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一 Michael Jordan is the most famous basketball p_ (1)in the world . He was b_ (2) in Brooklyn, New York in 1963. He

didn ’t like to talk to other people about h_ (3). He was also not very tall. He didn’t play very well when he j_(4)the basketball team in his high school at first. But the

next year things c_ (5)greatly as he grew much taller.

Michael Jordan b _(6)famous when he joined the university

basketball team in North Carolina. Michael used his quickness

and strength(力量 )to r _(7)the basket.He p _(8) so well that people called him“Air Jordan(飞人乔丹 ) ”.

After college, Michael became a basketball team member in

the Chicago Bulls.The NBA was very s_(9)at this high-flying player. He was n _(10) “Rookie(新秀)”of the year in 1985 and

“ Most Valuable(价值的 ) Player” in once set a record(创纪录)by getting 63 points in the game.

二 Everyone knows that books can give us k_ (1).Here are the instructions for you to b _ (2)or to read books in the library of Middle School.

You must borrow books w_ (3)your own library card.

You can borrow two books at a time.

You can k _ (4)the books for two weeks.

You must r_ (5)the library books on time. If you can’t finish reading them ,you can go to the library to renew(续借 ) mustn’t l _(6)the library books to others.

If you are reading in the reading room, you must keep

q_ (7).Don’t take the books and m_(8) out of the reading room.

If you are in trouble, you can ask the l_(9)for help.

He or she is always ready to help you.

If you lose the library books, you must p_(10) for them.

三One day,a little girl called Goldilocks picked some flowers in the forest. Then she noticed a h_(1) nearby. She knocked a_(2) the door, but nobody was there. So she e_(3) the house. She counted three bowls of f_ (4), and three chairs.She finished all the food i_ (5)the small bowls,and tired the c_(6). She liked the s_(7) chair, but she was so heavy,she destroyed it.

Finally she went into the bedroom. When the three Bears

returned home. Goldilocks was asleep. But she w_(8) up and jumped up out of the bed. She hurried back t_ (9) her house.

And she didn’t return to the three B_(10) house again.

Rose is a nice girl and likes dogs very much. On her w

_ (1) home every afternoon, she always stops to l_(2) at the dogs in the pet(宠物 ) shop. One of them is a w_ (3) and black dog. Rose is interested in i_ (4). She often forgets

the t_ (5) and comes home very late.

Her parents ask her w_(6) she is late. Rose tells them

a _ (7)the dog in the pet shop.This afternoon Rose stops

to look into the w_(8) of the pet shop, but she can’ t see the dog. She is very sad and goes home early.

When Rose gets home, her mother gives her a nice cake

and her father gives her the little dog from the pet shop.

It is her birthday.Rose is very h _ (9)and thanks her parents.After that,she doesn’t come home late.She runs home early to p_ (10) with the little dog.

Do you really care about your parents H_( 1 )this question, most of us may give a quick answer,“Of course, I do. ” But maybe you don’ t.

It is true that all parents can remember clearly when

to c_ (2) their children’ s birthday. However, it is a pity

that few children know exactly when their parents’ b_ (3) are. Most parents can easily name the food their children

favor. The other way round, some students don’t know w_ (4) their parents like most of all.

S_ (5) we can hear parents complain that their children

don’ t talk with them as often as before.Children are growing and the generation gap(代沟 ) is widening.

If you love your parents well, let them f_(6) your love. Give them a g_(7) on their special days, help them do some

h _ (8) as often as possible, bear in mind what your parents

like or don’t like.Don’ t always say things a _ (9)your parents. Talk with them more often and understand them m_(10).

