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1、keep/store/save 三个词都有“存”的含义。

store是及物动词,“储藏、储存”的意思,一般强调在一个空间范围内的保管和收藏。如: We had to store all this while we were away. 我们不在家时,得把所有的一切都收藏起来。如:

After harvest we store the grain.收割后我们把粮食存起来。 save既可以是及物动词也可以是不及物动词,可指货币的储蓄。

如:He was out of work, he had saved no money before. 他失业了,以前也没有攒下钱。

They are saving for a house. 他们正在存钱买房。


如:I have kept the old letters all the time. 我一直把这些旧信保存了下来。 Will you keep the papers for me? 你能为我保存这些论文吗? keep off

短语动词。意为“远离”、“制止”、“使避开”、“不让接近”。如: A board stands by the house on which were written “keep off”. At night they made a fire to keep wild animals off. keep one’s word

该动宾词组意为“守信”,“遵守诺言”。词组里word不能用复数形式words.同义词组为“keep a promise”,反义词组为“break one’s word”。如:

Once you promise someone to do something,you should keep your word. keep sb.healthy 使……保持健康

keep,n.“使维持(某种状态)”后可接adj.(ving,p.p,adv.)等作宾补。 ①I was so tired that I could hardly keep myself awake. ②I’m sorry to have kept you waiting so long. ③Keep your mouth shut and your eyes open. ④They kept us out.

⑤Once a cold kept him in bed for three days. keep up

该短语动词有以下现象,分述如下: ①keep sth.up 使不低落,遵守

如:Even if we fail we should keep up our spirits. ②keep sb.up 使晚睡

如:It’s wrong to keep the children up so late. ③keep up with sb. 赶上,不落后,保持联系

如:I still keep up with my college classmates far away. 我仍与远方的大学同学保持着联系。 2、Knee

go down on one’s knees 双膝跪地 go down on one knee 单膝跪地 如:①The son went down on his knees, begging his father for mercy. ②Some football players celebrate their“goal”by going down on one knee. 3、knock into

该短语意为“把……敲人”,也可意译为“撞着某人/某物”如: ①The wall is so hard I can’t knock nails into it.

②He was reading while he eas walking and knocked into a tree.

