s - Unit - 5 - - Text - A - The - Company - Man - - - 6

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College English --- Lily

Unit 5 Text A The Company Man

Word Study 1. die of/from

The animals died of starvation in the snow. patients who are dying from cancer

2. acquaintance n. [countable] ?SOMEBODY YOU KNOW? someone you know, but who is not a close friend I have a nodding acquaintance with German.

She was a casual acquaintance of my family in Vienna.

He heard about the job through a mutual acquaintance (=someone you and another person both know) .

2) make somebody's acquaintance formal to meet someone for the first time

I should be delighted to make Mrs McGough's acquaintance. At the hotel, I made the acquaintance of a young American actor. 我与他素昧平生。

I have never made his acquaintance.

make sb.’s acquaintance drop an acquaintance have a casual acquaintance renew an acquaintance cf. 区别 friend, mate, acquaintance, pal

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.


College English --- Lily

3. workaholic n.

-aholic [in nouns and adjectives] someone who cannot stop doing something or using something

a workaholic (=someone who never stops working) a chocaholic (=someone who loves chocolate) shop-aholic, golf-aholic, tobaccoholic

alcoholic n. [countable] someone who regularly drinks too much alcohol and has difficulty stopping

4. extracurricular a. extra- eg. extracurricular activities extracurricular life extracurricular pastime extracurricular books

5. survive v. 1) [intransitive and transitive] to continue to live after an accident, war, or illness

Only 12 of the 140 passengers survived.

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.


College English --- Lily

She survived the attack. people who survive cancer

2) [intransitive and transitive] to continue to live normally in spite of many problems

I'm sure she will survive this crisis. I've had a tough few months, but I'll survive.

3) [transitive] to live longer than someone else, usually someone closely related to you

He is survived by his wife, Sue.

survivor n. [countable]

1) someone who continues to live after an accident, war, or illness 2) someone who continues to live after other members of their family have died

She was the last survivor of the family.

6. beloved a. much loved

Every lover sees a thousand graces in the beloved object.

7. embarrass v. [transitive] to make someone feel ashamed, nervous, or uncomfortable, especially in front of other people He didn't want to embarrass her by asking questions.

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.


College English --- Lily

embarrassed / ?m?b?r?st / a. 1) feeling nervous and

uncomfortable and worrying about what people think of you, for example because you have to talk or sing in public, or because you have made a silly mistake

Lori gets embarrassed if we ask her to sing.

He looked embarrassed when I asked him where he'd been. very/deeply/highly/acutely embarrassed

Michelle was acutely embarrassed (=very embarrassed) at having to ask for money. embarrassed smile/laugh/grin etc Ken gave her an embarrassed grin. There was an embarrassed silence. embarrassed to do something

He was embarrassed to admit making a mistake. embarrassed about/at

I felt embarrassed about how untidy the house was. 2) financially embarrassed having no money or having debts

embarrassing / ?m?b?r?s?? / a. making you feel ashamed, nervous, or uncomfortable

She asked a lot of embarrassing questions .

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.


College English --- Lily

an embarrassing situation

embarrassment / ?m?b?r?sm?nt / n. [uncountable] the feeling you have when you are embarrassed embarrassment at

She suffered extreme embarrassment at not knowing how to read. He could not hide his embarrassment at his children's rudeness. to somebody's embarrassment

To her embarrassment, she couldn't remember his name.

8. board n. 1) 木板,硬纸板,板子,牌子

eg. … boards from packing --- Tony would gather and take home.

a notice board / blackboard / breadboard /

2) [countable also + plural verb] British English a group of people in a company or other organization who make the rules and important decisions a board meeting a board member board of

The Board of Directors met yesterday.

There was disagreement among the agency's board of governors. The decision was discussed and agreed at board level.

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.


