
更新时间:2024-03-10 02:15:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载


A. Look and listen

Look at the pictures. Listen to the statements and fill in the blanks with the words or phrases in the list.




hold up

ignorant alternatives

resolved accounted representatives elect neglect encountered hold back

counter-proposal assess

1. We need to

(assess ) the strengths and weaknesses of our

side before a negotiation. It is equally vital to do the same for our

(counterparts ) in the negotiation process.

(encountered ) by a negotiator

2. One of the biggest blocks

is to clearly understand the real issues as the root cause and

basis for the negotiation in the first place. All too many times, negotiators take insufficient time to clearly identify the issues to

be (resolved ) and negotiated.

3. Negotiators often don't say everything they're thinking. Sometimes they

(hold back) or distort information to avoid

being exploited by the other party. Disclosing your \or \—

particularly with (aggressive ) negotiators on the other side.

4. If someone says, \treat the statement as untrue for the moment, discuss further,

and make a (counter-proposal). The truth of an ultimatum

(最后通牒) is tested by whether the person making it is willing to

consider (alternatives).

(ignorant ) about

5. Don't leap into a negotiation if you are

what you need to know about your own needs and alternatives, and similarly, don't

(neglect ) to put yourself in the other

side's shoes either. Good planning and preparation are essential to successful negotiations.

B. Ask and answer the questions

Ask and answer the following questions with a partner.

1. What is vital to the success of a negotiation? Your answer:

Reference answer: Assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of your side as well as your counterparts if possible, good planning, and good preparation. 2. What is your understanding of a win-win negotiation? Your answer:

Reference answer: It is an agreement reached that benefits both sides of the negotiation. In other words, there is no value left on the table and all creative options

have been thoroughly explored and exploited.

3. Do you think that the proverb \in an international negotiation? Your answer:

Reference answer: Yes, we must be adaptable, understand that people from different cultures do and perceive things differently, and learn to play by the rules of the other side when in their country, because it would be their rules that count, not ours.

Section One Listen for skills A. Listen and practice

Listen to the dialogues and choose the best answers.



a. She is tired of teaching.

b. She was dismissed. c. She changed her job.

d. It is too hot here. 2.


a. He is not equal to his job. b. He is not well paid for his work.

c. He doesn't think the job is challenging enough. d. He cannot keep his mind on his work. 3.


a. She never wanted to come. b. She's forgotten to come. c. She wasn't invited. d. She altered her decision. 4.


a. They were both busy doing their own work. b. They waited for each other at different places. c. They went to the street corner at different times. d. The man went to the concert but the woman didn't. 5.


a. She is going to Finland. b. She has guests at her home. c. She has visitors next week. d. She has just visited him.

Section Two Special English programs A. Item 1

2. Listen for details

1) Listen to the report and choose the best answer to the following question. How many A320 planes have been ordered from Airbus at the Paris Air Show?

a. 16. b. 5. c. 21.

d. Not mentioned exactly.


2) Now listen to the report again and choose the best answer to the following


Why has Boeing accused Airbus of violating world trade regulations?


a. Airbus is seeking subsidies from European governments for its A320 planes. b. Airbus is seeking subsidies from the French government for its A321 planes. c. Airbus is seeking subsidies from European governments for its A350 planes. d. Airbus is seeking subsidies from the French government for its A350 planes.

Section Two Special English programs B. Item 2

2. Listen for details

1) Listen to the report and choose the best answer to the following question.

Which of the following about the APEC meeting is NOT true?


a. It lasted two days.

b. It was held in North Korea.

c. It was the fourteenth official meeting. d. It ended on November 19th.

2) Now listen to the report again and choose the best answer to the following question.

Which of the following do the APEC leaders propose?

a. More trade reforms by other countries. b. More government aid to farmers. c. More import taxes on industrial goods. d. More pressure on North Korea.


Section Two Special English programs C. Item 3

2. Listen for details

1) Listen to the report and choose the best answer to the following question. What has Kirk Kerkorian offered one hundred million dollars for?

a. Buying Chrysler.


b. Seeking a true partnership with Chrysler workers and labor union members. c. Getting rights to negotiate with DaimlerChrysler. d. Showing his interest in America's Big Three.

B: Three percent... Hmm. Right, well, as you know, I can't just give you a pay raise immediately, just like that. I'll have to discuss it with the other managers here. And, as you can imagine, there aren't unlimited funds for things like this. But you might be pleased to hear that we are having a pay review meeting very soon and I'll make sure we discuss your request then.

A: OK, fine. Should I put this request in writing as well? So we all have a record of this discussion?

B: Yes, that'd be a good idea. Email me and also copy it to Human Resources.

B. Story dictation

Listen to a story and fill in the missing words. The story will be read three times. The first and the third times it will be read at normal speed, and the second time there will be a 10-second pause for each missing part.

Now listen to the story:

Maxwell had not held a steady job in almost two years. Today was a big day, because he was going to a job interview that he felt good about. (1) he had talked to on the phone sounded friendly and encouraging) .

Maxwell was a typist. His fingers danced on the keyboard. However, his people skills were not nearly as good as his typing skills. (2)

(Sometimes his mouth got in the

(The secretary

way of his employment) . At his last steady job, his boss had told him to start making coffee every morning. Maxwell laughed. \of my job description.\

\I say it is.\


His boss was still yelling as Maxwell walked out of the building. He felt great about telling off the boss. A few days later, (3)

(the reality of not having a job hit home) .

He had to pay the rent and utility bills, and he had to eat. What was he going to do? He thought about apologizing and asking for his job back. But how would that look? Then again, (4)

(who cares how it looks when you're almost broke) ? He finally

called his boss and apologized. His boss accepted his apology, but said that he had already hired a replacement.

So today Maxwell was excited about finally getting an interview for a steady job. The interview started 30 minutes late. Not bothering to apologize, the manager lit a cigarette and took a sip from his coffee cup. (5)

(He leaned back in his chair and

put his feet up on his desk). He asked Maxwell a lot of questions. Maxwell thought that each question was stupider than the preceding question. The final question was, \

What does that have to do with typing? Maxwell wondered. Where would he like to be ten years from now?


