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1. 考试时间120分钟,试卷满分150分。

2. 本考试设试卷和答题纸两部分。试卷分为第I卷和第II卷,全卷共11页。所有答题必须


3. 答题前,务必在答题纸上填写准考证号和姓名。


I. Listening Comprehension

Section A

Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.

1. A. 6:00 B. 6:30 C. 7:00 D. 7:30

2. A. They are likely to have a great view.

B. They will stay there for a longer time.

C. They are to enjoy ice cream in an easy way.

D. The ice cream store is too big to imagine.

3. A. He was involved in a traffic accident.

B. He was not able to get to work on time.

C. He is seriously sick of his car.

D. He had his car stolen.

4. A. The woman planned to travel by high-speed rail.

B. One of the man’s ears is absolutely deaf.

C. The traffic app may help them to avoid a heavy traffic.

D. They are driving at a high speed as they planned.

徐汇区高三英语 本试卷共12页 第1页

5. A. At the bus stop of Shanghai Disney land.

B. At the platform of a subway.

C. At Shanghai railway station.

D. At a bus stop somewhere in Shanghai.

6. A. Policewoman and driver.

B. Nurse and patient.

C. Librarian and reader.

D. Hotel manager and guest.

7. A. They have adopted at least two kids.

B. They will have more adopted kids.

C. The couple are from Africa.

D. They are an extended family.

8. A. Ms. Zeng is planning to raise the raw material cost due to the raised labour cost.

B. The man is hesitating about whether he will buy certain products or not.

C. The quality of the products is really far from the man’s expectation.

D. The man has made up his mind to give the negotiation a stop.

9. A. She does not approve of the man’s way in describing people’s speech.

B. She believes that people’s speaking in an elegant way is amazing.

C. She doesn’t believe people may speak elegantly in real life.

D. She was in doubt about the man’s characters in the novel.

10. A. Their wedding anniversary is coming soon.

B. They’d better find another restaurant to celebrate their wedding anniversary.

C. The woman should be more patient on such a big day.

D. The driving is dull because of the heavy traffic.

Section B

Directions:In section B,you will hear several longer conversation(s) and short passage(s).and you will be asked several questions on each of the conversation(s) and the passage(s).The conversation(s) and the passage(s) will be read twice,but the questions will be spoken only once.When you hear a question,read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.

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Question 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.

11. A.15,000 B.5,000,000 C.15,000,000 D. 50,000,000

12. A.The Chinese people are really good at the world’s most popular sport,soccer.

B.Within next decades,more than 90,000 soccer fields will be built across the country.

C.Chinese men have qualified for the World Cup final only in 2002.

D.In contrast to men,Chinese women soccer players are more successful.

13. A. Some billionaires in China B.President Xi Jinping

B.Jackson Martinez D.The Chinese People

Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.

14. A.It give students more time to digest what they have learned.

B.It is flexible in planning classes,social practice and personal projects.

C.Plenty of social practice free students of worries about their future career.

D.Students have more time to enjoy their life in universities.

15. A.The length of each semester varies in the Chinese trimester.

B.All those “Project 985”universities have applied this trimester.

C.Students should take as many courses as possible in summer semester.

D.Taking other subjects should be off the list in summer semester.

16. A.Taking more courses in summer semester.

B.Having an efficient arrangement in studying contents.

C.Taking an active part in promoting academic environment

D.Paying not attention to changes in academic schedules

Question 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.

17. A.At home B.In a studio C. In office D.At school

18. A.An English programme. B. Something annoying.

C.An expression

D.A goat,called Fred

19. A.Neil’s goat is really a mad goat,a trouble maker.

B.Neil really makes Feifei mad

C.Neil’s goat was really annoying to everyone.

D.Neil’s goat annoys Feifei due to its smell.

20. A.Your best friend told you that he has past the driving test.

B.Some cars are blowing their horns when you are doing a test inside.

C.You are riding a bicycle with your classmates in the street.

D.Your neighbor brings you a cake because it is her daughter’s birthday.

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II. Grammar and vocabulary

Section A

Directions:After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper from of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

Despite being used by 1.34 billion people each year, traveling on the Tube in London can actually be quite lonely. An unwritten rule encouraging silence, mixed with classic British reserve, means that (21) _____ _____ you’re packed into an enclosed space with hundreds of other people, the morning commute can leave you feeling somewhat isolated.

One London resident, however, is trying to change this.

“You get on the Tube here and it’s completely silent and it’s weird,” says Jonathan Dunne, 42, an American living in London, who has, ironically, started (22) ______ worldwide dialogue after giving out badges with the slogan “Tube chat?” last month, encouraging commuters in London to get talking to one another.“I handed out 500 badges during rush hour in a city of 8 million expecting most of them (23)________ (throw) away, but after about 24 hours it completely snowballed,” he says.

Dunne and his “Tube chat” campaign (24)_______ (feature) in media across the world ever since, seeing TV interviews in Sweden, Brazil and the UK, as well as countless website, newspaper and magazine appearances .

Although Dunne says he’s received mostly positive feedback, not everyone agrees with his sentiment. Londoner Brian Wilson responded with a campaign of (25)_____own, handing out 500 badges with the words “Don’t even think about it” on them.

“I (26)_____ hardly stand the idea of having to talk to strangers on the Tube on my way to work,” he told the BBC. Michael Robinson, 24, a student from London, agrees. “Being on the Tube is the only peace and quiet some people get on their journeys to and (27)_____ work. It doesn’t need to be spoiled by people coming up and chatting to you,” he says.While London has its seemingly antisocial set of regulations to follow, not everywhere lacks a sense of community.

Does Dunne hope that some of this community spirit (28)_______ (mirror) in the UK following his campaign? “People assume that I just walk up and talk to strangers, (29)_____I don’t, but it’s been a great way to meet people you would never have normally spoken to,” he says.

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and his feet twitching(抽搐), he was unconscious and drowning. It would take him as little as four minutes to die.

Although the human lifeguards watching the pool were oblivious, 12 large machine eyes deep underwater were watching the whole thing and taking notice. Just nine months earlier the center had installed a state-of-the-art electronic surveillance system called Poseidon, a network of cameras that feeds a computer programmed to use a set of complex mathematical procedure to distinguish between normal and distressed swimming. Poseidon covers a pool's entire swimming area and can distinguish among blurry reflections, shadows, and actual swimmers. It can also tell when real swimmers are moving in a way they're not supposed to. When the computer detects a possible problem, it instantly activates a beeper to warn lifeguards and displays the exact incident location on a monitor. The rest is up to the humans above the water.

Sixteen seconds after Poseidon noticed the large, sinking lump that was Jean-François LeRoy, lifeguards had LeRoy out of the pool and gave him first aid. He started breathing again. After one night in the local hospital, he was released with no permanent damage. Poseidon had saved his life.

56. People sometimes fail to detect accidents in the swimming pool because_________.

A. lifeguards neglect their duties

B. drowning men don’t struggle in water

C. there is no electronic surveillance system installed

D. drowning often occur quietly and quickly

57. Which of the following statements in NOT true?

A. Lifeguards will give way to Poseidon system.

B. Poseidon system can locate drowning incidents.

C. Poseidon system can pick out unusual swimmers.

D. Lifeguards will count on Poseidon system

58. The purpose of this passage is to________

A. publicize a machine which can watch out for swimmers in distress

B. tell people what may happen in a swimming pool

C. warn swimmers not to swim underwater alone

D. advertise an aquatic center equipped with state-of-the-art devices


The first animals on earth were never able to achieve much in the world because they lived in the sea, which provided limited oxygen, and they had no backbone. For ages there were many kinds of these animals living in the sea and on land. They differed widely from each other and included such creatures as insects and worms. They had no brain, and therefor none of these animals without a backbone has ever been of much importance. They are wonderfully made but differ so widely that it is really impossible to arrange them in a simple order. However, those who study the different kinds of backboned animals find they can all be arranged in a simple way. More importantly, it is

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and more states have legalized gambling in order to raise income. The U.S gambling industry has gone from an attitude of “Prohibition” to one of “Promotion,” as all but five states have now legalized gambling as a solution to their depressed economies.

Most states in the United States now depend on incomes from state lotteries(博彩) and use them for good causes, such as improving public education, maintaining state parks, and developing environmental programs.

State governments maintain that the voluntary contribution of funds through state lotteries in preferable to increase state sales or income taxes, and the residents of states using the lottery system trend to support this. The gaming industry has also benefited some of the nation’s poorest citizens: Native Americans. The U.S government ruled in 1988 that states could not tax the revenues earned by gambling on Native American reservations. Having taken advantage of this ruling an open casinos (赌场) on their reservations, many Native Americans moved from a life of poverty to a life of wealth.

Although there are many advantages to legalized gambling, there has also been a good deal of criticism of state-supported gambling. As states increase their support of state lotteries, they seem to encourage commercial gambling in all its forms. About 50 percent of the U.S population plays the lottery, according to a study by the University of Chicago. This trend has led to an increase in habitual gambling. More than 5 million Americans suffer from gambling addiction. Those most at risk of becoming addicted include the poor, young people between twelve and eighteen years old, and women over the age of fifty, who are looking for some entertainment. As a result, many of them will end up in prison or even homeless. The promise of winning big fortune has created big problems.

Perhaps the most important concern is the moral issue of legalized gambling. The lottery is the only form of gambling that is essentially a government control. Critics ask whether gambling is a proper function of government. Should the government be the spokesman for the expansion of gambling? Critics say state advertising of lotto emphasizes luck over hard work, instant happiness over careful planning, and entertainment over savings. The traditional work ethic(道德准则) is being devalued by the pipedream of striking it rich, and this is sending confusing messages to young people.

In 1996, Congress created a commission to conduct a legal study of the social and economic impacts of gambling in the United States. After two years of study, the Commission recommended an end to the expansion of legalized gambling and a ban on Internet gambling. Some feel this will severely hurt the gambling industry. Others fear that it is not enough and are asking the government to take a tough stand against gambling.

63. According to the passage, we know that______.

A. any forms of gambling were banned before 1964 in the USA

B. the economical problems lead to the rise of gambling industry in the USA

C. all American states have legalized gambling since 1964

D. only five states have now legalized gambling because of the depressed economies

64.Which of the following is not mentioned in the passage?

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A. State lottery system helps to raise money to improve people’s public welfare.

B. Gambling industry helps to change the American way of life.

C. Gambling industry helps to improve the life of some poor Native Americans.

D. State lottery system helps to increase state sales or income taxes.

65. What is the author most concerned about?

A. The expanding of the gambling industry.

B. The suffering of the gambling-added people.

C. The moral problems brought about by the legalized gambling.

D. The advantage of Internet gambling.

66. In paragraph 5, the word "pipedream" means ___

A. wonderful idea

B. creative idea

C. unworkable plan

D. practical plan

Section C

Directions:Read the passage carefully. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.

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IV Summary Writing

Direction:Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main file of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.

Are we born with a preference for certain kinds of faces? Or is it just something that people learn, without realizing it? To find out, psychologist Judith Langlois and her team at the University of Texas in Austin worked with young children and babies.

The researchers showed each baby photos of two faces. One face was more attractive than the other. The scientists then recorded how long the infants looked at each face.

Babies spent longer viewing the attractive faces than the unattractive ones. That meant they preferred the pretty faces. These findings suggest that people prefer pretty faces very early in life. However, it’s still possible that we learn that preference. After all, Schein, who worked with Judith, points out, “By the time we test infants, they already have experienced with faces.”

That experience can make a difference. Research conducted at the University of Delaware found that babies’ brains are better at processing faces from their own race. So infants quickly come to prefer these faces, Schein say.

It’s well-known in psychology that familiar things are more attractive, says Coren Apicella. She is a psychologist at the University of Pennsylvania. “Perhaps average faces are more attractive because they seem more familiar.”

Indeed, her research backs this up. Apicella and Little worked with two groups of young adults: British and Hadza. The Hadza are hunter-gatherers in Tanzania, a nation in East Africa. Apicella chose them for her experiment because they had not been exposed to Western culture and standards of beauty.

She showed people from both groups two images and asked which was more attractive. One image was an average of five British faces or five Hadza faces. The other was an average of 20 British faces or 20 hadza faces. People of both cultures preferred the fact that was more average---that is, compiled from 20 faces instead of five. The British participants found both Hadza and British faces beautiful. The Hadza, in contrast, preferred only Hadza faces.

“The Hadza have little experience with European faces and probably do not know what an average European face looks like,” Apicella concludes. “If they don’t know what it looks like, how can they prefer it?”

Her findings show how biology and the environment work together to shape our values. “The preference for average itself is biologically based,” Apicella says. But people must first experience other faces to learn what an average face should look like.

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Q: What do we learn from the conversation? C

5.M: Excuse me, when is the next bus to the Shanghai Disney Land, please?

W: Er... in about 11 minutes. You see, it’s shown on the screen. But why don’t you take the subway. It’s faster and more convenient.

Q: Where does the conversation probably take place? D

6.W: Cover you left eye and look at the visual chart here. Tell me the direction of each E here?

M: Er... Left, Right, Right again, and down.

Q: What is the probable relationship between the two speakers? B

7.M: Our neighbour, the Thompsons, adopted a disabled girl from Africa?

W: Again? Wow. They are a great family, warm-hearted and full of sympathy.

Q: What do we learn from the dialogue about the Thompsons ? A

8.M: Well, Ms. Zeng, I must point out that the prices are much higher than before, which are

beyond our expectation.

W: Yes. As you know, the labour cost recently has increased, and so has the raw materials cost.

So I have no choice but to raise price.

Q: What do we learn from the dialogue? B

9.M: I just want all my characters in the novel to speak in an elegant way.

W: Well. I don’t doubt it, but, you know, not all the people speak in that way in real life.

Q: What does the woman mean? A

10.W: Oh, my. The restaurant is so crowded. Let’s go somewhere else.

M: Why? After an hour’s driving in heavy traffic, you just told me to go somewhere else?

Come on. We can wait. It’s our wedding anniversary after all.

Q: What does the man mean? C

Section B

Directions: In Section B, you will hear several longer conversation(s) and short passage(s), and you will be asked several questions on each of the conversation(s) and the passage(s). The conversation(s) and the passage(s) will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.

Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.

The Chinese government plans to make soccer the number one sport in the country. By 2050 it wants to get 50 million children and adults to play the game.

With the largest population in the world, China has never been really good at the world’s most

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popular sport. According to the government, 20,000 training centres are planned and 70,000 new soccer fields will be built within the next decades. It also wants to set up soccer schools and offer young players more training programs.

FIFA hopes that the China’s desire to become a global player in soccer will raise the country’s rankings, currently at number 80 in the FIFA list. In contrast to men, who have only qualified for the World Cup once in 2002, Chinese women are more successful in the sport. They have even made it to the World Cup finals in 1999.

China’s leader Xi Jinping is the driving force behind the new sport plan. He loves soccer and played the game during his youth. Xi wants China to play a major role in Asia and maybe even win the World Cup one day. Recently, Chinese billionaires have started to invest in China’s Super League, attracting top European players to the country. Guangzhou Evergrande, one of China’s top teams, has paid 45 million dollars for Athletico Madrid top star Jackson Martinez.

But before China reaches its goal, there is still a long way in front and a lot to do. Questions:

11.According to the Chinese government’s plan, how many children and adults are to play soccer

by 2050?

12.Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

13.Who of the following is the driving force of China’s great soccer plan according to this


Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.

You may have already heard about the trimester system in Western universities. For example, in the UK, an academic year is usually divided into three semesters, each made up of 10 weeks --- the autumn semester (October to December) , the spring semester (January to March) and the summer semester (April to June). This system is believed to bring more flexibility when scheduling classes, social practice and personal projects.

Now China is introducing the system to its own students. In fact, nearly half of the country’s “Project 985” universities have already added the third semester into their academic timetable. But our trimester system is a little bit different from that in the West.

Take China University of Political science and Law(CUPL) as an example, which has started to implement the new schedule from this month. Its academic year will now be divided into the autumn semester (September to January), the spring semester (February to June) and the summer semester (July).

Lu Chunlong, director of the dean’s office at CUPL, told The Beijing News that during summer terms students would be able to take classes in other subjects. They are also encouraged to join courses in the form of social practice. It’s hoped that this new method will expose students to a broader and more diverse academic environment and help them to get their career plans on track.

However, some students point out that if they take summer term courses, they would have to attend classed every day without having time to digest what they’ve learned.

This is why Lu suggests that students don’t overdo it during summer. “One course is the best, two tops,” she advises.

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But no matter the changes in academic schedules, it’s how you plan your studies that really matters. After all, what’s important is not how the academic year is divided, but how the studying contents are distributed among each semester.


14.What’s the advantage of the Western trimester system according to the passage?

15.Which of the following is true about the Chinese trimester?

16.What’s the best policy in taking courses in the new trimester system?

Questions 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.

M: Hello and welcome to The English We Speak, I’m Neil and joining me is Feifei… and Fred... my goat.

W: Hi everyone. Neil, why have you brought this… goat into the studio? It smells.

M: Fred doesn’t smell! I’ve brought my goat into the studio to teach our listeners an expression you can use when something annoys you.

W: Well, having smelly animals in the studio annoys me.

M: Well, in that case, Feifei, you can say, ‘Smelly animals in the studio get my goat.’

W: To get somebody’s goat – an expression you can use when something annoys you.

M: That’s right. You can say something ‘gets your goat’ if it annoys you. You know what, Feifei? It gets my goat when people say my pet Fred is smelly.

W: Ha! Here are some examples of people using the expression ‘get somebody’s goat’.

The first one: These queues at the post office really get my goat. I’ve been waiting for half an hour! The second one: Argh, I don’t believe it – I’ve got a parking ticket! The policemen really get my goat!

The third: These calls from people selling insurance get my goat. They’ve rung seven times already this morning.

M: To get somebody’s goat – an expression you can use when something annoys you.

W: Notice that we often use ‘really’ with this expression. Train delays really get my goat.

M: It seems to me quite a lot of things get your goat, Feifei.

W: Not really, Neil, – apart from Fred.

M: Are you saying my goat gets your goat?

W: Yes! Your goat really gets my goat!


17.Where are the two speakers?

18.What are the two speakers talking about?

19.According to this conversation, what does “Your goat really gets my goat!” mean?

20.In which situation will you say “It really gets my goat!”

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