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高三英语学案(Module 3)

Unit 1 Festivals around the world


单词 词组 gather , admire , part , drown , weep take place 发生 in memory of纪念 in the shape of 以…形状 dress up 穿衣服;打扮 play a trick on开…玩笑 look forward to ( doing ) sth. 盼望、期望、期待(做)… day and night 日日夜夜 as though 仿佛,好像 = as if have fun with 玩得开心 end in doing… 以做…而告终 turn up 出现;到场 keep one’s word 守信用;履行诺言 hold one’s breath 屏住呼吸 set off 出发,开始(vi.);激起;引爆(vt.) remind sb. of sth. 提醒某人某事 apologize to / forgive sb. for ( doing ) sth. 因为(做)某事向某人道歉 / 原谅某人 句式 ① There is no feast on earth that does not end in parting. ② It is obvious that … 很明显… = Obviously, … … 高频动词 ① turn up 出现;到场(见《词汇大全》第149页) turn away / down / out / to / off ② set off 出发;动身;使爆炸(见《词汇大全》第148页) set aside / about / out / up / down 归纳总结 ① 发生:take place , happen , break out , come about ② 与“哭”有关的词和表达

Making phone calls, Invitation & Thanks 打电话,邀请和感谢 1

功能项目 ① Hold / Hang on, please. ② I’ll ring him / her up again. / I’ll ring / call back. ③ Don’t mention it. / It’s a pleasure. / You’re welcome. 语法 ① 情态动词:may / might ; can / could ; will / would ; shall / should ; must / can’t。 本单元重点复习:must 和 should (见《考点梳理》第13,14页。 ② 学习“现在完成进行时”。(见课本第7页、《考点梳理》P10)

重点词汇 1. gather (见《词汇大全》第63页)


【课文原句】People are grateful because their food is gathered for the winter and the agricultural work is over. 【重要词组】

? gather courage to do sth. 鼓起勇气做某事 (也可用take) 【举例】

① 人们慢慢地把他们的所有物收集起来,然后离开了大厅。 ② 这辆车在加速。 ③ 暴雨云层在聚集。 ④ 他重拾信心做最后一搏。 ⑤ 我坐了一会儿以积聚力量。 2. admire (见《词汇大全》第4页) (vt.)钦佩;赞美;羡慕;欣赏

【课文原句】 China and Japan have mid-autumn festivals, when people admire the moon and in China, enjoy mooncakes. 【重要词组】

? admire sb. for ( doing ) sth. 钦佩 / 羡慕 / 赞美某人(做)某事 【举例】

① 中秋节,中国人有赏月的习俗。 ② 她每天对着镜子孤芳自赏。 ③ 我们很钦佩他的睿智和勇敢。 3. part (见《词汇大全》第97页)


(n.)部分;作用;成分;零件;角色 (vt./ vi.)(使)分开;(使)分离;断绝关系 (adv.)partly 在某种程度上;部分地

【课文原句】There is no feast on earth that does not end in parting. 【重要词组】 ? take part in 参加

? play a part in 在…中起作用 / 扮演角色 ? part with sth. (不情愿)放弃;与…分开 【举例】

① 他们轻轻地拥抱了一下便分别了。 ② 他失败在某种程度上是因为不重视对手。 4. drown (见《词汇大全》第43页) (vt.)使溺毙;使淹死;淹没;陷入

【课文原句】He would drown his sadness in coffee. 【重要词组】

drown sth. in / with sth. 把…淹没在…中 【举例】

① 他每天借酒浇愁。

5. weep (见《词汇大全》第108页) (vi.)哭泣;流泪;(n.)哭,哭泣

【课文原句】People in China hope that the weather will be fine on that day, because if it is raining, it means that Zhinv is weeping and the couple won’t be able to meet. 【归纳总结】与“哭”有关的词或表达 ① 单词


weep:流泪,哭泣;潸然泪下 ② 与tear与关的表达

be in tears 含泪;泪流满面 burst into tears放声大哭

tears gather in one’s eyes 眼里泪水涌出 tearful eyes 泪眼


sob:抽泣 choke:哽咽

have tears in one’s eyes 眼里含着泪水 fight back tears 抑制住泪水 tears well up in one’s eyes 泪如泉涌

tears roll / run down one’s cheeks泪水顺着脸颊淌下来 ③ 其它表达

somebody’s eyes water (风、烟雾等)使眼睛淌眼泪 cry one’s eyes out (口语)痛哭流涕;哭得很伤心 choke with emotion 激动得说不出话来 词义辨析 1. take place , happen , break out , come about

① 全部是不及物动词(vi.),无被动,不用sb.做主语。 【改错】

Great changes have been taken place in my hometown in the past thirty year. We saw an accident happened on our way home on last Sunday morning. ② 用法侧重点:

take place 强调“有计划,有安排”; happen 强调“突然性;碰巧”;

break out 强调“战争、灾难、疾病的爆发”; come about 常与“how”连用考查。 【举例】

① Great changes ____________________(发生)in China since the 29th Olympic Games and Shanghai Expo. ② He got badly injured in the PE class. How did it _______________(发生)? ③ No one knows what will ___________(发生)from day to day.

④ Dark clouds were gathering in the skies over Europe. War was soon to ___________(发生). 高频动词 1. turn的短语(见《词汇大全》第149页)

? turn away(vt.)驱逐;打发走;(把脸)转过去 ? turn in(vt.)上交;把车驶向(某处)停下 = pull in ? turn out (系动词)结果是;证明是 ? turn down(vt.)调低(小);拒绝 ? turn off(vt.)关掉;解雇

? turn up(vt.)调高(大);(vi.)出现;到场 ? turn to(vt.)转向;变成;求助




① We arranged to meet at 7:30 but she never ___________.

② Please ______________ the police for help when you are in trouble. ③ Please ___________ the radio ____________ a bit. I’m doing my homework. ④ She ___________ the wallet she picked up on the way. ⑤ Would you please ___________ the TV as I can’t hear clearly.

⑥ Dad ____________ the TV but forgot to _________ it _________ at midnight. ⑦ We had thought we’d fail. But the result ______________ ( to be ) good.

⑧ A crowd gathered to ask for high pay. Half an hour later, the boss ___________ them ___________. ⑨ He proposed marriage to his girl friend, but unluckily ________________. 2. set的短语(见《词汇大全》第148页) 【自我检测】 ? set aside ? set about ? set out ? set up ? set down ? set off 【举例】


① He ________________ a company last year and runs it well now.

② Armed with the information you have gathered, you can _________ preparing your business plan. ③ They had done some researches before ____________ on the project. ④ Children can eat kinds of candy and cake and ________________ firecrackers. ⑤ She ________________ a little money each week for future use. ⑥ Little Tom ______________ for school at 8:00 every morning.

⑦ The accident ________________ a heated discussion throughout the country.

⑧ The government _____________ the place for people to take as a shelter in case of emergency. ⑨ Nelson Mandela ________________ finally from prison.


