
更新时间:2024-05-27 20:33:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载



摘 要




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China's agriculture is basically an order to meet domestic demand-oriented industries,the trade balance from the point of view,joining the WTO, China’s agricultural trade in most years has maintained a trade surplus; Join the WTO, China’s agricultural products exports in 2002 increased substantially. According to statistics,China's agricultural exports in 2001 was 16.07 billion U.S. dollars; to 2007 it was 37 billion U.S. dollars, compared with 2001, it increased by 130.30%; and in 2008, despite the impact of the global economic crisis, but China's agricultural exports has exceeded 40 billion U.S. dollars, still nearly 10% of the growth rate. However, as China to lower tariffs on agricultural imports, China's imports of agricultural products in the growth rate during this period also increased, exceeding the growth rate of exports of agricultural products, and even the phenomenon deficit. According to statistics, the import and export of agricultural products in China in 2005 amounted to 51.42 billion U.S. dollars, of which 23.39 billion U.S. dollars of agricultural exports and imports 28.03 billion U.S. dollars, up 27.4 percent, second only to the United States, the European Union and Japan of the world's fourth largest agricultural trade States. Although exports of agricultural products to achieve rapid growth for five consecutive years, China's agricultural products have emerged in foreign trade since 1984, the first deficit. At present, China's agricultural export trade growth while maintaining a certain speed, but the growth rate is declining, and many lost their traditional dominance of agricultural products, agricultural products face a lack of innovation emerging. In the long run, there are some problems of China's exports of agricultural products, in order to maintain steady growth in agricultural exports, it is necessary to identify and resolve issues.

In this paper, through the past 10 years the trade of China's agricultural exports, the study problems and find solutions.

Key words: agricultural products; exports; the status quo; issues; Countermeasures

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目 录

中文摘要 .................................................................................................................................... - 1 - 英文摘要 .................................................................................................................................... - 2 - 目 录 .................................................................................................................................... - 3 - 前 言 .................................................................................................................................... - 4 - 1 我国农产品出口的现状 ........................................................................................................ - 5 - 1.1 我国农产品出口的总体状况 ...................................................................................... - 5 - 1.2 我国农产品出口的结构状况 ...................................................................................... - 6 - 2 我国农产品出口存在的问题 ................................................................................................ - 8 - 2.1 市场结构过于集中 ...................................................................................................... - 8 - 2.2 国内农产品行业发展滞后 .......................................................................................... - 8 - 2.3 东西部农产品出口不平衡 ........................................................................................ - 10 - 2.4 国际市场遭受贸易壁垒 ............................................................................................ - 10 - 3 应对我国农产品出口问题的对策 ...................................................................................... - 12 - 3.1 调整产业结构,转变市场方向 ................................................................................ - 12 - 3.2 政府引导农产品行业发展 ........................................................................................ - 12 - 3.3 因地制宜,发展优势产业 ........................................................................................ - 14 - 3.4 积极应对贸易壁垒和纠纷 ........................................................................................ - 15 - 结 论 .................................................................................................................................. - 16 - 参考资料 .................................................................................................................................. - 17 - 后 记 .................................................................................................................................. - 18 -

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前 言



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1 我国农产品出口的现状

1.1 我国农产品出口的总体状况

中国加入WTO之初,曾有不少人士担忧中国农产品将遭受来自国外农产品的强劲冲击,因而动摇国本。加入WTO以来的七年多时间里,中国农产品在挑战中发展了自己,出口取得了不错的成效。从贸易差额上看,在加入WTO以前,中国农产品贸易在大部分年份都保持顺差;加入WTO后,2002年中国农产品出口大幅度增加。据统计, 2005年我国农产品出口总值达到275.8亿美元,比建国初期的5亿美元,增长近55倍;2007年我国农产品出口额为370.1亿美元,与2001年相比增长130.30%;到了2008年,我国农产品出口突破400亿美元大关,达到405.0亿美元,比上年增长9.8%。但是,随着中国农产品进口关税的降低,中国农产品在这个时期进口增长幅度也在加大,超过了农产品出口的增长幅度,甚至出现逆差现象。


表1 2001—2008年我国农产品进出口相关数据

单位:亿美元 年份 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 进出口总额 274.5 305.9 403.6 514.2 562.9 630.2 781.0 991.6 进口额 113.8 124.5 189.3 280.3 287.1 319.9 410.9 586.6 出口额 160.7 181.4 214.3 233.9 275.8 310.3 370.1 405.0 出口所占比例 58.54% 59.30% 53.10% 45.49% 49.00% 49.24% 47.39% 40.84% 出口增长率 —— 12.9% 18.14% 9.15% 17.91% 12.51% 19.27% 9.43% 资料来源:中华人民共和国商务部网站

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