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中 国 矿 业 大 学


姓 名:学 院:专 业:设计题目:专 题:指导教师: 陶士昌 学 号: 08083576 计算机科学与技术 电子信息科学与技术

时域与频域的图像增强及Matlab实现 图像处理 梁志贞 职 称: 副教授

2012年 6月 徐州


学院 计算机科学与技术 专业年级 信科08-3 学生姓名 陶士昌

任务下达日期:2012年 1 月 10 日

毕业设计日期: 2012年 1 月 4 日 至 2012 年 6 月10日

毕业设计题目: 时域与频域的图像增强及Matlab实现




图像增强(image enhancement)是一种按特定的需要突出一幅图像的某些信息,同时,削弱或去除某些不需要的信息,从而有目的地强调图像整体或局部特征,加强图像判读和识别效果的处理方法。其主要目的是使处理后的图像对某些特定的应用比原来的图像更加有效。




院长签字: 指导教师签字:



成 绩: 指导教师签字: 年 月




成 绩: 评阅教师签字: 年 月日

中国矿业大学毕业设计答辩及综合成绩 答 辩 情 况 回 答 问 题 提 出 问 题 有一有原正 基本 没有 般性则性确 正确 回答 错误 错误 答辩委员会评语及建议成绩: 答辩委员会主任签字: 年 月 日 学院领导小组综合评定成绩: 学院领导小组负责人: 年 月 日

摘 要





In the process of collection, processing, storage, display or transmission of the image, the images have some differences with the original scene or the original image, because of many factors such as PV systems distortion, noise, underexposure, overexposure, relative motion, transmission error, etc. These results are called image degradation or degeneration. The degraded or degenerated image is usually fuzzy. It makes us feel unsatisfied or the machine fail to extract full information and even results in errors. So, the image enhancement is needed. The image enhancement methods are basically divided into two categories: spatial domain and frequency domain. Spatial domain methods directly deal with the original image data and the operations are performed on the pixel gray value. The frequency domain methods are explored on the transformation domain of the image processing to enhance the interesting part of the frequency components and the enhanced image is obtained by performing the inverse transformation.

Based on the principle of the image enhancement, this paper introduces some algorithms and implements them by the MATLAB tools. The experiment proves that different methods will give different results when processing low quality image.

Keywords: image enhancement; spatial domain; frequency domain; MATLAB; image processing

目 录

1绪论 ................................................................................................................................................................... 1 1.1课题研究的背景和意义 ............................................................................................................................... 1

1.2 图像增强的国内外研究情况 .............................................................................................................. 2

1.2.1 图像增强的国外发展情况 ...................................................................................................... 2 1.2.2图像增强技术国内发展状况 ............................................................................................... 3

2 时域图像增强方法 .......................................................................................................................................... 4

2.1 引言 ...................................................................................................................................................... 4 2.2 时域增强的定义和步骤 ...................................................................................................................... 4 2.3 灰度变换 .............................................................................................................................................. 4

2.3.1 灰度扩展(缩减) .................................................................................................................. 4 2.3.2 分段线性变换 .......................................................................................................................... 5 2.3.3 非线性变换 .............................................................................................................................. 5 2.3.4 MATLAB函数及示例 ............................................................................................................... 6 2.4 直方图修正 .......................................................................................................................................... 6

2.4.1 图像的直方图 .......................................................................................................................... 6 2.4.2 直方图均衡化 .......................................................................................................................... 8 2.4.3 MATLAB函数及实现 ................................................................................................................. 9 2.5 空域滤波增强 ..................................................................................................................................... 11

2.5.1 空域滤波基本原理和分类 ..................................................................................................... 11 2.5.2 平滑滤波器 ............................................................................................................................ 12 2.5.3 锐化滤波器 ............................................................................................................................ 16

3 频域图像增强方法 ........................................................................................................................................ 20

3.1 二维离散傅里叶变换(DFT)简介 .................................................................................................. 20 3.2频域增强定义和步骤 ......................................................................................................................... 21 3.3 低通滤波 ............................................................................................................................................ 21

3.3.1 理想低通滤波器 .................................................................................................................... 21 3.3.2 Butterworth 低通滤波器 .................................................................................................... 22 3.3.3 指数低通滤波器 .................................................................................................................. 22 3.3.4 梯形低通滤波器 .................................................................................................................... 22 3.3.5 MATLAB算法及其实现 ........................................................................................................... 22 3.4高通滤波 ............................................................................................................................................. 26

3.4.1 理想高通滤波器 .................................................................................................................... 26 3.4.2 Butterworth高通滤波器 ..................................................................................................... 26 3.4.3 指数高通滤波器 .................................................................................................................... 27 3.4.4 MATLAB算法及其实现 ........................................................................................................... 27

4 结论与对未来展望 ........................................................................................................................................ 31 参考文献 ............................................................................................................................................................ 33 英文原文 ............................................................................................................................................................ 34 中文译文 ............................................................................................................................................................ 44 致 谢 ................................................................................................................................................................ 52

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随着人类社会的进步,科学技术的发展,人们对信息处理和信息交流的要求越来越高。图像信息具有直观、形象、易懂和信息量大等特点,它是在人们日常生活、生产中接触最多的信息种类之一。近年来,随着信息社会数字化的发展,数字图像处理(digital image processing)无论是在理论研究方面还是在实际应用方面都取得了长足的发展。尤其是计算机技术的应用、遥感技术的发展、数字通信的兴起、互联网的普及、数字处理芯片性能的提高以及应用数学理论与方法的更新,对数字信号处理起了关键性的推动作用;而数字图像处理技术的发展又有力地促进和加速了上述各项技术的进步[1]。





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1.2 图像增强的国内外研究情况

1.2.1 图像增强的国外发展情况


20世纪60年代末和20世纪70年代初有学者开始将图像增强技术用于医学图像、地球遥感监测和天文学等领域。X射线是最早用于成像的电磁辐射源之一,在1895年X射线由伦琴发现。20世纪70年代Godfrey N. Hounsfield先生和Allan M. Cormack教授共同发明计算机轴向断层技术:一个检测器围绕病人,并用X射线源绕着物体旋转。X射线穿过身体并由位于对面环中的相应检测器收集起来。其原理是用感知的数据去重建切片图像。当物体沿垂直于检测器的方向运动时就产生一系列的切片,这些切片组成了物体内部的再现图像。到了20世纪80年代以后,各种硬件的发展使得人们不仅能够处理二维图像,而且开始处理三维图像。许多能获得三维图像的设备和分析处理三维图像的系统已经研制成功了,图像处理技术得到了广泛的应用。进入20世纪90年代,图像增强技术已经逐步涉及人类生活和社会发展的各个方面。计算机程序用于增强对比度或将亮度编码为彩色,以便解释X射线和用于工业、医学及生物科学等领域的其他图像。地理学用相同或相似的技术从航空和卫星图像中研究污染模式。在考古学领域中使用图像处理方法已成功地复原模糊图片。在物理学和相关领域中计算机技术能增强高能等离子和电子显微镜等领域的实验图片。直方图均衡处理是图像增强技术常用的方法之一。1997年Kim 提出如果要将图像增强技术运用到数码相机等电子产品中,那么算法一定要保持图像的亮度特性。在文章中Kim提出了保持亮度特性的直方图均衡算法(BBHE)。Kim的改进算法提出后,引起了许多学者的关注。在1999年Wan等人提出二维子图直方图均衡算法(DSIHE)。接着Chen和Ramli提出最小均方误差双直方图均衡算法(MMBEBHE)。为了保持图像亮度特性,许多学者转而研究局部增强处理技术,提出了许多新的算法:递归均值分层均衡处理(RMSHE)、递归子图均衡算法(RSIHE)、动态直方图均衡算法(DHE)、保持亮度特性动态直方图均衡算法(BPDHE)、多层直方图均衡算法(MHE)、亮度保持簇直方图均衡处理(BPWCHE)等等[2]。

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2 时域图像增强方法

2.1 引言


2.2 时域增强的定义和步骤


2.3 灰度变换


g(x,y)?T?f?x,y?? (2.1)


一般成像系统只具有一定的亮度响应范围,亮度的最大值与最小值之比称为亮度对比度。由于成像系统的限制,常会出现对比度不足(或过大)的弊病,使人眼观察图像时视觉效果很差。因此需要调整对比度,即灰度变换。有三种常用的灰度变换:线性、分段线性及非线性变换。 2.3.1 灰度扩展(缩减)


d?c??gx,y? ? f ? x , y ? ? a ? ? c f ( x , y ) ? ? a , b ? (2.2)


此式可用图2.1(a) 所示。

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2.3.2 分段线性变换

为了突出感兴趣的目标或灰度区间,相对抑制那些不感兴趣的灰度区域,可采用分段线性变换。常用的是3段线性变换法,其数学表达式如下 c?f?x,y?0?f?x,y??a?a ??d?c? x? ?xy? g ? , ? ? ? f ? x , y ? ? a ? ? c a f , y b (2.3) ?b?a? ?G?d?f?x,y??b??db?f?x,y??F?F?b?


通过调整折现拐点的位置及控制分段线性的斜率,可对任一灰度区间进行扩展或压缩。这种变换适用于在黑色或白色附近有噪声干扰的情况[4]。 g ? x ? ,yg?x,y?

G G d d c c o f(x,y)f(x,y) ab o F aF b

(a)简单线性变换 (b)分段线性变换 g?x,y?



o f(x,y)F (c) 非线性对苏变换

图2.1 灰度范围的变换 2.3.3 非线性变换



[(x,y)?1] (2.4) g(x,y)?c?klnf

这里的k、c是用于调整曲线位置和形状的参数,其图形如图2.1(c)所示。它使f?x,y? 的灰度范围得到扩展,高灰度范围得到压缩,以使图像的灰度分布与人的视觉特性相匹配。

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g(x,y)?bc?f?x,y??a??1 (2.5) 式中a、b、c 3个参数也是用来调整曲线的位置和形状,它的效果与对数变换相反,对图像的高灰度区给予较大的扩展。 2.3.4 MATLAB函数及示例

在MATLAB中,函数imadjust(I, [low_in high_in],[low_out high_out]) 来实现图像的灰度值变换。low_in 和high_in 参数分别用来指定输入图像需要映射的灰度范围,low_out和high_out指定输出图像所在的灰度范围。代码如下[5]

I=imread('cameraman.tif'); J=imadjust(I,[0 0.2],[0.5 1]); imshow(I);

figure,imshow(J) 结果如图2.2所示

(a) 原图 (b) 灰度变换后图

图2.2 灰度变换示例

2.4 直方图修正

2.4.1 图像的直方图

直方图是图像中像素灰度分布统计特性的一种图形表示方式,可定义为 H?k??nk 或 P?k??nk/N (归一化) (2.6) 式中k为灰度级;nk为第k级灰度的像素数;N为一幅图像的总像素数;H?k?和P?k?分别为该图像的直方图和归一化直方图(频数)。图2.3是图片cameraman.tif及其直方图统计


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设连续图像为f?x,y?,D表示某一灰度,A?D? 表示图像中灰度大于D的面积(称之为面积函数),则该图像的直方图H?D?可以用它的面积函数的微分来定义,即

limA?D??D??A?D?dA?D? (2.7) H?D????D?0dDdD

(a) cameraman原图 (b) 直方图统计

图2.3 cameraman图像及直方图

(a) 位置一 (b) 位置一直方图

(c) 位置二 (d) 位置二直方图

图2.4 不同位置的图像及直方图

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-1 -2 -1 -1 0 1 0 0 0 -2 0 2 1 2 1 -1 0 1 (a)对水平边缘响应大 (b)对垂直边缘响应大

图2.13 Sobel算子基本方法

式(2.19)和式(2.20)分别对应图2.13所示的两个滤波模板。为了简化运算,也可以用来 x ? S y 替代式(2.21)的计算,从而得到锐化后的图像。由此可知,Sobelg? S算子不像普通梯度算子那样用两个像素的差值,而用两列或者两行加权和的差值,这就有一下两个优点:

① 由于引入了平均因素,因而对图像中的随机噪声有一定的平滑作用。 ② 由于它是相隔两行或两列的差分,故边缘两侧的元素得到了增强,边缘显得粗而亮。

(a)原图 (b)sobel算子滤波

(c)prewitt算子滤波 (d)log算子滤波


在MATLAB中常用空域微分算子sobel算子、prewitt算子、高斯-拉普拉斯算子等来实现非线性锐化滤波。下面的例子来显示几种边缘增强算子在图像增强中的不同效果。 I=imread('eight.tif');


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h1=fspecial('sobel'); K1=filter2(h1,I); figure,imshow(K1); h2=fspecial('prewitt'); K2=filter2(h2,I); figure,imshow(K2); h3=fspecial('log'); K3=filter2(h3,I); figure,imshow(K3);

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3 频域图像增强方法

3.1 二维离散傅里叶变换(DFT)简介




?uxvy?M?1N?1?j2????1 F ? , y ? e ? M N ? (3.1)? ? f ?xu ,vMNx?0y?0

?? ?uxvy?M?1N?1j2????1 f ? x , y ? ? F (u ,v ? M N ? (3.2) )eMNu?0v?0



F(u,v)?F(u,v)exp?j??u,v???R(u,v)?jI(u,v) (3.3)



F?u,v??R2?u,v??I2?u,v? (3.4)



?I?u,v?? ? ? u , ? ? (3.5) ?arctanv


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频域增强是利用图像变换方法将原来的图像空间中的图像以某种形式转换到其它空间中,然后利用该空间的特有性质方便地进行图像处理,最后再转换回原来的图像空间中,从而得到处理后的图像。 频域增强的主要步骤是:

(1) 选择变换方法,将输入图像变换到频域空间;

(2) 在频域空间中,根据处理目的设计一个转移函数并进行处理; (3) 将所得结果用反变换得到图像增强。 频域增强的方法有两个关键点:

(1) 将图像从空间域转换到频域所需的变换及将图像从频域空间转换回空间域所需的变换;

(2) 在频域空间对图像进行增强的操作。


3.3 低通滤波

图像在传递过程中,由于噪声主要集中在高频部分,为去除噪声改善图像质量,滤波器采用低通滤波器H?u,v?来抑制高频成分,通过低频成分,然后再进行逆傅立叶变换获 得滤波图像,就可达到平滑图像的目的。在傅里叶变换域中,变换系数能反映某些图像的特征,如频谱的直流分量对应于图像的平均亮度,噪声对应于频率较高的区域,图像实体位于频率较低的区域等,因此频域常被用于图像增强。在图像增强中构造低通滤波器,使低频分量能够顺利通过,高频分量有效地阻止,即可滤除该领域内噪声。由卷积定理,低通滤波器数学表达式为:G?u,v??F?u,v?H?u,v?式中,F?u,v?为含有噪声的原图像的傅里叶变换域;H?u,v?为传递函数;G?u,v?为经低通滤波后输出图像的傅里叶变换。假定噪声和信号成分在频率上可分离,且噪声表现为高频成分。H?u,v?滤波滤去了高频成分,而低频信息基本无损失地通过。

选择合适的传递函数H?u,v?对频域低通滤波关系重大。常用频率域低通滤波器H?u,v?有四种[13]:理想低通滤波器、Butterworth 低通滤波器、指数低通滤波器、梯形低通滤波器。

3.3.1 理想低通滤波器


D?u,v??D0?1 H ?u , v ? ? ? (3.6)




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3.3.2 Butterworth 低通滤波器

n 阶Butterworth 滤波器的传递函数为[14]:

1??Hu,v? 2n?D?u,v?? (3.7) 1????D0?

Butterworth低通滤波器是一种物理上可以实现的滤波器。它的特性是连续性衰减,而不像理想滤波器那样陡峭变化。 3.3.3 指数低通滤波器


nD?u,v?? (3.8) D0, v ? H u e

??3.3.4 梯形低通滤波器


?1D?u,v??D0 ??D?u,v??D1??Hu,v?D? D 0 ? ? u ,v ? ? D 1 (3.9)

D?D01? ?0D?u,v??D0?

3.3.5 MATLAB算法及其实现



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I2=imnoise(I1,'salt & pepper'); imshow(I1);

figure,imshow(I2); s=fftshift(fft2(I2));

[M,N]=size(s); %分别返回s的行数到M中,列数到N中 n1=floor(M/2); %对M/2进行取整

n2=floor(N/2); %对N/2进行取整

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%ILPF滤波,d0=5,15,30 (程序中以d0=5为例)

d0=5; %初始化d0

for i=1:M for j=1:N

d=sqrt((i-n1)^2+(j-n2)^2); %点(i,j)到傅立叶变换中心的距离 if d<=d0 %点(i,j)在通带内的情况 h=1; %通带变换函数

else %点(i,j)在阻带内的情况 h=0; %阻带变换函数 end

s(i,j)=h*s(i,j); %ILPF滤波后的频域表示

end end

s=ifftshift(s); %对s进行反FFT移动

%对s进行二维反离散的Fourier变换后,取复数的实部转化为无符号8位整数 s=uint8(real(ifft2(s)));

figure; %创建图形图像对象

imshow(s); %显示ILPF滤波后的图像 title('ILPF滤波(d0=5)') 结果如图3.3所示

(a)saturn原图 (b)加入椒盐噪声 (c)理想低通滤波后


(2) 巴特沃斯低通滤波器



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阶为1的巴特沃斯低通滤波器剖面示意图见图3.4。由图可见低通巴特沃斯滤波器在高低频率间的过渡比较光滑,所以用巴特沃斯滤波器得到的输出图其振铃效应不明显。 一般情况下,常取是H最大值降到某个百分比的频率为截止频率。在上面式中,当D(u,v)=D0时,H(u,v)=0.5(即降到50%)。另一个常用的截止频率值是使H降到最大值的1/21/2时的频率。




I2=imnoise(I1,'salt & pepper'); f=double(I2);

g=fft2(f); %傅里叶变换

g=fftshift(g); % 转换数据区域

[N1,N2]=size(g); n=2; d0=50;

n1=fix(N1/2); n2=fix(N2/2); for i=1:N1 for j=1:N2

d=sqrt((i-n1)^2+(j-n2)^2); h=1/(1+0.414*(d/d0)^(2*n)); result(i,j)=h*g(i,j); end


result=ifftshift(result); X2=ifft2(result); X3=uint8(real(X2)); subplot(1,3,1),imshow(I1)

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subplot(1,3,2),imshow(I2) subplot(1,3,3),imshow(X3) 运行结果如图3.5

(a)coins原图 (b)加入椒盐噪声 (c)butterworth低通滤波



图像中的细节部分与其频率的高频分量相对应,所以高通滤波可以对图像进行锐化处理。高通滤波器与低通滤波器的作用相反,它使高频分量顺利通过,而消弱低频。 图像的边缘、细节主要位于高频部分,而图像的模糊是由于高频成分比较弱产生的。采用高通滤波器可以对图像进行锐化处理,是为了消除模糊,突出边缘[18]。因此采用高通滤波器让高频成分通过,使低频成分削弱,再经逆傅立叶变换得到边缘锐化的图像。常用的高通滤波器有:理想高通滤波器、Butterworth 高通滤波器、指数高通滤波器。 3.4.1 理想高通滤波器


D(u,v)?D0?0(u H , v ) ? ? 1 D ( u ,v ) (3.10) ? D0?

3.4.2 Butterworth高通滤波器

n 阶巴特沃斯高通滤波器的传递函数定义如下:

1 H ( u , v ) ? (3.11) 2n?D0? 1?(2?1)??D(u,v)??

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3.4.3 指数高通滤波器


H(u,v)?exp{?0.347[D0/D(u,v)]n} (3.12)

3.4.4 MATLAB算法及其实现


理想高通的程序和理想低通相似,只是程序中h的取值正好相反。 I=imread('coins.png'); figure(1),imshow(I); title('原图像'); s=fftshift(fft2(I)); figure(2);


title('图像傅里叶变换所得频谱'); figure(3);


title('图像傅里叶变换取对数所得频谱'); [a,b]=size(s); a0=round(a/2); b0=round(b/2); d=10;

p=0.2;q=0.5; for i=1:a

for j=1:b

distance=sqrt((i-a0)^2+(j-b0)^2); if distance<=d h=0; else h=1; end;

s(i,j)=(p+q*h)*s(i,j); end; end;

s=uint8(real(ifft2(ifftshift(s)))); figure(4); imshow(s);

title('高通滤波所得图像'); figure(5); imshow(s+I);

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(a)coins原图 (b)傅里叶变换所得频谱

(c)傅里叶变换去对数频谱 (d)理想高通滤波后图像

(e) 高频增强后图像


(2) Butterworth 高通

根据滤波函数,得到如下算法[19]: I1=imread('eight.tif');


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g=fftshift(g); [N1,N2]=size(g); n=2; d0=50;

n1=fix(N1/2); n2=fix(N2/2); for i=1:N1; for j=1:N2;

d=sqrt((i-n1)^2+(j-n2)^2); if d==0;

h=0; else

h=1/(1+(d0/d)^(2*n)); end

result(i,j)=h*g(i,j); end end

result=ifftshift(result); X2=ifft2(result);





(a)eight 原图 (b)Butterworth 高通滤波后


(3) 小结


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4 结论与对未来展望






由于对图像质量的要求越来越高,单一的图像增强算法往往难以满足实际需求,因此 几种算法相结合、取长补短、优势互补是图像增强算法发展必然趋势。更深入的研究可从以下几方面着手:

(1)在进一步提高精度的同时着重解决处理速度问题。如, 在航天遥感、气象云图处理方面,巨大的数据量和处理速度仍然是主要矛盾之一,图像处理的发展将围绕HDTV(高清晰度电视)的研制, 开展实时图像处理的理论及技术研究,向着高速、高分辨率、 立体化、多媒体化、 智能化和标准化方向发展。



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(4)加强理论研究, 逐步形成图像处理科学自身的理论体系,新理论与新算法研究。在图像处理领域,近几年来, 引入了一些新的理论并提出了一些新的算法,如小波分析(Wavelet)、分形几何(Fractal)、 形态学(Morphology)、 遗传算法( Genetic Algorithms)、人工神经网络等(Artificial neural networks)。这些理论及建立在其上的算法, 将会成为今后图像处理理论与技术的研究热点[21]。

(5)图像处理领域的标准化,图像的信息量大、数据量大, 因而图像信息的建库、检索和交流是一个重要的问题。就现有的情况看, 软件、硬件种类繁多, 交流和使用极为不便,成为资源共享的严重障碍。应建立图像信息库, 统一存放格式,建立标准子程序,统一检索方法。

数字图像处理经过初创期、发展期、普及期及广泛应用几个阶段,如今已是各个学科竞相研究并在各个领域广泛应用的一门科学。随着科学技术的进步以及人类需求的不断增长,图像处理科学无论是在理论上还是实践上, 均会取得更大的发展。

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[3] 王宏民,朱莹莹,付源.空域法进行图像增强处理在MATLAB中的仿真与分析.煤矿

机械,2005(5):56~58. [4] 胡晓军,徐飞.2011.MATLAB应用数字图像处理.西安:西安电子科技大学出版社78~90 [5] Otsu N A.Threshold selection method from gay-level histogram.IEEE

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[9] KIM Y T. Contrast enhancement using brightness preserving bi-histogram

equalization[J]. Consumer Electronics, IEEE Transactions on, 1997, 43(1):1-8 [10] 王桥.2009.数字图像处理.北京:科学出版社,200~203

[11] 阮秋琦,阮宇智.2011. 数字图像处理(第三版).北京:电子工业出版社340~345 [12] SIM K S, TSO C P, TAN Y Y. Recursive sub-image histogram equalization applied to

gray scale images[J]. Pattern Recognition Letters, 2007, 28(10):1209-1221 [13] 章毓晋. 2006. 图像处理(上册):图像处理. 北京:清华大学出版社.125~201 [14] 雍杨,王敬儒,张启衡.2005.弱小目标低对比度图象增强算法研究. [15] 章毓晋.2006. 图像工程(上):图像处理.北京:清华大学出版社 400~410

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[18] Richard O. Duda.2009.李宏东等译.模式分类.北京:机械工业出版社.222-225 [19] 朱秀昌,刘峰,胡栋.2008.数字图像处理与图像通信.北京:科学出版社 [20] 张毓晋.2000.图像理解与计算机视觉.北京:清华大学出版社 [21] 马颂德,张正友.1998.计算机视觉.北京:科学出版社 209~211

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Fast Localization of the Optic Disc Using

Projection of Image Features

Ahmed E. Mahfouz and Ahmed S. Fahmy

Abstract-Optic Disc (OD) localization is an important pre-processing step that signi?cantly simpli?es subsequent segmentation of the OD and other retinal structures. Current OD localization techniques suffer from impractically-high computation times (few minutes per image). In this work, we present a fast technique that requires less than a second to localize the OD. The technique is based upon obtaining two projections of certain image features that encode the x- and y- coordinates of the OD. The resulting 1-D projections are then searched to determine the location of the OD. This avoids searching the 2-D image space and, thus, enhances the speed of the OD localization process. Image features such as retinal vessels orientation and the OD brightness are used in the current method. Four publicly-avail-able databases, including STARE and DRIVE, are used to evaluate the proposed technique. The OD was successfully located in 330 images out of 340 images (97%) with an average computation time of 0.65 s. Index Terms—Image features, localization, optic disc, projection.


With the new advances in digital modalities for retinal imaging, there is a progressive need of image processing tools that provide fast and reliable segmentation of retinal anatomical structures. The optic disc(OD) is a major retinal structure that usually appears in retinal images as a circular bright object [1]. It is the region where the optic nerve and the retinal and choroidal vessels emerge into the eye [2].A large number of algorithms have been proposed in literature to segment the OD; this includes the use of Hough Transform [3]–[5], active contour models [6], and gradient vector ?ow (GVF) [7] and [8].Nevertheless, the success and ef?ciency of these algorithms depend mainly upon determining a seed point inside the OD, i.e., localization of the OD [6]–[8]. Although manual localization of the OD is suf?cient, the process can be prohibitively cumbersome when dealing with large number of images. This has stimulated several research groups to develop algorithms for automatic localization of the OD [1], [2] and [9]–[12]. OD localization can also be useful for a number of applications. For example, the OD location can serve as a landmark for localizing and segmenting other anatomical structures such as the fovea.

(where the distance between the OD center and the center of the fovea is roughly constant) [2]. The location can also be used to classify left and right eyes in fovea-centered retinal images [13]. In addition, the detection of OD location is sometimes necessary for computing some important diagnostic indices for hypertensive retinopathy based upon vasculature such as central retinal artery equivalent (CRAE) and central retinal vein equivalent (CRVE) [10]. Also, since the OD can be

easily confounded with large exudates and lesions, the detection of its location is important to remove it from a set of candidate lesions [9].

In normal eyes, automatic localization of the OD is simple because it has well-de?ned features. Nevertheless, developing fast and robust methods for automatic localization of the OD could be very challenging due to the presence of retinal pathologies that alter the appearance of the OD signi?cantly and/or have similar properties to the OD [3]. OD localization methods can be classi?ed into two main categories, appearance-basedmethods and model-basedmethods. Appearance-basedmethods identify the location of the OD as the location of the brightest round object within the retinal image. These methods include techniques such as intensity thresholding [4] and [5], highest average variation [14], matched spatial ?lter [12], and principle component analysis[10]. Although these methods are simple and have high success rates in normal images, they fail to correctly localize the OD in diseased retinal images where the pathologies have

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similar appearance properties to the OD.

Model-based methods depend mainly upon extracting and analyzing the structure of the retinal vessels and de?ning the location of the OD as the point where all the retinal vessels originate [1], [2] and [9].Techniques such as geometrical models [9], convergence of vasculature [1], and Vessel’s direction matched ?lter [2] have a relatively high success rate in diseased images, but they are computationally very expensive because they require segmentation of the retinal vessels as an initial step of the localization process. For example, the geometrical model-based method proposed by Foracchia et al. [9] achieves a success rate of 97.5%, but it takes an average computation time of 2 min to localize the OD in a given image. The Vessel’s direction matched ?lter described by Youssif et al. [2] achieves an accuracy of 98.8%, but it takes an average computation time of 3.5 min per image to correctly locate the OD. The Hausdorff-based template matching technique proposed by Lalonde et al. [11] has a good computation time (1.6 ?0.3s), but the technique relies on three major assumptions: 1) the imaging protocol is known, 2) the OD represents a bright region, and 3) the OD is a circular object. The ?rst assumption requires that the graders mark each image as left, right, or OD centered. The other two assumptions are usually violated in retinal images with pathologies (e.g., [17, images 1, 4–6, 13, 17, 19–21, 25–27, 34, 36, 46, and 219]) leading to low success rate of the OD localization process, i.e., 71.6%in STARE data-base, as reported by Youssef et al. [2]. In this work, a novel fast technique for OD localization is proposed. The new method can be classi?ed as a model-based method in which the OD is considered the region where the main retinal vessels originate in a vertical direction. The computation time of the localization process is signi?cantly enhanced by reducing the problem from one 2-D localization problem to two 1-D problems that does not require segmentation of the retinal vessels. The remaining sections of this manuscript are organized as follows; Section II-A describes the ―easy-to-compute‖ image features that can be used to decompose the image into two 1-D signals. Section II-B contains the methodologies of determining the horizontal and the vertical locations of the OD from the

Fig. 1. Feature_map_1 showing a horizontally sliding window at two different locations, the sliding direction and the projection direction.

resulting two 1-D signals. Section II-C proposes a geometry-based method that can be used to enhance the robustness of the localization process. Section II-D contains the detailed algorithm that can be used to implement the proposed technique and reproduce the results which are displayed in Section III. Section IV contains a discussion of the results and the conclusion, respectively.

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A. Projection of Image Features

Searching for the OD location in a 2-D space (image space) renders any localization algorithm highly expensive in terms of computation time. The main objective of this work is to propose a localization algorithm with signi?cantly enhanced speed by converting the typical 2-D localization problem into two 1-D localization problems. This reduction of dimensionality is achieved by projecting certain features from the retinal image onto two orthogonal axes (horizontal and vertical).The resulting two 1-D signals are then searched to determine the horizontal and vertical coordinates of the OD location. The key factor needed for the success of the dimensionality reduction process is to obtain two meaningful 1-D signals that can be used to determine the coordinates of the OD location. In order to produce such 1-D signals, the set of retinal image features to be projected on either axis should be carefully determined.

Two feature maps are used to produce the two 1-Dprojection signals. The ?rst map feature_map_1 is constructed by calculating the difference between the vertical and horizontal edge maps of the retinal image and dividing the result by the intensity map, see Fig. 1. The second map feature_map_2 is constructed by calculating the summation of the vertical and horizontal edge maps and multiplying the result by the intensity map, see Fig. 2. These maps can be used to accurately localize the OD based upon the simple observation that the central retinal artery and vein emerge from the OD mainly in the vertical direction and then progressively branch into the main horizontal vessels, see Fig. 3(a). This vasculature structure of the retina suggests that a vertical window (with height equal to the image height and a proper width) would always be dominated by vertical edges and dark pixels (vertical vessels) when centered at the OD, see location 1 in Fig. 1. Although the window may contain vertical edges at other locations, i.e., corresponding to small vascular branches or lesions, it will always be populated by strong horizontal edges as well, i.e., the edges of the two main horizontal branches of the retinal vessels, see location 2 in Fig. 1. The vasculature structure suggests also that a horizontal window (with height and width equal to the OD diameter) centered at the determined horizontal location would always enclose a large number of strong edges and a large number of bright pixels when centered at the OD, see Fig. 2. This follows the fact that the possibility of having lesions in the regions above or below the OD is very small, because no retinal vessels are present in these regions. It is worth noting that simple gradient operators (the kernel [1 0 1] and its transpose) are used to produce the vertical and horizontal edge maps of the image.

Fig. 2. Feature_map_2 showing a vertically sliding window centered at the OD, the sliding

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direction and the projection direction.

Fig. 3. (a) Example of a retinal image. (b) Plot of the 1-D signal resulting from projecting feature_map_2 onto the vertical axis. (c) Plot of the 1-D signal resulting from projecting feature_map_1 onto the horizontal axis.

B. OD Localization

In order to localize the OD, the process is split into two steps. In the ?rst step, the image features are projected onto the horizontal axis to determine the horizontal location of the OD. In the second step, the horizontal location, determined from step 1, is searched for the correct vertical location of the OD. The following two sections show these two steps in detail.

It is worth noting that the areas outside the camera aperture (circular region) are excluded using a binary mask generated by thresholding the red component of the image based upon the method described in [3]. Fig. 3(c) shows the 1-D signal resulting from projecting the features encoded in feature_map_1 on the horizontal axis. The value of the signal at each horizontal location is the summation of the values of feature_map_1 inside the vertical window, shown in Fig. 2, when centered at this horizontal location. Notice that the horizontal location of the optic disc is easily identi?ed as the location of the maximum peak of the resulting 1-D signal.

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Fig. 4. (a) Vertical localization signals corresponding to Peak 1. (b) Retinal image

showing the two candidate OD locations. (c) Vertical localization signals corresponding to Peak 2. (d) Horizontal localization signal.

It is worth Noting that the vessels thickness and the OD diameter are calculated automatically from the image resolution; assuming that the average OD diameter in adults is 1.5mm and the main vessels thickness is 15% of the OD diameter [15].

Assuming that the horizontal location of the OD is successfully identi?ed, the objective now is to determine the vertical location of the OD. This is done by projecting the features encoded in feature_map_2 on the vertical axis, as shown in Fig. 3(b). The value of the signal at each vertical location is the summation of the values of feature_map_2 inside the horizontal window, shown in Fig. 2, when centered at this vertical location. Notice that the vertical location of the optic disc is easily identi?ed as the location of the maximum peak of the resulting 1-D signal.

C. Improving the Robustness

Consider the horizontal signal of the image shown in Fig. 4(b). It can be shown that the true peak corresponding to the OD horizontal location, peak 2 in Fig. 4(d), is not the maximum peak. This is due to the image artifact that appears as a bright spot to the left of the image. If we follow the algorithm described previously, the estimated OD location will be at a point that, by intuition, cannot belong to an optic disc. On the other hand, if the second peak of the horizontal signal is considered a candidate horizontal location for the OD, the estimated OD location will correspond to the correct location of the OD. This observation can be used to enhance the success rate of the technique. That is, instead of considering the maximum peak of the horizontal signal only, a candidate list of possible horizontal OD locations is used. The candidate list contains the locations of the maximum peaks and the vertical localization step is repeated for each candidate horizontal location. This results in possible (2-D) candidate locations of the OD. In order to determine the ?nal location, a set of image features is used to score each candidate. Then, the ?nal location of the OD is taken as the candidate with the maximum scoring index. In this work, the candidate list contains two locations. The scoring index is calculated as the peak strength of the horizontal signal at the candidate location multiplied by a weighing factor.

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The weighting factor incorporates some a priori knowledge of the typical geometric and appearance properties of the OD.

To calculate the weighting factor, a square window (with edge equal to twice the OD diameter) is centered at the candidate OD location. Then, 10% of the brightest pixels within this window are segmented. If an object (large cluster of bright pixels) exists at the candidate location, the eccentricity, de?ned as the ratio of the object’s minor axis length to the object’s major axis length [16], of this object is calculated. If no object exists, the eccentricity of the candidate location is set to a very small value (e.g., 0.1). Then, the weighting factor of this location is set equal to the calculated eccentricity.

D. Algorithm

Step 1) Get image features

Construct feature_map_1 and feature_map_2:



Where, Ev and EH are the absolute vertical & horizontal edge images, respectively; and

I?x,y? is the image intensity.

Step 2) Project feature_map_1 on the horizontal axis

1) Define Whrz as a rectangular window of size (image height, 2×main vessel width) centered at the horizontal location x

2) Slide Whrz over feature_map_1 and calculate:

Hproj?x??sum of feature_map_1 values inside Whrz 3) The horizontal location of the OD, ODH, is the location of the maximum peak ofHproj Step 3) Project feature_map_2 on the vertical axis

1) Define Wver as a rectangular window of size (OD diameter, OD diameter) centered at the horizontal location ODH and the vertical location y 2) Slide Wver over feature_map_2 and calculate:

Vproj?y??sum of feature_map_2 inside Wver 3) The vertical location of the OD, ODV, is the location of the maximum peak of Vproj Step 4) Improving the robustness

1) For each candidate (ODH,ODV), select a square region of interest ( ROI ) with edge size of 2×OD diameter

2) Segment the brightest 10% pixels within each ROI 3) Group neighboring pixels into objects

4) Calculate the eccentricity of the largest object:

eccen (ODH,ODV) = ( minor axis length / major axis length )

5) Calculate the Scoring Index ( SI ) of each candidate: SI (ODH,ODV)=


6) Select the final OD location as the location with the largest SI


Four publicly available databases are used to evaluate the accuracy and the computation time of the proposed technique. The four databases are: 1) STARE database (81 images, 605 X700 pixels) [17], 2) DRIVE database (40 images, 565 X 584 pixels) [18],

3) Standard Diabetic Retinopathy Database ―Calibration Level 0‖ (DIARETDB0) (130 images,

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1500, X1152 pixels) [19].

4) Standard Diabetic Retinopathy Database ―Calibration Level 1‖ (DIARETDB1) (89 images, 1500 X1152 pixels) [19].

The diseased images in the four databases contain signs of DR, such as hard exudates, soft exudates, hemorrhages, and neo-vascularization (NV). The accuracy and computation time results of evaluating the proposed method using these databases are summarized in Table I. The table includes the results of applying the method without constructing the candidate list (the maximum peak of the horizontal localization signal is selected as the correct location) and also the results with the list containing two candidates.

Fig. 5. Selected OD localization results. (a)–(l) Show successful OD localization examples. (m)–(o) Show examples of failure in OD localization. The white ―X‖ indicates the location of the OD as detected by the proposed method.


RESULTS FOR EVALUATING THE PERFORMANCE OF THE PROPOSED METHODIN TERMS OF SUCCESS RATE AND COMPUTATION TIME USING FOUR DATABASES Database STARE DRIVE DIARETDB0 DIARETDB1 Total Normal Images Diseased Images Number of Images Success Rate ( % ) Success Rate ( % ) ( with improvement) Computation Time ( seconds ) 31 50 81 89.0 92.6 0.46 33 7 40 100 100 0.32 20 110 130 94.6 98.5 0.98 5 84 89 96.6 97.8 0.98 89 251 340 94.4 97.0 The proposed method was implemented using Matlab (The MathWorks, Inc.) and the results shown in Table I are acquired by running the developed code on a PC (2.66 Intel Core 2 Due and 4 GB RAM). The detected location of the OD is considered correct if it falls within 60 pixels of a

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manually identi?ed OD center, as proposed by Hoover et al. in [1], Foracchia et al. in [9], and Youssif et al. in [2]. The center of the OD is manually identi?ed as the point from which the main retinal vessels emerge.

The proposed method achieved a total success rate of 97%, i.e., the OD was correctly located in 330 images out of the 340 images tested. The new method achieved a success rate of 92.6% in STARE with an average computation time of 0.46 s per image and an error of 14 ? 15 pixels (mean ? standard deviation). In addition, the method achieved 100% success rate in DRIVE with an average computation time of 0.32s per image and an error of 11 ? 11 pixels. Fig. 5(a)–(m) show examples of retinal images with the OD correctly localized. Fig. 5(m)–(o) show examples of retinal images in which the proposed method failed to locate the OD.

Table II compares the performance of the proposed method to other OD localization methods, on STARE database, in terms of accuracy and computation time.

Table III illustrates the parameters’ values used in the proposed algorithm to produce the results shown in Table I. It is worth noting that these parameters are calculated automatically from the image resolution and small changes in the windows’ sizes will not alter the results signi?cantly.


A new method for OD localization is presented. The method achieves fast localization by reducing the dimensionality of the search space from a 2-D space (image space) to two 1-D spaces (two 1-D signals). The process of dimensionality reduction is achieved through the projection of certain image features onto two orthogonal axes (horizontal and vertical). In this work, two features are selected for projection. The ?rst one is the directionality of the retinal vessels (represented by the horizontal and vertical edge maps of the image). The second feature is the intensity pro?le of the OD (a bright circular region with a thin dark slab in the middle). The robustness of the novel technique is guaranteed by evaluating the method using four databases (340 images); most commonly used to evaluate OD localization techniques [1]–[3] and [9]. The method achieved a relatively high success of 97% with all the parameters of algorithm maintained at constant values (except for linear scaling of the sizes of the used projection windows according to the image resolution). That is, there is no need to tailor the algorithm parameters for different databases. TABLE II


Technique Sinthanayothin et al. [14] - Highest Average Variation Lalonde et al. [11] – Template Matching Hoover et al. [1] – Fuzzy Convergence Foracchia et al. [9] – Geometrical Model Youssif et al. [2] – Vessel’s Direction Matched Filter Proposed Method – Projection of Image Features Success Rate* 42.0% 71.6% 89.0% 97.5% 98.8% 92.6% Computation Time** Not reported 1.6 seconds 15 seconds 2.0 minutes 3.5 minutes 0.46 seconds

*The success rates shown are all taken from Youssef et al. [2]. **The

computation times shown are taken from the corresponding references. Note that the computation time reported by Lalonde et al. [11] is for their local database (640 X480 pixels), while STARE is (605 X700 pixels).

Reducing the search space dimensionality resulted in a signi?cantly reduced computation time, compared to other techniques, see Table II. The key factor that greatly enhanced the speed

中国矿业大学2012届本科生毕业论文 第42页



Database OD Diameter Main vessel thickness STARE 100 15 DRIVE 80 12 DIARETDB0,1 215 32 of the algorithm is that the directionality of the retinal vessels, weather vertical or horizontal, is described by the directionality of their corresponding edges in the vertical and horizontal edge maps of the retinal image. The process of convoluting the image with a 3 X 1 gradient mask to produce the edge maps is the most computationally demanding operation in the algorithm. This operation is negligible if compared to the initial step of retinal vessels extraction that is required in all model-based techniques. The latter is usually achieved by applying a 2-D matched ?lter (typically a 10 X 15 mask for the resolution of STARE images) with several orientations (typically at 12 different angles) [20]. The accuracy of the proposed technique is highly dependent upon the accuracy of the horizontal localization process. Hence, accuracy of the proposed technique could be increased if two candidate locations of the OD are estimated. Scoring of these candidates is done by incorporating their appearance and geometric properties. The process of investigating two candidates increases the total success rate of the technique from 94.4% to 97% with no signi?cant computation overhead, given that the process of investigating two candidate locations was applied to all the images.

As shown in Fig. 5, even in the presence of retinal pathologies and/or image artifacts, the selected features were unique to the OD and, thus, allowed proper localization with relatively high accuracy.


The authors would like to thank A. Ahmed for the implementing and for providing the computation time of the technique in [1].


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