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学 院:100外国语学院 考试科目:860 专业英语 专 业:英语语言文学
(Linguistics 50%)
1.Define the following terms and explain with examples where necessary:(10%) 1. diachronic
2. linguistic determinism 3. Creole 4. competence 5. assimilation 6. converse antonymy 7. allophone 8. hyponymy 9. acronym
10. morphophonemics
II Specify the difference between each pair of sounds using distinctive features:(10%) 1. [I][I]
2. [ph][p] 3. [t∫][d] 4. [k][g] 5. [i][u]
III. Work out a phrase structure grammar that can generate the structures of the following three sentences:(10%)
1. The little boy kicked the ball on the sports ground.
2. Her runs fast.
3. We know the person who borrowed the book from the library. VI. Answer the following questions:(20%)
4. To what extent can we say that constituent analysis is more informative than traditional linear structure analysis?
5. Why can’t we have the English sound clusters such as *help, *lupm, *rpay, *lkasp, or *wqick etc. in onset and coda positions? Explain with examples:
(Literature 50%)
V. Define the following terms: (10%) 1. American Puritanism 2. Transcendentalism 3. American Naturalism 4. English Romanticism
VI. Filling the blanks:(10%)
1.______conquered England on October 14, 1066. From then on began the medieval period.
2. John Donne and his followers wrote what would later be called______ complex, highly intellectual verse filled with metaphors.
3. The publication______ by William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge marked the beginning of the Romantic Age in English literature.
4. A very influential book to come out of the post-war world is a novel by J.D. Salinger entitled _____.
5. ________by Joseph Heller is the representative novel of black humor. VII. Answer the questions after the poems: (30%)
Anecdote of the Jar I placed a jar in Tennessee, And round it was, upon a hill. It made the slovenly wilderness Surround that hill.
The wilderness rose up to it, And sprawled around, no longer wild. The jar was round upon the ground
And tall and of a port in air.
It took dominion every where. The jar was gray and bare. It did not give of bird or bush, Like nothing else in Tennessee.
1. What shape is the jar? Where does the speaker place it?
2. According to the second stanza, what happens to the wilderness around the jar?
3. What does the jar “take” everywhere? Of what does it “not give”? 4. Explain in your own words the effect of the jar on the Tennessee wilderness. Does its effect seem positive in the first two stanzas? In the third? Why is jar an appropriate word?
5. How is a jar different from the wilderness? What might the jar represent?
6. Do you think ambiguity makes a poem more memorable? More effective?
The Sick Rose O Rose thou art sick. The invisible worm,
That flies in the night In the howling storm:
Has found out thy bed Of crimson joy: And his dark secret love Does thy life destroy.
7. What is the literal meaning of the poem? 8. In The Sick rose what might the rose symbolize? 9. What might the worm symbolize? 10. What is the theme of the poem?
(Translation 50%)
VIII 英译汉:(15%)
Part one Translate the following English passage into Chinese
I’m a climber. That’s what I do. I don’t get paid for it. I don’t get my face in magazines or on television. People don’t recognize me as a climber. But if you ask the right question, not “What do you do?” but perhaps “what activity consumes your thoughts, time and money?” I’d
say climbing.
It’s in that moment that I step onto my definition of the summit. If the weather prevents me from reaching the top, it doesn’t matter. I’ve succeeded. The mountain’s been defeated. I’ve gone to my limit. I’ve hit the wall, and I’ve pressed on nevertheless.
IX. 汉译英(15%)
Part Two translate the following Chinese passage into English 有人说作为诗人的徐志摩是一个孩子。那是一个聪明伶俐的孩子,但这个孩子永远也长不大。他对周围的一切怀有难以满足的无穷的好奇,不分辨是清醒的还是梦幻之中的世界。他不懂得去憎恨任何人,也不相信任何人真的会喜欢他。人生的经历并没有置他于不顾,却也未能使他改变。他与人间事物游戏,像孩子游戏手中的玩具。当然啦,志摩也只有自己的烦恼,或者说也有烦恼的时候。
X 翻译理论(20%)
Part Three Tell the differences of each pait of the following terms on translation theory( in Chinese)
1. 2. 3. 4.
口译与笔译 语内翻译与翻译腔 翻译本与翻译腔 再现手法与表现手法
say climbing.
It’s in that moment that I step onto my definition of the summit. If the weather prevents me from reaching the top, it doesn’t matter. I’ve succeeded. The mountain’s been defeated. I’ve gone to my limit. I’ve hit the wall, and I’ve pressed on nevertheless.
IX. 汉译英(15%)
Part Two translate the following Chinese passage into English 有人说作为诗人的徐志摩是一个孩子。那是一个聪明伶俐的孩子,但这个孩子永远也长不大。他对周围的一切怀有难以满足的无穷的好奇,不分辨是清醒的还是梦幻之中的世界。他不懂得去憎恨任何人,也不相信任何人真的会喜欢他。人生的经历并没有置他于不顾,却也未能使他改变。他与人间事物游戏,像孩子游戏手中的玩具。当然啦,志摩也只有自己的烦恼,或者说也有烦恼的时候。
X 翻译理论(20%)
Part Three Tell the differences of each pait of the following terms on translation theory( in Chinese)
1. 2. 3. 4.
口译与笔译 语内翻译与翻译腔 翻译本与翻译腔 再现手法与表现手法
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