2016-2017学年度上学期九年级英语期中测试 - 图文

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2016-2017学年度第一学期 九年级英语期中测试题

班级:_________学号:______ 姓名:_________ 成绩:________

( 全卷共 8 页,满分120分,时间100分 )


A. 听句子(本部分共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)

根据所听句子的内容和所提的问题,选择符合题意的图画回答问题,每小题听一遍。 ( )1.What didn’t the customer want to eat?

( )2.What is the most helpful invention?

( )3.What hasn’t been listed?

( )4.Who were saved?


( )5.What did the man invent years ago?



( )6.Who was the instrument invented by?

A. Edison B.I don’t know. C. Walt 听第二段对话,回答第7小题

( )7.When was the TV invented?

A.1921 B.1927 C.1971 听第三段对话,回答第8小题

( )8.What does the woman want?

A. A basket B. A basketball C. A message 听第四段对话,回答第9小题

( )9.What are they talking about?

A.A light B. A school C. A scoop 听第五段对话,回答第10 小题

( )10. What makes the woman become sick?

A. Eating a lot of potato chips. B. Eating a lot with the man. C. Eating a lot of fried chicken. 听第六段对话,回答第11-12小题

( )11. How long does Lily want to have off?

A.2days B.3 days C.4 days ( )12.Why does she want to have off?

A. Because she is badly ill. B. Because she is in bad mood. C. Because her father is badly ill. 听第七段对话,回答第13-15小题 ( )13.What’s in the handbag?

A.4000 yuan B. An ID card C. A and B ( )14.Where did the woman leave her handbag?

A. On a train. B. In a taxi. C. On a bus. ( )15.What number did the woman remember?

A.567287 B.567389 C. 767309


( )16.The satellites go around _________.

A. the moon B. the earth C. the stars

( )17. Man-made satellites are __________ to people.

A. useful B. not necessary C. unknown

( )18.People can use satellites to send_________.

A. message B. TV C. computer


( )19.Satellites can also help us to _________ around the world.

A. bring people B. make telephones call C. take pictures of other people

( )20.________ countries can send up man-made satellites into space. A. No B. Many C. A few

D.听填信息,完成表格(听两遍) The Car Inventor Henry Ford He was the (21)____________ inventor of the car. He has (22)____________ brothers and sisters. He became interested in (23) ___________ and machines when he was a boy. He (24)_____________ 3.5 dollars every week when he was young. Hard life made him (25)_________________. 二、单项填空(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)

( )26. Look! That cloud is in ___ _ shape of a horse. A. a B. an C. the D. /

( )27. -- How do you learn English?

--By _______ tapes.

A. listening B. listening to C. listen to D. listen

( )28.They’re practicing ____ the new song.

A. to sing B. sing C. to singing D. singing

( )29. If you don’t know the meaning of a new word, you can ______in a dictionary.

A. look it up B .look it at C. look after it D. look up it

( )30. The more you practice, the _______ you’ll be.

A. good B. better C. well D. best ( )31. It usually ______ Mom half an hour to cook dinner.

A. pays B. takes C. spends D. costs ( )32. I wonder ___ _ she will come to help you.

A. that B. if C. where D. who ( )33. Guangzhou is known ____________ delicious food.

A. with B. for C. as D. to ( )34.This picture is similar that one.

A. with B. by C. to D. between

( )35. bad weather we had yesterday! It rained all day.

A. What B. What a C. How D. How a

( )36. Look! This house is made _________ stone.

A. by B. from C. of D. in

( )37. I used to afraid of _____ alone.

A. being; being B. be; being C. being; be D. be; be ( )38. You used to be really quiet, ___________?

A. didn’t you B. did you C. do you D. don’t you ( )39. _______ the students in the school is about 3000, and _______them are girls.

A. A number of; the number of B. The number of; a number of C. The number of; the number of D. A number of ; a number of

( )40. —Could you please tell me ________? —Tomorrow morning.

A. when shall I get to the post office B. how long can I keep the book C. where I shall take the early bus D. when we shall leave for Beijing



We are living a fast life .It seems that everything has to be fast, for example, 41 food, fast Internet, fast roads, fast money.Every day we try to get things done 42 , but there are some moments that we have to slow down and enjoy our lives.

We are always busy every day.I 43 to work eight hours or more a day at my full-time job.When I get home, it's always over seven o'clock.I make an effort(努力) to 44__ something.I try to find a bit of time for my hobby-writing.I hardly ever write and work _45_ weekends.Those are my days to try to recharge(休整)and reduce(减少) the stress from my work.I sleep on the sofa during the day, 46 some beer in the open air or go out for a picnic if the weather is nice.

What I'm trying to say is this: if you don't take 47 ___to slow down once in a while(偶尔) and enjoy your life, it will pass you by.You can be unhealthy both in body and mind if you don't take the time to relax.So this weekend, don't make any 48 .Just get up on Saturday morning 49 your body says it's time to get up.Make some coffee, step outside and get 50 fresh morning air, turn on the radio and prepare yourself for nothing.

( )41.A.good B.fast C.slow D.cold ( )42.A.specially B.seriously C.directly D.quickly ( )43.A.have B.has C.had D.having ( )44.A.drink B.buy C.write D.say ( )45.A.with B.except C.in D.on ( )46.A.eat B.drink C.take D.get ( )47.A.some times B.sometime C. some time D.sometimes ( )48.A.plans B.plan C.mistake D.mistakes ( )49.A.but B.when C.what D.so ( )50.A.any B.many C.no D.some


阅读A、B两篇短文,并做每篇短文后的题目。从每小题所给的四个选项中,选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。 A Come and join the concert Famous Hong Kong pop singer, G.E.M.(Deng Ziqi), is holding her concert in Tianhe Stadium from March 3rd-5th in Guangzhou City. G.E.M. is well-known as a young pop singer in Cantonese(粤语). Come and enjoy her wonderful performances. Ticket price: Adults, 480RMB each person. Kids 280RMB for each. Show time: 8:30pm-10:30pm. All kinds of books on sale now The latest published books are on sale now for the coming 15th Reading Festival in Xinhua Book Store, Huanan Normal University. Novels and stories Books in 36 languages Information about the world Crazy English Food around the world All the books are now 20% off ! Children musical carnival(狂欢节) Weather in different places This is a fun time for the kids. There is much Most places will stay dry and sunny, music suitable for young listeners, dancing especially in Yunnan Province and Guizhou 4

and theaters. Time: April 3, Sat, 6:00 pm. During the carnival, there are lots of selections from the Music Carnival program performed by pop singers. S. H. E. JAY CHOU . All seats 35 RMB Each adult must come with a child Province. In the middle area of the main land, there is a light rain in Hubei Province. To the east, Shanghai will have a heavy rain. Suzhou with cloud over rain.

( )51.G. E.M. is a _______pop singer who is holding her concert in Guangzhou.

A. Guizhou B. Hong Kong C. Hubei D. Suzhou ( )52.If you go to Guangzhou on 7th of March, ________.

A. you can enjoy the concert B. you will have to pay more for the concert C. you will fail to enjoy the concert D. you will be just in time for the concert ( )53.Books are 20% off in ________.

A. Tianhe Stadium B. a university C. Shanghai D. a music carnival ( )54.The tickets of the musical carnival will cost adults and children ________.

A.480RMB B.280RMB C. 35RMB D. none ( )55. Which of the following statement is TRUE?

A. G.E.M. will hold her concert on 3rd, March. B. All kinds of books are sold in the Xin Xin Book Store in a university. C. Children’s carnival will start at 8:30pm in Tianhe Stadium. D. The 35-year-old John can attend Jay Chou’s performance if he goes alone.


Have you ever thought about how the body changes? Up till about the age of eight or nine, girls and boys look quite alike. They have similarly shaped bodies and their voices sound almost the same. As they grow, all their organs (器官) grow, too.

After about the age of ten, eleven or twelve, boys’ and girls’ bodies start changing. This time of change is called puberty . These changes occur to prepare their bodies for having children when they are older.

The changes don’t happen to everyone at the same time. Each person has a unique (唯一) body-development time. By the time they are eighteen, the changes are usually complete. Girls start changing some years earlier than boys. Until they’re fifteen or so, they grow faster than boys of the same age. As years go by, boys usually catch up and grow taller and stronger than girls. Girls grow taller and heavier as well, their faces, breasts (胸部) and hips become fuller. In addition to all the changes you can see – at the same time, things are happening inside your body that you can’t see.

( ) 56. After reading the passage, we can guess that the word ―puberty‖ means ________.

A.青春期. B. 哺乳期 C. 老年期 D.更年期

( ) 57. Boys and girls ________ up till about the age of eight or nine.

A. have almost the same shaped bodies B. look quite different C. sound different when they speak D. change a lot

( ) 58. According to the text, the changes during puberty start at about the age of ________.


A. 8 or 9 B. 11 or 12 C. 15 or 16 D. 17 or 18 ( ) 59. The changes that take place in boys’ and girls’ bodies ________. A. start when they are tall enough B. happen when they are 18 C. happen in their own time D. start at the same time ( ) 60. From this text we learn that ________.

A. all the changes in puberty can be seen B. boys start changing earlier than girls C. girls grow faster than boys D. some important changes can’t be seen


配对阅读。请阅读以下左栏人员的信息,然后与右栏的广告相匹配。 ( ) 61.Cathy likes watching A. How to avoid H1N1: A lecture about the common movies very much. She likes medical knowledge given by Dr. Kwo, a professor from watching scary movies. Zhongshan Medical University. ( ) 62. The Smiths heard the B. How to help people in trouble: A hotline on radio news about the earth-quake broadcast about the drought(干旱) happening in Yunnan, and happening in Wenchuan, give listeners advice the way to give help to the suffers(受害Sichuan Province. They want to 者). do something for the children C. Twilight(《暮光之城》): A magical and technical scary who can not go to school. movie about werewolves(狼人)and bloodsuckers(吸血鬼). ( ) 63.Jessie is a middle D. Money raised for school loss(失学的)children: A party school student. She gets cold ceremony(仪式)for raising money for poor country mountain easily these days. She is afraid village children who lose the chance of getting education. of getting terrible flu(流感). E. Educational radio: Radio broadcast has certain ( ) 64. Mother’s Day is programs to teach foreigners to learn Chinese. coming. Sonia wants to buy F. Flower store: A flower store with different kinds of something for her mother. Her flowers, every kind of them has its own meaning. The assistant mother likes flowers a lot. will help to prepare the flowers for you if you tell him or her ( ) 65. Perry is from Canada. the purpose(目的)you buy the flowers. He is not good at speaking G. Harry Porter and the Sorcerers Stone(《哈利波特与魔Chinese. He wants to learn 法石》): A magical movie about young Harry’s adventures at Chinese very much. the Hogwarts School. 五、短文填空(本大题有10小题,每小题1 分,共10分 )

The Chinese invented chopsticks.Chopsticks are __66_ for eating in China.When having dinner with Chinese friends,it is always better for foreigners to try 67__ how to use chopsticks.Using chopsticks to eat rice is a problem for most __68__.

My advice on eating rice 69 chopsticks is to bring your rice bowl close to your mouth and quickly scoop the rice into it with your chopsticks.

Chinese people think you can't enjoy the taste of Chinese food 70 you don't use chopsticks.Using two chopsticks to _71__ up rice and little pieces of meat and vegetables is actually not a difficult thing. In fact,there 72 foreigners who can use chopsticks as well as the Chinese.


According __73 superstition(迷信),if you are given a 74 of chopsticks,and the two chopsticks are not the same size by accident,it means you are going to miss a boat,plane or train.Besides that,dropping chopsticks may bring 75 luck.

六、完成句子(本大题有5小题,每小题2分,共10分) 76.你为什么不加入一个英语俱乐部来练习讲英语呢?

__________________you join an English club to practice speaking English? 77.他在上学的路上见到了一个钱包。

He found a wallet __________________________school . 78.过去我爸爸常常带我去听音乐会。

My father ________________________to concerts. 79.潍坊是山东的一座城市,它以风筝闻名。

Weifang is a city in Shandong. It _________________________ kites. 80.电话是在1876年被发明。



A. 信息归纳(本题共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)

When it comes to Nvember11, what’s on your mind? Well, as to the old generations(世代), it’s only an ordinary day. However, the young generations will consider it as the Singles’ Day as well as the online shopping carnival(狂欢). In fact, on November 11th, 2015, T-mall and Taobao (the biggest Chinese online shopping platform) have sold out more than 35 billion yuan goods. This data has astonished(吃惊的)the media(舆论界) at home and abrooad.

In 2010, Jack Ma, the CEO of T-mall and Taobao, had coined the term‖Double Eleven‖, aimed to encourage the single people to do someting to celebrate their own festival. Instead of dating lovers, people go online shopping to relieve the loneliness. According to the survey, China had 564 million Internet users at the end of last year and 180 million single people. And the single people are the main forces of the China’s spending power. The debut(初次登台) was a great success. Then ―11.11‖ has an unusual meaning, which stands for online shopping carnival.

Compared with the traditional shopping, the cyber(网络的)shopping has more distinguish features, which quite fit the young generations’ taste. People do not need to go outside, just click their mouse, the goods will be home. The best part is you can do it anywhere, anytime. All you need is a credit card(信用卡). What we can predict in the future is that online shopping is not going to fade away, instead, it will boost (增加)like the mushrooms after spring rain.

Information Card The young generations consider the Singles’ Day as 81._______________________. The amount of the goods that the T-mall and Taobao sell on 82.________________________. November11,2015 The number of the Internet users in China at the end of last 83.________________________. year The main forces of the China’s spending power of online 84._________________________. shopping The thing you need for online shopping



B. 书面表达(10分)


要求:80词左右,可适当发挥。开头及电子邮件的格式已给出,不计入总词数。 提示:1.你买了一件蓝色M号的丝绸衬衫,你喜欢它的颜色和款式(style)。 2.你妹妹买了一条蓝色M号的棉质牛仔裤。 3. 你上周日购物的感受以及对网购的看法。 Dear Betty,



Wang Li


