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姓 名:____ 学 号:____ 分 数:____

Ⅰ.Fill in the blanks with the words or expressions given below. Change the form where necessary.(10%)

1. train All of the _________ in this program will receive one year of classroom

instruction as well as six months of on-the-job training in a company.

2. break The birth of this test-tube baby marked a major ___________ in life science. 3. cast Economists ___________that annual increases in GDP will remain around 3


4. book Thin as it is ,this ___________ cost me eight dollars.

5. satisfaction To my regret, your explanation is _______________.

6. hand A __________ of men could defend this mountain pass against hundreds. 7. little Don?t __________ his abilities. He is competent and has great potential. 8. economy This kind of small car is ________________to run.

9. plant They filled every inch of space by _______________ early-ripening crops

with late-ripening crops.

10. analysis ______________ aims at and achieves nothing more than the discovery of

the unconscious in mental life.



Ⅱ From the choices given, choose the ONE that is closest in meaning to the underlined part in the sentence.(20%)

11. Ann left off sobbing at last, and dried her eyes with her handkerchief. A. stopped B. went away C. continued D. started 12. She dieted constantly to keep her youthful figure.

A. reserve B. preserve C. trim D. restrain

13. A person tends to overlook his own shortcoming though he may see others? shortcoming easily.

A. oversee B. look over C. forgive D. fail to see 14. Foreigners can change their money into the local currency at this bank. A. transform B. alter C. vary D. convert 15. “Only a na?ve person would believe such a story about intelligent beings from outer space visiting the earth,” said Jason.

A. credible B. innocent C. credulous D. ignorant

16. He nodded his head instead of saying anything lest his voice should betray him. A. reveal his real identity B. tell his real intention C. fail him D. embarrass him

17. Do you really think that he is justified in receiving kickbacks in business dealings? A. has good reasons for B. is inexcusable in

C. is privileged to D. has legal protection in

18. The method I shall summarize below is the one I have found most successful. A. outline B. describe C. elaborate D. expound

19. Mr. Cronin denied ever having made any statement to that effect. A. disapproved B. refused to admit C. disproved D. denounced

20. The driver stopped at the crossroad as the traffic lights flashed red. A. pulled off B. pulled up C. pulled away D. pulled round


21. Just before taking off, the pilot once more asked about weather conditions. A. inquired B. required C. requested D. demanded

22. She was tired of continual trips to the grocery, school and office. A. continuous B. continued C. repeated D. constant 23. She undertook to verify the true source of the rumor. A. decided B. tried C. refused D. promised

24. Improved consumer confidence is crucial to an economic recovery. A. of little importance B. of critical importance C. necessary D. unnecessary

25. As is expected, the report has caused acute embarrassment to the government. A. great B. shrewd C. slight D. obvious

26. Since all the airline tickets were sold out, we were obliged to stay in the city for two more days.

A. were constrained to B. had to

C. were grateful to D. were persuaded to

27. All their customs and cultures have made a very significant contribution to the way we live.

A. indicative B. important C. negligible D. permanent

28. He had to withdraw from the president race because of the scandal. A. quit B. retreat from C. depart from D. flee

29. The self-important manager didn’t seem to attach much importance to my advice . A. apply B. consider C. judge D. give

30. The bridge club rejected his application for membership. A. refused to consider B. refused to use

C. refused to give D. refused to believe


Ⅲ.Cloze: Fill in each of the numbered blanks with an appropriate word.(20%)

Many years ago when the summers seemed longer and life was less complicated, we had rented a cottage 31 a river in the heart of the country 32 the whole family was going to 33 a three-week holiday. There were four of us: me, Mum and Dad, and Mum?s sister, Auntie June. Oh, and I mustn?t forget to 34 Spot, our little dog. I was 35 to go off by myself all day, 36 I promised to be careful and took Spot with me for 37. One day I was out fishing with Spot when we heard a lot of shouting in the 38

followed by a scream and splash. I was a bit 39 so I called Spot and we both hid 40 a bush where we could see but not be 41 . After a few moments, a straw hat came drifting down the river, followed by an oar, a picnic basket and 42 oar. Then came the rowing boat itself, but it was 43 upside down ! A few seconds later my Dad and Auntie June came running 44 the river bank, both wet 45 . Spot started barking so I came out of hiding and said hello. My Dad got really angry 46 me for not trying to catch the boat as it went past. Luckily, 47 , the boat and both the oars had been caught by an overhanging tree a little further downstream, but not the hat or picnic basket. So I had to let them 48 my sandwiches. Dad and Auntie June both made me 49 not to tell Mum what had happened 50 she would be worried. 31. A. on B. by C. in D. across 32. A. where B. that C. which D. when 33. A. plan B. manage C. consume D. spend 34. A. mention B. bring C. send D. lead

35. A. forced B. ordered C. allowed D. encouraged 36. A. even if B. provided C. lest D. as if

37. A. instruction B. inspection C. protection D. supervision 38. A. place B. space C. sky D. distance 39. A. scared B. amused C. excited D. disturbed 40. A. beside B. before C. behind D. beneath 41. A. seen B. viewed C. watched D. observed 42. A. the other B. each other C. another D. one another 43. A. rolling B. floating C. circling D. sinking 44. A. down B. beside C. to D. on

45. A. within B. over C. under D. through 46. A. at B. against C. with D. to

47. A. moreover B. then C. therefore D. however 48. A. spare B. share C. borrow D. divide 49. A. agree B. decide C. guarantee D. promise

50. A. except B. in case C. in order that D. on condition that

Ⅳ. Read the passages and then do the exercises that follow.(40%)



Sleep is a funny thing. We?re taught that we should get seven or eight hours a night, but a lot of us get by just fine on less, and some of us actually sleep too much. A study out of the University of Buffalo reported that people who routinely sleep more than eight hours a day and are still tired are nearly three times as likely to dir of stroke---probably as a result of an underlying disorder that keeps them from sleeping soundly.

Doctors have their own special sleep problems. Residents are famously short of sleep. It is not unusual for them to work 40 hours in a row without rest. They are not in the least worried about it, confident they can still deliver the highest quality of medical care. But an article in the Journal of the American Medical Association points out that in the morning after 24 hours of sleeplessness, a person?s motor performance is comparable to that of someone who is drunk. Curiously, surgeons who believe that operating under the influence of alcohol is grounds for sacking often don?t think twice about operating without enough sleep.

“ I could tell you horror stories, ” says Jaya Agrawal, president of the American Medical Student Association, which runs a website for residents. Some are terrifying. “I was operating after being up for over 36 hours, “ one writes. “ I literally fell asleep standing up and nearly planted my face into the wound.”

“ Practically every surgical resident I know has fallen asleep at the wheel driving home from work,” writes another. “I know of three who have hit parked cars. Another hit a ? Jersey gate? on the New Jersey Expressway, going 105km/h.”

“Your own patients have become the enemy,” writes a third, because they are “the one thing that stands between you and a few hours of sleep.”

The U.S. controls the hours of pilots and truck drivers. But until such a system is in place for doctors, patients are on their own. If you?re worried about the people treating you or a loved one, you should feel free to ask how many hours of sleep they have had and if more rested staffers are available.

51 Sleep is a funny thing because ____________.

A. the longer one sleeps, the less sound sleep he gets

B. the more sleep one gets, the more likely a stroke occurs C. many people stick to about eight hours of sleep to stay fine

D. many people who sleep six hours a night still feel energetic in the day 52 A surgeon who has worked 40 hours in a row without sleep ___________. A. can still provide quality medical care B. will remain alert because he is used to it

C. may ignore the potential risk of insufficient sleep D. should be fired if he continues the medical operation

53 According to one resident, they are short of sleep because ____________. A. they are too tired to fall asleep B. they are forbidden to sleep at work C. they are kept by treating their patients D. they are too worried about oversleeping

54 They resident who hit a “Jersey gate” on the New Jersey Expressway must have


________. A. fallen asleep B. drunk too much

C. been driving too long

D. avoided hitting parked cars

55. Patients are now advised to __________.

A. monitor the hours of doctors by themselves

B. make sure that the doctors who treat them have had enough sleep C. ask for legal control of the hours of doctors

D. allow their doctors to sleep several hours before the operation


Earthquakes may rightly be ranked as one of the most destructive forces known to man: since records began to be written down, it has been estimated that earthquake-related fatalities have numbered in the millions, and that earthquake-related destruction has been beyond calculation. The greater part of such damage and loss of life has been due to collapse of buildings and the effects of rockslides, floods, fire, disease, tsunamis (gigantic sea waves), and other observable events resulting from earthquakes, rather than from the quake themselves.

The great majority of all earthquakes occur in two specific geographic areas. One such area covers the Pacific Ocean and its bordering landmasses. The other extends from the East Indians to the Atlas Mountains, including the Himalayas, Iran, Turkey, and the Alpine regions. It is in these two great belts or zones that ninety percent of all earthquakes take place; they may, however, happen anywhere at any time.

This element of the unknown has for centuries added greatly to the dread and horror surrounding earthquakes, but in recent times there have been indications that earthquake forecast may be possible. By analyzing changes in animal behavior, patterns of movements in the earth?s shell, variations in the earth?s force of attraction, and the frequency with which minor earth shakes are observed, scientists have shown increasing success in expecting when and where earthquakes will strike. As a result, a worldwide earthquake warning network is already in operation and has helped to prepare for (and thus lessen) the vast destruction that might otherwise have been totally unexpected.

It is doubtful that man will ever be able to control earthquakes and get rid of their destructiveness altogether, but as how and why earthquakes happen become better

understood, man will become more and more able to deal with their possible damage before they occur.

56. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage? A. Earthquake destruction is declining B. Earthquake forecast is improving

C. Man is no longer fearful of earthquakes. D. Man is capable of conquering earthquakes


57. We can infer from the passage that quakes __________. A. may happen anywhere at any time B. mostly strike in oceans and mountains C. are unobservable in masses of land D. are hardly the direct cause of fatalities

58. The phrase “this element of the unknown” (Paragraph 3) refers to ___________. A. the extension of earthquake zones

B. the percentage of earthquake occurrences C. when and where earthquakes may occur D. what big damage earthquakes may cause

59. Man?s research on earthquake forecast at present is to ____________. A. reduce the loss from earthquake disasters B. lower the frequency of earthquakes

C. release the energy that causes earthquakes

D. analyze the relationship between different earthquakes

60. Which of the following describes the author?s purpose in writing the passage? A. Inform the reader B. Entertain the reader C. Disprove a concept D. Question a concept


Everyone knows how the story of Cinderella ends, but did you ever really think about how she spent her days before she met the prince? Her daily routine was not fascinating. She did everything from sweeping the floor to cooking the meals. If someone had asked Cinderella, “Are there any kinds of household work that you particularly hate?” She

probably would have answered, “Why, none, of course. Housework is my duty!” In the real world, however, most people have definite dislikes for certain sorts of household work. Two of these tasks are ironing clothes and washing dishes.

Ironing clothes is most hated because it is not a task that can be completed quickly or thought-lessly. Each piece of clothing must be handled individually, so ironing a basket of laundry can take hours! After ironing a piece of clothing with great caution, which requires smoothing out the fabric, and following the seams, you need to place it on a hanger as soon as possible. If you do not follow these directions carefully, it might become wrinkled and you have to start over. Perhaps that is why ironing is not a favorite thing to do. It calls for extreme attention to detail from beginning to end.

Another household job that many people dislike is washing dishes. Of course, some people claim that this work is no longer a problem because we have dishwashers now! However, no one would argue that dishes, silverware, and especially pots and pans washed in a dishwasher don?t come out as clean as they do when washed by hand. For this reason, many of us continue to wash our dishes by hand., but we are not necessarily happy doing it.


Cleaning dishes is a job that not only take a lot of energy but also requires the patience to wash and dry them. In addition, unlike ironing clothes, washing dishes is a thing that usually must be done every day. I don?t know how Cinderella felt about this particular task, but I believe that most people hate it as much as I do.

61. For Cinderella, doing household work is ______________. A. an assignment B. a compulsion C. an obligation D. a burden

62. Most people hate to do clothes-ironing because ________________. A. it has to be done by one person B. it must be handled skillfully C. it involves careful planning D. it is time-consuming

63. To avoid ironing the clothes over again, one should _______________. A. know how to iron certain clothes material B. spare no care through all the procedures

C. find some proper hangers for the ironed D. pay special attention to the seams 64. Many people still prefer washing dishes by hand to machine washing because________. A. hand-washed dishes are cleaner B. dishwashers are not so easily handled C. some dishes cannot be machine-washed D. washing dishes by hand is cheaper 65.Ironing is different from dishwashing in that____________________.

A. it requires patience B. it is not a daily routine C. it is not laborious D. it demands less care


Whenever I see anyone buying a National Lottery ticket I want to stop them and ask if they know just where their money is going.

The lottery money is supposed to go to charity-but it makes me angry to see some of the so-called “good causes” it?s being used to support. Also, Camelot, the organizers, have made a profit of £10.8 million in five months. We hear now that a lot of that money is boosting the pay packets of the company?s bosses.

For the past 10 years I?ve been helping to raise funds for cancer research charity called Tenovus. My husband, Sandy, died from cancer 11 years ago-he was only 51, There?s been a long line of deaths in our family through cancer and it?s been devastating, I?ve also lost two sisters-in-law, my brother, Michael, my father-in-law and my father, That?s apart from several close friends.

The charity is 50 years old now and raises money mainly for breast cancer research. It also runs a support line for the families of cancer sufferers. Our local group raise money through dances, sales and coffee mornings, and all the funds go directly to cancer research. In 1993 Tenovus raised £3 million-and half that money came from sales of our own lottery tickets at supermarket, But our income has dropped by half since the National Lottery was introduced.

I?m not against people playing the National Lottery, but they should think about what


they?re doing. The chances of winning the jackpot are so small; they might as well throw their money away. The Government tells us that the proceeds are going to things like the arts and sports, but what about the National Health Service? They should give some cash to that, too. How can they justify spending ridiculous amounts of cash on so-called works of art-like displays of potatoes-or buying up Winston Churchill?s papers at a cost of £12 million?

So who really are the winners in the National Lottery? When I think of all that money people could be donating to cancer research, I could weep. It?s time people realized how charities across the country are suffering because of the National Lottery. It?s disheartening and so infuriating.

66. The writer seems to hope that___________.

A. people will spend more money on the National Lottery B. people will give more money to charity C. most of the lottery money will go to charity

D. most of the lottery money will be used for cancer research

67. The reason why the writer raises funds for cancer research is that ______________. A. she herself is suffering from cancer

B. the cancer is the most frightening disease C. a number of her relatives died of cancer

D. some cancer research needs more money than other research 68. In this text the writer is expressing____________.

A. her personal opinions B. the opinions of the general public

C. her feelings about cancer sufferers D. some ideas of fund-raising 69. The organization “Tenovus” is _____________. A. run by a group of people in the writer?s town

B. a charity organization which has some local groups

C. set up to collect money for people who lose their relatives D. set up to assist the National Lottery

70. From the text we can conclude that ____________.

A. the writer is enthusiastically supporting the National Lottery B. the writer has objections to the National Lottery

C. the writer believes that the lottery money should be used for cancer research D. the writer is just expressing her feelings about collecting money for charity

Ⅴ. Directions : Translate the following sentences.(10%)

71. They finally came to the conclusion that to improve the environment they

needed to clean up their city first .

72. The author thinks that we shouldn’t take it for granted that those who

get high scores on intelligence tests can do well in practical work .

73. 医生对诺兰太太说,她搬到乡下去住的明智决定在一定程度上帮助她恢复了健康。


74. 对这次地震可能的成因,科学家尚未能做出结论。

75. 我们常常发现运用一个规律比懂得它要难得多。



1.trainess 2. breakthrough 3. forecast 4. booklet 5. unsatisfactory 6. handful 7. belittle 8. economical 9. interplanting 10. psychoanalysis.

11——15 ABDDC 16——20 AAABB 21——25 ACDBA 26——30 BBADA

31——35 BADAC 36——40 BCDAC 41——45 ACBAD 46——50 CDBDB

51——55 DCCAB 56——60 BBCAA

61——65 CDBAB 66——70 CCABB


71. 他们终于得出结论,要改善环境他们首先需要清扫他们的城市。

72. 作者认为,我们不应想当然地以为那些智力测验得分高的人在实际工作中就一定能干得好。

73. The doctor told Madame Nolen that her wise decision of moving to the countryside helped regain her health to some extent. 74. Scientists are still unable to come to a conclusion as to the probable cause of the earthquake. 75. We often find that applying a rule is much more difficult than understanding it .



1.trainess 2. breakthrough 3. forecast 4. booklet 5. unsatisfactory 6. handful 7. belittle 8. economical 9. interplanting 10. psychoanalysis.

11——15 ABDDC 16——20 AAABB 21——25 ACDBA 26——30 BBADA

31——35 BADAC 36——40 BCDAC 41——45 ACBAD 46——50 CDBDB

51——55 DCCAB 56——60 BBCAA

61——65 CDBAB 66——70 CCABB


71. 他们终于得出结论,要改善环境他们首先需要清扫他们的城市。

72. 作者认为,我们不应想当然地以为那些智力测验得分高的人在实际工作中就一定能干得好。

73. The doctor told Madame Nolen that her wise decision of moving to the countryside helped regain her health to some extent. 74. Scientists are still unable to come to a conclusion as to the probable cause of the earthquake. 75. We often find that applying a rule is much more difficult than understanding it .


