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[教学设计]《快乐英语》第六册 Unit 3 lesson17

2008-11-04 08:28 来源: 铁路小学 作者:王路童 网友评论 0 条 浏览次数 992 《教学目标:

1. 能听、说、读、写单词:cinema, bank, post office, hospital, bookstore

2. 能熟练地运用句型:Can you tell me the way to ? 向他人问路。并能为他人准确地指明各个方向。

3. 熟练掌握Learn to say 部分,并能表演。


1. 对本课词汇及词组的熟练掌握。

2. 能熟练运用句型向他人问路,并为他人指路。

教学难点:对句型:Can you tell me the way to ? 的掌握。


Step 1 Greeting

T: Hello, boys and girls. Nice to meet you!

Ss: Nice to meet you, too.

T: How are you today?

Ss: Fine, thank you, and you?

T: Very well, thanks. Now, let’s sing a song together. OK?

Ss: OK!

Playing the song: Walking, Walking!

(设计意图: 上课初始,通过打招呼,唱英文歌曲, 达到师生互动,让学生更快的融入英语课堂。为以下的教学做好铺垫。)

Step 2 Review

T: You’re good job. Now class. First, let’s review and play. You could relax yourself, OK?

Ss: Do: turn left, turn right, go ahead. (Do 2 groups.)

(设计意图: 通过复习上节课所学到的转变方向的词汇及词组,让学生进一步的熟练掌握方向的词汇。为这节课的指路及问路的教学做一层铺垫。)

Step 3 Presentation

1. Leading

T: Great! You’re good job. Today we go on learning, we learn lesson 17. Everyone read after me, lesson 17. (板书课题)

Ss: Read after teacher-lesson17.

2. New lesson

post office

T: OK, please look at the screen. Our friend QQ has a letter. (Show PPT). He wants to send it. Where should he go?

Ss: Answer.

T: Good, OK, everyone, please read after the computer.

Ss: Read following the computer. (Three times)

T:OK. Please after me.

Ss: Read after teacher. (板书)

操练词汇:1)Spell the word together.

2) Spell the word one by one.

3) Read the word group by group. bank

T: OK, everyone please look at the screen. There are some money. I want to save it. Where should I go?

Ss: Answer

T: Good, we should go to the bank. Now everyone please read after the computer.

Ss: Read after it. (Three times)

T: OK, now let spell it together.

Ss: Spell the word.

操练词汇:1)Spell the word group by group.

2) Spell the word boys by girls.

3) Read words as soon as quickly. hospital

T: Wonderful, now, let’s look at the QQ. What’s wrong with it? (Show the ill’s QQ.)

Ss: Answer.

T: Yes, he is ill. Where should he go?

Ss: Answer.

T: Good he must go to the hospital. OK, follow the computer.

Ss: Read after the computer.

Read after teacher.(板书)

操练:1)Read the words one by one.

2)Read the words loudly an lowly.

3)Each group spell the word’s one letter, and then say it together. cinema

T: OK, oh, look, who’s coming?

Ss: Answer.

T: Yeah! Nini’s coming! She has two film tickets. Now who wants to go to see the film with Nini?

Ss: Answer.

T: Oh, wonderful. So we should go to the …

Ss: Answer.

T: Good, look at the cinema, and read following the computer.

Ss: Read after it. (Three times)

T: OK, let’s spell it together.

Ss: Spell. (板书)

操练:1)Read line by line. Read row by row.

2)Spell boys and girls.

3)Following the teacher’s hands, read loudly or lowly. bookstore

T: Good job. Now, please look at the angle. She wants to buy a book! Who can tell her where she should go?

Ss: Answer.

T: Right! She should go to the bookstore. OK, everyone, following the computer.

Ss: Read following the computer.

操练:1)Spell the word together.

2)Read one by one.

3)According to the book’s way, read the word loudly or lowly.

T: Now, look at the screen. Let’s say the chant together.

Ss: Following say the chant. (Twice)

T: You’re wonderful. Now, let’s play a game. Remember all the places, and guess what’s missing?

(Show the PPT of the game)

Ss: Read the each word one by one, according to the PPT. And guess “what’s missing?” (Do 2 groups!)



T: OK, please look at the map, please read the places.

Ss: Read the words.

T: And there is a traffic lights. Please read following it.

Ss: Read following it.

T: OK, the QQ wants to go to the post office. Now let’s look how to ask the way?

Show PPT, show the sentence of ask the way.

Ss: Read following the computer.

Read after the teacher. (板书)

Read group by group. Read row by row. Read line by line.

T: Good, look the police man’s answer: show PPT.

OK, please following it.

Ss: Read following the computer sentence by sentence of the police man.

T: Show the sentence: Go straight on.

Turn right at the traffic lights.

Walk for 3 minutes.

Ss: Read following the teacher.

Game: 1. Passing the sentences group by group. And each group the last student, tell the sentence of the group.

2. T: Show PPT, practicing ask and point the way of sentence.

Ss: Doing the practice three groups.

(设计意图:通过传话的游戏,让学生熟练掌握句型。然后通过幻灯片的形式,出示地图及人物,模拟一个真实的场景,让学生指路并向他人指路,以培养学生综合语言运用能力为目的,引导学生在完成问路与指路具体任务的过程中运用语言,真正做到学以致用。这样做到了教学与真实的环境相结合, 能让学生更加真实的感同身受。) Text

T: Now, boys and girls, please open the book on page 34. Look at the part 1, first, please look at the screen. There is a foreigner. He lost his way, let’s listen to the tape and then answer the questions.

Ss: 1) Listen to the tape.

2) Answer the questions. From 1 to 3.

3) Listen to the tape again. And then read after the tape.

4) Separating the roles to read the text.

a. Boys are foreigner. Girls are man.

b. Boys are man. Girls are foreigner.


Step 4 Summary

T: You’ re good job. Now, look the dialogue. (Play the PPT about the dialogue of the text.)

Ss: Make a dialogue by self, and play. (Doing 2 groups.)


Step 5 Homework

T: OK, you’ re good job. Now let’s say “Supper, supper, you’re supper” to them.

Ss: Saying.

T: OK, now let’s look today’s homework. (Show PPT about the homework.)

T: Boys and girls, today I’ m very happy, do you happy?

Ss: Answer.

T: Good, now, today, class is over, see you, everyone!

Ss: See you!


《Fun with English》6



office ?



Lesson 17 Can you tell me the way to the post




2、能听、说、读、写掌握句型“What do you want to buy ? I want ”

3、能熟练的表演Learn to say部分的内容并改编小对话。


1、本课时的教学重点是Learn to say的课文及Try to use部分的食物名称和句子。

2、本课时的难点是“What do you want ?\I want ” 这个句型。







(1)教师热情地和全体同学打招呼:Hello, boys and girls. It’s a beautiful day , are you happy today ? Let’s sing a song if you are happy , OK?

(2) Sing an English song .(教师与学生一起边唱边做动作)




a. Try to use

1、T(指着空冰箱):This is my fridge ,but it’s empty now,I want to go to the supermarket

and get something . Do you want to go with me ?

2、课件呈现超市,T(拿起购物筐,走到牛奶前,拿起闻一闻):Em milk!It smells good,Do you like milk教授 milk .

3、T(拿着购物筐走到面包前)Wow,bread!I like bread for breakfast . It’s yummy . 教授bread .

4、T(走到水果前):I think I’d like some fruit,look here !Apple is a fruit.

Pear is a fruit . They are fruits.教授fruit。

5、T(依次拿出购物筐中的物品):I have bought milk, bread ,and some fruit.

Now I need some vegetables. Vegetables are good for our health.教授vegetable。

6、单词巩固游戏:Pass the ball.

7、T: I have finished, what do you want to buy ?引导学生回答:I want milk\bread


8、 Ask and answer in pairs.

b、Learn to say

1、Listen to the tape and answer the questions.

2、Read after the tape.




Make a shopping for your family . l

