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? 太古界主要分布密云、怀柔一带经变质作用有些达到了麻粒岩相、角闪岩相,包括了四


? 中上元古界分布广泛,主要有长城系、蓟县系、青白口系;

? 古生界主要分布在北京西山地区及北山和京东地区,主要以寒武-奥陶系碳酸盐沉积为


? 中生界为陆相沉积为主,广泛分布在西山、北山的向斜及断陷盆地内,包括三叠系、侏


? 新生界主要分布在平原地区及各大水系,以河、湖碎屑沉积为主夹褐煤与泥炭,包括第


北京地区侵入岩主要分布在昌平、延庆、怀柔、密云及西山地区。燕山期侵入岩在区内占有重要地位,是规模最大,活动最强烈的时期,总体上构成了一个完整的由中基性向酸性演化的岩浆活动旋回。包括了花岗岩、二长花岗岩、石英正长岩、花岗闪长岩等多种岩性。 正是由于北京西山地区岩性构造丰富,所以北京西山是中国最早培养地质人才和开展地质研究的地方,有“中国地质摇篮”之称。


Regional Geology of Beijing Municipality

Beijing is the capital of the People's Republic of China, the political and cultural center, covering areas of 16807.8km2, the population of this city is about 20 million. There are many places of interests in Beijing, which has the most world cultural heritages in this world. Beijing district is located in 115o25’-117o30’E, 39o28’-41o05’N, typical monsoon climate of medium latitudes, summer is hot and wet, winter is cold and dry.

Beijing is located in the northwest edge of China Northern plain, contiguous to Tianjin, Hebei Province. Northwestern of Beijing is high altitude because there are many mountains, the mountains in west called Xishan, the branch of the Taihangshan, contains a series of mountains in parallel arrays. The northern mountains called Jundushan, the branch of the Yanshan. The southeast is a plain called Beijing plain, which area is 6800km2, about 38% of the area of the Beijing district, smooth terrain, it reflect the character of the alluvial plain and the flood plain. Beijing city is located in the southwest of the Beijing plain. Stratigraphy of Beijing:

The Archaean rocks are mainly distributed in the Miyun and Huairou counties in the northeastern outskirts of Beijing covering an area of 1500km2 and divided from lower to upper, into two groups, namely Miyun Group and Sihetang Group.

The Middle-Upper Proterozoic is wide distribution, contains Changcheng and Jixian systems.

Paleozoic rocks are mainly distributed in west mountains (Xishan), north mountains (Jundushan) and Jingdong areas. Lower Paleozoic rocks mainly contain Carbonate sediments in the period of Cambrian and Ordovician, upper Paleozoic rocks mainly contain sediments clip coal in the period of Carboniferous and Permian.

Mesozoic rocks in period of the Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous, which is widely distributed in the syncline of west mountains (Xishan), north mountains (Jundushan) and the fault of the basin.

Cenozoic including Tertiary, Quaternary, mainly distributed in the plain area, contain the river, lake sedimentary clip the coal and mudstone. Magmatic rocks in Beijing :

Magmatic rocks in Beijing mainly distributed in Changping, Yanqing, Huairou, Miyun and Xishan areas. Which formed rock in the period of Yanshan, contain kinds of rocks, for example: granite, monzonite granite, diorite porphyrite, quartz diorite, quartz syenite, monzonite and so on. Others:

Because the lithology structure of Xishan in Beijing is complex, Xishan is the earliest geological study place in China, many geological talents were trained, which called \

Beijing is one of the ape man activities sites, the discovery of Beijing ape man and Shandingdong ape Man is important significance for the research of human evolution history.

