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年级:初一 学科:英语 学校:南京市第十二中学 执教:潘洁

Unit 4 Comic strip & welcome to the unit

Teaching aims: 1. Introducing names of interesting facts and strange things. 2. Discussing something unusual and express the feeling. Teaching aids: Multimedia

Teaching methods: 1. Asking and answering. 2. Listening and reading. 3. Free talk 4. Imagination. Teaching procedures: Step 1 Lead-in

1. Show some pictures and ask: How do you feel when you see these pictures?

Look at the man, he has a long mustache. Isn't he amazing? If you meet a man like this on a bus. How do you feel? Strange And this pig, look carefully,

What’s it made of? It’s made of orange peel. Isn’t it wonderful? What is he doing? He is playing a yo-yo. I think he is very clever. Isn’t it great? This dog is lazy, it is sleeping, and it is dreaming of eating. Isn’t it funny? And these babies are in the pumpkins. Aren’t they interesting? Lovely? 2. Read these words. (interesting, funny, wonderful, amazing, great, strange, lovely)

策略:精心选择六幅图片,包含生活中、自然界一些稀奇古怪的人,动物或现象。在提问过程中,有意识地用amazing, strange, wonderful, great, funny, interesting, lovely回答问题,使学生对本课的重点词汇有一个初步的了解。通过展示六幅图片,引起学生兴趣,帮助学生初步感知本课的主题,amazing things.

Step 2 Presentation

Show the pictures about lighting, rocket, sneezing, elephant, goldfish, tortoise, giraffe and the tallest man, talk about each picture . 1. Who is he? Yao Ming. How tall is he?

Do you know the tallest man in the world? He was from the USA, he was about 2.72 m tall. He died in 1940. What a pity!

策略:通过姚明,吸引学生注意力,进一步引申出世界上最高的人。 2. What’s this? It’s a rocket.

I hope I could travel to the moon by rocket one day. I think it is great. 策略:强调现在只要三天时间就可以到月球。 3. What can you see? Lighting. And some plants.(plant life)

We know people can’t live without water, but do you know plants can’t live without lightning? Here is the answer.

4. What’s the woman doing? Yes, she is sneezing. Look at her eyes , Is her eyes closed or open? Closed. How do you sneeze?

When we sneeze, we often keep our eyes closed. Have a try. Isn’t it strange?

策略:请学生上台演示,怎样打喷嚏,注意观察眼睛。将教材内容生活化, 激发学习兴趣,增强学习效果。

5. It’s an elephant. Can you say something about elephants?

(They are grey, they sleep on their feet, they are strong, they have long noses and big ears.)

How do they walk? They walk on tiptoe. 6. This is a goldfish. Say something about goldfish?

(Where do they live? Can they swim? How can they sleep? With their eyes open or closed? And they have poor memory. They can only remember things for three seconds.

策略:此处的任务设计呈现阶梯性的原则,由简到难。现告诉学生金鱼睁着眼睛睡觉,再告诉学生金鱼的记性很差,只能记住三秒前的事情。 7. Watch a film. It’s about a tortoise. What do you know about tortoises? Have you seen one? Where do they live?

It can live many years. It has long life. Some can live up to 150 years old. It looks small, but it can live so long. Isn’t it funny?

8. Look at the giraffe. It is the tallest animal in the world. It has a long neck How many bones are there in its long neck? Only seven. It’s amazing. 策略:这是本节课的核心内容。进一步利用图片信息理解主题,先逐个讨论课文A部分的六幅图片,尽量调动一些有学习偏差,但有积极性的同学说英语,给他们表现自我的机会。再讨论Integrated skill A2部分的tortoise ,giraffe。配合一小段视频,活跃课堂气氛,提高学生积极性。

Step 3 Practice

1. Divided the students into groups and discuss the pictures. 2. Ask some students to describe the pictures.

策略:集中展示以上几幅图,让学生任选一副,自由讨论。通过这一环节巩固知识点,增强学生的记忆效率,以达到最终的教学目的。 Step 4 Practice

1. Match the pictures with the sentences.

策略:通过以上两个环节,学生对图和一些相应的句子己经有了较深的印象,此时做match练习,水到渠成。学生主动地获取了新知识。 2. Present the dialogue below:

—Do you know that fish sleep with their eyes open? —Oh, really?

—Isn’t that interesting ? —Yes, it is. Do you know?

3.Work in pairs and try to make a similar one. 4. Check some pairs.

策略: 乘热打铁,呈现B部分的句型,再次复习六个形容词,强化记忆。通过小组活动培养学生较强的交流意识和互助行为。

Step 5 Comic strip

Meet Eddie and Hobe. Talk about what they are doing.

Listen to the tape, and answer: What do they see? A plane or a UFO? 1. UFO means Unidentified Flying Objects. 2. Read the comic strip

策略:通过听录音,让学生猜两只狗看到的到底是飞机还是飞碟。 Step 6 Free talk

The world is full of amazing things. Say something about them.

策略:此处的任务设计就是要学生解决问题,获得新知。通过这一环节,给学生创造思考的机会,帮助学生认知并发展潜能,激发学生的内在动机。 Step 7 Exercises

1 Use the following words to fill in the blanks.

travel, rocket, tiptoe, without, plant, sneeze, the USA, open, live up to 1) It takes about three days to ____ from Earth to the moon by _____ . 2) A tortoise can ______ 150 years old.

3) A man in _____ was 2.72 metres tall. 4) Fish can sleep without their eyes _____. 5) Elephants walk on ____.

6) You cannot _____ and keep your eyes open at the same time. 7) There is no _____ life _____ lighting. 2 Translate the following sentences into English. 1) 我奶奶能活到90岁。

My grandmother can ________ 90 years old. 2) 没有太阳就没有一切生命。

There is ___ life _____ the sun. 3) 不要让门开着就离开教室。

Don’t ___ the door _____ after you leave the classroom. 4) 这只不过是月亮的光。难道不奇怪吗?它这么亮。 It’s only _______ the moon. Isn’t that ______? It’s so ____. 5) 从我家到学校骑自行车要化半小时。

It’s ____ me half an hour to go from my home to school _______. 策略:此两项练习较简单,主要目的是再次启发学生,回归课文。


1 Evaluation handbook P55

2. Search some amazing things in the world.(about nature, animal, plant, human.) 教学反思

1 《新英语课程标准》强调任务型教学法。要求把语言运用的基本理念转化为具有实践意义的课堂教学方式。作为英语教师,应该为学生创设他们喜闻乐见的教学情境,激发他们学习英语的兴趣,增强记忆效率,达到最终的教学目的。

2 本课的教学内容较简单,介绍世界上一些稀奇古怪的现象。这是一个学生比较感兴趣的话题。我一开始精心选择了六幅非常有趣的画,有长着长长的八字胡的人,有小狗玩溜溜球,还有一个用桔子皮撕成的一只小猪等等。通过多媒体一一展示,一下吸引了学生的兴趣。很多有英语偏差的学生也举手发言,虽然有错误,但场面活跃,学生的积极性很高。由此,再通过姚明的一张照片讨论身高,很自然地过渡到世界上最高的人,切入正题。

3 可到最后请学生自己介绍世界上一些奇怪的东西时,出现了一点障碍。有的学生准备的资料中生词太多,无法准确地表达;有些学生都举了动物的例子,似乎变成了介绍某一种动物,而不是强调这种动物的与众不同之处。如果在课前,能明确给学生指出,只要用两、三句话,说出某个人或动物的不同寻常之处,效果可能会好一些。

4 在以后的教学中,要注意留心各个教学环节,保护学生开口说英语的积极性,保护学生上课时愉悦的心情,学生才能最大限度地发挥潜能,不受限制地发挥想象力,才会有创造语言的欲望。

