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课时作业(六) Using Language


1.He looked at the trees ________(反射)in the lake. 2.We were not ________(认识到的)that it was getting dark.

3.I was almost ________(害怕)to death when he told me there was a snake in my sleeping bag.

4.The wolf stared at me with its ________(锐利的)bright eyes. 5.She wanted to reverse the ________(潮流)of Socialism.

6.Design requires a ________(目标)-the audience upon whom the design is focused.

7.There is a ________(狭窄的)winding street between the houses. 8.What I am saying is ________(单纯地)my own point of view. 9.The novel paints a ________(栩栩如生的)picture of life in the city. 10.A ________(分界线)is a line that marks a limit between two countries. Ⅱ.单项填空

1.They gazed at the stars ________ in the lake. A.reflect C.reflected

B.reflecting D.reflects

2.(2013·六安高二质检)With no one ________ him,the cook slipped out of the kitchen.

A.is noticing C.noticed

B.noticing D.being noticed

3.He is quite ________ of the risk,but he has no choice but to go ahead. A.sure C.fond

B.ashamed D.aware

4.The fans gave a(n)________description of the first match of the World Cup as if they were footballers.

A.creative C.imaginative

B.fantastic D.vivid

5.Don't hold the bottle________to keep the water from dripping. A.upright C.inside out

B.upside down D.upward

6.(2013·池州高二检测)You should make it a rule to leave things ________ you can find them again.

A.when C.then

B.where D.which

7.It is very ________ of you to notice that detail straight away. A.sharp C.nervous

B.sharply D.quick

8.The sun ________,they continued their way. A.has risen C.have raised

B.having risen D.having raised

9.Seeing the ________ flood,she was ________ to take the boat. A.scary;scary C.scary;scared

B.scaring;scared D.scared;scary

10.(2013·安庆高二检测)________ seems to have been a strong competition in China for school leavers to enter college or university.

A.There C.It Ⅲ.阅读理解


There are eight species of dolphins in Hawaii.The bottle-nosed dolphin is the most common type of dolphin.This name came from its longer upper and lower jaws.This dolphin is a very loving and friendly animal.There are cases of dolphins that rescue injured divers in the ocean.

In Hawaii,you can experience swimming with dolphins.There are several companies on Oahu and the Big Island that offer a swim with these animals in the wild.These kinds of tours usually are combined with water sports such as snorkel(水下呼吸管)or scuba diving.

Dolphins are protected by the Marine Mammal Protection Act and it is against

B.That D.Here

the law to become closer than 50 yards(45 m)to them.But these friendly animals can approach to check you out.You have to consider that if dolphins prefer to keep away,you should not try to swim close to them.If dolphins come close while you are swimming in the ocean,don't attempt to touch them and don't make aggressive or sudden movements.

At the Sea Life Park on Oahu,they have special dolphin programs that allow you to swim and hug dolphins;besides,you'll learn about these mammals' habits.The Dolphin Quest program will explain to you why dolphins are considered one of the most intelligent creatures.

Swimming with dolphins is one of the most attractive activities if you come to Hawaii.But Hawaii's underwater world is amazing and has many other species to watch:Humpback whales,Green sea turtles,Monk seals and so on.While you get in touch with this underworld,always have in mind the main rule of the ocean respect:Look but don't touch.

1.What's the main idea of Paragraph 1? A.Dolphins in Hawaii have long-bottle noses. B.Dolphins in Hawaii love friends.

C.Dolphins in Hawaii always save the divers. D.Dolphins in Hawaii are explained in brief.

2.According to the Marine Mammal Protection Act,when you swim in the ocean you ________.

A.have to follow the dolphins B.must stay close to the dolphins

C.should keep a distance from the dolphins D.can't move with the dolphins

3.If you want to know something about dolphins' life,you can________. A.travel to the Big Island now and then B.obey the Marine Mammal Protection Act C.turn to the dolphin programs at the Sea Life Park D.live with the dolphins for a long time on Oahu

4.When traveling around Hawaii's underwater world,you can do all of the

following EXCEPT________.

A.swim with dolphins B.have a hug with dolphins

C.watch other animals besides dolphins D.touch every animal


The water cycle sounds like describing how water move above, on, and through the earth.But in fact, much more water is“in storage”for long periods of time than is actually moving through the cycle.The storehouses for the vast majority of all water on the earth are the oceans, and the oceans supply about 90 percent of the evaporated (蒸发的) water that goes into the water cycle.

Of course, nothing involving the water cycle is really permanent,even the amount of water in the oceans.Over the“short term”of hundreds of years, the oceans' volumes (总量) don't change much.But the amount of water in the oceans does change over the long term.For instance, just 1,000 years ago when William of Normandy invaded England,he landed near Hastings, which, though a few miles inland today, was then a coastal town.And a few thousand years ago humans crossed to North America from Asia at the (now underwater) Bering Strait.

During colder climatic periods, more ice caps and glaciers (冰川) form and enough of the global water supply gathers as ice to reduce the amounts in other parts of the water cycle.The reverse (相反的情况) happens during warm periods.During the last ice age, glaciers covered almost one third of the earth's land mass, with the result that the ocean levels were about 400 feet lower than today.

Of course the oceans are always in movement.The moon influences daily tides, which make the beach a more interesting place to visit.If you have ever been seasick, then you know how the ocean is never still.You might think that the water in the oceans moves around because of waves,which are driven by winds.But, actually, there are currents and“rivers”in the oceans that move massive amounts of water around the world.

5.Most of the water on the earth is stored in ________. A.the ice caps and glaciers B.the oceans

C.the groundwater D.the atmosphere

6.The author mentions William of Normandy to show ________. A.the permanent water cycle B.the difference of Hastings' location

C.the changes in the amount of water in the oceans D.the influence the oceans have on water cycle

7.According to Paragraph 3,what happens in warm periods? A.The ocean levels are lower than those during colder seasons. B.One third of the earth is covered by glaciers. C.The global water supply is not enough. D.More water joins the water cycle.

8.The water in the oceans moves mainly because of ________. A.waves driven by winds B.the influence of the moon C.currents and“rivers”in the oceans D.the water cycle of the earth Ⅳ.翻译句子

1.那孩子似乎被狂风暴雨吓得要命。(It seems)

____________________________________________________________ 2.他低着头走进教室。(独立主格)

____________________________________________________________ 3.托尼似乎非常肤浅,他根本没有意识到这些潜在危险。(become aware of) ____________________________________________________________ 4.在你刚经过的地方有一幅画被挂颠倒了。(upside down)

____________________________________________________________ 5.那位女士被这恐怖的声音吓得要死。(scare)



Ⅰ.1.reflected 2.aware 3.scared 4.sharp 5.tide 6.target 7.narrow 8.purely 9.vivid 10.boundary

Ⅱ.1.C 句意:他们注视着倒映在湖水中的星星。star和reflect之间是被动关系,故用过去分词。reflect“映出;反射”。

2.B 考查with的复合结构。句意:没有人注意到那个厨师溜出了厨房。no one和notice为主谓关系,故用动词-ing形式。

3.D 句意:他完全意识到了危险,但他别无选择只能前进。be sure of确信;be ashamed of对……感到羞愧;be fond of喜欢;be aware of意识到。根据句意应选D。

4.D 句意:球迷生动描述了世界杯的揭幕战,他们好像就是其中的队员。creative创造性的;fantastic极好的,奇异的;imaginative想象力丰富的;vivid形象的,生动的。只有D项符合句意。

5.B 句意:不要把瓶子弄倒了,以确保水不漏掉。upside down“上下翻转,颠倒”,符合句意。

6.B 句意:你应该养成习惯,把东西放在你还能找到的地方。where引导地点状语从句。

7.A sharp“灵敏的,敏锐的”;nervous“紧张不安的”;quick“迅速的,快的”。

8.B 句意:太阳升起来了,他们继续赶路。分析句子结构可知“The sun ________”为独立主格结构,应用非谓语动词,故A、C两项错误,rise为不及物动词,raise为及物动词,the sun与rise之间为主谓关系,故选B。

9.B 句意:一看见令人害怕的洪水,她就吓得不敢乘船。scaring令人害怕的;scared感到害怕的。

10.A 句意:在中国,高中毕业生上大学好像一直有很强的竞争。There seems to...好像有……,为固定句式,故选A。

Ⅲ.1.D 主旨大意题。第一段简单地介绍了夏威夷海域里海豚的情况。 2.C 细节理解题。由第三段第一句可知,人们要与海豚保持一定的距离,否则就触犯了法律。

3.C 细节理解题。由第四段可知,从这些节目中可以了解海豚的生活习性。

4.D 推理判断题。由文章最后一句可知,在夏威夷海底世界有些动物不能触摸。

【语篇解读】 地球被称之为“水球”,因为地球极大部分地区被海洋覆盖着。你了解海洋与全球水循环的关系吗?

5.B 细节理解题。根据文章第一段中The storehouses for the vast majority of all water on the earth are the oceans可知B项正确。

6.C 细节理解题。根据文章第二段中...the amount of water in the oceans does change over the long term可知,作者拿William of Normandy来举例就是为了说明这一点。

7.D 推理判断题。根据文章第三段中The reverse happens during warm periods可推断出,天气变暖后,冰雪融化,就有更多的水加入全球水循环。

8.C 细节理解题。根据文章第四段中...there are currents and“rivers”in the oceans that move massive amounts of water around the world可知C项正确。

Ⅳ.1.It seemed that the child was frightened to death by the violent thunderstorm. 2.He walked into the classroom,his head lowered. 3.Tony seemed very shallow and he didn't become aware of the potential dangers. 4.A painting was hung upside down where you just passed by. 5.The woman was scared to death by the horrible sound.

