台湾Tronic Technocrystal- 通益蓝宝石科技公司蓝宝石单晶炉

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Tronic Technocrystal - Competitive Advantage




Extraction Ingot from Delta-30Series

Ingot with C-Plane Method

Delta-30 Series Sapphire Growing Furnaces

Developed by our research centers in Ukraine, Tronic Technocrystal is proud to present the Delta-30 series furnaces, the first generation of fully automated sapphire growing apparatuses. Apart from the initial seeding phase, the Delta-30 will be manpower independent, a breakthrough from more traditional, conventional production models. The Delta-30 furnace has the capability of producing sapphire boules in previously impossible, exponentially valuable sizes, ranging from 38 to 85 kilos each, with possible cut diameters ranging from two to six inches. This is owed to the Kyropoulos method employed as the growth process, as the sapphire boule is not grown only along its A-axis, but also along other directions, M, C, R, as well.

Having achieved an output purity of 99.997%, in far excess of the market standard, Tronic Technocrystal’s Delta-30 guarantees output quality that is more than competitive.

The product-over-time throughput of the Delta-30 furnace is also comparably higher than our closest competitors. Over a given timeframe, the output of our furnaces, and consequently your turnover, will be on a level above competitors. The growth weight for Tronic Technocrystal’s smallest prototype Delta-30 model stands at a monthly production base exceeds 3000~3500 mm of 2” cylinders, or 800~1000 mm of 4” cylinders.

As the Kyropoulos process involves temperatures in excess of 2100°C, energy makes up the highest cost input. Tronic Technocrystal’s Delta-30 series furnaces’ patented hot zone and cooling system provides not only an extremely stabilized and well-controlled growth environment, ensuring that crystal dislocation will be almost eliminated from possibility, but also a continual savings from energy efficiency. After the ingots have been cut from the boules, Tronic Technocrystal’s looped production process can reuse the waste monocrystal for successive batches of ingots.

Tronic Technocrystal’s current edge will be continually refined and redefined by our research teams, qualified experts in specialized fields of electronic, mechanical, automation control, process engineering and equipment engineering, rendering to you the very latest breakthroughs in the industry to ensure that you will maintain your competitive edge, just as we maintain ours.


Delta-30 Series Sapphire Growing Furnaces

通益蓝宝石科技公司很自豪地为您呈献由我们在乌克兰的研究开发中心所研发的Delta - 30系列长晶炉,第一代的全自动化蓝宝石长晶设备。除了最初开始的播晶种期间,Delta - 30将完全不需使用到人力,是相较于传统与常见生产模式的一项重大突破。

Delta- 30长晶炉的蓝宝石晶体生产能力,其有价值的幅度大小范围可从每颗38到85公斤,能够钻取出直径从2~6英寸的晶柱,这在早期的长晶设备是不可能达到的。这归功于KY泡生法在长晶制程中的应用,因为蓝宝石晶体不只可以沿着A轴生长,同时也可沿着其他方向,如M,C,R方向生长。

产出纯度99.997%的达成率已远超出市场标准,通益蓝宝石科技公司的Delta - 30保证了更具竞争力的产出品质。

Delta- 30长晶炉的单位时间内,其产能也高于与我们最接近的竞争对手。在一定的时间内,我们长晶炉的晶体产量以及晶体产出的品质,将远大于您的竞争对手水准。通益蓝宝石科技公司最小的原型-- Delta- 30之月产量能维持在超过3,000?3,500毫米的2“晶棒,或800?1,000毫米的4”晶棒。

由于KY泡生制程中涉及的温度超过2,100℃,能源消耗是最大的成本投入。通益蓝宝石科技公司的Delta - 30系列长晶炉的专利热场和冷却系统不仅提供了一个非常稳定且控制良好的长晶环境,晶体错位的可能性几乎被排除,同时也能永续地有效节省能源。当晶棒从晶体钻取出来之后,通益蓝宝石科技公司通过环状生产过程,可以将废弃的蓝宝石单晶透过循环再利用于后续的晶棒生产中。


Competitive Advantage

Automatic growing (except seeding) of sapphire single crystals (38-85 kg) by Kyropoulos

method. 泡生法 38-85kg

High throughput for sapphire crystal production. 高产能 High efficiency rate of finished sapphire boule.

Unique hot zone and cooling system design to provide well controlled sapphire crystal

growth environment. 独特的热区和冷却系统设计

Capability of C axis growth. 能够C轴生长 Offer on-site technology transfer and service.

A cost-effective way of Sapphire Crystal Growing Process.

Produce high purity sapphire single crystals in different sizes. 不同尺寸的高质量蓝宝石单晶 Highly stable. 稳定性好

Team of experts in technology, mechanics, electronics and software engineering for

continuous improvement. 技术,仪器,软件等方面,专家驻厂改进



通益蓝宝石科技公司的市场领导地位乃建立于优化客户的成本和生产效率的基础之上,并确保日常生产的成本最佳化、量产时间与上市时间的最速化。 以KY泡生法自动长晶(播晶种除外)-蓝宝石单晶(38-85kg)。 高产能的蓝宝石晶体生产。 高良率的蓝宝石晶棒成品。

独特的热场与冷却系统设计,能提供蓝宝石晶体完善的长晶环境。 C轴式的长晶能力。 现场技转与服务。

最佳成本效益化的蓝宝石长晶制程。 各种大小高纯度蓝宝石单晶的生产。 高度的稳定性。


Product Technical Specification

Technological parameters Up to 85 kg ?320mmX450mm(H) for 65kg 重量 Crystal weight Crucible external sizes Crucible material Method of heating Heater material Working pressure in the chamber, not more Working chamber sizes ?250mmX410mm(H) for 38kg 坩埚尺寸 ?320mmX500mm(H) for 85kg Tungsten Resistive Tungsten 5 X 10-5 torr ?800mm X 1000mm (H) 坩埚材料:钨 电阻式加热 加热器材料:钨 炉室工作压力 炉室尺寸 生长38公斤晶体 Power consumption at the growing of the crystal by the weight 45 kW (For 38 kg and 65kg) of 38 kg, not more 最大能耗45 kW Power maintenance accuracy Working travel of the rod Rate of the rod travel (stepless adjustment) Working rate maintenance accuracy Seed rotation (stepless adjustment) Rod rotation maintenance accuracy Cooling ± 0.1% 250 mm 0.1 – 10.0 mm/hr ± 1% 1.0 – 15.0 rpm ± 1% 晶棒行程 晶棒移动速率 晶转 Cooling water consumption, not more 3.0 m3/hr Inlet pressure of the cooling water, not less 2.0kg/cm2 Working pressure (argon or nitrogen) Process consumption, not more 0.5 m3 Recommended working gas pressure at the gas system inlet 1.0 kg/cm2 Pneumatic system Air pressure (nitrogen, argon) at the inlet, not less 4.0 kg/cm2 Process air consumption (nitrogen, argon) , not more 0.01 m3 Electrical requirements Power supply 2X(380 ±3 8)V+N

Mains frequency Rated power of the heater Max power of the heater Heater supply voltage Control cabinet power supply Mains frequency Control cabinet power consumption, not more Overall dimensions of the equipment Max height Length Width Weight (electrical equipment excluded), not more than 50 ± 0.4 Hz 45 kW 70 kW 0 - 12 V 3X(380 ± 38)V+N 50 ± 0.4 Hz 5 kW 3,200 mm 2,200 mm 2,050 mm 1,100 kg Note: The above specification is subject to change without prior notice

Contact Us


1091 Lower Delta Rd 05-01 Singapore 169202 Tel : +65-6276 9077 Fax : +65-6276 0991


5F-2, No.158, Sec2 Gong Dao 5th Road, Hsinchu City 30070, Taiwan, R.O.C Tel : +886-3-5726259 Fax : +886-3-5720550

Taiwan Factory

1F., No.26, Taiyuan St.,

Zhubei City, Hsinchu County 302, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

email :

Mains frequency Rated power of the heater Max power of the heater Heater supply voltage Control cabinet power supply Mains frequency Control cabinet power consumption, not more Overall dimensions of the equipment Max height Length Width Weight (electrical equipment excluded), not more than 50 ± 0.4 Hz 45 kW 70 kW 0 - 12 V 3X(380 ± 38)V+N 50 ± 0.4 Hz 5 kW 3,200 mm 2,200 mm 2,050 mm 1,100 kg Note: The above specification is subject to change without prior notice

Contact Us


1091 Lower Delta Rd 05-01 Singapore 169202 Tel : +65-6276 9077 Fax : +65-6276 0991


5F-2, No.158, Sec2 Gong Dao 5th Road, Hsinchu City 30070, Taiwan, R.O.C Tel : +886-3-5726259 Fax : +886-3-5720550

Taiwan Factory

1F., No.26, Taiyuan St.,

Zhubei City, Hsinchu County 302, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

email :

