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英 语

注 意 事 项 考生在答题前请认真阅读本注意事项 1.本试卷共12页,满分120分,考试时间为120分钟。考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 2.答题前,请务必将自己的姓名、考试证号用0.5毫米黑色字迹的签字笔填写在试卷及答题卡指定的位置。 3.答案必须按要求填涂、书写在答题卡上,在草稿纸、试卷上答题一律无效。 第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共60分)


从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 1.Earth is only home to everyone.Let’s try to make it greener world to live in. A.a;a B.the;a C.a;the D.the;the

2.—How are the two college students getting on with their project work? —Pretty well. of them enjoys working with the local students. A.Both B.All C.Each D.Any

3.To people’s great surprise,the old building still after the strong earthquake. A.refused B.remained C.required D.reviewed

4.I know the city well that I don’t need to use a map to get around. A.quite B.very C.so D.such 5.—Thanks for looking after me my illness,Millie. —Don’t mention it.That’s what friends are for.

A.through B.against C.with D.across

6.Some teenage art lovers will the school Drama Club next week.

A.come up with B.try out for C.carry on with D.look around for

7.By taking an online spoken English course,I find much simpler to speak English. A.this B.that C.it D.one

8.—Mrs Brown,how long can books from the school library ? —At most two weeks.

A.borrow B.keep C.be borrowed D.be kept

9.It is almost half a year workers started building the underground Line 1 in Nantong. A.when B.since C.before D.after

10.Mr Jiang isn’t as busy as before because there no home robot to help him. A.used to be B.may be C.used to have D.may have 11.—Which team do you expect to win the 2018 World Cup?

—Brazil, although it was only the world’s fourth team in the last World Cup. A.good B.better C.The best D.best

12.The students' interest in Chinese paper-cut a lot after a folk artist gave them a talk . A.Has risen B.rose C.rises D.Was rising

13.— are you handing out the leaflets for?


—To ask people to care more about the left-behind children. A.How B.Why C.What D.Who 14.—Could you tell me ?

—It’s about how a group of super-heroes try to save humans. A.when was the film Avengers Assemble 3 shown B.when the film Avengers Assemble 3 was shown C.what story the film Avengers Assemble 3 tells us D.what story the film Avengers Assemble 3 told us 15.—May I use the mobile for a while,Mum?

— .You even haven’t started doing your homework!

A.No way B.I quite agree C.I’m afraid so D.No problem 二、完型填空(本题共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的ABCD四个选项,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 Stitch after stitch,Amy is embroidering(刺绣)her hand-made napkin.

“Well,Amy,how are you getting on?” cried Lizzy,whose 16 seemed to fly over her work. “Not very fast,”replied quiet little Amy.Meanwhile, she didn’t 17 her eyes,“I have almost finished one side.”

“One side!”said Lizzy,with an unpleasant laugh,“Why,we both began sewing(缝制)at the same time,and I’m now at the fourth side of mine!”

“I know that I am 18 ,but I’ll try to be steady(稳的),and to do my best.”said the little girl,as she went on with her work.

“As I sew so fast,”cried Lizzy,“I’m sure to have finished my napkin 19 before the bell rings for dinner.I’ll just run for a minute to the garden,to see if the roses are out:”—so, leaving her work on a chair,Lizzy 20 out of the room.

Amy longed for the fresh air and the flowers,but her work must first be done.Steadily she laid down her sister came back.

“Ah,you slow little thing!”cried Lizzy.“You will 22 get up to me.I’ll have time to go to my room and put up my new picture on the wall.”

Off went joyful little Lizzy,Amy went on with her work.Before her sister 23 the room again,the third side of her napkin was done.

“Had you not better finish your sewing?”said Amy.“It must be near the time for 24 .”

“Oh! I can finish it in two minutes,only I want to read that storybook,which Tom told us was so funny.” “What if you 25 ?” “No fear of that!”cried Lizzy,“No one is so likely to be as a slow little thing like you!

Poor Amy made no 26 , quietly she worked on.Lizzy was soon deep in her story and she forgot all about her 27 ,till suddenly the sound of the bell woke her up.

“Can it be dinner-time”she cried.“Oh dear,and my napkin is not hemmed!And yours—” “It is 28 finished,”said Amy,as she quietly put it away. “This is much like ‘The Hare and the Tortoise’,the faster,but not the winner,”thought Lizzy,who,though proud,had enough 29 to take a lesson:The quick,proud may have the 30 ,but the quiet,steady may do more in the end.

( )16. A.fingers B.eyes C.feet D.body ( )17. A.touch B.open C.raise D.cover


( )18. A.careful B.nervous C.unusual D.slow ( )19. A.long B.soon C.only D.suddenly ( )20. A.stepped B.jogged C.flew D.looked ( )21. A.first B.second C.third D.fourth ( )22. A.never B.surely C.always D.finally ( )23. A.tidied B.left C.cleaned D.entered ( )24. A.breakfast B.lunch C.dinner D.bed

( )25. A.can B.can’t C.should D.shouldn’t ( )26. A.choice B.decision C.mistake D.reply ( )27. A.story B.rose C.work D.sister ( )28. A.even B.just C.almost D.hardly ( )29. A.sense B.feeling C.attention D.pride ( )30. A.change B.progress C.start D.luck 三、阅读理解(本题共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)



Do you know five of the smallest countries of the world are in Europe? They’re commonly know as the microstates. Andorra

It's in the Mount Pyrenees,which separates France and Spain.It is about 470 square kilometers and has a population of about 70, 000.While Andorrans make up only about one-third of the population,almost half are Spanish and the rest are Portuguese and French.The official language is Catalan. Liechtenstein

It is a principality.Its area of 160 square kilometers is home to 33,000 people who speak mostly German.There is great skiing here. San Marino

As one of the world's oldest republics,it covers an area of 61 square kilometers.It has a population of about 28,000 and they speak Italian there.Tourism is the main industry,but banking,clothing,wine,and cheese are also important to the country. Monaco

It is located(位于)on the Mediterranean Sea along the coast of France,not far from the Italian border.It has a population of 32,000 and is only 2 square kilometers!It is the world’s most densely(密集的)populated country!Many wealthy people choose to live here.Most of them are French or Italian. Vatican City

Known as Roman Catholic Church,Vatican City is the world's smallest country,measuring only 0. 44 square kilometers.Surprisingly,it is located in Rome,the capital city of Italy.Although it is home to only 890 citizens,3,000 people from Rome work here every day.Millions of tourists visit each year to see its buildings and famous artwork.

31.How many Spanish are in Andorra?

A.About 70,000. B.About 23,000.

C.About 35,000. D.About 12,000.


32.Which country does the number ② in the picture refer(指)to?

A.Andorra. B.Liechtenstein. C.San Marino. D.Monaco. 33.Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A.Skiing is very popular in Liechtenstein. B.Banking is the main industry of San Marino.

C.Liechtenstein has fewer people than San Marino. D.Vatican City,the capital city of Italy, is in Rome.


A TV program“National Treasure”has become a huge hit since last December. It is another cultural TV program on CCTV that has ever had wonderful successes in China,alter the“Chinese Character Dictation Competition”in 2013,the“Chinese Idiom Competition”in 2014.the“Chinese Riddle Competition”in 2016,and the“Chinese Poetry Competition”in 2017. The TV program has ten episodes(集). Across them,a total of 27 national treasures from nine major Chinese museums were presented.The program brings these relics (古物)to life and displays their unique beauty through different artistic methods. The opening episode showed three of China's finest cultural treasures from the Palace Museum in Beijing.Famous actors Li Chen,Wang Kai and Tony Leung played the“national treasure guardians”of each item.They told not only the mysteries behind the treasures but also their own stories about them.

Li Chen plays Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty,and tells the history of a precious painting“A Panorama of Rivers and Mountains”by Wang Ximeng from the Song Dynasty.

Wang Kai,acting as Emperor Qianlong(1711—1799)of the Qing Dynasty(1644—1911),presented the historical background of“Large Vase with Variegated Glazes”.The vase has 17 kinds of glaze(釉)and 12 paintings,and had to be re-fired several times in its production.During the rule of Qianlong,China's porcelain(制瓷的)techniques were the finest in the world.

Hong Kong actor Tony Leung is the national treasure guardian of the 23-hundred-year-old stone drum and plays Sima Guang(1019-1086)from the Northern Song Dynasty.Sima Guang and his father Sima Chi worked hard to find the real stone drums and protected them in the past.

“As a culture show,‘National Treasure’aims to bring history to life.We want our viewers to feel that the cultural relics are like people and that they have their own personalities and lives,”said Yu Lei,producer of the program,“people's interest in culture as well as the tradition and workmanship of the Chinese nation has become a trend(潮流).This has encouraged us to better

promote(弘扬)our fine culture.We hope through the program,more and more people will go into museums to enjoy the beauty of relics.”

34.What type of TV show is \?

A.A culture show. B.A travel show.

C.A music show. D.A chat show. 35.What did Sima Guang do for protecting national treasures?

A.He told the mysteries behind the national treasures. B.He painted“A Panorama of Rivers and Mountains”.

C.He re-fired“Large Vase with Variegated Glazes”several times. D.He found and protected the real stone drums with his father. 36.What can you learn from the passage?

A.The“Chinese Poetry Competition”became nationwide popular in 2013.

B.The Palace Museum presented three treasures from the Song Dynasty.


C.China's porcelain techniques were the finest in the world in the 17th century. D.Nine major museums presented 27 national treasures in ten episodes. 37.The purpose of the TV program“National Treasure”is to . ① better promote Chinese fine culture ②tell viewers the relics don't have lives

③invite its viewers to play the roles of the guardians ④encourage more people to enjoy relics in museums

A.①② B.②③ C.①④ D.③④


Don't Let Anxiety Hold You Back from Living Your Dreams

Anxiety is the state of feeling nervous,worried or fearful.When you're anxious,you may feel something bad is going to happen.

When you think of starting a new project or going into a group situation with people you don't know,do you feel butterflies in your stomach?Do you come up with lots of reasons not to do fun but risky things like joining a hiking club or a volunteer organization? If these happen,it shows that you are probably anxious,and your anxiety will stop you from going after your dreams.Actually,anxiety feeds on avoidance and makes you less confident,while getting started and taking action help your anxiety go down.But where do you begin?

These suggestions below will let you be the master of your anxiety,rather than letting it master you. ◆ Don't wait for your anxiety to go down

Your anxiety won't go down on its own.However,when you take action towards your goals instead of considering what anxiety you have,you will build self-efficacy(自我效能)little by little—you begin to see yourself as someone who can take action and be successful even when you're feeling anxious. ◆ Set a realistic goal that makes sense for you

We all have different personalities and preferences.We don't all want to be lawyers,have hundreds of friends,or run marathons.Whatever you want,just figure out what is the simplest thing you can do to get started.Set your goal specifically,for example,“walk for 20 minutes three times next week”.You can't climb a mountain all at once and you're more likely to achieve your goal with

inside motivation(动机)than when you're Just trying to please others. ◆ Trust the process(过程) Faith(信仰)is the first step to take action.Even if you don't have faith to begin with,faith will come if you just take that first step.The more you take action,the more likely you are to have some successes and begin to trust the process,I often start writing a blog post not knowing exactly what I 'm going to write.Now I've understood that if I share messages with my readers sincerely,then the content will appear naturally and anxiety will reduce slowly. ◆ …

38.When you“feel butterflies in your stomach”,you may feel .

A.successful B.humorous C.lonely D.fearful 39.Which situation shows that you may feel anxious? A.Gettig into a group situation with your friends. B.Making an excuse for not doing a risky activity. C.Being willing to work as a community volunteer. D.Feeling confident to join the school hiking club. 40.From the passage we know that .

A.Avoidance makes anxiety stronger and stronger


B.Anxiety can help you build self-efficacy gradually C.You should achieve your goal by pleasing others D.Faith won't come even if you begin to take action 41.What is the fourth suggestion probably about?

A.Anxicty will prevent you from living your dream. B.Anxiety will make you worry about bad situation.

C.You should cheer for yourself to control anxiety. D.You should set a meaningful goal to get started.


“Will you come with us,Susan?”cried several girls.“We are going to the woods,do come,too.” “I should like to go with you,”replied Susan,“but I can't finish the task Grandmother set me to do.” “How boring it must be to stay at home to work on a holiday!”said one of them,shaking her head.“Susan's grandmother is too strict.”

At this,Susan lowered her head,wiped away a tear,and thought of the pleasant afternoon the girls would spend gathering wild flowers.

Soon she said to herself,“What harm can there be in moving the mark Grandmother put?The woods must be beautiful today,and how I should like to be there!” “Grandmother,”said she,a few minutes afterwards,“I'm ready now.”

“What,so soon,Susan?”Her grandmother took the work,and looked at it very closely. “True,Susan,”said she,“true,I have counted it,and,as you’ve never deceived(欺骗)me,you may go and enjoy yourself.”

Susan's face turned red,and she did not say“thank you”.As she left,she walked slowly away,not singing as usual. “Why,here is Susan!”the girls cried.“But what is the matter? Why have you left your dear grandmother?”they jokingly added. “it's nothing.”As Susan replied,she felt she was trying to deceive herself.

When the girl had reached an open space,they ran about enjoying themselves except Susan.Sitting on the grass,how she wished she were at home confessing(承认) her fault. After a while Rose cried out,“Let’s make a crown of violets,and put it on the head of the best girl here.” “It will be easy enough to make the crown.but not so easy to decide who is to wear it,”said Julia. “Why,Susan is to wear it,of course,”said Rose,“is she not said to be the best girl in school and the most obedient(顺从的) at home?”

“Yes,yes,the crown shall be for Susan,”cried the other girls. “Now,Susan,”said Rose,“put it on in a very careful way,for you are to be our queen. The crown was placed on Susan’s head.But in a moment,she snatched it off,threw it on the ground and said,“No crown for me;I do not deserve(值得)it.”

The girls looked at her with surprise.“I have deceived my grandmother,”said she,while tears flowed down her cheeks.

“Do you think that bad?”asked one of the girls.

“I’m sure it is and I have been miserable all the time I have been here.” Susan ran home,as soon as she saw Grandmother,she cried,“()Grandmother!I should be punished,for I moved the mark.Do forgive me;I am very sorry and unhappy.”

“Susan,”said her grandmother,“I knew it all the time,but I let you go ou,hoping that you can realize your fault.I am so glad that you have confessed your fault.”


“Now!”was the quick reply,and Susan's grandmother kissed her forehead. 42.Which is the correct order of the things below?

a.The girls made a crown of violets in the woods. b.Susan said sorry to Grandmother for her fault. c.Susan's grandmother set her to do the work. d.The girls invited Susan to play in the woods. e.Susan threw the violet crown on the ground.

A.c-d-a-e-b B.c-b-d-a-e C.d-b-a-e-c D.a-e-c-d-b 43.According to the passage,we can see Susan's grandmother .

A.was always very strict with Susan B.didn't know Susan was lying at first C.could think about Susan’s feelings D.still didn't forgive Susan the end

44.The meaning of the underlined word“miserable”is close to .

A.surprised B.excited C.regretful D.cheerful 45.Which can be the best title for this passage?

A.A pleasant afternoon trip B.No crown for me

C.A kind-hearted grandmother D.A deserving crown for me

第Ⅱ卷(非选择题 共60分)

第Ⅱ卷共36小题,请将答案按要求写在答题卡上。 四、词汇(本题共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

A.请根据括号中的中文提示、英文释义或句意,写出句中所缺单词,使句子通顺。 46.In Western culture,“Black (星期五)”sometimes represents an unlucky day.

47.How calm and brave the command (飞行员)was to fly the plane back safely in such a dangerous situation!

48.We don’t (be not sure if something is true)the great achievements China has made in the past 40 years. 49.The Chens have moved into a new flat,leaving their old house (having nobody inside). 50.Spud Web’s success proves that one can hardly realize his dream hard work. B.请根据句意从方框中选择合适的单词,并用其适当形式填空,使句子通顺。

silent sun secretary visit complete

51.Two are needed by this world-famous international company.

52.The taxi driver found a foreign passport and returned it to him at once.

53.You can have a bird’s-eye view of the whole city on a day on the mountain top. 54.Mr Wu,I can't understand the ancient poem .Could you explain it to me? 55.Though people often say is gold,it's better for students to be active in class.


imagine warm beat work match 56.Listen!How heavily the rain against the car windows!


57.Emily,don’t feed tigers and lions in the zoo.I you many times.

58.The police have found out that the suspect’s fingerprints those left at the scene. 59.─What is Su Ning’s job?

─She’s a manager.But she once as an accountant in a big company for 5 years. 60.─Why didn’t you hear me when I called your name in class?

─Sorry,sir.I how to spend the coming summer holiday. 五、句型转换(本题共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)

请根据要求改写下列句子,每空一词。 61.Cathy has an egg for breakfast every day.(对画线部分提问)

Cathy have for breakfast every day? 62.Telling the truth is a very honest act.(改为感叹句) honest act telling the truth is!

63.The boy is very clever.He can work out difficult problems.(合并为一句)

It is very clever the boy work out difficult problems. 64.Let's discuss who we’ll choose as the new chairperson of the organization.(改为简单句) Let's discuss choose as the new chairperson of the organization. 65.Does your PE teacher teach you Chinese kung fu?(改为被动语态)

you Chinese kung fu by your PE teacher? 六、短文填空(本题共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


Part-time jobs are great for young people.They allow teenagers and young adults to gain a little job(66)e and make a bit of money too.Compared with other hobbies and activities,part-time jobs are healthier and better help teenagers(67)p for adult life.Of course,for students,doing a part-time job should never be more important than(68)s for good grades.

There are so many different part-time jobs for you to(69)c from.A few of the most common ones are restaurant waiters,store salesmen and park workers.These are all jobs that only need you to work(70)b ten and twenty hours per week.Besides,they don’t require much work experience.So you can learn how to do the job(71)e while you are working.

You can learn great lessons from a part-time job.Some are about how to work with others,some are about how to be on time and (72)o are about how to work hard.These are all necessary lessons you will use later in life.A survey shows that the young adults who do not have part-time jobs are(73)l prepared for life than those who do.

It is great to earn money for the first time from a part-time job.Then how do you usually (74)s the money from a part-time job?It can be used to save for college education or favorite things.Maybe you will find it's harder to use money you made than that your parents gave you!Yet it can right teach you the(75)v of money.

66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 七、阅读与回答问题(本题共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)



76.Why did Stephen and Andersen have the charity walk?

77.Which state did they start off from?

78.Where did they sleep during the journey?

79.What do you think of Dimitri Olympidis?

80.How would you like to help with charity work?(请自拟一句话作答)

八、书面表达(本题满分20分) 81.“南通市安全教育平台”让广大中小学生学到了很多安全知识。假如你是Jack,你的英国朋友Simon想了解平台的相关内容,请你根据下表提示用英语写一篇短文,从提供的六个类别里选择两个,跟 Simon谈谈相应的保护自身安全的措施,并分享你的体会。

Contents Categories(类别) 第9页

(内容) fire safety traffic safety natural disasters food safety Internet safety accidental injuries Solutions(措施) Understanding(体会) ……(请按你自选的两类内容分别写两点) treasure life;…(请写1~2点) 提示词汇:accidental injuries意外伤害 treasure珍爱 vt. 注意:1.短文中应包含所要求的信息,可以适当发挥。

2.词数90左右,开头和结尾已经写好,不计入总词数。 3.短文中中请勿提及真实校名及姓名。 Dear Simon,

Safety is very important.Our government especially pays attention to teenage safety.A website called nantong. sa fetree. com helps us gain a lot of knowledge of safety.On the website,I have learned a lot.





1~5:BCBCC 6~10:BCDBA 11~15:DBCCA



16~20:BCDAA 21~25:BADCB 26~30:DCBBC 三、阅读理解

31~35:CDAAD 36~40:DCDBA 41~45:CACCB 四、词汇

A.46.Friday 47.pilot 48.doubt 49.empty 50.without B.51.secretaries 52.visitor’s 53.sunny 54.completely 55.silence

C.56.is beating 57.have warned 58.match 59.worked 60.was imaging 五、句型转换

61.What does 62.What an 63.of;to 64.who(m) to 65.Are;taught 六、短文填空

66.experience 67.prepare 68.studying 69.choose 70.between 71.easily 72.others 73.less 74.save 75.value 七、阅读与回答问题 76.Because they wanted to raise money for the Purple Heart Fund,a charity providing military veterans with financial support and more. 77.Delaware.

78.They slept outdoors or in a hotel. 79.He’s kind and friendly.

80.I can raise money for it./I can tell about the charity to my friends.(答案不唯一) 八、书面表达

One possible version: Dear Simon,

Safety is very important.Our government especially pays attention to teenage safety.A website called nantong.sa fetree. com helps us gain a lot of knowledge of safety.On the website,I have learned a lot.

Food safety is the most common problem with us students.We should stay away from fast food.Perhaps fast food is delicious,but it’s bad for our health.Some dishes and food may be expired and you shouldn't eat them the next day,especially the dishes and food that were put into the fridge the night before.I once ate the dishes in the fridge.The next day,when I got to school,I had a stomachache.At least you should heat it enough before you eat them.Next,the traffic safety is also a big problem.It's necessary for us to obey the traffic rules,especially when we’re on the way to school or back home.Pay more attention to the traffic lights.Don't cross the road when the light is red.We should always go on the right side.Don't ride bikes side by side.

All in all,we must realize the danger around us and treasure our lives.Safety is always the first priority.

Yours Jack



16~20:BCDAA 21~25:BADCB 26~30:DCBBC 三、阅读理解

31~35:CDAAD 36~40:DCDBA 41~45:CACCB 四、词汇

A.46.Friday 47.pilot 48.doubt 49.empty 50.without B.51.secretaries 52.visitor’s 53.sunny 54.completely 55.silence

C.56.is beating 57.have warned 58.match 59.worked 60.was imaging 五、句型转换

61.What does 62.What an 63.of;to 64.who(m) to 65.Are;taught 六、短文填空

66.experience 67.prepare 68.studying 69.choose 70.between 71.easily 72.others 73.less 74.save 75.value 七、阅读与回答问题 76.Because they wanted to raise money for the Purple Heart Fund,a charity providing military veterans with financial support and more. 77.Delaware.

78.They slept outdoors or in a hotel. 79.He’s kind and friendly.

80.I can raise money for it./I can tell about the charity to my friends.(答案不唯一) 八、书面表达

One possible version: Dear Simon,

Safety is very important.Our government especially pays attention to teenage safety.A website called nantong.sa fetree. com helps us gain a lot of knowledge of safety.On the website,I have learned a lot.

Food safety is the most common problem with us students.We should stay away from fast food.Perhaps fast food is delicious,but it’s bad for our health.Some dishes and food may be expired and you shouldn't eat them the next day,especially the dishes and food that were put into the fridge the night before.I once ate the dishes in the fridge.The next day,when I got to school,I had a stomachache.At least you should heat it enough before you eat them.Next,the traffic safety is also a big problem.It's necessary for us to obey the traffic rules,especially when we’re on the way to school or back home.Pay more attention to the traffic lights.Don't cross the road when the light is red.We should always go on the right side.Don't ride bikes side by side.

All in all,we must realize the danger around us and treasure our lives.Safety is always the first priority.

Yours Jack


