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Part 1 Listening (第一部分 听力)

Ⅰ. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片): (6分)



Ⅱ. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear on the tape (根据你所听到的对话和问题, 选择最恰当的答案): (共10分) 7. A) A doctor. B) A worker. 8. A) By bus. B) By bicycle. 9. A) Talk to his teacher. C) Have an English test. 10. A) Jane. B) Jane?s teacher. 11. A) At weekends. B) Every day. 12. A) Doctor and patient. C) Father and daughter.

13. A) He wanted to have a meal.

C) He would go to the World Expo. 14. A) In the restaurant. C) At the airport. 15. A) One. B) Two. 16. A) The Space Museum. C) The People?s Square.

C) An Engineer. D) A manager. C) By underground. D) On foot. B) Give some advice. D) Stop learning English. C) Tim. D) Nobody. C) After school. D) On weekdays. B) Teacher and student. D) Mother and son.

B) He made a film there.

D) He did something for the World Expo. B) In the supermarket. D) On the farm. C) Five. D) Three. B) The Bund. D) The bus stop.

Ⅲ. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断下列句子是否符合你所听到的短文内容。符合的用\表示, 不符合的用\表示): (共7分) 17. In Munich, the moral (道德的) vegetable gardens are popular with parents.

18. All the vegetables in the moral gardens come from the market. 19. These gardens can only be seen in front of the buildings.

20. The vegetables in the moral gardens are much more expensive than those in the market. 21. Though there are no salespersons in the gardens, children pay for the vegetables. 22. Children can grow their own vegetables and sell them there.

23. One aim of building the moral vegetable gardens is to teach children to be honest.

Ⅳ. Listen to the dialogue and complete the following sentences (听对话,完成下列内容,每空格限填一词): (共7分)

24. The school sale will be held next ________.

25. Volunteers for the sale will go to the houses and ________ things for the sale. 26. The money from the sale will pay for additional sports and ________ lessons. 27. Volunteering to help others is an American ________.

28. About ________ million Americans do volunteer work each year and they work 3.5 hours per week.

29. Some volunteers help school children with subjects like writing or ________. 30. At animal homes, volunteers ________ with the cats or take the dogs for walks.

Part 2 Vocabulary and Grammar

(第二部分 词汇和语法)

Ⅴ. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案): (共26分)

31. Excuse me. Can you tell me ______ way to Yu Garden? I?d like very much to visit it. A) a B) an C) the D) / 32. Jenny is growing fast. She is old enough to dress ______ now. A) her B) she C) hers D) herself 33. –Where is your father?

–He is ______ work in his study now. A) at B) on C) to D) by 34. Be more careful this time, ______ you?ll make the same mistake again. A) and B) or C) so D) but 35. I like ______ very much. My mother usually cooks it in different ways. A) potatoes B) tomatoes C) fish D) noodles 36. –Which would you like to drink, coffee or tea? –______. I?d like a glass of water. A) Neither B) Either C) Both D) None 37. ______ unusual weekend we spent together on Chongming Island! A) What B) What a C) What an D) How 38. –______ you sing this song in English? –Yes, but I?m not a good singer. A) May B) Must C) Need D) Can

39. The south-west part of China is being hit by one of ______ droughts (干旱) in history.

A) bad B) worse C) worst D) the worst

40. The rice dumplings smell so ______ that we all want to buy some for the Dragon Festival. A) good B) well C) better D) best

41. The math problem is too difficult for ______ in our group to work out. Would you please do us a favour? A) someone B) no one C) anyone D) everyone 42. If there is a traffic jam, it ______ us a lot of trouble on the way. A) causes B) has caused C) will cause D) is causing

43. I ______ my bicycle to Wanda Plaza when it suddenly began to rain. I was all wet through. A) am riding B) was riding C) rode D) had ridden 44. Many streets in Shanghai ______ in the past few years because of the World Expo. A) have widened B) have been widened C) widened D) were widened

45. The High Speed Rail Trains between Wuhan and Guangzhou can run over ______ kilometers an hour.

A) hundreds of B) three hundreds C) three hundred D) three hundreds of 46. Our school bus driver is very careful and always ______ the passengers? safety. A) thankful to B) keen on C) strict with D) responsible for 47. Mike, ______ your sunglasses, or the strong sun will hurt your eyes. A) put on B) put out C) put up D) put off

48. House prices keep ______ these years. The government is expected to do something to control them. A) rising B) rise C) to rise D) rose 49. Would you please go and get me something ______? I?m hungry. A) for eating B) eat C) to eat D) eating 50. Students often find it hard to ______ the difference between the two words. A) say B) tell C) talk D) speak 51. The newly-designed car is on show now. I wonder ______. A) how much it cost B) how much did it cost C) how much it costs D) how much does it cost

52. Everyone knows that Taiwan is part of China. We ______ the same history and culture. A) express B) connect C) consist D) share

53. Mike bought such an expensive watch that he nearly ran out of all his savings. The underlined part means ______. A) managed well B) went out C) looked for D) used up

54. It is good for the smokers to stop smoking as it is banned in public from March 1st. The underlined word means ______. A) give up B) put out C) deal with D) cut down

55. –A serious earthquake hit Yushu. I think we should raise some money for charity after school. –______ We should also donate some clothes and quilts to the homeless people there.

A) Yes, please. B) Good idea. C) That?s all right. D) So should I. 56. –The tall tree fell on the small house in the storm last night. –______ It grew there for over fifty years. A) Never mind. B) Do you know? C) What a shame! D) Watch out!

Ⅵ. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms (用括号中所给单词的适

当形式完成下列句子。每空格限填一词):(共8分) 57. Great ________ have taken place in our country since 1979. (change)

58. Take the ________ turning on the right, and you can?t miss the bookstore. (two) 59. Everyone was excited as the operation turned out to be ________. (success) 60. Due to the heavy fog, traffic was ________ stopped on the highway. (complete)

61. To everyone?s ________, the little boy was able to copy Bobo?s voice and actions. (amusing) 62. They are ________ children, because they don?t get good food, fresh air and enough exercise. (healthy)

63. After years? development, Shanghai Volkswagen can ________ many kinds of cars. (product) 64. Jack says that painting of ________ is among the best on show in the art gallery. (I)

Ⅶ. Rewrite the following sentences as required(根据所给要求,改写下列句子。每空格限填一词):(共12分)

65. I have already read today?s newspaper. (改为否定句) I ________ read today?s newspaper ________.

66. Please drive me to school this morning. (改为反意疑问句) Please drive me to school this morning, ________ ________? 67. The new dictionary cost me fifty yuan. (对划线部分提问)

How ________ ________ the new dictionary cost you?

68. “Can you help me with my English?” Tim asked me. (改为间接引语)

Tim asked me ________ I ________ help him with his English.

69. John worked very hard. He managed to find a solution to the math problem. (合并成一句) John worked ________ hard ________ he managed to find a solution to the math problem. 70. We are going to say goodbye to him at the airport. (保持句意基本不变) We are going to ________ him ________ at the airport.

Part 3 Reading and Writing

(第三部分 读写)

Ⅷ. Reading comprehension(阅读理解):(共56分)

A. True or False (判断下列句子是否符合短文内容,符合的用 “T” 表示,不符合的用 “F”表示): (7分)

A teacher assigned her 8th –graders to pick the title – A Leader in My Heart and write an essay. Most students wrote about famous people, but a student named Anthony titled his paper “Benny: The Man on the Bus”.

“I?ve taken a public bus to school for years,” he wrote. “Most passengers were going to work in a hurry and almost no one ever talked to anyone else. About a year

ago an old man got on the bus and said loudly to the driver, ?Good morning!? Most people looked up annoyed and the bus driver didn?t even raise his head.

“The next day the man got on at the same stop and again he said loudly, ?Good morning!? to the driver. By the fifth day, the driver greeted the man with a cheerful ?Good morning!? and the man said loudly, ?My name is Benny. What?s yours?? The driver said his name was Ralph.

“That was the first time any of us heard the driver?s name and soon people began to talk to each other and say hello to Ralph and Benny. After about a month, Benny extended his cheerful ?Good morning? to the whole bus. Within a few days his ?Good morning!? was returned by a whole bunch of ?Good mornings? and the whole bus seemed to be friendlier.

“If a leader is someone who makes something happen, Benny was our leader in friendliness. A month ago, Benny didn?t get on the bus. Some of us thought he died and no one knew what to do. The bus got very quiet again. So I started to act like Benny and say ?Good morning!? to everyone and they cheered up again. I guess I?m now the leader in their hearts.

71. Anthony was an eighth-grader and he went to school by bus every day. 72. Like other students in his class, Anthony wrote about famous people.

73. The first time the driver was greeted with ?Good morning!?, he was very happy. 74. It took Benny five days to know the driver?s name.

75. Most passengers remained silent though Benny said ?Good morning!? to them every day. 76. In Anthony?s heart, Benny was a leader in friendliness.

77. A month ago, Benny didn?t appear on the bus because he died in an accident. B. Choose the best answer(根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案): (7分) The baby elephant, Sheila, was moved out of Belfast Zoo because of fears she might be hit by bombers (轰炸机) during the Belfast Blitz (闪电战) of 1941.

She was one of the lucky ones. A lot of the animals were killed because of fears they might escape during the bombing and attack people. They included a tiger, a black bear, a wolf, a penguin, and two polar bears.

But Sheila was walked down the road by zoo-keepers to a nearby house where a woman took her in and kept her in her backyard for several months until the bombing was over.

The woman has never been identified (确认) and the zoo knows her only as “the elephant angel (天使)”. As the zoo celebrates its 75th birthday, people have decided to try to find the elephant?s saver. Mark Challis is the manager of Belfast Zoo. He explained a bit more about Sheila?s story.

“Well, we know that Sheila, the elephant that was in the zoo at that time spent some time living with a lady relatively near to the zoo and we have one sweet photo, you can see it on our zoo website.”

“In the photo you can see the elephant with the lady in her back garden and that?s almost all we know. So we?re just trying to find a little bit more information and we are not even sure if the lady is alive today, but maybe her relatives or somebody will recognize (认出) the back of that house and we can fill in some detail on this story.”

Once the bombing was over, Sheila went back to the zoo and lived for another quarter of a century. She died of a skin disease in 1966. 78. What was the name of the elephant? A) Belfast. B) Angel. C) Mark Challis. D) Shelia. 79. How many years has the zoo been open? A) 25 years. B) 75 years. C) Half a century. D) Several months. 80. How did the elephant get from the zoo to the lady?s garden? A) The zoo-keepers walked her there.

B) The zoo-keepers used a big truck to get her there. C) The elephant escaped and ran to the garden herself.

D) The zoo-keepers used bombers to frighten her away from the zoo. 81. What happened to the unlucky animals in the zoo before the bombing? A) They were taken to a safe place. B) They started to attack people. C) They were killed. D) They all escaped from the zoo. 82. What information do people have about “the elephant angel”? A) She owned a zoo website. B) She used to live close to the zoo. C) She is still alive. D) Her relatives live in her old house. 83. What was the cause of the elephant?s death? A) Illness. B) Accident. C) Bombing. D) Old age. 84. Why was the photo posted on the website? A) To attract more visitors to the zoo. B) To celebrate the zoo?s birthday. C) To find the elephant angel. D) To explain the war to the public.

C. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文): (14分) If you get pocket money by babysitting or doing yard work for a neighbor, then you probably know a thing or two about managing money. 85 , when you?ve worked that hard, you don?t want to spend it all on candy.

Using your money in the right way or 86 some for the future is important. Once you grow up, your success might 87 how well you manage your money.

It?s easier to start these good 88 when you?re young. Meghan Coyle is a 12-year-old business girl. She has made more than $320 in two years by walking dogs after school.

“I?ve been a dog-walker for two years and it?s been a lot of 89 . I really enjoyed it. My mom never gave me pocket money, so I had to make money in some other way. Lots of kids don?t realize how hard it can be to have a job. It can be hard to keep customers happy. There are some days when it?s raining and I would rather be somewhere else, but I still go out with a dog,” Coyle said. “Start a business that interests you. First, you have to advertise. The 90 and safest way is to talk with neighbors and family friends. After you have the customers, keep your customers happy! Send cards that you make by yourself to them on holidays. That always surprises them. Always be willing to do more than they ask. On holidays, give your customers coupons (优惠券) 91 they

will keep coming back to you for your service or products.”

Is it a good idea to do some work to make pocket money? Now think about it and start your own business! 85. A) After all B) For example C) In return D) At most 86. A) wasting B) saving C) borrowing D) spending 87. A) take up B) depend on C) turn into D) lead to 88. A) activities B) hobbies C) exercises D) habits 89. A) pain B) fun C) surprise D) trouble 90. A) luckiest B) loudest C) easiest D) latest 91. A) as soon as B) so that C) now that D) unless

D. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给): (14分)

I was in New York and rode with a friend in a taxi. When we got out, my friend said to the driver, “Thank you. You did a good job of driving.” The driver was surprised for a second.

“I admire the way you keep cool in h 92 traffic,” my friend said. “Thank you,” the driver said and drove off.

“What was that all about?” I asked.

“I am trying to bring l 93 back to New York,” he said. “I believe it can save the city.” “How can one man save New York?”

“It?s not one man. S 94 the driver has 20 passengers. He?s going to be nice to those 20 people because someone was nice to him. Those people in turn will be kinder to their employees (雇员), or shopkeepers, or waiters, or their own families. At last the goodwill could s 95 to at least 1,000 people. If I can make three people happy, then finally I can change the attitudes (态度) of 3,000 people.”

“It sounds good,” I said, “but I?m not sure whether it would work in practice.”

“Nothing is lost if it doesn?t. It didn?t take a 96 of my time or money to tell that man he was doing a good job. I have made a study of this. The thing that seems to be lacking (缺乏) for the postal employees is that no one tells the people who work for the post office what a good job they?re doing,” he said.

“B 97 they?re not doing a good job,” I said.

“They?re not doing a good job because they feel nobody cares whether they do a good job or not. Why not say a kind word to them? When those people hear my words, they will feel better. The city will benefit from their h 98 . If more people join me, the city will become a better place,” he said.

E. Answer the questions (根据短文内容回答下列问题):(14分)

Wing has had cerebral palsy (大脑麻痹症) since she was a baby. She spent most of her time sleeping and resting in bed. With the help of doctors from Handicap International and the support of her parents, this little Burmese (缅甸的) girl is finally able to walk.

More than 14,000 people live in the camp for the homeless in the Phob Phra Area. Among them are Wing and her parents. This little Burmese girl was only a few months old when she fell ill with a high fever and it later caused her serious brain damage. Up to the age of three, Wing was unable to walk. Her parents were really sad, but there was nothing they could do to help her.

In September 2000, when Wing was 10 years old, a doctor named Yan from Handicap International was put in charge of Wing. He then began the difficult task of helping the child to get well. Every day he taught Wing to do physical exercises and all went on under the attentive watch of her mother. She, at the same time, was learning these important movements.

After six months of exercises and games, Wing was finally able to move, to turn herself onto her side and to move slowly on the floor. Her parents were filled with joy when they saw their little daughter come to life again and grow up healthily like a flower. Handicap International also provided her with a walking frame (助行器) with a movable seat. With advice from the doctors and the care of her parents, the young girl is slowly learning to stand.

Today, even if Wing can only express herself through cries and laughter, the time when she lay in bed, unable to move, is past history! Her parents have made up their minds to see her walk without the frame, first with the help of an adult, then finally by herself. They know that all the time they spent on their child would not turn to waste. 99. What was the cause of Wing?s brain damage? 100. Where do Wing and her parents live?

101. When did the treatment (治疗) of Wing begin?

102. What did Doctor Yan do to help Wing get well?

103. Wing was able to walk on her own after six months of treatment, wasn?t she? 104. How does Wing express herself these days? 105. Where did Wing get the walking frame?

Ⅸ. Writing (作文): (18分)

106. Write a passage of at least 60 words on the topic “My Summer Holiday Plan”. (以“我的暑



Use the following points as a reference. (以下内容仅供参考) ........

? Describe one thing you plan to do during the coming summer holiday. ? Tell when, where and how you plan to do it. ? List at least two reasons for your decision.



1. The policeman on duty told the boy to obey the traffic rules. (C) 2. Smoking is harmful and not allowed in public places. (E)

3. The 2010 World Expo is expected to attract 70 million visitors. (G)

4. Everyone should do a bit of his share to keep the city clean and tidy. (A) 5. Jane is not feeling well, so she is asking the doctor for an examination. (F) 6. Elaine is always ready to help her mother with housework. (B) Ⅱ.

7. W: Is your father a doctor, Jack?

M: No. He was a worker ten years ago. Then he became an engineer in that factory and it makes medical instruments for hospitals. Q: What is Jack?s father now? (C)

8. W: What a sunny day it is today! Let?s go to Forest Park this afternoon, shall we? M: Good idea. But how can we get there, by bus or by taxi? W: Why not ride a bicycle there instead? It?s good exercise. M: All right.

Q: How will they go to Forest Park? (B) 9. M: Mum, I failed my English test again.

W: Never mind, dear. Keep practicing, and you?ll succeed.

M: I think I?ll talk to my teacher tomorrow. He?ll give me some useful advice. Q: What will the boy do tomorrow? (A)

10. M: Did you go to the World Expo yesterday, Jane?

W: Yes. It was a pity that I could hardly see every pavilion there. M: You must have enjoyed yourselves. Did your teacher go with you? W: Yes. We all went there except Tim.

Q: Who didn?t visit the World Expo yesterday? (C)

11. M: How beautifully you play the piano! Do you often practice it after school? W: I used to play it after school every day, but now I only practice at weekends. Q: When does the girl play the piano? (A)

12. M: Mary, it?s time for lunch. What are you doing?

W: I can?t find my notebook. Have you seen it anywhere?

M: Sorry, I haven?t. Why not ask your mother? Perhaps she?s seen it. Q: What?s the relationship between the two speakers? (C) 13. M: You look so excited today!

W: Yes, I met a film star yesterday in a restaurant when I was having a meal. I talked with him for

a while.

M: Really? What was he doing there?

W: For the advertisement of the World Expo. They took some pictures of him. Q: Why did the film star come to the restaurant? (D)

14. M: How nice these tomatoes are! Oh, those vegetables are fresh from country. Put some in the

basket, Sally.

W: Dad, I want a bottle of Nongfu Spring. M: Take one from the shelf yourself. W: Thank you. Let?s go to the checkout.

Q: Where does the dialogue most probably take place? (B) 15. M: Have you got a pen-friend?

W: No, but I have several net-pals. One is from Japan, two are from America and another two are

in China. How about you?

M: I have only one net-pal in China. My English is not good, so I can?t communicate with

net-pals from other countries.

Q: How many net-pals from other countries does the girl have? (D) 16. W: Excuse me. Does this bus go to the Space Museum? M: Oh, no. It goes to the Bund. W: What shall I do then?

M: You can get off at the People?s Square, and then take Underground Line 8. It will take you

right there.

Q: Where does the woman want to go? (A) Ⅲ.

In Munich, parents like their children to buy fresh vegetables in the gardens for the family, but these gardens are not the common ones. They are called the moral vegetable gardens. Children go there to buy what they want. Each time they only need some one-Euro coins because the vegetables there are cheap.

These gardens are built between buildings or on the top of the buildings. In the gardens, some fresh vegetables are grown by adults but some vegetables are just bought from the market and are stuck in the soil. There are no people selling vegetables. There is only a board with price beside each kind of vegetable, so children can get the vegetables they want by themselves and put the money in the box there. It?s just like the fare box on the bus where people put money when getting on the bus. It?s said that the vegetables there haven?t been lost so far.

By buying vegetables in this kind of gardens, on the one hand, children can learn more about how vegetables are grown and be more interested in nature. On the other hand, this can teach children to be honest from the young age, so it?s not hard to understand why German products are famous for its high quality.

17. T 18. F 19. F 20. F 21. T 22. F 23. T


Li: Laura, why is there such a big crowd?

Laura: I think they are volunteers, Li. Next Wednesday there will be a school sale. Li: What will the volunteers do?

Laura: They will go to people?s houses and collect things for the sale. They will help sell the things

on the school sale day.

Li: How will the money from the sale be used?

Laura: The school will use the money to pay for all the after-class sports and art lessons it offers. Li: Glad to hear that the money is used for good purposes. It seems that Americans love to do

volunteer work.

Laura: Volunteering to help others is an American tradition. Today about 109 million Americans do

volunteer work each year. Most people volunteer about 3.5 hours each week.

Li: America is indeed a country of volunteers. But what do these volunteers do?

Laura: All kinds of work. Some help kids with writing or science subjects. Others work at animal

homes where they either play with the cats or take the dogs for walks. Sometimes they clean up parks and spend time in hospitals.

Li: Now I know why America is such a nice place to live. Maybe I should be a volunteer too. Laura: It will be a great experience for you during your stay here.

24. Wednesday 25. collect 26. art 27. tradition 28. 109 29. science 30.play Ⅴ.

31. C 32. D 33. A 34. B 35. C 36. A 37. C 38. D 39. D 40. A 41. C 42. C 43. B 44. B 45. C 46. D 47. A 48. A 49. C 50. B 51. C 52. D 53. D 54. A 55. B 56. C Ⅵ.

57. changes 58. second 59. successful 60. completely 61. amusement 62. unhealthy 63. produce 64. mine Ⅶ.

65. haven?t, yet 66. will you 67. much did 68. if/whether, could 69. so, that 70. see, off Ⅷ.

A) 71. T 72. F 73. F 74. T 75. F 76. T 77. F B) 78. D 79. B 80. A 81. C 82. B 83. A 84. C C) 85. A 86. B 87. B 88 . D 89. B 90. C 91. B

D) 92. heavy 93. love 94. Suppose 95. spread 96. any 97. But 98. happiness E) 99. A high fever.

100. A camp for the homeless (in the Phob Phra Area) 101. In September 2000

102. He taught Wing to do physical exercises 103. No, she wasn?t

104. Through cries and laughter. 105. Handicap International

Li: How will the money from the sale be used?

Laura: The school will use the money to pay for all the after-class sports and art lessons it offers. Li: Glad to hear that the money is used for good purposes. It seems that Americans love to do

volunteer work.

Laura: Volunteering to help others is an American tradition. Today about 109 million Americans do

volunteer work each year. Most people volunteer about 3.5 hours each week.

Li: America is indeed a country of volunteers. But what do these volunteers do?

Laura: All kinds of work. Some help kids with writing or science subjects. Others work at animal

homes where they either play with the cats or take the dogs for walks. Sometimes they clean up parks and spend time in hospitals.

Li: Now I know why America is such a nice place to live. Maybe I should be a volunteer too. Laura: It will be a great experience for you during your stay here.

24. Wednesday 25. collect 26. art 27. tradition 28. 109 29. science 30.play Ⅴ.

31. C 32. D 33. A 34. B 35. C 36. A 37. C 38. D 39. D 40. A 41. C 42. C 43. B 44. B 45. C 46. D 47. A 48. A 49. C 50. B 51. C 52. D 53. D 54. A 55. B 56. C Ⅵ.

57. changes 58. second 59. successful 60. completely 61. amusement 62. unhealthy 63. produce 64. mine Ⅶ.

65. haven?t, yet 66. will you 67. much did 68. if/whether, could 69. so, that 70. see, off Ⅷ.

A) 71. T 72. F 73. F 74. T 75. F 76. T 77. F B) 78. D 79. B 80. A 81. C 82. B 83. A 84. C C) 85. A 86. B 87. B 88 . D 89. B 90. C 91. B

D) 92. heavy 93. love 94. Suppose 95. spread 96. any 97. But 98. happiness E) 99. A high fever.

100. A camp for the homeless (in the Phob Phra Area) 101. In September 2000

102. He taught Wing to do physical exercises 103. No, she wasn?t

104. Through cries and laughter. 105. Handicap International

