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构成:引言段 + 主体段 + 结论段
组成:开头句(Opening sentence)+ 中心论点 步骤:引入话题,同义转述,再根据写作任务表达中心论点
I、Opening sentence 五种方法:
(一)、引人入胜 思路:用一个比较有趣的话题先吊起考官的
题目 1:Many schools demand the students to wear uniforms. Some people think that such a practice can undermine their personality and individuality.
The issue of whether the practice of requiring students to wear school uniforms will affect their personality and individuality is of great interest to many people.
Be of great concern for many parents ?引起父母的关注
Be of great importance to many scientists
Be of great significance to both A and B
?对于 A 和 B 都是非常重要的
?探讨双方 ?半支持半反对 ?多重选择
题目 2.:人类如何定义和追求幸福,这样的问题引起公众广泛的
争议。 范文:
The question of how human beings can define and pursue happiness is a matter of much contention among the general public.
The question of _____________ has been widely debate in the world of politics.
(二)、力排众议 思路:先驳斥大众的某个普遍但却错误的观念,指出其与现实不符,然后提出自己的想法 或正确想法,并在主体段列举各种理由、证据以及活生生和例子来论证。
套路:Although it is + 副词 + 过去分词 + that ?.,this is ?....
题目 1:The older generations have very traditional ideas about the correct ways of life, thinking and behavior. However, some people think that these ideas are not helpful for the young generations to prepare for modern life.
范文 1:
Although it is commonly believed that conventional views about a healthy lifestyle and proper conduct are no longer to young people’s needs today, this is actually not the case.
题目 2:越来越少人照看年老的亲属,而是把他们送到专业人士那边去。
范文 2:Although many people subscribe to the belief that their old relatives can be taken better care of in a nursing home, this is in fact a common misconception that we need to clear up. From my point of view, it is the younger family members who should really be responsible for looking after these old people during the rest of their lives.
释义: ①普遍认为?,但事实并
Although it is commonly believed that ?, this is actually not the case.
误观念。 Although many people subscribe to the belief that ?., this is in fact a common misconception that we need to clear up.
Although conventional wisdom has it that?., the reality of the situation is often far more complicated than that.
subscribe to 订阅、同意、预订 conventional wisdom大众观念
(三)、放眼世界 思路:从“时间”或“地点”的跨度着手,比
题目 1:Some people support the development in agriculture, such as farming industry and the scientific creation of new types of fruit and vegetables. Others oppose this development.Discuss both views and state your opinion. 范文:
Recent decades have witnessed a major transformation in agricultural development, where industrial technologies are being employed and new varieties of crops are being created. Yet, opponents of this development have raised a number of difficult questions. From my opinion of views, this is a really complicated matter, and we need further investigations to understand the bigger picture.
Recent decades have witnessed an increase awareness of
understand the bigger picture 了解事物的全貌
题目 2:With divorce rates and family breakdowns increasing globally, it is generally accepted that families today are not as close they used to be.
范文 2:
Divorce and family breakdown were virtually unheard of just 100 years ago. Now, however, almost half of all marriages fail. This phenomenon is symptomatic of the growing distance between family members in modern
题目 1:谁该为修路付费,个人还是政府?
Some people hold the opinion that the government should make more investments is expanding and improving road systems, whereas others who are not so convinced present the counterargument that it is the responsibility of the growing number of private car users to deal with the huge costs. In my opinion, both sides of the argument have their
own reasons, and we need a detailed analysis to get to the root of this controversy.
(五)、 异军突起
题目 1:谈个人科技的发展与贫富差异? 范 文 1 :
With the huge expansion of high technologies available to individuals, it is sometimes argued that economic and cultural gaps between the rich and poor are being further widened.
题目 2:淡大型超市和商场的急剧扩张..
范文 2:
With the unprecedented explosion of large supermarkets and shopping malls, a lot of small local shops have quietly disappeared while the remaining ones are struggling for hopeless survival.
unprecedented explosion 前所未有的爆发 范文 3:
With the continuous and gradual evolution of mass media, many serious crimes are now described in greater detail on newspapers, television and the Internet, raising considerable public concern over personal safety and social stability.
范文 4:
With the mass extinction of endangered and rare species, many countries have taken harsh measures against illegal hunting, unregulated dumping of industrial waste and rampant destruction of their natural habitats by human developers.
提问:Do you agree or disagree with this statement?
范文 1:(反对)
→In my opinion, these subject are not only useful but also fascinating, and it is simply too early for primary schoolchildren to study science and technology.
提问:To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
范文 2:
→From my point of view, ?
提问:Discuss both sides and give your own opinion
范文 3:
→1.To my way of thinking, both sides of the argument have their own reasons, and we need a detailed analysis to get to the root of this controversy. 双方都有理,需要仔细分析才可了解争议起因
→2.To my way of thinking, both these views can be justified to some extent. 一定程度上都有道理
→3.To my way of thinking, both these views contain some elements of the truth, which will be discussed in detail in the following essay. 注:Which 引导定语从句很自然过渡到主体段
提问:In what ways could mobile phones and Internet be useful to older people? How can
old people be encouraged to use this high technology?
→ To my mind, ?
提问:Does the usefulness of this method of learning outweigh its limitations?
(advantage = usefulness,disadvantage = limitations)
→ To the best of my knowledge, ?
提问:What others factors should be considered? Of these factors, do you think anyone is
more important than others?
→As far as I am concerned, ?
Sample 1:亚洲国家正以惊人的速度变得西方化.以中国为例,当青少年去看电影的时候,他们 一般都选择好莱坞大片而不选择国产电影.
范文 1:The Asian countries are getting westernized at a staggering rate. Take China for example, when youngsters go to the movies, it is common for them to choose Hollywood blockbusters over domestic films.
Sampler 2:谈大学教育的两大功能:就业与求知
范文 2:To begin with, it is really helpful for university students to be taught some job-related skills that have already become a major focus of higher education. A typical example can be found in the effort to develop their interpersonal skills now required by a growing number of companies as one of the most essential qualities of any job candidate.
句型:An interesting / striking / typical example of? is provided by the story of sb. who…
Sample 3:动物是人类的朋友.例如,海豚经常从沉船里营救船员.
范文 3:Animals are human’s companions. To illustrate, dolphins often rescue sailors from sinking ships.
Sample 4:大量证据表明,破裂家庭的子女出现情感、行为障碍或触犯法律的可能性是完整
家庭子女的 2~3 倍。
范文 4:A large body of evidence proves that children from broken families are two or three times as likely as those in intact families to have emotional or behavioral problems or get into trouble with the law.
Sampler 5:个人教育与社会发展之间的关系(特别是)
范文 5:Decent education for every individual contributes significantly to the overall well-being of society, especially/particularly when their personal achievements amount to a driving force of social progress.
Sampler 6:学生的学习压力(特别强调)
范文 6:It is not uncommon that school teachers nowadays tend to exert undue academic pressure on young students, with particular emphasis on consistently good performance in all sorts of tests and examinations.
Sampler 7:这点可以通过 ? 来说明
Sampler 7:It is evident from the information supplied that male are far more likely to commit crimes. This point can be illustrated/emphasized by the fact that male offenders accounted for 96% of prison inmates.
Sample :员工和雇主能否都获益于“在家上班”
范文:There is some incontrovertible to suggest that both employees and employers can benefit a lot from the growing trend of telecommuting. According to a recent article published in the world-famous Nature Journal, while the average telecommuter can save a considerable portion of their travel expenses, it is estimated that their companies can cut operational costs by almost one third if 25% of the staff are allowed to work at home.
句型: 0
According to a recent article published in the world-famous Time Magazine, … 0
According to a recent survey conducted by a group of American researchers of the
University of Chicago, …
国 家 American British Canadian Australian 大 学 University of Southern California Yale University University of Oxford University of Cambridge University of Toronto York University University of Sydney University of Queensland
模板:To begin with → In the second place → Lastly
Sample 1:科学研究应由政府还是私人机构开展
范文 1: There are many reasons for entrusting scientific research to the governments rather than private companies. [支持 1]To begin with, many large-scale and long-term research projects require substantial funding that only national governments can afford. [支持 2]In the second place, first-rate scientists who enjoy international reputation are largely concentrated in government-sponsored research institutions. [ 支 持 3]Lastly, since most private companies are profit-orientated, the findings and conclusions from their research are more likely to be skewed or biased and even represent the interests of a small group.
支持 1:大型、长期的研究项目需要大量的资金,通常只有政府有这样的财力; 支持 2:一流科学家大量集中在由政府资助的研究机构中;
支持 3:私人机构大都以利益为导向,故而得出的结果可能是歪曲或带有偏见的,甚至代表
不要用 Last but not least,否则引起考官反感,直接用 Lastly 即可! 句型:(适用说明缺点) 0
One major problems/advantage/measure of 0
Another big risk/benefit/sound approach is that?? ??
Furthermore, there is a third undesirable development
Sample 2:由广泛使用手机所带来的社会、健康和技术问题
范文 2:It has become increasingly apparent that the widespread use of cell phones gives rise to a number of problems in modern society. [支持 1]One major problems of using mobile devices too regularly is that they are posing a potential threat to human health in form of the microwave radiation emitted. [支持 2]Another big risk is that cell phone technology is often manipulated and even abused to extract and sell users’ personal information to those unscrupulous marketing companies. [ 支 持 3]Furthermore, there is a third undesirable development: Since cell phones can provide criminals with increased mobility and accessibility to critical data, the number of unsolved crimes is steadily on the rise..
支持 1:健康层面 - 微波辐射对健康构成潜在的危害 支持 2:技术方面 - 技术滥用,个人信息被作为商品卖 支持 3:社会层面 – 给犯罪分子作案增加了便利,导致悬案增加
释义: pose a potential treat(risks) to 构成潜在的危害(威胁)
unscrupulous 肆无忌惮的
undesirable 不受欢迎的,可能招致麻烦的
unsolved crimes
(四)、对比论证(Comparison and Contrast)
思路:正面思维枯竭时,可以换位思考(“逆向思维”),通过 A 烘托出 B 的优/缺点题目:探讨老师应该教会学生辩明是否?还是只负责课程教授而不管其他方面
正面论述 1 道德品质的教育比知识更重要(递进法) 正面论述 2 良好的行为可以促进学生的学习进步(递进法)
正面论述 3 最新的研究证据表明:优秀的学生往往两面俱佳(引用法) 反面论述 1 放弃道德行为的教育会产生许多问题(对比法)
?., teaching students how to distinguish right from wrong is matter of utmost importance in education, especially during their formative years.【支持 1】To
begin with, such moral education is often regarded by most teachers as much more important than teaching them academic knowledge. 【支持 2】In addition, being fully aware of the difference between right and wrong effectively improves their own behavior, which can in turn facilitate their learning process. 【支 持 3】According to a recent study conducted by a team of Canadian researchers of University of Toronto, many top students in high school not only perform well academically, but they also generally show decent behavior in a consistent way.【支持 4】In sharp contrast, not providing young students with a proper moral education is a sure recipe for disaster because a number of serious problems may result from this failure.
释义: facilitate their learning process 促进学习(facilitate 便利、促进)
a sure recipe for disaster 灾难性的后果 ??
(五)、因果认证(Cause and effect)
模板 1:Be 动词 + 过去分词 + 介词 0
be (directly) linked to …. 0
be (strongly) related to … 0
be (unquestionably) tied to… 0
be (closely) connected with … 0
be (largely) associated with …
模板 2: 0
as 0
since 0
due to 0
owing to 0
hence 0
thus 0
therefore 0
as a consequence/result/consequently 0
题目 1:生态问题正在被恶化,因此,我们必须采取措施解决环境问题.
范文 1:The ecological problems are being aggravated; therefore, it is imperative that we take measures to combat the pollution of the environment.
题目 2:政府应该提高公众的环保意识,以此来促进可持续发展并且创造一个更适合人类生 存的环境.
范文 2:The government should raise the public awareness of environmental preservation, thereby promoting sustainable development and creating a more livable environment.
模板 3: 0
lead to ? (从句) 0
give rise to ? (从句) 0
contribute to ? (从句) 0
result in ? (从句)
题目 3:Many people use distance-learning programs (study material post, TV, Internet, etc) to study at home, but some think that it cannot bring as benefits as attending college or university. To what extent to you agree or disagree with this opinion?
主体段一:提出反对理由 写 distance learning 的好处(Benefits) 主体段二:提出支持理由 写 distance learning 的坏处之一(Problem1) 主体段三:提出支持理由 写 distance learning 的坏处之二(Problem2) 范文 3:(主体段二)
【主题句】Despite the convenience and relatively low cost of distance learning, it would be wise for us to consider it downside.【支持 1】One of the biggest problems is that it cannot create an environment that is conducive to the students’ learning process, especially the much-needed interaction with their professors and classmates.【支持 2】This may result in a terrible sense of disconnection and even social isolation among the learners.【支持 3】In comparison, attending college or university is a more pleasant and exciting experience for young students as they can combine academic learning with a wide variety of social and extracurricular activities. 备注: 本段写作模式为“1+3”,即一个主题句+三个支持句。【主题句】以 despite 为引导
的让步状语从句开始,总结主体段一中分析的好处,可视为“转折法; 支持 1】为 “递 进法”;【支持 2】为“指代法”+“因果法”;【支持 3】采用了“对比法”。
思路:用词出现 this, that, these, those, it, they, such 等代词,与其他方法配合应用 模板 1:This is clearly shown in the following example: ?.(从句) +举例法
题目 1:淡新闻报纸对人们思想的巨大影响→适用于传媒/网络类话题
范文 1:When it comes to how public opinion is formed, newspapers are unquestionably one of the strongest powers. This is clearly shown in the following example: many high school students in America who take the SAT are in the habit of citing articles from a wide variety of influential newspapers in their writing. 模板 2:This has already been proved by the case of ? +举例法
题目 2:谈越来越多年轻人失业的社会问题
范文 2:There is no denying that chronic youth joblessness is a contributing factor of social instability. This has already been proved by the case of increased criminal activities among unemployed or underemployed urban youngsters, many of whom even regard these wrongdoings as a way to make a living.
套路: 0
However, ?. 从句 0
Yet, ? 从句 0
Nevertheless, ? 从句 0
Nonetheless,? 从句 0
In spite of,?.
(八)、小结法 思路:在其他方法无法使用或很难使用的时候,可以考虑用“小结法”来凑数 注意:无论多少个主体段,但“小结法”只可用在其他一个,不可多用。
词汇: 0
in general 0
on the whole 0
generally 0
in summary 0
in conclusion 0
to summarize 0
to conclude 0
to sum up
归纳观点: 0
From the above comparison and contrast, anyone can safely conclude
that… 0
When the advantages and disadvantages are carefully compared, the
most striking conclusion is self-evident. 0
Judging from all evidence offered, we may reasonably come to/draw the
conclusion that… 0
From what has been discussed above, we may safely arrive at the
conclusion that…
通用句型: 0
It is true that to do… brings about both positive and negative results. 0
But we can try our best to reduce the negative influence to the least extent. Besides, compared with the positives effects, the disadvantages would not so much. 0
What we must do is make sure that the positive ones are encouragedand the negative ones are eliminated as far as possible. 0
All these opinions make sense, and consequently it is hard to choose the best of them. In my opinion, such matters must be left to individual’s conscience.
模板: 0
Therefore, it is (strongly) suggested that … (从句) 0
It is urgent (necessary) that appropriate (effective/proper) actions ??? (measures/steps/method) should be taken to correct (improve) … 0
Both government and ordinary citizens should join hands to make this 0
world a better place to live in, not only for ourselves, but also for 0
future generations.
题目:Many parents complain that computer games have no value to their children’ studies. On the contrary, those online games have produced a lot of negative on their mental and physical development. Do you agree or disagree with this view?
结尾段范文:In summary, from both physiological and psychological points of view, computer games are indeed valueless and may exert negative impact on the development of young children. Therefore, it highly recommended that parents and schools should be alert to this problem, and restrict children’s access to those computer games.
思路:对事物将来的发展前景(正面/负面、积极/消极)做出合理预测,指出趋势 模板: 0
Therefore(Thus), it is projected(predicted) that …(从句) 0
With the advent/advantage of …, it is forecast that…(从句) 0
My prediction about … is that …(从句) 0
Personally speaking, I envision a future when …(从句)
题目 1:Some people think that visitors to other countries should respect the local customs and imitate the local behaviors. However, other people who disagree with them think that the host country should welcome different foreign cultures brought by these visitors. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion
主体段 1:同意意见一方的观点,即游客应该尊重当地习俗并加以模仿
主体段 2:反对意见的另一方观点,他们认为东道国应该对异族文化采取欢迎态度
结尾段范文 1:In conclusion, both sides of the argument contain the partial truth. If visitors and locals respect and learn from each other, it is projected that different customs, values and culture can enjoy a peaceful and harmonious coexistence.
题目 2:Environmental problems are too big for individual countries and individual people to address. In other words, we have reached the stage where the only way to protect the environment is at the international level. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
结尾段范文 2:Given the above argument, it is reasonable to conclude
that if every member of the society is aware of the relationship between humans and the nature and stops their destructive behavior; my prediction about the environment in the near future is that many ecological strains will be relieved to create long-term benefits for all countries on Earth.
题目 3:The world is experiencing a dramatic increase in population. This is causing problems not only for poor, underdeveloped countries, but also for industrialized and developing nations. Describe some of the problems that overpopulation causes, and suggest at least one possible solution.
结构: (分析解决)
结尾段范文 3:To sum up, overpopulation exerts many negative influences on underdeveloped and industrialized nations. Personally speaking, if the current trend of population explosion is allowed to continue, I envision a future when many more people will die of starvation in poor countries and life in even affluent societies will become unbearably difficult.
? In fact, …
? In essence, …
As a matter of fact, …
The crux of the matters seems to ? be …
? At the core of the issue is/are … ? Still, the bottom line is that …
crux 症结、关键 core 核心、本质
bottom line 底线、归根结底
题目:in modern education, computers are being widely used in almost every subject in schools and universities, so some people think that teachers are not playing an important role in the classroom. Do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
主体段 1:某些科目是不能用电脑来教的,比如体育课
主体段 2:教学本身就是一件灵活和富有创造性的事情
主体段 3:教师能够给学生情感上的支持
结 尾 段 范 文 : To sum up, education, or the art of teaching, is not a
mechanical matter that can be parceled out to students by computer programs. The crux of the matters seems to be that teachers, as they have always been, will still be the backbone of our school education, while computer is simply a useful tool to improve students’ understanding of the subject matter.
模板: 0
To be sure, … will bring about profound changes in… 0
Indeed, …. are something we can not afford to ignore 0
However, one thing is certain: (从句)
题目 1:There are social, medical and technical problems associated with the use of mobile phones. What forms do they take? Do you agree that the problems outweigh the benefits of mobile phones?
主体段 1:让步承认使用手机的一些优点,如方便、功能齐全
主体段 2:分别从社会、医学和技术发展方面阐述手机带来的不足之处
结尾段范文 1:In conclusion, I tend to believe that the downside of using mobiles phones far exceeds its merits. Indeed, it various drawbacks are something we cannot afford to ignore because they have produced many adverse effects on people’s daily lives.
题目 2:International tourism is now the biggest industry in the world. Unfortunately, it brings ??
tension rather that understanding between the people from different cultures. Do what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
结构: 引言段:明确观点-国际旅游会造成许多矛盾和误解 主体段 1:列举了三种文化差
??主体段 2:阐述了国际旅游可能产生的旅游者与当地居民的矛盾
结尾段范文 2:In conclusion, the cultural gap that exists between
international tourists and their foreign destinations creates more tension that understanding during their travels. However, one thing is certain: international tourism will continue to enjoy a boom time and send a growing number of travelers to many exotic places around the world.
1. 画蛇添足:文章写完了,发现字数不够,就随便加上几句.而这几句恰好游离于文章的中心思 想之外,或与其观点恰好相反. 如: 一篇关于阐述考试作弊危害性的文章.
But sometimes it is understandable that students cheat on exams under heavy academic pressures. 2. 空喊口号:
0 Do it now! Do it from ourselves! Let’s make our city greener!
0 No electricity, no power, no world, no future, no human beings! 3. 表决心:
I’m determined to overcome any difficulties and study English better in the future. 4. 虎头蛇尾: 0 So I think that making our city greener is very important. 0 Therefore, no electricity should be wasted.
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- 民主评议党员个人自评材料
- 八年级心理健康教育试题及参考答案(二)
- 数字电子技术试题及答案(题库)
- 淮河2010水资源公报
- 浅谈资产减值
- 关于加强营销 团队项目推进 及业绩通报的通知
- 第三章 英译汉常用的方法和技巧(4-7)
- 公共关系 - 图文
- 内江师范学院2014年度大学生科研项目课题申报书 - 图文
- 软件质量保证试题
- 2016年公需科目《电子商务》题库(保通过)
- 2018支部书记批评与自我批评
- 实验三机构组合创新实验指导书
- 学生关爱与心理疏导--为学生健康成长提供心理营养 - 图文
- 2016年昆明教师招聘高分卷四
- 30种凉拌菜制作方法