone on each data set three times,each in a di?erent week.The results re-ported below are averaged over the three runs.In each run we used common turker quali?cations to avoid spammers, such as allowing only turkers with at least100approved HITs and95%approval rate.We paid1cent per question for Restaurants&Citations,and2cents for Products(it can take longer to answer Product questions due to more attributes being involved).

9.1Overall Performance

Accuracy and Cost:We begin by examining the over-all performance of Corleone.The?rst?ve columns of Table


Corleone Baseline1Baseline2Published Works P R F1Cost#Pairs P R F1P R F1F1

Restaurants97.096.196.5$9.227410.0 6.17.699.293.896.492-97[30,15] Citations89.994.392.1$69.5208290.484.387.[16,15,3] Products91.587.489.3$256.8320592.926.640.595.054.869.5Not available Table2:Comparing the performance of Corleone against that of traditional solutions and published works.

2(under“Corleone”)show this performance,broken down into P,R,F1,the total cost,and the total number of tuple pairs labeled by the crowd.The results show that Corleone achieves high matching accuracy,89.3-96.5%F1,across the three data sets,at a reasonable total cost of$9.2-256.8.The number of pairs being labeled,274-3205,is low compared to the total number of pairs.For example,after blocking, Products has more than173,000pairs,and yet only3205 pairs need to be labeled,thereby demonstrating the e?ec-tiveness of Corleone in minimizing the labeling cost. Comparison to Traditional Solutions:In the next step, we compare Corleone to two traditional solutions:Baseline 1and Baseline2.Baseline1uses a developer to perform blocking,then trains a random forest using the same number of labeled pairs as the average number of labeled pairs used by Corleone.Baseline2is similar to Baseline1,but uses20% of the candidate set(obtained after blocking)for training. For example,for Products,Baseline1uses3205pairs for training(same as Corleone),while Baseline2uses20%* 180,382=36,076pairs,more than11times what Corleone uses.Baseline2is therefore a very strong baseline matcher. The next six columns of Table2show the accuracy(P,R, and F1)of Baseline1and Baseline2.The results show that Corleone signi?cantly outperforms Baseline1(89.3-96.5%F1 vs.7.6-87.1%F1),thereby demonstrating the importance of active learning,as used in Corleone.Baseline1achieves low accuracy because it training set is too small.Corleone is comparable to Baseline2for Restaurants and Citations (92.1-96.5%vs.92.0-96.4%),but signi?cantly outperforms Baseline2for Products(89.3%vs.69.5%).This is despite the fact that Baseline2uses11times more training exam-ples.

Comparison to Published Results:The last column of Table2shows F1results reported by prior EM work for Restaurants and Citations.On Restaurants,[15]reports92-97%F1for several works that they compare.Furthermore, CrowdER[30],a recent crowdsourced EM work,reports92% F1at a cost of$8.4.In contrast,Corleone achieves96.5%F1 at a cost of$9.2(including the cost of estimating accuracy). On Citations,[16,15,3]report88-92%F1,compared to 92.1%F1for Corleone.It is important to emphasize that due to di?erent experimental settings,the above results are not directly comparable.However,they do suggest that Corleone has reasonable accuracy and cost,while being hands-o?. Summary:The overall result suggests that Corleone achieves comparable or in certain cases signi?cantly better accuracy than traditional solutions and published results,at a rea-sonable crowdsourcing cost.The important advantage of Corleone is that it is totally hands-o?,requiring no devel-oper in the loop,and it provides accuracy estimates of the matching result.

9.2Performance of the Components

We now“zoom in”to examine Corleone in more details.


Cartesian Umbrella


Product Set

Restaurants176.4K176.4K100$00 Citations168.1M38.2K99$7.2214 Products56.4M173.4K92$22333 Table3:Blocking results for Corleone. Blocking:Table3shows the results for crowdsourced au-tomatic blocking executed on the three data sets.From left to right,the columns show the size of the Cartesian product (of tables A and B),the size of the umbrella set(i.e.,the set after applying the blocking rules),recall(i.e.,the percent-age of positive examples in the Cartesian product that are retained in the umbrella set),total cost,and total number of pairs being labeled by the crowd.Note that Restaurants is relatively small and hence does not trigger blocking.

The results show that automatic crowdsourced blocking is quite e?ective,reducing the total number of pairs to be matched to be just0.02-0.3%of the original Cartesian prod-uct,for Citations and Products.This is achieved at a low cost of$7.2-22,or just214-333examples having to be la-beled.In all the runs,Corleone applied1-3blocking rules. These rules have99.9-99.99%precision.Finally,Corleone also achieves high recall of92-99%on Products and Ci-tations.For comparison purposes,we asked a developer well versed in EM to write blocking rules.The developer achieved100%recall on Citations,reducing the Cartesian product to202.5K pairs(far higher than our result of38.2K pair).Blocking on Products turned out to be quite di?cult, and the developer achieved a recall of90%,compared to our result of92%.Overall,the results suggest that Corleone can ?nd highly precise blocking rules at a low cost,to dramati-cally reduce the original Cartesian products,while achieving high recall.

Performance of the Iterations:Table4shows Corleone’s performance per iteration on each data set.To explain,con-sider for example the result for Restaurants(the?rst row of the table).In Iteration1Corleone trains and applies a matcher.This step uses the crowd to label140examples, and achieves a true F1of96.5%.Next,in Estimation1,Cor-leone estimates the matching accuracy in Iteration1.This step uses134examples,and produces an estimated F1of 96%(very close to the true F1of96.5%).Next,in Reduc-tion1,Corleone identi?es the di?cult pairs and comes up with157such pairs.It uses no new examples,being able to re-use existing examples.At this point,since the set of di?-cult pairs is too small(below200),Corleone stops,returning the matching results of Iteration1.

The result shows that Corleone needs1-2iterations on the three data sets.The estimated F1is quite accurate, always within0.5-5.4%of true F1.Note that sometimes the estimation error can be larger than our desired maximal margin of5%(e.g.,Estimation2for Products).This is due to the noisy labels from the crowd.Despite the crowd noise,however,the e?ect on estimation error is relatively insigni?cant.Note that the iterative process can indeed lead to improvement in F1,e.g.,by3.3%for Products from the



#Pairs P R F1#Pairs P R F1#Pairs Reduced Set#Pairs P R F1#Pairs P R F1


Citations97389.494.291.736692.493.893.1213493447589.994.392.1095.295.795.5 Products106089.782.886167790.986.188.394421259791.587.489.309693.594.7 Table4:Corleone’s performance per iteration on the data sets.

?rst to the second iteration(see more below).Note further that the cost of reduction is just a modest fraction(3-10%)

of the overall cost.

9.3Additional Experimental Results

We have run a large number of additional experiments

to extensively evaluate Corleone.For space reasons,we will brie?y summarize them here,deferring the detailed results

to a forthcoming technical report[10].

Estimating Matching Accuracy:Section9.2has shown that our method provides accurate estimation of matching accuracy,despite noisy answers from real 82c7876702020740bf1e9b49pared

to the baseline accuracy estimation method in Section6.1, we found that our method also used far fewer examples.For Restaurants,the baseline method needs100,000+examples

to estimate both P and R within a0.05error margin,while ours uses just170examples.For Citations and Products,we use50%and92%fewer examples,respectively.The result here is not as striking as for Restaurants primarily because of the much higher positive density for Citations and Products.

E?ectiveness of Reduction:Section9.2has shown that the iterative matching process can improve the overall F1, by0.4-3.3%in our experiments.This improvement is actu-ally much more pronounced over the set of di?cult-to-match pairs,primarily due to increase in recall.On this set,recall improves by3.3%and11.8%for Citations and Products,re-spectively,leading to F1increases of2.1%and9.2%.These results suggest that in subsequent iterations Corleone suc-ceeds in zooming in and matching correctly more pairs in the di?cult-to-match set,thereby increasing recall.

E?ectiveness of Rule Evaluation:Section9.2has shown that blocking rules found by Corleone are highly precise (99.9-99.99%).We have found that rules found in later steps (estimation,reduction,i.e.,identifying di?cult-to-match pairs) are highly precise as well,at97.5-99.99%.For the estima-tion step,Corleone uses1,4.33,and7.67rules on average (over three runs)for Restaurants,Citations,and Products, respectively.For the reduction step,Citations uses on aver-age11.33negative rules and16.33positive rules,and Prod-ucts uses17.33negative rules and9.33positive rules. Sensitivity Analysis:We have run extensive sensitivity analysis for Corleone.Of these,the most interesting is on varying the labeling accuracy of the crowd.To do this,we use the random worker model in[13,11]to simulate a crowd

of random workers with a?xed error rate(i.e.,the proba-bility of incorrectly labeling an example).We found that a small change in the error rate causes only a small change in Corleone’s performance.However,as we vary the error rate over a large range,the performance can change signi?cantly. With a perfect crowd(0%error rate),Corleone performs ex-tremely well on all three data sets.With moderate noise in labeling(10%error rate),F1reduces by only2-4%,while the cost increases by up to$20.As we move to a very noisy crowd(20%error rate),F1further dips by1-10%for Prod-ucts and Citations,and28%for Restaurants.The cost on the other hand shoots up by$250to$500.Managing crowd’s error rates better therefore is an important topic for future research.

9.4Evaluating and Setting System Parameters Finally,we discuss how we evaluated and set system pa-rameters(see the technical report[10]for more details).In the blocker,t B is set to be the maximal number of tuple pairs that can?t into memory(a heuristic used to speed up active learning during blocking),and is currently set to3 millions,based on the amount of memory available on our machine.We have experimented and found that Corleone is robust to varying t B(e.g.,as we increase t B,the time it takes to learn blocking rules increases only linearly,due to processing larger samples).See the technical report for details.

The batch size b=20is set using experimental validation with simulated crowds(of varying degrees of accuracy).The number of rules k is set to a conservative value that tries to ensure that the blocker does not miss any good blocking rules.Our experiments show that k can be set to as low as 5without a?ecting accuracy.Similarly,experiments suggest we can vary P min from0.9to0.99without noticeable e?ects, because the rules we learned appear to be either very accu-rate(at least.99precision)or very inaccurate(well below 0.9).Given this,we current set P min to0.95.The con?-dence interval0.95and error margin0.95are set based on established conventions.

In the matcher,the parameters for the random forest learner are set to default values in the Weka package.The stopping parameters(validation set size,smoothing window w,etc.)are set using experiments with simulated crowds with varying degrees of accuracy.

For engaging the crowd,we solicit3labels per pair because 3is the minimum number of labels that give us a majority vote,and it has been used extensively in crowdsourcing pub-lications as well as in industry.When we need higher crowd accuracy for the estimator,we need to consider5labels or7 labels.After extensive experiments with simulated crowds, we found that5gave us too wide error ranges,whereas7 worked very well(for the estimator).Hence our decision to solicit7labels per pair in such cases.Finally,the estimator and the di?cult pairs’locator use many algorithms used by the blocker and the matcher,so their parameters are set as described above.


Our goals with this paper are to introduce the novel con-cept of hands-o?crowdsourcing,to describe Corleone,the very?rst HOC solution to EM,and to establish the feasi-bility and promise of HOC,via extensive experiments with Corleone.While these goals have been achieved,it is also clear that Corleone is just a starting point for HOC research, and can be signi?cantly extended in many ways.

First,sensitivity analysis shows that Corleone is relatively robust to small changes in parameter values(see Sections 9.3-9.4),but we need solutions to select optimal ones.Sec-ond,the Corleone components are highly modular and each

can be signi?cantly improved further,e.g.,developing bet-ter sampling strategies for blocking,better ways to use the crowd to evaluate rules,and better accuracy estimation meth-ods.Third,it is highly desirable to develop cost models making the system more cost e?cient.For example,given a monetary budget constraint,how to best allocate it among the blocking,matching,and accuracy estimation step?As another example,paying more per question often gets the crowd to answer faster.How should we manage this money-time trade-o??A possible approach is to pro?le the crowd during the blocking step,then use the estimated crowd mod-els(in terms of time,money,and accuracy)to help guide the subsequent steps of Corleone.Fourth,it is critical to exam-ine how to run Corleone on a Hadoop cluster,to scale up to very large data sets.

Fifth,it would be interesting to explore how the ideas underlying Corleone can be applied to other problem set-tings.Consider for example crowdsourced joins,which lie at the heart of recently proposed crowdsourced RDBMSs. Many such joins in essence do EM.In such cases our solution can potentially be adapted to run as hands-o?crowdsourced joins.We note also that crowdsourcing typically has helped learning by providing labeled data for training and accuracy estimation.Our work however raises the possibility that crowdsourcing can also help“clean”learning models,such as?nding and removing“bad”positive/negative rules from a random forest.Finally,our work shows that it is possible to ask crowd workers to help generate complex machine-readable rules,raising the possibility that we can“solicit”even more complex information types from them.We plan to explore these directions.


We have proposed the concept of hands-o?crowdsourc-ing(HOC),and showed how HOC can scale to EM needs at enterprises and startups,and open up crowdsourcing for the masses.We have also presented Corleone,a HOC so-lution for EM,and showed that it achieves comparable or better accuracy than traditional solutions and published re-sults,at a reasonable crowdsourcing cost.Our work thus demonstrates the feasibility and promise of HOC,and sug-gests many interesting research directions in this area. 12.ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

We thank NSF for supporting this work under grant IIS 1018792.


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