古希腊神话 特洛伊战争 重要人物分析解读

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详尽易懂的古希腊神话名篇,特洛伊战争的解读 全英文 本人为教课制作

PPT ABC for Trojan War

详尽易懂的古希腊神话名篇,特洛伊战争的解读 全英文 本人为教课制作

AchillesAchilles was the bravest Greek warrior. At the beginning of the war, he refused to help Greeks because Agamemnon took his honor away from him. However, later he compromised and killed Hector.

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Achilles HeelOrigin: After Achilles killed Hector, he drove Greeks to another battle with Ethiopia, which came to assistant Trojans. During the war, his heel the only vulnerable spot of his body was wounded by an arrow shot Usage: An area of by Paris, guided by Apollo.weakness, a vulnerable spot

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AgamemnonChryseis, the daughter of Apollo’s priest was carried away by Greeks and sent to Agamemnon yet he rejected to give her back. This caused Apollo to shoot fire arrows to Greeks. Achilles asked Agamemnon to give Chryseis back. Agamemnon did so but took Achilles’ maiden, Briseis as a compensation which enraged Achilles to stop leading Greeks.

He was murdered by his wife and her lover on his way back to Greece after the Trojan War.

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AphroditeParis gave the golden apple with “For the Fairest” on it to Aphrodite so she led him to Helen, the fairest woman in the world and assisted him in the following Trojan War. She was wounded by Diomedes when she attempted to rescue Aeneas. She lent her girdle to Hera so that Hera could tempt Zeus during the war.

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ApolloApollo helped the Trojans during the war. He demanded Agamemnon to give back Chryseis and made it. He saved Aeneas when he was wounded by Diomedes and took him to the holy place of Troy.

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AresHe was with Aphrodite to support Trojans. In one battle, he was wounded by Diomedes and Athena. He wailed so loudly that it sounded like a whole army screaming.

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AeneasHe was a son of Aphrodite. He was the best next to Hector; however, he was wounded by Diomedes. His mother attempted to save him but failed. Finally, he was taken away from the battle field by Apollo and healed by Artemis in Pergamos.

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AndromacheShe was the wife of Hector。At the end of Trojan War, her son was taken away from her and Greeks threw him off the wall of Troy. She became the slave of Greeks.

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AthenaIt started when Eris threw a golden apple labeled "to the fairest" amongst Aphrodite, Hera, and Athena. None of them would admit that they weren't the fairest, so they got a mortal named Paris to decide. To raise their chances, they each promised him something: Hera promised him a happy life, Aphrodite the most beautiful woman in the world, and Athena wisdom beyond words.

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ErisEris was offended because she was unpopular among all gods and goddesses, besides, she wasn’t invited to the marriage of Thetis so she threw a golden apple which started the conflict among goddesses and finally led to the Trojan War.

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Golden AppleIt was sent by Eris to the Goddesses with “For the Fairest” and started an argument between Hera, Athena and Aphrodite. Paris gave the apple to Aphrodite so the other two goddesses were enraged.

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HectorHector, oldest child of Priam and Hecuba, heir to the throne of T

roy, husband of Andromache, and father of Astyanax, was the greatest Trojan hero of the Trojan War, the main defender of Troy, and a favorite of Apollo. With Apollo's help Hector killed Patroclus, the best friend of Achilles, the greatest of the Greeks, who was staying on the sidelines due to a conflict with Agamemnon.

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HecubaHecuba, daughter of Dymas, was the wife of king Priam and the mother of Cassandra, Paris, Hector and others. Her daughter was killed at the end of the battle.

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MenelausMenelaus was the king of Sparta and brother of Agamemnon. When Menelaus married Helen, a promise was extracted from all the rejected suitorprinces that they would come to the aid of Menelaus should anyone try to abduct her. Paris, a prince of Troy was a guest in the palace of Menelaus when he decided to steal Helen. The Trojan War was fought to bring Helen back from Troy to Menelaus.

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NestorHe often gives advice to the younger warriors and advices during the Trojan War. He is too old to engage in combat himself so he leads the Pylian troops

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OdysseusHe was a Greek leader in the Trojan War. He was one of the famous hero in the Trojan war. One of his role was to come up with a plan of how to defeat the Trojans. His idea was to make a hollow horse with soldiers inside.

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ParisPrince of troy and also brother of Hector. He was the son of Priam. His role was to chose between 3 goddess who would get the apple. Paris gave the apple to Aphrodite. He got the most beautiful women in the world Helen

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Paris JudgementParis was known for his evaluation of beauty so he was chosen to judge which goddess was the fairest. He gave the golden apple to Aphrodite which angered other Goddesses, especially Hera and Athena.

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PenelopeWife of Odysseus. Her role was to choose one guy that she would marry. She chose odysseus.

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PatroclusFriend of Achilles. He put on the armor of Achilles and fought Hector. He was killed by Hector.

