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Unit 1 Vocabulary for Text A

New words

1. triumph


an important victory or success after a difficult struggle


Winning the championship was a great personal triumph for this young

tennis player.


2. pledge


make a formal, usu. public, promise that you will do sth. 发誓;作保证

The new president pledged to cut taxes and increase employment. 新总统承诺要削减税收、增加就业。


[C] (fml.) a serious promise or agreement, esp. one made publicly or

officially (尤指公开或正式作出的)誓言,誓约;保证

All the candidates have given pledges not to raise taxes if they are elected.


giving you satisfaction, pleasure, or profit 值得的;有意义的;有回报的adj

孤儿院) was a very rewarding experience. Our journey to the orphanage ( 我们的孤儿院之行非常有意义。Synonym: satisfying Antonym: unrewarding

4. pose


sit or stand somewhere so that sb. can take a photograph of you or paint

a picture of you(为照相或画像而)摆姿势

The leaders posed briefly for photographs before entering the conference

room. 领导们进入会议室之前匆匆地摆个姿势拍照。


create a difficult or dangerous situation 造成,导致(困难或危险)We are very glad to hear that the incident in the chemical plant poses no

threat to the environment. 我很高兴地得知化工厂的事故没有对环


5. routine


[C, U] your usual way of doing things, esp. when you do them in a fixed

order at the same time 例行公事;常规;惯例

Arriving at the office at 8 a.m. and staying there until 5 p.m. has become

my routine. 早上8点到办公室,一直呆到下午5点,这已经成了我的惯例。


happening as a normal part of a job or process 常规的;例行的;惯常的

The problem was discovered during a routine check. 这个问题是在一次例行检查中发现的。

6. attain


(fml.) succeed in achieving sth. after trying for a long time 得到;获得;赢得

Not all athletes attain this standard of physical fitness. 并非所有的运动员都能达到这种身体素水平。

7. foundation


[C] the most basic part of sth. from which the rest of it develops 基础

The course gives students a solid foundation in English writing skills.


8. resource


1 [C] sth. you can use to help you to achieve sth., esp. in your work or

study 资源

Museums are important resources for teaching history. 博物馆为历史教学提供重要资料来源。

2 [C, usu. pl.] things such as coal, trees, and oil that exist in nature and

自然资源can be used by people

Many of these countries are rich in natural resources such as iron and

coal. 这些国家中有许多国家都拥有丰富的诸如铁和煤炭这样的自然资源。

9. learned

a. (fml.) learned people have a lot of knowledge because they


read and studied a lot


My advisor is a very learned person and she could answer any question

I asked.


10. caring

a. thinking about what other people need or want and trying to help them


The school provides a caring environment for students. 学校为学生提供了充满关怀的环境。

11. faculty


1 [U] (AmE) all the teachers in a university, college, or school 全体教员

Both the faculty and students opposed the proposal to turn one of the

playgrounds into a parking lot. 老师和学生都反对把其中一个运动场改为停车场的提议。

2 [C, usu. pl.] a natural physical or mental ability that most people



She had her mental faculties even in her 90s. 她九十多岁了,但仍然思维清晰。

12. comprehensive


including many details or aspects of sth. 综合的;多方面的

This booklet offers a comprehensive guide to our goods and services.


13. facility


(~ies) [pl.] rooms, equipment, or services that are provided for a particular purpose (为某种目的而提供的)设施,设备

The hotel has an indoor swimming pool and other leisure facilities. 这家宾馆有室内游泳池和其他休闲设施。

14. community

n. [C]

1 the people who live in the same area, town, etc.(同住一地的人所构成的)社区

The new arts center will serve the whole community. 这个新的艺术中心将为整个社区服务。

2 a group of people who have the same interests, religion, race, etc. 群体;团体

The conference will make further efforts to gain the support of different

ethnic communities. 会议将进一步努力,以取得不同少数民族团体的支持。

15. explore


examine or discuss a subject, idea, etc. thoroughly 探讨,研究(主题、思想等)

We are exploring the possibility of taking legal action against the company. 我们正在探讨对这家公司采取法律行动的可能性。


travel around an area in order to learn about it or to search for sth. valuable such as oil 勘探;探测;考察

A group of experts have set out to explore for minerals in this area. 一组专家已经出发前往该地区勘探矿物。

16. fascinating


making you very interested or attracted 吸引人的;迷人的;使人神魂颠倒的

He is such a great writer that his stories are always fascinating. 他

