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选修六 Module 2 Fantasy Literature—Philip



1.Drivers should be ________ (惩罚) severely for drunken driving.

2.When I turned round again, the boy had ________ (消失). 3.It's said that Mary is going to ________ (嫁给) John. 4.He decided to give away everything he ________ (拥有) to the people in trouble.

5.Don't ________ (犹豫) to tell us if you have a problem. 6.When in ________ (怀疑), you can always ask me at any time. 7.I can't tell you the ________ (确切的) time when I will come. 8.People often say that word is like an ________ (看不见的) dagger.

9.As a diplomat, he knows how to ________ (表现) himself in public.

10.In which ________ (方向) are you going, north or south? 答案:1.punished 2.vanished 3.marry 4.possessed 5.hesitate 6.doubt 7.definite 8.invisible 9.behave 10.direction


play an important part in, hesitate; put down, look around for, doubt, hold out, turn away, come up ?to?, possess, direction 1.There's no room for ________, and please decide quickly. 2.Can you ________ that he will win?

3.Before making the cake, she read the ______ on the packet. 4.She is ________ of a large fortune.

5.The church ________ people's life.

6.The army is determined to ________ all the opposition. 7.Will the car ________ till we reach Shanghai? 8.He ________ me and asked for a light.

9.They had nowhere to stay so I couldn't ________ them ________.

10.When I ________ her, she was leaving the hall.

答案:1.hesitation 2.doubt 3.directions 4.possessed 5.plays an important part in 6.put down 7.hold out 8.came up to 9.turn; away 10.looked around for


1.With so many eyes ________on her, the little girl felt a little nervous on the stage.

A.fixing C.being fixed

B.to fix D.fixed

答案:D 考查with复合结构。fix与eyes之间是动宾关系,且此处表示状态,故用过去分词作宾语补足语。

2.She ________ a doctor. They didn't ________until they bought a new house.

A.married; be married B.married with; get married C.married with; marry to D.married; get married

答案:D 句意:她嫁给了一位医生。直到买了新房子他们才结婚。marry sb. “嫁给/娶某人”;get married“结婚”,表动作;be married表状态,一般与时间段连用。

3.(2011·天津模拟) In children's eyes, summer is always ________ swimming, ice cream and summer holidays.

A.attached to C.associated with

B.laden with D.involved in

答案:C 考查短语辨析。句意:在孩子们眼中,夏天总是和游泳、冰激凌、暑假联系在一起的。be associated with “与??有联系,与??联系在一起”。

4.Whenever I ask him for help, he doesn't ________ to help me, which moves me a lot.

A.want C.punish

B.hesitate D.bend

答案:B 考查动词辨析。句意:无论我何时求他帮助,他总是毫不犹豫地帮助我,这令我十分感动。结合句意,B项最佳。

5.Thousands of people ________ to watch yesterday's match against Ireland.

A.turned on C.turned around

B.turned in D.turned out

答案:D 考查动词短语辨析。句意:数以万计的人出来观看昨天与爱尔兰的比赛。turn out“出席(某场活动),在场”;turn on“打开”;turn in“上交”;turn around“转过身去”。由句意可知D正确。

6.Generally speaking, ________ according to the directions, the drug has no side effect.

A.when taking C.when to taken

B.when taken D.when to be taken

答案:B 考是省略句式。句意:一般说来,按照说明书来服用,

这药没有副作用。when taken是when it is taken的省略表达。

7.You can see the stars on a clear night, but in the daytime they are ________.

A.unavoidable C.inaccessible

B.invisible D.unavailable

答案:B 考查形容词辨析。句意:你在晚上能看到星星,但在白天却看不到。unavoidable“不可避免的”;invisible“看不见的”;inaccessible “难接近的”;unavailable“难以获得的”,由句意可知B正确。

8.(2010·浙江诸暨中学高三期中)We tried to finish the work before dark, but it didn't quite ________ as planned.

A.go on C.make out

B.carry on D.work out

答案:D go on“进行,进展”;carry on“继续”;make out“书写,拼凑,填写”;work out“解决,设计出,产生结果,发展,成功”。句意:我们本想尽力在天黑前完成工作,但事情不像计划的那样进展。

9.(2010·福建南安一中期末)A diligent work, however, does not necessarily ________ much achievements or honor which are expected by someone.

A.take over C.hold on

B.result in D.keep to

答案:B result in“导致”,符合题意和搭配。

10.We were short of water but could ________ another day. A.hold out C.hold out on

B.hold out for D.hold on

答案:B 句意:我们缺少水但还能维持一天。hold out for another day中,hold out此处意为“维持”,for是介词接时间段表示持续一段时间。A项缺少介词for;hold out on“拒绝提供”;hold on“等一会,不挂断”,均不合题意。

11.________ I received his letter I went to see him. A.Direct C.Directions

B.Directly D.Moment

答案:B 句意:我一收到他的信,就去看他了。空处缺少连词,而directly可充当连词使用相当于as soon as,故答案为B项。D项中若moment前面加the,也是正确选项。

12.The part ________ religion was very great. A.played in C.played by

B.taken in D.taken by

答案:C 句意:宗教所起的作用是巨大的。play the part表示起作用,religion是动作的执行者,故答案为C。

13.The English language ________ a vivid saying to describe this sort of situation.

A.owns C.holds

B.contains D.possesses

答案:D possess“占有,拥有”,既可指某人对某物具有所有权和支配权,又可指具有才华、特点、品质、性格等;own“拥有”,强调拥有某物,不能用于抽象含义;contain“包含,容纳”,强调包含于某一事物中;hold“握住,持有”,强调有力地控制或保持。根据题意选D。

14.—The boy said he could lift the heavy stone. —________ is no doubt about that.

