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- 2015九年级下册语文书推荐度:
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2015级九年级上期(Unit 5)重点短语和句型
1.由…制成be made of / from 2.由…地方制成be made in 3.为某人制作be made for sb. 4.由某人制作be made by
5.制作成某物be made into sth. 6.因…而闻名be known for / be famous for 7.据我所知as far as I know 8.手工做的by hand 9.无论什么no matter what 10.事实上in fact 11.虽然; 即使even though / if 12.了解learn / know about 13.不同种类different kinds of 14.放风筝fly a kite / kites 15.童话故事fairy tale 16.把…变成turn … into 17.把…放出send out 18.根据according to 19.处于困境in trouble 20.用…覆盖cover with 21.被…覆盖be covered with 22.升入rise into
23.被视为be seen as 24.作为…象征as symbols of 25.张贴put on 26.科技展览会science fair 27.环境保护environmental protection 28.飞机模型a model plane 29.A和B两者都…both A and B… 30.产茶produce tea
31.栽茶树grown tea plants 32.避免做某事avoid doing sth. 33.变得更擅长做某事get better at doing sth. 34.在世界各地in all parts of the world 35.高科技产品high-technology products 36.地球表面the earth’s surface 37.做裙子make dresses 38.交通事故traffic accident 39.去度假go on a vacation 40. 被某人用be used by sb. 41.被用来做某事be used for doing sth./ be used to do sth. 42.有关…的祝愿wishes for sth. 43.看起来逼真look real 44.在高温下at a very high heat 45.一张纸a piece of paper 46.一件艺术品a piece of art
1.What are the shirts made of ? They’re made of cotton .
2.Where were the shirts made ? They were made in Hangzhou .
3.Where is tea produced in China ? It’s produced in many different areas .
4.Are your shirts made of cotton ? Yes , they are . And they were made in the US . 5.Anxi and Hangzhou are widely known for their tea . 6.How is it grown ?
7.The leaves are picked by hand and then are sent for processing . 8.It seems that many people all over the world drink Chinese tea .
9.He found it interesting that so many products in the local shops were made in China .
10. No matter what you may buy , you might think those products were made in those countries. 11.Toys are not the only things made in China .
12. He realized that Americans can hardly avoid buying products made in China . 13.What language is spoken in Germany ?
14.Most of the earth’s surface is covered by water .
15.Some of the kites Zheng Yun saw were made of paper and bamboo . 16.The international kite festival is held every year .
17.The paper , usually red , is folded before it is cut with scissors 18.They are seen as bright symbols of happiness and good wishes .
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