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大纲要求 1.“词汇与结构”内容与时间安排

《大学英语四级考试大纲》规定:四级考试的第三部分为“词语和语法结构”(Part Ⅲ Vocabulary and Structure),共30题,考试时间为20分钟。题目中约60%为词和短语的用法,约40% 为语法结构。要求学生从每题四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。考试范围包括教学大纲词汇表及语法结构表一级至四级的全部内容。本题满分为15分,每小题0.5分。 2.“词汇与结构”对能力的要求

最新《大学英语教学大纲》(1999)对四级语法的要求是:“巩固和加深基本语法知识,提高在语篇水平上运用语法知识的能力。” 《大纲》对四级词汇的要求是:“领会式掌握4200单词(其中复用式掌握的单词为2500),以及由这些词构成的常用词组1600条(中学所掌握的词和词组均包括在内),并且有按照基本构词法识别生词的能力。” 这部分测试的目的是考查学生运用词汇,短语以及语法结构的能力。 二、“词汇和结构”部分的出题规律与预测


词 类 动词(短语) 形容词(短语) 名词(短语) 副词 介词(短语) 连词 非谓语动词 时态、语态 虚拟语气 各类从句 省略与倒装 一致关系 特定句型 其他 98.6 99.1 99.6 00.1 00.6 00.12 01.6 02.1 7 2 4 2 3 2 1 2 3 2 2 7 1 1 1 6 3 2 1 3 1 2 2 7 1 2 1 6 1 4 1 2 2 1 2 5 4 4 1 2 1 2 3 5 2 1 8 4 2 1 1 1 2 2 3 5 1 7 3 2 1 4 2 3 2 1 2 3 9 3 3 1 3 2 2 2 3 2 6 3 7 2 1 4 1 2 2 1 1 总题数 56 21 25 9 9 11 21 13 20 20 3 1 12 2 从上表可以看出,五年来对词汇的考查主要集中在动词及动词短语、形容词、名词及介词上,它们约占全部测试词汇的60%。我们知道,在词汇方面,动词、名词和形容词是使用频率最高的三大词类。尤其是动词,它的使用机会最多,词汇题的动词出现的频率最高也是与这一事实相符合的。预计今后的词汇题中动词及短语动词的出现次数还会呈遥遥领先之势。语法的考查主要集中在非谓语动词、时态和语态、虚拟语气及各类从句上,近年来考题中的新趋势为:若干考点混合出现;一些交际用语也时常出现在考题中。


四级考试对语法词汇的考查与《大纲》要求是十分一致的。综观近年来的四级考试题,我们不难发现四级考试语法词汇部分是这样体现《大纲》的。 1.语法考题的涉及面宽







3.具体考查重点为以上项目中的特殊用法和不常用的情况 1)虚拟语气的考点为:

▲ would rather+that从句+一般过去时:

▲ It is vital/necessary/important/urgent/imperative/desirable/advisable/natural/essential+that+动词原


▲ It is time/about time/high time+that+一般过去时: ▲ proposal/suggestion+that+动词原形; ▲ lest+that+should+动词原形; ▲ if only+that+would+动词原形。

2)状语从句的考点为:非if引导的条件状语从句,此类句子多用 at times,provided,so long as,in case,once等来

替代if;由even if/so,now that,for all等引导的让步状语从句;just/ hardly…when引导的时间状语从句;more than,as…as,not so much as,the same as,as much as等引导的比较状语从句。 3)独立主格结构多以逻辑主语+分词的形式出现。 4)情态动词多与完成时形式连用。

5)定语从句重点考查介词+关系代词(which)和as作为关系代词。 4.词汇的考查重点为

1)动词,名词与介词的搭配如:popular/patient+with; yield/solution/adapt

/transfer/access +to;accuse/ require+of;charge+for;under+discussion等等。

2)习惯用法如:confess to/set about/be used to+doing; be supposed to/have/make sb+do 等。 3)由同一动词构成的短语如:come,go,set,break等构成的短语。

4)单个的动词,抽象名词,形容词和副词多以近义词、同义词的形式出现。 5)介词短语在句中作状语如:in terms of;with the exception of;in vain等,另

外还应注意rather than,other than,such as,none/nothing+but等词在考题中 的出现。


考题中。 四、复习思路



3.注意在阅读中培养语感,因为在语篇层次上培养的语感往往可直接帮助答题 4.研究以往考试试题,适当做些练习记住典型题例

I. 时 态


1.过去完成时 (had + done)

1) 过去完成时表示在过去某一时间或动作以前已完成了的动作。这个过去的时间可以用by, before等介词短语或一个



The factory had fulfilled its yearly plan of production by last November. We had not thought of the solution until they gave some hints.

2) 过去完成时可以表示由过去某一时间开始,一直延续到过去另一时间的动作,常和for(有时可省去)或since构


It rained yesterday after it had been dry for many months. 3) 过去完成时常用于以下固定句型:

① hardly / scarcely / barely + 过去完成时(倒装形式)+ when + 过去时;Hardly had I arrived when I had a new

problem to cope with.

② no sooner +过去完成时(倒装形式)+ than +过去时;

No sooner had the words been spoken than he realized that he should have remained silent.

③ by (the end of ) + 过去时间,主句谓语动词用过去完成时。

By the end of that year, Jack had collected more than a thousand foreign stamps.

2.将来完成时: (will/shall + have done) 表示在将来某一时间以前已经完成的动作。常与将来完成时连用的时间状语有by (the time/the end of) + 表示将来时间

的短语和句子;before (the end of ) + 表示将来时间的短语和句子;when, after等 + 将来动作的句子 By this time tomorrow you will have arrived in Shanghai.

When you come tonight at eight o'clock, I shall have written my report. 3.完成进行时态:(has/have + been doing) (had been + doing)

表示动作在现在或过去某一时间以前开始,并延续到那个现在或过去的时间,而且可能还要继续进行下去。 It has been raining for three hours.

He told me he had been waiting for me for two hours.

4.在由 after, as, as soon as, before, once, until, when, while 引导的时间状语从句和由as long as, if, unless 等引导的条件


I will tell him if he comes.

5. 由This (That, It) is (was) the first (second…) time 引导的that从句往往用完成时态。

This is the first time (that) I’ve drunk Californian champagne.

There was a knock at the door. It was the second time someone had interrupted me that evening.

6. 一般将来时的替代形式:

1) be going to do sth. 在口语中广泛使用,表示准备做或即将发生的事情; I’m going to buy a new house when we save enough money. 2) be to do sth. 表示计划安排将要做的事; There is to be a rail strike on July 18th.

3) be about to do sth. 表示即将发生的事情;

We are about to start.

4) be due to do sth. 表示预先确定了的、必定要发生的事; His book is due to be published in October.

5) be on the point / verge of doing sth. 强调即将发生的某种事态; The country is on the verge of civil war.

6) be going/ coming/ leaving/ starting/ arriving/ returning等动词的进行时可表示计划或安排即将要发生的事情。 They are leaving for Hong Kong next month.


1. If she doesn’t tell him the truth now, he’ll simply keep on asking her until she _______. (98.6)


A. does B. has done C. will do D. would do

2. The fifth generation computers, with artificial intelligence, _______ and perfected now. (96.1)

A. developed B have developed C. are being developed D. will have been developed

3. Neither of the young men who had applied for a position in the university _______. (98.1)

A. has been accepted B. have been accepted C.was accepted D. were accepted

4. Turn on the television or open a magazine and you _______ advertisements showing happy, balanced families. (95.6)

A. are often B. often see C. will often see D. have often see

5. While people may refer to television for up-to-the-minute news, it is unlikely that television ______ the newspaper

completely. (95.6)

A. replaced B. have replaced C. replace D. will replace

6. Sir Denis, who is 78, has made it known that much of his collection ______ to the nation. (96.6)

A. has left B. is to leave C. leaves D. is to be left

7. It’s reported that by the end of this month the output of cement in the factory ______ by about 10%. (96.1)

A. will have risen B. has risen C. will be rising D. has been rising 8. The conference ______ a full week by the time it ends. (97.1)

A. must have lasted

B. will have lasted C. would last D. has lasted

9. My train arrives in New York at eight o’clock tonight. The plane I would like to take from there _______ by then. (99.1)

A. will have left B. would leave C. had left D. has left

10. I figure that when you return from your five years’ study abroad all these old houses _______ down. (92.1)

A. will have been pulled B. will have pulled B. will be pulling D. will be pulled

11. Before the first non-stop(直航) flight made in 1949, it ______ necessary for all planes to land for refueling. (96.6)

A. would be B. has been C. had been D. would have been 12. Until then, his family _______ from him for six months. (97.1)

A. didn’t hear B. hasn’t been hearing B. C. hasn’t heard D. hadn’t heard

13. A thief who broke into a church was caught because traces of wax, found on his clothes, _______ from the sort of candles

used only in churches. (99.6)

A. had come B. coming C. come D. that came 14. He came back late, _____ which time all the guests had already left. (99.6)

A. after B. by C. at D. during

15. She ought to stop work; she has a headache because she _______ too long. (00.1)

A. has been reading B. had read C. is reading D. reading 16. That was the first time the old lady _______ her sufferings to others.

A. was telling B. had told C. tell D. told


17. By the time he arrives in Beijing, we _______ here for two days. (01.6)

A. have been staying B. have stayed C. shall stay D. will have stayed 18. By the time you get to New York, I ________ for London. (02.1)

A. am leaving B. shall have left C. have already left D. would be leaving

II. 虚 拟 语 气

语气(mood) 是种动词形式,表示讲话人对某一行为或事情的看法和态度,语气分三种: 1. 直陈语气:表示讲话人认为他所说的话是一个事实。 2. 祈使语气:表示讲话人对对方的请求或命令。

3. 虚拟语气:表示讲话人所说的话不是一个事实,而只是一种愿望、假设、怀疑、建议、可能或纯粹的空想。 常见考点: 1. 一般虚拟

一般虚拟也就是由if引起的虚拟。按照不同的时间,主、从句中动词的形式为: 时 间 现在 过去 将来 从 句(If) did/were (一、三人称可用was) had done did/were to do/should do 主 句 would/should/could/might do would/should/could/might have done would/should/could/might do 注:1)当条件句中含有were,had或should时,可省略if并倒装。 Were I in your position, I would go. 2)根据内容的不同需要,从句与主句可有不一致的错综时间。(混合虚拟) eg: If you had taken your medicine yesterday, you might be well now. If there were no gravity, we should not be able to walk. If you had come a few minutes earlier, you would have met him. If it rained tomorrow, I should/would stay at home. 2. 特殊虚拟

情况1: 虚拟条件有时不是通过if从句明显地表达出来,而是隐含在副词、介词短语或上下文中。经常表示这种含蓄条

件的有:otherwise 或or/ with(如果有了)或without(如果没有)but for (要不是,倘若没有),相当于”if it were not for…”(表示与现在事实相反),或if it had not been for… (表示与过去事实相反)

I would have failed in the examination without your help. But for your timely rescue, the boy would have drowned. But for your guidance, we should/ would fail. 情况2: wish/ if only后的宾词从句 ① 对将来发生的事情表示祝愿或愿望时,宾语从句谓语动词用 would(could, might)+ 动词原形; ② 表示与现在事实相反的愿望时,宾语从句的谓语动词用一般过 去时或过去进行时; ③ 对过去发生的 事情表示遗憾或后悔时,宾语从句的谓语动词 用过去完成时或could/ would have done; 5

