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Module 10 Unit 1 I’m going to miss my classmates

一主题。个情 目标感通过:习学让学生自,己反思,培养生对父学、老母的 师感之恩心才体会,友到谊的要重 教性重学点 D: oyuoi tnednt o… ?What/ owH baotu ? 教学点难To :nduresatd nonversacitonsan d to dentifiyw ah tBetty an doTny illw o dftear rgadutaoni三 、教材分析 单元以“毕本生业会”晚为题,与学话生的生活息相息材题 内容关便,于动的设计与活展开。生可学围绕以一话这进题行大的量听 说、、、写方面的语读实言活践动促,学使生更有识意地觉自学习 语。英话内对涉容学生的及身切感受因,此也较比容吸引易学的 注生意,力发激学的兴趣生这。些经历都学与生有密的切系,便关 于学活教动设的。计通本过单元的习学学,生进一学步习词法构能,够掌握 复合、生派等词法。构教学随时随地灵中活用利种各素组 材织学教过程和内。容分调充学生动的极性。积教 目学标语知识言 语音 能够根:据意群的划正分停顿确 四。、教 方学 法过通自互助与主作的学习合方法学,会助借听说,合结话解决问 题题能的。 力、 五教过学 导入新程:Bottom课– p uppraaohc nd lasitneng iot hte tpae nda o sdmo eeexcrises Teachi.n gidAs :ulMti-Medai Tap(e recroer, dvdioe, OP, Hhadount Te)achngiP orceures:dPart : RevIsiio nModle.u aTsk Re:allcw ah twe ahevlear nedi thnela stDirectinso:St e one:pLab l the pietucres wih tteh wodrs

and xpreesison.s(1) .Re adt hruog thhewords an dxeprseisosn i tnhebo x nadha e thveSs Re.peta the mfatreyo . u2).(skA them t oabll ehte mni htep citresuon t h seceenr (3.)L.is stme oorws whdihcar ec nnoecte with pdarty A.k studestnsto spak oute sa amny

as heyt anc .tSe ptwT el a ltosr abyout partei.sA ks tsuednt tos pesk oau tsa mcu as hhety cn.aPar tII Lead:i : nTsak:L era nsomthine gabut fitoness.教学过程D:rectiion Sstep oen:W rokin pa isr .oLk ao thetpho ts aondd ceiedswha tev rebody yodnig.S ep ttwo In:trdocuet e hnw weors. Part IIdI:L itsnieng Task :1 Liten sna adnwers th euqestonsi ireDtcins:o tep Sone :As kthe s Store da hroughtth equsteins in actiovti 2 yo nagep 8 0s thoe ykow whan to littes nfor.S te tpow:P lyat h recerdingow hlie teh jyut lsstei anndfo ucs o thneq ustioens .teSpthr e: elPaythe rec rodingag ia nandh aevt ehm nsawrethe qu etions. sSet pfuo: rlaPyt e rhceoridg ann dahv ethm eheck ctehr aniswe ritw ha

aptnrre .teSpfive: Cal blck ath answee frro thm ehwloec lass .Tsa k:2 sS islen tot hte daiolge anuddec deii we kfnowt e ahnwsre sin atciivty 5no pgea 18. Diretciosn:Step one As: thk eSsto eadrth rouhgt e hquetisnos n aitcvitiies5 on pgae8 1a nd ame surk tee Ssh nuerdtsndat emhall S.te twop :Ply thaereco dinr gnd aave themhli stn toeth ere crdonig ad fonucson te hesnencte irstftim et rhouh. Sget pthere:P ayl th eecrodrnig gaian nadh av etehmge tthean sewsr, hen chetc kwih tapartne .r tep Sfor:u ThenC al blcka hte nswars efom trehw hleocla ss T.ak 3: sT undoresatdn ht converestaoi. nirDetcoisn: Sept one:As kt e hS tosmak netoesi activniy 4to npa eg 18 St.pet w:oP aly ht receroidn gnd aahve htem istlen.S etpth ree:Play t herec oridg naaign nd aahe vtem hmae knoets .Stpef our. Pl:ayth e reocrdign nd ahav teem chhcke htei ansrewrw ihta aptren. rtepSf vie Ca:l lbak chte nawsr eromf het hwlo clesas. aTs k: 4iLtens na dreda: irDetiocn: Step sneo Pla:yth e rcoedrng andi sa kth Sse .t lostei andnr ead he

tocvenrstiano. Set pwtoP ay tle recohdrni again angdp aue sfaetrea hc hraps, eaksig tnh eSs. t ropeeat choarll and yndiviidulay. Stlp ehtree: ut Pte hs.Sinto rgoups f 4 too racpiste hte idlogae. utSpe ofr:u heyT sohldurepe tai t esvral etmie,sc ahnign tgeh orls eachet mie Tas.k5: Act iviyt6 o pnaeg 18 .Dierciotn:s teSp on:e aHv ethm eredat rouhght eh uesqtoins an adnserw ht quesetion.sHav ethe mchce kheitr aswnres iwh t apartnre Setpt w Nowowork in pai s. rAksand nasew trhequ estion .Hasev tem chehc ktheiran wessr wih t aprtneraS tepth re: Calelback t eh nswer aina wole- hclass sttengi(. oCleltc hetan sewsr i cnoplmtee snteneesc for mhe cltssa) Par.t V: ILngaauge pinos 1. ttIs’ gota g rea teab!t 里这 bate 指音乐、诗(等歌的)节主奏,拍节。例: 如ry Tot oflowl the bea. t2 Do .oyu nitnd toes aty i Chinnafo r logn ?里这in ent to dods t h表示“打算某事做” 。例如: Fi ny intnnedsto g to Aosturlia naex yetra if la goeslwe ll.

这里 ofr log n当相于fo r al nogti e,m 表“很示长间时 。 ”例如:-- aveHy ou eben wiatngif o lorng ?-- oN, ontf o rolgn, nloy afe wimnteus. Sh eewnto tuint oth e ardeg nbu steh ddni’t sayt or lfngo. .3A n wedll’ laawy stsya fiendrs.这 s里ayt 意思的是“保持使;

处于种状某态 ” 。例:如T h eshposst y opane nutli pm. 9Hen evr stays engay rfo rlnog.4. Im’g oni gto miss y clamssatesm Be .gion tgo 可以表示算、打图,也可以意示表可能性比如,It’:sg onigt roai.这n句话中 b的e goin tgo也 表示可能是。 5.He er’sto o rufri enshipd ,eevryoen.H ee’r sto 是酒的祝用常语意,是“思 为干杯 ” 。Patr : PVrnunoiacton iTsak Lis:ent ad rnpeate teh setenncsei nA citvtyi7 o pange8 1D reiticon: step Sno: Asket he s to lSitensan drepeatt h eentencess. teSptw o lapyt e rheocdrni gagia. Ank the Sss to auspe ta tehe ndo efca hsese gnruop. tSe phret: eAs kth Ses to isten lan dreeap thoraclly na dindivdiuall.y

Prat Ⅵ: peasikng Taks T:lak aoubt yuo rlpnas fo trh fueutr in eAtcviiy t. Di7ertcinos:St pe one:Re d athruogh te hesntnecsewith t he wolh celass.S tepA ksthem ota snerwt e huqseitnos .Stept rehe: sAk tehm tow ok rnipa rs to asi akdn answr quesetonis..S ept four: aCl blck samo eexapmel in s awhoelc-lssas tteingPa r tⅦ :A est:to ED 1x nopage 12 8nithe W .BP rt aⅧ:H mowork:e 、你1道知?吗I h po so e----I h-peo nt o Itihkn s -o---I dno’t think soI’ aframd ios---I’- marfia dotn2 Re、icet te hidalguoeas f lunelytas opssilb.eA crdoin gto tehpic urte “Scohol eaveL’sr Paryt”六 、教学 思 通反本过节课的教学,觉得我导入在环比较好,节在但听环节上说 由于学生,听的说力能差,较行得不进理想,今够应后多一这些方面的训 。练

