高一英语期末复习练习 必修一 Unit 2

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高一英语期末复习练习 必修一 Unit 2 Class ___________ Name ___________


知识点回顾。 Phrases:

1.与…不同______________ 2. 一种官方语言 _____ _________ language 3.做一次航行 _____ ____ ________ 4. 即使 even if _______= _____ _____ 5.在...基础上be ______ _______ 6. 比以往任何时候 than _____ _______ 7.好好/充分利用_____ good/ full _____ ____ 8. 区别such as/for example

9.因为______ _____与because的区别 10.丰富英语词汇______English_____ 11.信不信由你_______it ____ _____ 12. 去看电影 _____ _______the ______ 13.目前 _____ ______ 14.标准英语______ _________

在席;出席be _______at 15.笔直走两个街区 go ________for two ____ 16.到我的公寓来____ ____ to my________ 17. .与…相同的the____..._____ 18.提出一个观点come______ _____an idea 19.在十七世纪in ______ ______ 20.在足球队____/_____a football ______ _ 21.后者the _____ /前者the_____ 22.从一处移到另一处 move from ____ ______ to _________ 23. 在…中起作用;扮演一个角色 play a ______ / _______ in

在…中起重要作用 play ____ ________ ________ ____ 24. (好好/充分)利用make _____/_____use of Translate: 每分钟应该被充分利用来学习。

___________________________________________________________ Important sentences. 1. there is more than one kind of English in the world. 不止一种英语 (more than one+单数可数名词,看作单数;

more than+ 数字:超过=over, more than +n :不仅仅) 2. Why not go by underground?

Why not do sth.= why don’t you do sth 为什么不。。。呢 表建议

3.India has a very large number of fluent English speakers 大量的/许多的

Today the number of people learning English in China is increasing rapidly. …的数量 (注意它们作主语时的谓语动词的形式,试填:

The number of the teachers in our school who _______(own) the car ______ increasing.) 4.On TV and the radio you will hear differences in the way people speak.人们讲话的方式 the way 作先行词,用______/_________/_______引导定语从句 5. The US is a large country in which many different dialects are spoken.

(in which= where, 其引导定语从句。 美国是一个大国,国内说着许许多多的方言。) 6.It is not easy for a Chinese person to speak English as well as a native English speaker. (对于一个中国人来说把英语说得跟以英语为母语的人一样好是不容易的。)

句型:It is + adj/n+ for sb to do sth 对于某人来说做某事是… 扩充:It is + adj+ of /for sb to do sth

当句式中形容词修饰to do sth 时用for; 若形容词修饰sb,则用of. eg: It’s kind of you to help me carry the box.

7 order (命令).command(命令),,request (请求), suggest (建议), insist (坚持要求)+ (that) sb. (should) do 二.单项选择

1. Please tell me the way you thought of _______ the garden.

A. take care of B. to take care of C. taking care of D. to take care 2. It’s _______ hot here. We can’t stay here for a long time. A. much B. very much C. much too D. too much

3. They lived a hard life and were often made _______ for over ten hours a day. A. work B. to work C. to working D. worked 4. Do you have any difficulty ________ ?

A. on listening B. to listening C. for listening D. in listening 5. Can you tell me if you have found the key ________ your car. A. for B. to C. about D. by

6. When we visited Zhangzhuang again ten years later, we found it changed so much that we could hardly ________ it.

A. remember B. think about C. believe D. recognize

7.The number of people invited ______fifty, but a number of them ____absent for different reasons. A. were, was B. was, was C. was. were D. were. were

8.The open-air celebration has been put off _______the bad weather. A. in case of B. in spite of C. instead of D. because of 9. If Joe’s wife doesn’t go to the party, __________.

A. he will either B. neither will he C, he neither will D. either he will 10. --–It’s a long time since I saw my sister. ---_______ her this weekend?

A. Why not visit B. Why not to visit C. Why not visiting D. Why don’t visit

11.A lot of countries have gaind excellent achievements in space technology------China,______. A. such as B. for example C. namely D. and so on

12.The secretary has a lot of letters _______ this afternoon, so she’ll keep busy until dark. A. typed B. typing C. to type D. to be typed

13.Wang Ling speaks English well indeed, but of course not _______ Lily who came from American.

A. as fluent as B. as fluently as C. much fluently than D. more fluent than 14.The teacher commanded that the exercises ________in an hour.

A. was finished B. were finished C. should finish D. be finished 15.He asked the policeman _____________to the nearest hospital

A. how could he get B. how he could get C. how could he reach D. how he could reach 三.阅读理解 (每小题2分,共计20分)


Man must eat in order to live; therefore, one of the most important problems man has is how to have enough food for eating.

At first man didn’t have any way to control food supply. When he had killed all the animals in one place and all the natural foods had been used up, he had to move to another place to find new sources of food. If there was no rain, or if the weather was too hot or too cold, plants would not grow, and man had little or no food. However, man gradually learned to grow plants and raise animals himself. From that time on, man wasn’t worried so much and always having enough food. The kinds of plants which are raised by man are different in different regions. In the cold regions, very few plants can be grown; in the warmer parts of the world, many varieties of plants are fond. For example, in Asia rice is the most important crop. In the New World, the major grain is corn. In Europe and North Africa, wheat, oats(燕麦)and barley are grown. In the tropical (热带的)regions of the world, many kinds of fruits grow naturally or are raised by man.

As man has learned more about plants and animals, man now uses modern methods to produce different kinds of food. However, there are still some areas in the world where plants and animals are raised in much the same ways as they were thousands of years ago.

1. At first man didn’t have any way to control his food supply. This sentence means that man _______.

A. didn’t know how to cook his food at first

B. sometimes had more than enough to eat and sometimes had not enough to eat C. don’t know how to produce food at that time D. as afraid that animals would control his food 2. In the 2nd paragraph “natural food” means______.

A. food which is given by animals B. food which was given by God C. plants, animals, vegetables and fruits, etc. which grew naturally D. crops and plants which were raised by man

3. When man gradually learned ways to grow plants and raise animals, man_______. A. no longer depended on nature B. could control the natural conditions C. still depended on natural conditions, but not so much as before D. began to look down upon natural conditions 4. Which of the following statements is not true?

A. Man knew how to produce foods and keep them at first.

B. At the very beginning man know that he needed food but didn’t know how to control his food supply.

C. Before man learned ways to grow crops and raise animals, he had to move from place to place in order to get food.

D. How to have enough to eat has always been a problem for man.

5. In the sentence “In the New World, the major grain is corn”. The “New World” refers to _______. A. Asia B. Australia C. the Middle East D. America B

A murderer(杀人犯)who had stolen 10,000 yuan and ran away after shooting down two guards was caught recently in Dalian a city in Liaoning Province. Han Junping was trying to change into women’s clothes in a ladies’ room at Dalian Railway Station when he was noticed by two women passengers. They called the police who arrested (逮捕) Han. He has more than 8,000 yuan on him. The US explanation of US-led NATO(北约) attack on the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade is “unconvincing (不令人信服的)”.Therefore the Chinese Government and its people cannot accept the conclusion(结论) that the “ bombing was a mistake”.

These remarks (评论) were made in Beijing last Thursday by Chinese Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan during his meeting with the US envoy(使节), Undersecretary of State (副国务卿) Thomas R.Pickering.Tang argued (认为) that the US’ explanation are not convincing and the conclusion that it was an unintentional bombing is not acceptable to the Chinese Government and people.(21st Agencies)

6. The two passages are probably two short ________. A. stories B. articles C. speeches D. news reports 7. Decide which is the correct order to describe what Han did. a. He murdered some people. b. He was caught.

c. He “spent” about 2,000 yuan. d. He went to the railway station. e. He ran away. f. He stole 10,000 yuan

A. a, f, d, e, c, b B. f, a, e, c, d, b C. f, d, a, e, c, b D. a, d, e, f, c,b 8. The best headline for the first passage is_________.

A. Woman Arrest Murder B. Two Brave Women C. Murderer Caught D. Police Get 8,000 yuan 9. On the US led NATO attack on the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade, the US made a conclusion that the bombing was_______.

A. unconvincing B. unintentional C. unacceptable D. unreasonable

10. From the second passage, we can learn that the Chinese Government and people ________. A. will not accept the US’ explanations B. will not argue against the US’ explanations C. will not attack the US’ explanations D. will not remark on the US’ explanations 四翻译.(每题3分,共15分) 1. 由于天气不好,他开会迟到了.

2. 汉语的发音与英语的发音有相当大的区别. 3. 应该充分利用这本书.

4. 不管你信不信,中国足球队战胜了伊朗队(Iran).

5. 他在英语学习中取得了如此大的进步,以至于老师表扬了他.

