八年级下英语UNIT2 what is the matter 练习题
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UNIT 2 I’ll help to clean up the city parks.
课时 1 Section A(1a-2d) (10 min. )
1. 打扫干净 3.
2. 4. 分发,6. 贴通知 8. 感到寂寞 10. 想出/5. 7. 过去常常 9.
put off clean up call up come up with give out
1. Teachers apples to every child just now. 2. After dinner, my mother often the room. 3. He 4. Our sports meeting has been 5. Can you a new idea for solving the problem? 三、单项选择
1. Mother would like to . A. cheer him up B. cheer up him C. cheered up him D. cheered him up 2. Did anyone while I was out? A. call up me B. call me up
C. call I up D. call up I
3. The government is going to set a food bank to help poor people. A. off B. for C. up D. with 四、根据汉语意思完成句子
1. 今天可以做的事绝不要拖到明天。
Never till tomorrow what may be done today. 2. 让我们召集一些朋友参加比赛吧!
Let’s some friends to take part in the game! 3. 你可以帮我分发演讲材料吗?
Will you help me to the materials for the lecture? 4. 我们应该关心老人。
We should the old.
5. 我哥哥过去常常帮助我解决困难。 My brother help me .
1. There are ( 几个,数个) students playing soccer on the playground. 2. J is a feeling of great happiness.
3. He lost all ( 感觉,感触) in his toes. 4. They are rmoney to help the poor people. 5. It’s a long jfrom here to Spain.
6. My parents do not let me go out ( 独自) .
7. Mr. Black stayed at home to look after his ( 生病的) wife. 二、用所给词的适当形式填空
1. He doesn’t give up ( study) foreign languages.
2. We always ( satisfaction) our customers with good service. 3. I want to learn more about how to for animals. 4. They set up a project to help people. 5. She’d like to to the concert with us. 三、根据汉语提示完成句子
1. She decided to 参加) the job interview. 2. I’d like to ( 旅行) alone. 3. My mother is ( 担忧) my study.
4. We are skating to ( 为……筹钱) charity.
5. /在我的业余时间) ,I always read the famous works. 6. She was laughing and crying ( 同时) . 7. His dream of becoming a singer has ( 实现) .
8. My brother went to school ( 在……岁时) four.
2. give away
3. be similar to… 4. take after 5. run out of 7. 9. 有影响, 11. answer the telephone
13. 不会做…… 二、用所给词的适当形式填空
1. The girl had run out of money ( buy) books. 2. Thank you for ( send) a letter to me. 3. What’s the best way the problem?
4. After the accident, the man was walk without his stick. 5. I’m going to have my TV set ( repair) this Sunday. 三、根据汉语意思完成句子
1. 我要把我的自行车捐给慈善机构。 I’ll my bicycle to the charity. 2. 我的毛衣和你的相似。
My sweater yours. 3. 我的手表坏了,我得修理一下它。 My watch doesn’t work. I’ll it .
4. 又聋又哑是大部分人所无法想象的事情。
deaf and dumb something that most people cannot 5. 我很幸运能拥有这么多朋友。
I’m very have so many friends. 6. 那辆自行车看起来像我过去拥有的那辆。 That bicycle the one I used to have. 7. ———他的性格怎么样? ———他很友好。 —What he ? —He is very friendly.
6. fix up 8. at once
10. 把……寄给……12. 帮助……解决困难 14. 改变我的生活
课时 4 Section B (3a) -Self Check(10 min. )
1. Tom ( 修理) old bikes and gives them away. 2. The man is ( 强壮的) enough to lift that rock. 3. Does he cup with any way of getting money? 4. I want to v as a teacher.
5. They are putting up some sasking for the old magazines. 二、单项选择
1. If you’re new in a big city, you can a policeman for help.
A. talk B. say C. ask 2. Thank you for a postcard to me. A. sending B. to send C. to sending 3. —Why did you come back so early today?
—The English party was till next Friday. A. put up
B. put off
C. put out 4. The girl the woman. Maybe she is her daughter. A. takes care B. takes after C. takes off 5. —Jane, your bedroom is so dirty. —Sorry, I’ll . A. clean up it B. clean it up
C. clean them up
D. clean up them
三、根据汉语意思完成句子 1. 昨天他在超市里发传单。
He / leaflets at the supermarket yesterday. 2. 李雷四岁时就会画画了。
Li Lei draw at the age of four. 3. 这个组织号召人们保护环境。
The organization people to protect the environment. 4. 我对弹吉他感兴趣。
I’m the guitar.
5. 请打电话给莉莉并告诉她我今天晚上不能去看望她。 Please / Lily and tell her I can’t see her tonight.
D. tell D. put down D. looks after D. send
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