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2011级英语二班 20114031047 田琳

摘要:中国古代女性地位一直不高(母系社会时期除外)。“三从四德”一直压在女性身上,从出生时就被教育要有女德。要为夫生儿育女,为夫家传宗接代。女性一直被束缚在一个低下的确地位,但是有觉醒。本文从中国古代的政治体制、思想、经济及内在原因来分析中国女性的地位及其体现。然而在文章也会略微的说说中国女性的发展来进行对比研究。 关键字:中国古代女性地位 三从四德 体现


中国古代女性大体地位内容简介:中国古代女性地位一直不高(母系社会时期除外)。“三从四德”一直压在女性身上,从出生时就被教育要有女德。要为夫生儿育女,为夫家传宗接代。女性一直被束缚在一个低下的确地位。但是有觉醒。关键字词:中国古代女性地位 思想,经济政治及内在原因 觉醒男性和女性是历史文明的共同缔造者,在社会地位上应是平等的。可事实上却不是如此。从猿人变为人直到封建社会的确没落,女性地位有碍两个时期:一是母系社会时期以女性为主导,二是从父系社会时期开始女性一直处于附庸状态。母系社会是一个早期的农业种植时期,环境恶劣,人类生存能力差,经济生产能力掌握在女性手中。但是随着生产工具的发展,经济生产能力逐渐开始掌握在男性手中,并且随着历史的进一步向前发展,男性逐渐在生产中占据了主导地位,女性的地位在总体上一落千丈,虽然女性也有过不屈的抗争,但在总体上来说在往后的几千里都未曾改变。封建父权家长制度和封建道德规范使男女关系成为主从与尊卑关系。而“三从四德”①就是最好的体现。它们是为了维持父权制家庭稳定,根据“内外有别,男尊女卑”的原则,儒家礼教规范要求妇女的道德、行为与修养的准则。其中“四德”是为“三从”而存在,日后更成为中国妇女的道德、行为、能力和修养的标准。何谓“三从四德”。“三从”既是“在家从父,既嫁从夫,夫死从子”,“四德”是‘妇德、妇言、妇容、妇功“。这是历史束缚妇女的思想根源,使得大多妇女不为自己的地位而反抗。而第二个原因是中国古代妇女在社会生产中的从属地位及政治经济权利被剥夺的社会根源。庆华在《封建私有制与中国古代妇女从属地位及社会成人身份丧失——以中国古代妇女的经济活动为例》中提到:随朝以前,妇女广泛活跃在国家经济领域中,而妇女以纺织为主的“妇功”是封建国家及家庭的重要经济来源,但仍是以男性为主导,“妇功”只不过是个体农业的辅助与补充。封建私有制中规定规定家庭财产的所有权归男性,所以妇女即使在其中做出了贡献,也只能隐匿与男性背后,使她们丧失了自己的独立地位。②随炀帝是规定:妇女不再纳课。也就意味着妇女从此不再受田,也不再为国家承担赋役,也就是占人口半数的妇女从此退出了国家经济领域。虽然此后的租庸调制依然是按照男耕女织的模式制定出来,但是妇女的劳动已经不再得到国家、社会的承认??也使妇女进一步丧失了家庭经济地位。③而牺牲小我,成全大我的牺牲精神是内在原因。古代妇女的婚姻都是“父母之命,媒妁之言”。纳妾制又是一个很好的体现。“三妻四妾”使得中国古代妇女的婚姻毫无保障。失去丈夫的宠爱,在家中毫无依靠成为了每个妇女最为担心的事。因此对于丈夫的纳妾不会反驳(当然家里有地位的不会接受),以期丈夫不会厌恶自己并对自己保留一份心意。老子要求道教尊重女性,提升女性意识,这是起了理论上的先导作用。女性对于其地位并非不反抗。《孔雀东南飞》中的刘兰芝就是一例:在焦母逐其出门时的不卑不亢,对于兄


Foreign scholars due to the influence of the national culture, history and values, and inadequate understanding of Chinese culture, failed to completely get rid of the shackles of \to achieve put Chinese female problems in China's specific social and history to know in the first place. Therefore, on the basis of predecessors' research, this article from the philosophical level, based on the basic theory of marxism and marxism women emancipate the mind, draw lessons from the beneficial thought resources of western feminist theory, in the present China's women development prospect in one hundred under the premise of clear the present situation and the existing problems in the development of Chinese women, exploring the root of the problem is, in reality on the basis of exploring the way of further development for women. c\is a western feminist movement, the banner of a dagger also is the core of the Chinese women's liberation movement target. After the taiping heavenly kingdom movement, the movement, the reform movement of xinhai revolution, the may fourth movement, the national revolution, the Anti-Japanese War, liberation war, China's \formed, the deepening and actively practice. After the founding of new China, countries pay more attention to in the form of legislation to establish and protet the rights of women's social status and, in terms of the constitution, with the protection of women's rights of the People's Republic of China \the main body, including the national all kinds of special laws, administrative regulations, local regulations and government departments of a complete set of the law to protect women's rights to promote equality between men and women business system. The realization of \

History: one hundred women widely and difficult social participation. Both the world and China, \of the family, to society\from the traditional role of a family slave and fertility tools, to widely participate in social economic, political, and cultural activities of rights is the core target of the women's liberation movement - \the first point. At present, Chinese women have been out of the family widely participate in social, women of real progress in education, employment and politics is demonstrated. However, women's social participation has not all been plain sailing. Women compared with men in terms of education, employment and politics is a large gap, truly, truly, the characterization of the contemporary Chinese women to participate in society to \

Contemporary Chinese women's development. Current development condition how Chinese women? Biased academic circles at home and abroad of see, therefore, clear the present China women development situation is very necessary. This kind of transparent embodied in two aspects. A, one hundred Chinese women development achievement is extraordinary. Chinese women's liberation and development has never been isolated, from beginning to end with social support; The realization of the \in the legislation is the system guarantee of the contemporary Chinese women's development; Chinese women a wide range of social participation is unable to deny the reality of the achievement. Second, current development of China's women problems. Legal equality is not equal to the fact of equality; Women's social participation \subject consciousness is awakening, but the development of the women themselves


The present development of Chinese women why problem fold? What is the root cause? Make an analysis in this chapter. One, the social productivity is the ultimate decisive force of women development: women have since ancient times is not oppressed phenomenon, but the product of the productivity development to a certain stage. Of women's liberation must be on the premise of the development of productive forces; The development of productive forces due to the physiological differences between the sexes increasingly narrow gap; China's current productivity development is inadequate fundamental reason for restricting the development of women. Second, social gender division of labor is the source of the contemporary Chinese women's development problem direct economic: labor gender division of labor is a common phenomenon in human history; Gender division of labor is a kind of grade division of labor; The present China, the traditional gender division of labor have changed, but has not been completely broken, but reappear in the form of a complicated and diversified; Hierarchical division of gender severely restricting women's development, first of all, the gender division of labor of curing created insurmountable boundaries, full of female development lag, has created the pattern of the rule of male and female attachment; Second, the hierarchical gender division of labor value judgement covers the history of the cooperation between labor directly leads to women's reproductive personal, housework grossly underestimated the value of women. Three, the feudal patriarchy culture is the soil for problem to the development of contemporary Chinese women: the feudal society, \patriarchal culture from the material, body and soul at all levels to carry on the omni-directional control women; The present China, the feudal patriarchal culture remains a strong inertia influence people, become a cultural barriers hindering the development of the female.

The realization of women's development in contemporary China. On the basis of in the development of Chinese women have good, how to seek the female's further development? To promote the further development of the female pathway is a conditional system: one, the height of the development of productive forces is the material basis for the development of women; Two, the equality of gender division of labor is a prerequisite for women development, which are embodied in the three links of mutual connection, first, the women to the society in an all-round way, male appropriate to return home. Secondly, the female fertility society value recognition and compensation; Third, housework salary to change, socialization; Three, the construction of advanced gender culture is the key to the development of women. Men and women development is a development, human development closely linked together. Female culture lead humanity out of the woods, doesn't mean that salvation was down to let a female alone, more the benefit of the influence of the women but for men, more to listen to the voices of women in the world, humans have more female character. The conclusion is put forward in the 21st century, the rise of women and the unprecedented development of the century. Gender limitations of Marx and Engels put forward beyond the \the development of the male and the whole development of human beings. This suggests that women development is by no means a narrow, hand in hand is the ultimate purpose of men and women.



②出自朱庆华 《封建私有制与中国古代妇女的从属地位及其社会性成人身份的丧失——以中国古代妇女的经济活动为例》

③李志生 《试论唐代后期妇女贞节的走强趋势》 ④同银娣 从《西厢记》《牡丹亭》《红楼梦》看元明清时期女性意识的

